a voice for men alpha males antifeminism beta males butts creepy drama entitled babies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam penises post contains sarcasm princesses PUA rape red pill reddit rhymes with roosh yeah that's the ticket

Criticized for posting a puffball interview with PUA dirtbag Roosh V, Paul Elam reassures readers he knows how to get his dick wet

Paul Elam: The ladies want summa dis
Paul Elam: The ladies want summa dis

A couple of days ago, A Voice for Men posted the first half of what will evidently be a nine-zillion-word interview with none other than Roosh Valizadeh — you know, the far-right racist shithead who just semi-seriously proposed legalizing rape as a way, he says, to end it. Oh, and he also once admitted to raping a woman.

While AVFM is pretty hateful itself, some MRAs were a bit nonplussed to see a post on the most influential Men’s Rights site on the internet describing Roosh, who’s also repeatedly attacked the Men’s Rights movement, as “a layered, tempered and earnest guy, who truly wants to help other men in their most basic and primal of life goals; a deep thinker, a powerful communicator … I got nothing but respect for the guy.”

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a couple of commenters raked AVFM and its Maximum Leader over the coals for opening his site up to a dude whose ideology is hard to distinguish from actual fascism.  Lauzon, a feminism-hating subreddit regular, wrote:

Even as MRA’s take pains explaining to critics that the Men’s Rights Movement has nothing to do with Pick Up Artists, A Voice for Men has just published a fawning interview with Roosh V. …

For those unawares, Roosh is a far (FAR) right wing ideologue who considers gays “deviants,” rejects female suffrage, publishes articles advocating a return to monarchy, and is more or less openly misogynist.

I think it’s safe to say that the incompetent leadership at AVFM has just screwed the pooch. I defended Elam when he became the target of a smear campaign based on his personal life, but this is beyond the pale.

In a followup comment, he added:

I certainly won’t be donating to them again.

Well, that got Elam’s attention! Never one to take a threat to the flow of donations to him lightly, Elam posted a response on AVFM today.

Ignoring Roosh’s racism, homophobia, transphobia and open misogyny, Elam assured his readers that he, Paul Elam, knows how to make the ladies tingle without any of that PUA bullshit.

No, really.

As Elam tells it, his life became what Roosh might call a “Poosy Paradise” after he stopped being a “nice guy” to women.

The minute I figured out that my problem was not having a set of personal values strongly enough held that no woman could make me budge from them was the same minute I found a path to attract women, cull out the trash without drama or expense and to maintain a relationship with no pussy passes or princess bullshit. It is not that I never have to deal with that stuff from time to time, but I never, ever let it slide. My dick has not been the worse for it.

That’s right, folks: we’re getting an update live and direct from the ultimate authority on all things heterosexual: Paul Elam’s dick.

When I got to the point that I could look at woman in the eye and tell her I was not interested in being anyone’s knight in shining armor and that dinner with me meant finding your purse when the check came — and not give a single fuck about the women who could not handle it — I cleared the way for one who could.

Yep. Paul Elam would like the world to know that he has actually done the sex with a lady. And possibly even seen her naked.

This isn’t the first time Elam has celebrated his amazing ability to have sex with women without paying for dinner (or much of anything, apparently).

In a debate, of sorts, with a PUA going by the name Frost several years ago, Elam boasted that his non-dinner-buying approach to the ladies had “yielded a glut of butt” for him.

No, that’s a real quote. As is this

[D]oing what I did resulted in a whole slew of women lining up for summa dis. It was as easy as not giving a shit.  I didn’t need lines or come on’s or a fucking book of tactics. All I needed to do was choose one if I liked her.

I’m apologize if any of you were reading this over breakfast.

But rest assured: Paul Elam’s penis is doing a-ok!


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9 years ago

Not all MRAs say racist and homophobic things, but MRAs who aren’t racist and homophobic do nothing to purge those who are from their movement. Contrast that with feminists who are constantly discussing how the movement can be more intersectional. The community here would never allow racist or homophobic remarks to go unchallenged.

9 years ago

christopher allman | February 19, 2015 at 9:32 am

Paul’s point, if read in context, without Futtrelles obsfucations, was that personal integrity is a far better path to meeting desirable women than the psychological tricks employed by the likes of Roosh and Puas.

