
Pat Robertson warns women: If you put ultrasound pics on Facebook, witches may curse your unborn child!


Sometimes I forget that there are other people in the world who say things as bizarrely retrograde as the douchebags I write about here.

Case in point: televangelist and veteran sayer-of-bizarrely-retrograde-things Pat Robertson. On The 700 Club Monday, Right Wing Watch reports,  Robertson answered a question from a woman who was worried, for some reason, about her daughter posting ultrasound pics on Facebook.

The kindly old preacher offered her yet another reason to worry:

I tell you, there are demons and there are evil people in the world, and you post a picture like that and some cultist gets hold of it or a coven and they begin muttering curses against an unborn child. You never know what somebody’s going to do.
You never know.

Also, you should probably worry if your pregnant daughter develops an external womb.This is a sign that she may be breeding a small army of murderous rage-babies (see below), at least if this documentary by David Cronenberg is any guide.

Children can be so much work!
Children can be so much work!
NOTE: The Cronenberg movie is not actually a documentary. Also, covens of witches are not going to curse your fetus using Facebook.

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10 years ago

@M: Some people don’t know what satire or sarcasm is, unfortunately.

10 years ago

Kirbywarp – the people willing to believe this malarkey are also capable of believing that Satan is somehow lord of this world. Everyone who does not believe as they do is an unwitting tool of Hell – unless they’re a witting tool. As opposed to a whittering fool like Robertson.

I am grateful to have never had an ultrasound posted to my Facebook page. Not quite sure how to say, ‘Wow, that is certainly a fetus! Good work,’ without snark. I’m sure there are perfectly sound reasons for it, but every human being on the planet is the result of somebody procreating. Maybe it’s that I haven’t ever wanted to do it myself, but some (SOME) people carry on like they just created the Kwisatz Haderach. There’s a site called STFU Parents that collects examples of parental oversharing , which can be simultaneously amusing and horrifying.

10 years ago

Ah, wombs…Natures’ very own organic 3D printer. It’s amazing (and terrifying) to me how babies are born. Mostly terrifying, like something out of a horror movie, but still amazing.

Also, yeah on the parental oversharing, Robert. I’ve never had it happen to me personally, but some parents are really, really into their kids. Nothing too wrong with that, but there’s boundaries that can be crossed.

10 years ago

So, I just got sent this by a friend of mine:

Not sure how I should feel about this, but I know facepalming at least once should be involved.

10 years ago

^ That’s why I straight-up ask new FB friends, “Which group do you want to be in? There’s the one that sees normal prox and one that sees that + ONE BILLION photos of children.”

I’ve embraced the Mom-Beast, but that doesn’t mean that I think everyone has to 😉

10 years ago
Reply to  suffrajitsu

Knowing Robertson, I’m pretty sure by “witches,” he means “feminists.” (Or “lesbians.”)

Yes, but I am pretty sure he also means any woman who will not give herself to Jesus.

Me, I prefer Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate
Demeter, Kali…Inanna


10 years ago

How did witches curse people before there was Facebook?

Lisa C (@hppykittystudio)

Katz-agreed….and have a little more funny while we’re at it!

After reading about Roosh, this made my day.

10 years ago

How did witches curse people before there was Facebook?

Strongly worded letters sent anonymously via postal service. And yelling. Sometimes there was yelling. Candles and thinking angry thoughts were also sometimes involved. Not required though.

FEAR ME!!!!!!1! *more maniacal cackling*

10 years ago

It is really marvelous to see so many witchy folk here! I have been a solitary for most of my life, so my contact with covens has been infrequent, and only women.

My family – husband and kids – has always been supportive and accepting. While not specifically witches, they do tend towards the pagan/Taoist/Buddhist and atheist paths, which makes it really interesting living with them.

I think that misogynistic men and right-wing xtian and other religious tend to be really afraid of witchy women. After all, we tend to be independent and we do not kneel to any all-male divine chorus line. Which, of course, makes us The Enemy, aligned with Satan. Sad, really, since I really do love Pan and his pipes. Poor fertility god, turned into a figure of evil. Guess these guys do not like open and loving male sexuality, either.

10 years ago

Also, I’d like to express my sheer (happy!) surprise that there are so many witches on here. Holy shit! 😀

Hey! We should have a party! And I, too, am happy to see this!

10 years ago

Also, I’d like to express my sheer (happy!) surprise that there are so many witches on here. Holy shit! 😀

Hey! We should have a party! And I, too, am happy to see this!

Reminds me of this oldie but ‘goodie’. The old chap was on to something 😉

Looking at my own life… hmmmm three out of five ain’t bad?

