Today, the first in what will be an occasional series of posts on the Twitter activity — sorry, “activism” — of Men’s Rights Activists and other misbegotten misogynistic miscreants.
Sorry about the cheap alliteration at the end of the sentence there, but I’ve spent the last few hours reading Tweets from Attila Vinczer (@Alvhun) and I guess his penchant for tacky rhetorical special effects has rubbed off on me a little.
Attila, the “Activism Director” for Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, is an energetic Twitter “activist.” While not quite as hateful or vicious as his colleagues Dean Esmay or the now-banned Judgy Bitch (aka Janet Bloomfield), Attila has developed a Twitter style all his own, spewing forth minor masterpieces of overwrought incoherence that are the unintentional result of his attempts to pull off complicated literary maneuvers without a mastery of the basics. There is a kind of poetry to them.
I’ve written about Attila before; you may recall his not-altogether-successful attempts to dig up dirt on me. But I felt his Tweets deserved a more thorough examination. Enjoy!
As you read the following Tweets, keep in mind that this is not some anonymous rando spewing invective on the internet; this is the official “Activism Director” of AVFM, the most influential Men’s Rights site on the internet.
Attila is perhaps best known for “zingers” that are more befuddling than zingy:
As this last Tweet hints, Attila has a bit of an obsession with the bowels:
And a kind of horrified fascination with vaginas.
Indeed, when another Twitterer accused him of having a “littledick,” he responded with posts suggesting that her clitoris is essentially an even littler dick.
He makes the “clit = small penis” equation a little more directly in this attack on the “MICROPENIS aka CLITORIS” of a feminist whose blog routinely skewers MRAs.
Attila’s contempt for women leaks out in Tweet after Tweet. Aside from calling women “twats” or “t-wats,” he is not shy about calling them “bitches” and “whores,” a trait he shares with many of his colleagues at AVFM.
He seems to think that calling women “missy” is the sort of brilliant retort that ends arguments and wins people over to the Men’s Rights movement.
When men challenge him, he tries to belittle them as insufficiently masculine.
Attila, by contrast, sees himself as “all man,” and regularly boasts of his fighting prowess.
He must be quite a man! If you look at the dates of these Tweets you will see that he somehow managed to undergo two years of training between last September and this January. He hasn’t been able to keep up the pace, alas, and has somehow managed to lose a year of training in the last month.
He has this to say about Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University student who carried a mattress around campus as a way to bring attention to the school’s unwillingness to punish the fellow student she says raped her.
And he apparently thinks that Albert Einstein was a bit of an underachiever because he allowed women in his life.
For someone who shares a first name with that of an infamous barbarian leader, Attila is quick to label his opponents “savages.”
Lately, Attila has been working diligently to introduce a new catchphrase. Can you guess what it is?
This catchphrase, you may not exactly be shocked to learn, is not catching on; despite Attila’s enthusiastic promotional efforts, literally no one else on Twitter has picked it up.
Perhaps he will have better luck with these alternate spellings:
Note: I plan to do a few upcoming case studies on several other AVFM staffers who are particularly energetic Twitter “activists,” as well as a couple of well-known PUAs. Please suggest any other Twitter heroes you think I should take a look at.
Anyway.. I think someone really needs to tell Attila flooding Twitter with insults and ad hominems and him making an arse of himself is only making AVfM look bad (worse than that it already does). MRA’s carry on like total morons and wonder why no one (except themselves) take the men’s rights movement seriously. And no, making an arse of yourself online is NOT activism. What an idiot. ^^;
Me too! The internet is full of people like that Luckily for me, I do not know many people like that in real life. Or maybe the anonymity of the internet brings out the worst in people?
I can’t read this without thinking of Danny Kaye’s swordfight in The Court Jester.
Thank you all. Iv been angry this last few days because I watched a YouTube video that triggered me.
It was a news video of a parent that bought her two year old daughter a pink pretty toy wand from the dollar store that laughs disturbingly and when you peel the foil off it revealed to be not a drawing but a real girl that was cutting herself. I used to do that when I was younger when I was trying to commit suicide.
The stupid sick owner scolded the parents for not checking the toy. And the comments oh dear goddess why did I look at the comments:
“Stupid parents should have checked the toy” and “that is awesome!”
How are the parents going to know that a toy does something like that when its a toy for toddlers!? And cutting yourself is not ‘awesome’ you sick a-holes!
I have always been a very sensitive person I get very upset very easily and Iv been absolutely livid that I couldn’t sleep but I’m ok now that I talked about it, watched baby and animal videos and the support you guys gave me. I’m seriously upset, I can’t believe I live a world where this garbage exists.
Ok, I didn’t understand the words you were typing, so I had to look it up.