Why do you MRAs always start squawking “CONTEXT” whenever we mention Paulie has said a thing? Like reading more of Paulie’s written word is suddenly going to make us see things your way? Nah, we still think he’s terrible.

The minute I figured out that my problem was not having a set of personal values strongly enough held that no woman could make me budge from them was the same minute I found a path to attract women, cull out the trash without drama or expense and to maintain a relationship with no pussy passes or princess bullshit. It is not that I never have to deal with that stuff from time to time, but I never, ever let it slide. My dick has not been the worse for it.

That’s an entire paragraph David quoted from Paulie, and I think it makes sense. “No woman is going to make me do anything that I don’t want to do, and that makes me sexy!” No, Paulie, it makes you an ass. You may believe that women think you’re more attractive now than ever now that you’ve dedicated yourself to being a stubborn ass whose primary concern is getting your dick wet without doing any of the relationship stuff, but nah.

If you read what Paul wrote in it’s entirety, you will see that he and avfm maintain their distance from Roosh and Puas generally.

And if you read what David wrote in it’s entirety instead of starting to shit yourself in the comments over “CONTEXT”, you’d see that David has mentioned that, hence his (and thus our) confusion.

While AVFM is pretty hateful itself, some MRAs were a bit nonplussed to see a post on the most influential Men’s Rights site on the internet describing Roosh, who’s also repeatedly attacked the Men’s Rights movement, as “a layered, tempered and earnest guy, who truly wants to help other men in their most basic and primal of life goals; a deep thinker, a powerful communicator … I got nothing but respect for the guy.”

Criticising Elam or a Avfm for interviewing Roosh is disingenuous at best.

I saw no “criticism” here, only David pointing out that your fellow MRAs are the ones criticizing Elam. Go whine at them.

Roosh was also recently treated to a long interview by a feminist, which was featured on a feminist website. Does that mean feminism condones Roosh? Of course not. And it is equally absurd and dishonest to claim that Elam or Avfm does.

No one said he did. All we said is that technically, they’re on the same side. Different teams who hate each other, but same side. Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe.

christopher allman | February 19, 2015 at 9:36 am

They refer to Roosh as a misogynist because his views on women and gays are detestable and entirely different than those espoused by Avfm and its followers.


Pull the other one, bruh, it’s got bells on it. Most of your precious AVfM hates anyone who isn’t a straight cis-gendered white dude, and even then they can’t be a rape victim/survivor and they can’t remotely agree with feminism, otherwise they’re “manginas”.

And even if you didn’t hate women and “gays” (Really? We’re “the gays” to you? You’re gross.), you sure as hell don’t do anything to make their lives any easier.

If your knowledge of this movement were based in reality and things they ACTUALLY SAY, rather than filtered through Futtrelles imagination and obfuscations, you would realize this.

And now, poetry with Paradoxical!
But the Commenter, sitting lonely on his computer chair, spoke only
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing farther then he uttered—not a feather then he rustled—
Till I scarcely more than muttered “Paul Elam has said some terrible things—
He’s violent and cruel to many of us, and will be vile again.”
Then the Commenter squawked “CONTEXT.”

christopher allman | February 19, 2015 at 9:59 am

This is the sort of thing ACTUALLY being said over at Avfm.
“If an interviewee offers ideas that are toxic, let those ideas be discussed and exposed as such. If the ideas offered are sound, to the extent they improve us let us incorporate them into our policy platforms or discussions. Second, intelligent criticism of the men’s human rights movement is always welcome in my book, regardless of the source. It’s how we get better, how we refine our views, and how we share information with people who don’t agree with us.”


The day AVfM actually listens to what we have to say here is the day David stops being a business of ferrets in a David suit and actually turns out to be a human. It’ll also be the day I stop loving cats. And the day I become a Catholic Nun.

What I’m getting at is, it’s pretty damn unlikely.

I admire their openness to ideas and differences of opinions. Even ideas and opinions they disagree with, even from people who criticize them. That is true integrity.

noun: integrity

1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.



You know what AVfM has done to David for daring to criticize them during his time running this blog? They’ve threatened to doxx him (unsuccessfully), they’ve bought him fake twitter followers, they’ve called him all sorts of nasty names. And that’s just what they’ve done to David.