(The last three, and only insofar as being bi qualifies me as a lesbian in his estimation.)

10 years ago
10 years ago

Just when you think Pat Robertson can’t get more Pat Robertson-y, he goes and does. What a sickening person he is.

@samantha I love Pan too! Not a witch, just an atheist who digs deities of all sorts. Esp the fun ones.

10 years ago

So, this just popped up on my dashboard:

TL;DR: Guy loses a film competition with a shitty RPG movie…thing, blames it on SJWs because his movie was obviously superior (It’s not) to movies about experiences being a transgender woman and the dangers women face from taxi services.

I watched about forty-five seconds of his five minute movie, Loot, and I had to stop. It’s terrible. Shots cut everywhere, shitty props, shittier effects, oh, and of course the whole “wimmens can’t play games without hacks and cheats! Git Gud!”.

Even KiA was like: “Nah, you just suck.”

10 years ago

I watched about forty-five seconds of his five minute movie, Loot, and I had to stop. It’s terrible. Shots cut everywhere, shitty props, shittier effects, oh, and of course the whole “wimmens can’t play games without hacks and cheats! Git Gud!”.

ARGH!! I watched a couple of minutes and I wanted to rip my eyes out!!! And he blames SJW’s????? What…A…Jackass! Talentless, juvenile, stupid, poorly done piece of…icky stuff!

Has anyone here seen JourneyQuest 1 and 2?? Now, THERE are LARP movies really worth watching! Funny, intelligent…if you are, as I am, a lover of D&D, these are the movies to watch. I think you can see them free on YouTube.

10 years ago

WTH, ParadoxicalIntention, I couldn’t get through the video either! So… I don’t. even. know. what. Just… bad.

OTOH, the first place (finalist?) video in the three at the bottom “Forever Changed” was really well done though. I’m glad I watched that. Better cinematography than some reality TV shows.

10 years ago


Looking at my own life… hmmmm three out of five ain’t bad?

(The last three, and only insofar as being bi qualifies me as a lesbian in his estimation.)

I think I fit at least three of those as well (witch, anti-capitalist, and pansexual), but I’m wondering if he’d consider me for the “kill their children” one, since I don’t plan on having kids.

I mean, by his estimation, I’m sure that means I’ve neglected my womanly duties to God by proactively murdering my future children before I’ve even been pregnant!

10 years ago

I’m writing a fantasy novel with both curses and the internet + social media, and this is still not possible in the constraints of the worldbuilding. I mean, you might want to make sure the medical personnel fire up the autoclave quickly if you have any enemies and get amniocentesis, but…

(In this world, witches are dead the same way gamers are dead: it is set in a polytheistic culture where elementary schools teach magic, so…)

10 years ago

Also, that onion article is hilarious. I’m sad I’ve never seen it before.

10 years ago

Wow, I had no idea we had so many witches here! I’m one too! Lately I’ve been pouring way too much energy into a) summoning rain and b) finding a new job to have any left over to spare for cursing the feti of perfect strangers on Facebook, where I don’t have an account.

10 years ago

@ ParadoxicalIntention

I think I fit at least three of those as well (witch, anti-capitalist, and pansexual), but I’m wondering if he’d consider me for the “kill their children” one, since I don’t plan on having kids.

Excellent point! I wonder how he’d interpret my engagement and subsequent eventual ‘marriage’ to a cis man. We both have our own careers and incomes, so we won’t be combining finances. If we end up living together it’ll be in one of the properties I own (probably the one equidistant from our jobs), and we will be retaining our own birth surnames (I won’t be taking his). Is this on par with divorce? Am I ‘leaving’ my poor potential future husband out in the cold by not being a proper subservient wife?

If so, and like you, I don’t plan on having any biological children, then I may very well have a 5/5.


Pat Robertson was right!!!!!! Feminism is the devil!!!!! Spread the word!!

zombie rotten mcdonald
10 years ago

Pat Robertson, just trying to remind the planet that he’s still alive….

10 years ago

It’s a funny bit of projection that he thinks pro choice women want to cease all pregnancies. He and his ilk want to force women to give birth, therefore people who are pro abortion must want to force women to have them.

No, you fucking fascist, I’m pro CHOICE. I have no wish to interfere with a pregnancy a woman wants to carry to term. We just want women to have bodily autonomy. It’s not like we’re trying to extinguish the human race!

10 years ago

Since Rosemary’s Baby is featured up top, what do people think of the movie? I try to avoid Roman Polanski films because he’s a child rapist. On the other hand, as a big horror fan, I’ve always loved the movie. It’s a genre classic. Sometimes I cave and watch it and then feel terrible about it.