a voice for men antifeminism evil sexy ladies internet tough guy memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men red pill straw feminists

Memesplaining: Men being trod upon by women with feminism

Actual A Voice for Men meme

Pity the poor MRA meme-makers. It’s hard for them to find real-world images to illustrate their deeply held belief that women in general (and feminists in particular) secretly or not-so-secretly run the world.

Indeed, there seems to be a lot of photographic evidence that supports a rather different conclusion about women and power. Do women run the US congress? Nope.

11th Congress "freshman" class
11th Congress “freshman” class

The Supreme Court? Nope. (Dudes circled for easy reference.)


Corporate Boards of Directors? Nope and nope and nope and nope and nope and nope.

2011-Board-Photo board-of-directors content_corp_boardOfDirectors_fullColumnImage Board-Group-for-Web board-of-directors2 sampo_group_board_of_directors

Happily for MRAs there are still some options left – like stock photos.

The word of stock photos is a strange one indeed, one filled with women laughing alone with salad and cheering themselves while crouched on scales in their underwear.

Oh, and did I mention that stock photo sites like to make their pics of women sexxxxayy? And that they seem to have the same confusion between sexy and sexist as Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap?

Indeed, when Cate Savilla of Buzzfeed recently tried some common female-centric search terms on stock photo sites, these were some of the weirdly sexualized pictures that showed up in the results.


stockwomensports stockfemaleriendships stockfeminism


Apparently a lot of guys imagine feminism as some kind of session with a dominatrix. Never mind that in the real world, men getting trod upon on by women in high heels often pay quite handsomely for the experience. No, in the minds of the world’s MRAs this is a perfect image to represent the jackbooted high heeled stormtroopers of feminazi-ism.

Attach a vaguely threatening caption, and the URL for A Voice for Men, and you’ve got yourself a meme!

H/T — MUH Men’s Rights Activism and Philip Rose

UPDATE: I just realized that I featured this meme before. Well, the post still stands.

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Loon of Butts (@LoonOfNature)

How…did Agent Carter end up in there?

10 years ago

I’ll never understand the whole high heels thing, where’s all the pictures of women crushing men’s faces with sensible shoes? It really is all about the dominatrices, isn’t it?

Megarom Stingscream (@EVE_Megarom)

Sampo representing Finland o/

10 years ago

They should listen to Kirsty MacColl

10 years ago

I’ll never understand the whole high heels thing, where’s all the pictures of women crushing men’s faces with sensible shoes?

my thing about feminism and shoes… is it Louboutins or is it like, Keens? ‘Cause I remember when people sneered at feminists for wearing ugly comfy shoes, but lately I’ve seen a surprising number of people sneering at them for tottering around in designer heels all day. That seems like… a pretty big change.

No middle ground, either: no like, espadrilles-and-chunky-mary-janes phase before splashing out for the $800 stilettos

10 years ago

That poor woman in the green bucket. It looks like someone detached her legs and then stuck them in with her and she is distressed.

10 years ago

@deniseeliza: Obviously you’ve never played Sports.

10 years ago

I honestly think the high heels are there because they need shoes that clearly signify feminity to their buyers, especially in the closeups.

10 years ago

I’d like to see the sport that involves teams of women sliding around with coloured buckets glued to their pants. She looks like she’s having fun.

10 years ago

I actually really like the heels in the first picture tbh. They are my style.

10 years ago

Sheesh, now I’ve got images of Elam and Esmay wearing gimp masks.

(Not that there’s anything wrong with people being gimps, but any thoughts of those guys being sexual makes me feel queasy)

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

I just realized that I featured this meme before. Well, the post still stands.

David, I think I speak for the (non-Manospherical) world when I say, we can never get enough of their hilariously derpy memes and your commentary on same.

10 years ago

That poor woman in the green bucket. It looks like someone detached her legs and then stuck them in with her and she is distressed.

I think that’s pretty much what happened. This photo is so badly photoshopped! O.O

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

Speaking of the derp, what’s with the response to a tone argument nobody made? It’s not their tone that’s the problem.

They love to parrot words they don’t understand and inapt arguments.

10 years ago

I think this is hilarious! XD The MRA’s are so desperate to find evidence that they are the ones being discriminated against and oppressed, that the ignore reality and try to create that ‘evidence’ from shitty stock photos. They are really morons aren’t they?

10 years ago

Are we ok with “derp”? Thought I read somewhere it’s got ableist origins and refers to intellectual disabilities.

10 years ago

I will be forever amazed of anyone who can dance let alone walk in high heels

I thought ‘derp’ was a slang for ‘foolish and/or stupid action’ but if anyone doesn’t like it then I’m cool with never using it.

10 years ago
Reply to  misseb47


10 years ago


I thought we lost our feminist cards, forever, if ever we wore anything other than “sensible” Doc Martens or — as a concession to our inner little girl — Mary Janes for those of us who don’t like lace ups.

The Feminist Hivemind High Council seems to have slipped up again.

Miss Andry
10 years ago

*Looks at AVfM meme*

Is…is AVfM secretly a BDSM website? Are they just in denial about their kinks? Ya know, not that there’s anything wrong with folks who are into that but…I mean, just admit you’re into getting stepped on by a woman in heels.

10 years ago

This amuses me greatly because MRA “mansplainers” and concern trolls are the first to tone police and talk about shrillness when people tell them to fuck off rather than listen to their academic paper snoozefest arguments for the billionth time.

“I’m just trying to have a civil debate” he sealioned

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago


I actually really like the heels in the first picture tbh.

I think they’re great looking, but my poor feet could never tolerate heels that high.


10 years ago

I can’t find it, but I remember one of the early threads here–back when it was mostly MRA trolls–a troll kept using femmedom porn sites as evidence of misandry… Yeah, that didn’t fly.

I wore earth shoes and then some really low-heeled shoes that when I first got my Dansko clogs they seemed to be too high–not so much even the heel, but that they had a thicker sole, and I kept twisting my ankles.

Leisha Young
Leisha Young
10 years ago

That woman’s given birth to a soccer ball! Why haven’t we heard about this?

10 years ago

The mentality in the first meme always boggles me. -_- Do you really believe that behaving like douchebags and using hateful tones and violent rhetoric will do anything to “stop” feminism? What has making hundreds of ridiculous memes and calling women you don’t like or agree with “bitches”, “cunts” and “whores” done to help the real issues faced by men? Is this approach working?

It’s so very beyond me how these guys can look at the MRM’s accomplishments (none) and its public image (terrible) and continue telling themselves that being as assholish as possible is the way to go.

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