Have you seen what they do to women who dare disagree with them? Have you seen the harassment campaign where Elam’s offering a bounty for a picture of a woman who dared report Sage Gerard for posing as a janitor, sneaking into a woman’s bathroom, and plastering AVfM stickers all over the walls? If nothing else, that’s trespassing and destruction of property.

Then there’s JudgyBitch, who recently got banned from twitter for straight up admitted libel against a feminist they didn’t like. And Elam stands behind this shit. AVfM stands behind this shit.

This isn’t “integrity”. That’s “agree with me or you’re a piece of shit mangina/feminist harpy and we’ll harass the hell out of you!”

They’re not open to opposing ideas, they just want to know who disagrees with their delicate worldview so they can root them out and make their lives hell.

And to be fair, here is a feminist also offering Roosh a platform

No one currrrr.

Though, admittedly, I feel sorry for any female-presenting person who has to sit in a room with Roosh.

9 years ago

Lol, everyone should read the feminist interview Allmen linked to. It’s pretty great in light of the recent Roosh post here.

Here’s a taste:

[Angela] Let’s just imagine the perfect cultural landscape for you. What does sort of women’s…let’s just say role in a contemporary culture that’s ideal for you look like?
[Roosh]: First thing would be a girl who cares more about finding and pleasing her husband with the intention of raising a family than focusing on her job. So a man has to come first. But that doesn’t happen anymore. From that I think a lot of good things would probably happen. By removing the dependency of women on men you’ve unleashed a can of worms where women no longer have to try. You know? They don’t have to be good, virtuous, noble, elegant, feminine. They can be…So what is actually happening by giving women an independent source of income, you have allowed them to aim for their most base degenerate instincts. The fact that she doesn’t have to get the approval of a man who is taking care of her means that she will get tattoos on her arms and her neck, she will get the gauge earrings and piercings, she will shave half of her head, she will burp, she will curse, she will gain a lot of weight, she won’t have any style, she won’t look good, she’ll be loud and violent. And that’s what we see now.

God forbid women burp and curse.

But yeah, this pretty well illuminates Roosh’s intention behind the “legal rape” thing he proposed, beyond just wanting rape to be legal. He is literally upset that women have incomes and don’t have to depend on a man for everything, so women can be independent agents and not have to compete for his dollars by conforming to his personal standards, or in other words “no longer have to try.”

9 years ago

The fact that she doesn’t have to get the approval of a man who is taking care of her means that she will get tattoos on her arms and her neck, she will get the gauge earrings and piercings, she will shave half of her head, she will burp, she will curse, she will gain a lot of weight, she won’t have any style, she won’t look good, she’ll be loud and violent. And that’s what we see now.

Thank you Roosh for giving us a “How to Avoid Douchebags Like Me” checklist. All we wimmens have to do is act like men!

‘Scuse me, I need to go plan some more tattoos (there’s an awesome tattoo charity drive happening on Saturday here! All of the proceeds go towards the children’s hospital!), shave half my head, get some more earrings and piercings, and swear some fucking more IN A REALLY LOUD VOICE. Oh, and be happily fat and dress how I fucking want to.

9 years ago

LOL OMG roosh “women are no longer trying to impress men because women no longer have to try to impress men” DUDE YOU ARE NAILING THIS. this is totally accurate. It’s funny, it’s like when your life and livelihood are yours to decide you actually start to feel like you can choose your own happiness.

9 years ago

Also, isn’t Roosh mooching off of his sister? OH THE IRONY.

9 years ago

And here’s Roosh talking about how he thinks a woman who has been through his “seduction” would think about the experience. Previously he had stated that she would notice his energy go way down once the two are actually in bed, because he already did the “hard part.”

[Roosh]: And sex, I mean…I don’t think that a man has to be good in bed. I mean if a woman sees your value as being that guy in bed who is great, you’re basically- she’s gonna see you as like a dildo now! She’s just gonna see you as the guy who can…’Ok I can’t wait to see him because in bed he’s gonna do that little move and trick!’ I don’t want a girl to expect that. I want a girl to just expect me to be me. If I’m lazy, I’m lazy. If I don’t wanna talk a lot and I just wanna sit and watch music videos and we go out and eat a pizza with a joke here and there…I just want a girl to have the lowest possible expectations so if I’m having a day where I don’t want to try-
(Angela laughs)

You aren’t going to get Roosh talking like this in the interview with AVFM, that’s for sure.

9 years ago

ShorterRoosh: I literally don’t want to have to do try at all. But women should try for me because they should depend on me and my MONAY!

9 years ago

And here, if you have the stomach for it, is why Roosh believes his orgasm is the most important thing in the world.

[Roosh]: So it’s actually a blessing and a curse to be good in bed. But I’m not.
[Angela]: You mentioned in our email that your orgasm is of primary importance-
[Roosh]: Damn straight.
[Angela]: And that you don’t go down on women. Is this true?
[Roosh]: Right.
[Angela]: (laughs) Can I ask why?
[Roosh]: Because nature has deemed the male orgasm to be more important. If right now a magic cloud of gas surrounds the earth and infected girls and prevented them from ever having a female orgasm again, the human species would go on. But if this cloud of gas only affected men and prevented the male orgasm, what would happen? The human species is done. It’s freaking done. Therefore nature, not me, nature has declared that the male orgasm is essential to life! To life! But the female orgasm is like cherry on top. You know? If she gets it, hey that’s great! Mmm yummy. But if not, it doesn’t matter. So I’m just…I believe in what nature has said about it. And they said the male orgasm is super duper important.

9 years ago

I find it interesting that Roosh, whose main goal seems to be sleeping with as many women as possible, is so intent that women find husbands. If they are only concerned with finding and keeping a husband, they aren’t going to sleep with you unless you are that husband.

The logic, it burns!

9 years ago

Therefore nature, not me, nature has declared that the male orgasm is essential to life! To life! But the female orgasm is like cherry on top. You know? If she gets it, hey that’s great! Mmm yummy. But if not, it doesn’t matter. So I’m just…I believe in what nature has said about it. And they said the male orgasm is super duper important.

Whelp, science says that now you’re not.!.gif

9 years ago

I guess Roosh doesn’t know that it’s possible to impregnate a woman without orgasming. That’s why the pull out method doesn’t work!

9 years ago

Aw hell, I’ve already copy-pasted over most of the interview, what’s one more?

Last one, more of Roosh’s sexual preferences! Hold your nose and dive in!

[Angela]: I don’t need necessarily to be led I guess…and that’s where I’m sort of wondering- so the women that you’re sort looking for, what sorts of traits do they exhibit? Like what sorts-
[Roosh]: Beauty.
[Angela]: Beauty. And?
[Roosh]: That’s the main thing!
[Angela]: I mean it also sounds like they also have to be somewhat submissive.
[Roosh]: Yeah. They really don’t get to say….I never ask them, “so where do you wanna go tonight?” Never. I mean they don’t really have a choice. I mean they may have an A/B option. But I never say, “so what do you want to do?” They want to let me lead them all the time. A woman doesn’t want to have to think about what to do, where to go, what the plan is, and where we’re going next. If she does, she is a domineering person.
[Angela]: Ahhh! So you’re saying that it’s biological for men to dominate in all aspects.
[Roosh]: (laughing) That’s what being masculine is!

This is a man explaining women to a woman. This is a man who complains that women are too coddled and don’t have to think about anything because big-daddy government decides everything for them. That man isn’t upset because he believes women are infantilzed, he’s upset that he doesn’t get to do the infantilizing.

9 years ago

Did anyone else feel like this while reading Roosh’s interview?

9 years ago

Re: female orgasm

As yes, nature has deemed the female orgasm soo unimportant that it maintains the clitoris, which has literally no other use other than giving women sexual pleasure. Its almost like making sex enjoyable for women ups the chances that a guy will have repeated sex with a single woman, which ups the chances that he’ll reproduce with her, and science!

Also, someone should tell Roosh that prostate milking is a thing. No male orgasm, or male pleasure, is necessary.

9 years ago

Ok, just kidding on the last one. I’m reading through the full interview now. Here’s Roosh, a 35-year-old man, talking about Social Justice folks.

[Roosh]: Ok. But you know one thing is that people in the U.S., they think they go to a college and they graduate and they’re qualified. They think they’re qualified to talk about the problems facing cultures. They’re not. They’re just kids! So you have a bunch of kids holding their signs ‘consent this’ and ‘consent that’. They’re just kids who think they are smart and think they understand how the world is. But they don’t because they haven’t
even lived yet. And they’re not old like me…and they’re not experienced.
[Angela]: That’s why artists are so great because they always go to the source.
[Roosh]: Sure.
*Roosh makes sarcastic face*
*Angela laughs*
[Roosh]: I mean I’m just…I’m sure you know of the social justice movement. And most of those people are kids. They’re like 16-
[Angela]: Wait! Wait! Sorry, when you say the ‘social justice movement’ do you mean what is being called ‘social justice warriors’ or do you mean people involved in very specific social justice movements?
[Roosh]: Yeah, ‘warriors’. Tumblr. People on Tumblr and Reddit who blog everyday about equal treatment and misogyny. They are literally kids! They’re like 16 or 17 and they’ve taken on this movement. They’re gonna change the world. They’re just kids, you know? They should be outside playing with a…I dunno…a hula hoop or something. But instead they’re on the internet for hours, they’re addicted to their phones, they’re outraged at this article. They have sites like Buzzfeed giving them this fuel to be angry at men. Be angry at men! And so you have a lot of people who just hate men now, especially if you’re a white man. I mean, Jesus! Every year the hate against men is just building and building.

9 years ago

I loathe this notion that kids are unintelligent, inexperienced kids and are thus not worthy of finding causes that matter to them. They’re treated like they don’t know what they want in life when it comes to their sexuality or their gender, but we expect them to know how to file their taxes, apply to college, and plan out the rest of their lives at the age of 18, before we even let them handle alcohol.

“They’re just kids!” is the most bullshit argument I’ve ever fucking heard. You don’t need to be an adult to experience injustice. Trayvon Martin was a teenager when he was shot to death, Michael Brown was a teenager when he was shot to death. Teenaged girls are experiencing sexism all the time in their schools every fucking day by being told the way they dress is distracting the boys, so their education needs to be interrupted because the boys are too important to be taught that maybe they should pay attention in class instead of going “OOOOOH! Bare skin~!”.

No one would know how to deal with it or how to fight it if it wasn’t for what they read on the internet. Hell, we might not even know what it was we were angry about! If it wasn’t for social media, we would have to rely on biased news groups to get all of our information, and I’ll be damned if they’d actually report the truth or touch subjects like sexism in schools or rape statistics.

And if Roosh wants people to stop being angry at men, maybe he needs to consider that there’s a reason WHY people are angry in the first damn place.

9 years ago

“They’re just kids!” is the most bullshit argument I’ve ever fucking heard. You don’t need to be an adult to experience injustice. Trayvon Martin was a teenager when he was shot to death, Michael Brown was a teenager when he was shot to death. Teenaged girls are experiencing sexism all the time in their schools every fucking day by being told the way they dress is distracting the boys, so their education needs to be interrupted because the boys are too important to be taught that maybe they should pay attention in class instead of going “OOOOOH! Bare skin~!”.

Yup. “You’re just a kid, you don’t understand the way the world works like I do” is far too often just a lazy deflection so an adult doesn’t have to justify their bigotry. I got that one when my racist uncle was explaining why it was perfectly ok for him to never hire any black people in his company, and I was 24 at the time.

9 years ago

BTW, I feel like I’m going to keep spamming excerpts of this interview until people tell me to shut up, so please tell me if I should stop.

Guess who Roosh’s role model was as a kid? I’ll give you one hint: he feels like celebrities like musicians or artists don’t work as role models.

[Roosh]: But I mean right now…give me the name of a male role model.
*Angela laughs*
[Angela]: You’re asking somebody who is an artist which is-
[Roosh]: Exactly-
[Angela]: I liked Billy Corgan but you know, not everybody likes Billy Corgan!
[Roosh]: What?! The Smashing Pumpkins? No. A role model! Name a role model for a 17 year old kid.
[Angela]: Oh – like somebody-
[Roosh]: Who?
[Angela]: The artist Harun Farocki….but you probably don’t know how that is. Very specific.
[Roosh]: Musicians and artists…they’re not role models! I’m talking a role model that a man, a young man, can look up to for how to live. Not a celebrity!
[Angela]: Yeah, but that’s who kids look up to! Even imagine yourself as a kid! Who did you look up to?
[Roosh]: But they’re not role models. Yeah, they look up to them because they don’t have a role model.
[Angela]: Who did you look up to?!
*A brief silence*
[Roosh]: Arnold Schwarzenegger.
[Angela]: He’s a celebrity!
*Angela laughs*
[Roosh]: But……..
[Angela]: But why does he get to be a role model?
[Roosh]: He’s the best that we have. He was the first body builder, he was a famous Hollywood actor, he married a Kennedy and he became governor! That’s amazing! That guy is a super man!
[Angela]: But he’s also a celebrity and that’s why he got to that status.
[Roosh]: But if you read his stuff, he really is going mind over matter. Set a goal and do it. Work hard, you can do it! You can do it! And he’s right, you know? And for me, some guys they look up to me because I’m telling them to work hard. Don’t give up. here’s the information you need to go onto the next stage. I mean, you are evidence that men nowadays they don’t have role model. Yeah they have-
[Angela]: I like the role models I listed!

Roosh is so en-mired in gender roles that he can’t even comprehend the idea that a role-model for a boy could model anything besides bulging muscles and masculinity.

9 years ago

Also, Roosh doesn’t like gay people jamming things down his throat.

[Roosh]: It used to be that gays would do their own things in their gay clubs and go home and have gay sex. Hey, that’s fine. But now you’re having these people with the most alternative and degenerate lifestyles forcing it upon us normal people. They’re shaming us. They’re aiming to change laws. They’re attempting to change how we think and what we say to…what’s the word I’m looking accommodate them! So now we have to change! Us, we’re the normal ones! But now we have to change the words we use, the language that we use. At work we have to be extra careful. We have to provide a trigger warning, whatever that is. I mean so they’re forcing…they’re jamming their lifestyle down our throats. That’s a problem.

Yet another thing you’ll never find Roosh talking about in an interview with AVFM.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

What was that survey that found that MRAs are overwhelmingly white (98%) and between the ages of 17 and 20? Hmmm.

Also, the female orgasm does actually have a physiological role in conception (to propel sperm up into the uterus and closer to the fallopian tubes).

9 years ago

Even if it didn’t have a physiological role, it’s not like Roosh is trying to impregnate women with all his orgasms. He’s doing it for his pleasure, yet for some reason he’s decided that that same justification isn’t enough for the women he sleeps with.

It really just boils down to “I do whatever I want, and if you’re a good girl you’ll help me do so. Any benefit you get out of this arrangement will be incidental.” The biological crap is just his attempt to pretend science and logic are on his side.

9 years ago

Paul’s point, if read in context, without Futtrelles obsfucations, was that personal integrity is a far better path to meeting desirable women than the psychological tricks employed by the likes of Roosh and Puas.

If Paulie had any personal integrity, which he doesn’t, he’d still be stoned and drunk off his ass. Instead, he’s running around like a glassy-eyed freak, pretending to be hunky-dory when anyone with a working creepdar can see he’s a dry drunk at best. Meanwhile, he’s already scared off three women and working on doing the same to a fourth. Desirable women — hell, women in general — see him coming and quickly head the other way. Because that much mean and ugly is NOT a desirable man.

If you read what Paul wrote in it’s entirety, you will see that he and avfm maintain their distance from Roosh and Puas generally.

Uh, we already knew that WITHOUT having to read the latest drivel over there. We know they’re feuding over who’s got the biggest nutsack. It’s like watching two drunks squabble over an empty bottle, frankly.

Criticising Elam or a Avfm for interviewing Roosh is disingenuous at best.

That’s rich, coming from someone whose middle name might as well be Disingenuous. You’re the same dude who came on here claiming to be a socialist who was turned off feminism by evil, nasty women. Do you think we haven’t read every dumb comment you’ve made here, or that we have no memory of your own blatant bullshit?

9 years ago

I sincerely can’t stand people who refer to the queer community as “gays”. It really grinds on me because “gay” means male attracted to male (though it has been used for female attracted to female), and it’s just so exclusive.

I mean, I get ignored a lot as it is when it comes to my sexuality, so it really irritates me more when people start excluding even more people with careless word usage.

As for Roosh, it’s like the fact that “the gays” exist where he can see them is “jamming it down his throat”.

*slams head on desk and reminds self that she took a vow of no magical curses*

9 years ago

By removing the dependency of women on men you’ve unleashed a can of worms where women no longer have to try. You know? They don’t have to be good, virtuous, noble, elegant, feminine. They can be…So what is actually happening by giving women an independent source of income, you have allowed them to aim for their most base degenerate instincts. The fact that she doesn’t have to get the approval of a man who is taking care of her means that she will get tattoos on her arms and her neck, she will get the gauge earrings and piercings, she will shave half of her head, she will burp, she will curse, she will gain a lot of weight, she won’t have any style, she won’t look good, she’ll be loud and violent. And that’s what we see now.

And yet, even with these low, degenerate standards you speak of, these same women are still finding love, getting married, even having sex…with men who are not you. They’re getting pregnant with sperm that is not yours. And that burns you, doesn’t it, Rooshie? They’re still out there, enjoying life and being good and productive at it, not depending on an unwashed scuzzball who can’t even wipe his own ass but still somehow expects the laydeez to all look like airline stewardesses from the 1950s. How terrible!

I don’t think that a man has to be good in bed. I mean if a woman sees your value as being that guy in bed who is great, you’re basically- she’s gonna see you as like a dildo now! She’s just gonna see you as the guy who can…’Ok I can’t wait to see him because in bed he’s gonna do that little move and trick!’ I don’t want a girl to expect that. I want a girl to just expect me to be me. If I’m lazy, I’m lazy. If I don’t wanna talk a lot and I just wanna sit and watch music videos and we go out and eat a pizza with a joke here and there…I just want a girl to have the lowest possible expectations so if I’m having a day where I don’t want to try-

Which is every damn day. And that’s why your dick is dry, Roosh. Like I said, you can’t even be arsed to WIPE your damn arse. Who’d want to sleep with that, especially since there’s nothing in it for her?

And no, we don’t view guys who are good in bed as just dildoes. We have DILDOES for that. If a guy is good in bed and fun to be with as well, we view him as a cool dude who’s great in the sack. Damn right we’re gonna look forward to seeing more of him, as much of him as we can! Because if he’s just plain cool to be with, we’re gonna want to be with him. And he’s gonna see a helluva lot more action from us than you are.

And if that burns you, TOO FUCKING BAD. Make an effort, or get nothing. Them’s yer options.

If right now a magic cloud of gas surrounds the earth and infected girls and prevented them from ever having a female orgasm again, the human species would go on.

Oh, I doubt that very much. If there’s not even the slightest chance of a teeny-weeny minigasm, what’s the earthly point in me having sex? I’m not going to want it, and I won’t bother trying to have it. If I wouldn’t even jill off because I knew it wasn’t going to be worth the effort, what makes this colossal doofus think I’m going to go to the effort to please a man, while expecting and getting nothing to show for it myself?

But if this cloud of gas only affected men and prevented the male orgasm, what would happen? The human species is done. It’s freaking done. Therefore nature, not me, nature has declared that the male orgasm is essential to life! To life!

No, Roosh, it’s only YOU. Virgins have gotten pregnant from just a tiny drop of pre-cum near their vaginas. That’s right, no penetration, and no male orgasm necessary. Which is why I strongly advise anyone against even trying coitus interruptus. Plenty of those who tried it are now called parents. Angry, bitter, sexually and ideologically frustrated parents.

The human race will get along just fine even if you never get your rocks off again, regardless.

But I never say, “so what do you want to do?” They want to let me lead them all the time. A woman doesn’t want to have to think about what to do, where to go, what the plan is, and where we’re going next. If she does, she is a domineering person.

Um, actually, NO. A woman who can be assertive, and hold up her end of the conversation and the decision-making process, is not domineering, she’s an EQUAL. And there are plenty of men who are certainly not submissive, who quite appreciate assertiveness in a woman. Because “leading” all the time is damned exhausting, as you no doubt would have found out if you’d even bothered to put in an effort. And you’ve already tipped your hand as a lazy slob, so…

I suspect the real reason Roosh never asks a woman what she wants is that he can’t handle the truth: “What do I want to do right now? Nothing with YOU, that’s for sure! HAhahahahahah!”

But you know one thing is that people in the U.S., they think they go to a college and they graduate and they’re qualified. They think they’re qualified to talk about the problems facing cultures. They’re not. They’re just kids!

And yet, there you are, trying to have sex with those “kids”. How fucking hypocritical is that? Especially in a man of your age?

And yes, a college grad IS qualified to talk about the problems facing cultures. Especially if they graduated in sociology, say. Or anthropology.

They’re a damn sight more qualified, in any event, than Roosh, whose expertise is literally in fuck-all.

So you have a bunch of kids holding their signs ‘consent this’ and ‘consent that’. They’re just kids who think they are smart and think they understand how the world is. But they don’t because they haven’t
even lived yet. And they’re not old like me…and they’re not experienced.

And yet, they actually DO know more than you. They’ve actually LEARNED things while at college, which is what colleges are fucking FOR. And I bet they have more REAL experience, too.

I think what Roosh is really trying to say here is, “Why are these hot chicks dating these cute young guys who respect them and will actually bother to care what they think and feel? Why not me, me, ME???”

Yeah, ‘warriors’. Tumblr. People on Tumblr and Reddit who blog everyday about equal treatment and misogyny. They are literally kids! They’re like 16 or 17 and they’ve taken on this movement. They’re gonna change the world. They’re just kids, you know? They should be outside playing with a…I dunno…a hula hoop or something. But instead they’re on the internet for hours, they’re addicted to their phones, they’re outraged at this article. They have sites like Buzzfeed giving them this fuel to be angry at men. Be angry at men! And so you have a lot of people who just hate men now, especially if you’re a white man. I mean, Jesus! Every year the hate against men is just building and building.

The ironies here are just so thick and heavy. Roosh, who DREAMS of fucking 16- and 17-year-olds, is mad as hell that girls that age are already so smart, so wise to him and his ass-pulled crap. And putting it out on the Internet for others to see and learn from, too. It makes his “job” so hard! What is his “job”? “Having sex”! And writing shitty books on how to do it (or NOT do it, rather). And selling those shitty books to other shitty dudes whom girls really do have an uphill battle learning to avoid, not to be “virtuous” or anything old-fashioned like that, but just so as not to be fucking MOLESTED. Which they would be if they were outside playing with a hula hoop, and Roosh’s sorry ass just happened to be wandering by, looking for chicks to pick up.

No, Roosh, they’re not teaching each other to hate men, they’re teaching each other to be safe from ones like you, who obviously mean them no good. And if you’re getting steamed about it, great. It means they’re SUCCEEDING.

Musicians and artists…they’re not role models! I’m talking a role model that a man, a young man, can look up to for how to live. Not a celebrity!

And yet, here’s Roosh, talking of how he should take up the guitar to get chicks. Guess he’s not a role model for young men on how to live. Or a celebrity…hee, hee, hee.

But if you read his stuff, he really is going mind over matter. Set a goal and do it. Work hard, you can do it! You can do it! And he’s right, you know? And for me, some guys they look up to me because I’m telling them to work hard.

This from a self-admitted lazy-ass slob who earlier admitted that he doesn’t want to work at pleasing women, they should just come flocking to please HIM.

Arnie’s a douchebag, by the way.

It used to be that gays would do their own things in their gay clubs and go home and have gay sex. Hey, that’s fine. But now you’re having these people with the most alternative and degenerate lifestyles forcing it upon us normal people.

O RLY? That’s funny, because my best friend (whom I’ve had since COLLEGE!) is gay, as are many of my other friends. Some of them go to clubs; most are already settled down with lovely same-sex partners, raising cats and dogs and even kids. They don’t make an effort to hide who they are. And yet, oddly enough, I’m still straight as a stick. Nothing got “forced” on me, and nothing about me has changed, except that I now know to love and value queer folks. They made me into nothing…except a much, MUCH better person.

They’re shaming us. They’re aiming to change laws. They’re attempting to change how we think and what we say to…what’s the word I’m looking accommodate them! So now we have to change!

Boo hoo, changing is so hard! Especially for Roosh, who needs his ass kicked just to get him to change his underwear.

Us, we’re the normal ones!

You’re not normal, Roosh.

But now we have to change the words we use, the language that we use. At work we have to be extra careful. We have to provide a trigger warning, whatever that is. I mean so they’re forcing…they’re jamming their lifestyle down our throats. That’s a problem.

No, it’s not. YOU, Roosh, are the problem. You are an anachronism, and we are not going back in time just to accommodate you. You are a throwback. You are not normal.

Being gay is less common, but commonness ≠ normality. Redheads are less common than gay people (just one or two out of a hundred, as opposed to ten gays), and yet we redheads are still normal.