What the bloody fuck? That’s not real life, that’s something out of internet creepypasta. Who the hell makes a toy like that? How the hell does a parent “check the toy” when it’s still in its packaging?
Fucking hell.
Anyway, good to hear you’re doing better now. All the hugs in the world.
Oh, i heard about that, the “evil sticks” or whatever they’re called, and they were told they should have known with a name like that. ‘s just aweful. And the store owner said it was alright for older kids like 5-10 yearolds. So wrong.
Here’s a picture to distract you from the aweful.
And a jester unemployed… is nobody’s fool!
(Why, yes, The Court Jester is one of my favourite movies of all time, why do you ask? And that song, The Maladjusted Jester, was written by Sylvia Fine as a perfect vehicle for her husband, Danny Kaye.)
Amusingly, this ties together a couple of threads here as well, given that Danny Kaye starred in 1947’s “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, with music there done by Sylvia Fine as well.
“That’s not real life”
Sadly this is real life so many toys and things in general are being made that are so shocking and we wonder what is wrong with our kids.
“How the hell does a parent “check the toy” when it’s still in its packaging?”
I think it was wired so you could still press the buttons but still it should have said:
warning: makes evil laughter and has a little girl cutting herself behind the foil because how does a parent know? However the toy should have never been made in the first place. Whoever made them needs a whole lot of therapy and needs to be fired from making toys.
It was pretty, it reads: ‘plays music’ and had an cute anime girl on it that was made for little girls. Does that sound like a ‘evil stick’ to you? When I think of evil toys for kids I think of the color black with skulls not evil laughter and a child mutilating herself
It’s beyond disgusting makes me not want to buy toys anymore if I had a child of my own I would just make her toys.
“Anyway, good to hear you’re doing better now. All the hugs in the world.”
Thank you.
Thank you for the ‘distraction’
Death threats? He’s making death threats? Does he think that’s activism?
Sometimes I try to figure out what JudgyBitch actually wants–like, for example, in the linked post, where she mourns that feminism “brainwashed” her into going to college instead of quitting school to marry her high-school boyfriend as nature intended, and then a couple paragraphs later she’s nattering on about her long and happy marriage to a man she met in her MFA program. Does she realize she’s saying feminism is responsible for everything good in her life?
Then I remember there’s absolutely no underlying logic behind her weird vendettas and rants, and trying to figure her out will make your head explode.
She is a funny little lady. I kind of love her.
Not that I want Judgy Bitch back on twitter, but am I the only one who thinks it’s odd that she is the only one who’s been kicked off despite all the threats the rest of them issue? Am I the only one who also thinks it’s sexist? I mean, she IS a woman….a horrible one….but a woman nonetheless. Why is SHE the only one who’s gotten punished?
That’s awful! I can’t believe that those sorts of ‘toys’ are even legal! I also can’t believe that people blame the mother for what happened. How was she supposed to know that she picked out something like that when it is disguised as something much more benign? How do they expect her to check the toy before she even opened it? It is also very inappropriate to blame her when ‘toys’ like that should not even by sold to children in the first place. These people make me so angry! >:-(
Anyway…..I am glad you are feeling much better. I hope the cat and baby compilation helped. 🙂
It’s really strange isn’t it that when a woman acts like a jerk she gets punished for it, while men who behave exactly the same way suffer no consequences. I get the feeling that there is still a huge double standard when it come to how men and women are expected to behave.
There could be a sexist element to it, but I think the most likely reason is that she’s the only one who undeniably opened up Twitter to the risk of being sued. Online harassment isn’t strictly illegal, but libel absolutely is.
Not that I want Judgy Bitch back on twitter, but am I the only one who thinks it’s odd that she is the only one who’s been kicked off despite all the threats the rest of them issue? Am I the only one who also thinks it’s sexist? I mean, she IS a woman….a horrible one….but a woman nonetheless. Why is SHE the only one who’s gotten punished?
She obsessively stalks specific individuals, instead of slinging half-intelligible slurs at random like most MRAs, and openly engages in doxxing and straight-up lies. Twitter is cool with hate speech, but they’re sort of trying to make an effort to shut down really obvious cases of harassment, and JB is nothing if not obvious.
I can imagine it being hard to build a case for banning Attila because he’s so incoherent it’s hard to tell if he’s actually harassing you.
I think it was only wired down so you could check it. After watching that and being triggered because of cutting myself too when I was younger and being the sensitive person that I am, I started being angry at everything but I’m fine now thanks. And thanks again for the video I enjoyed it.
About JB, I totally agree with misseb47 about the sexist double standard but she was kicked off because she’s a stalker.
Glad to hear you’re fine now 🙂
I also feel really bad for the parents who were blamed just everything about that video made me sick. What a horrible and stupid world we live in.
Thank you
i had a bit of a back and forth with atilla in the comments section of the buzzfeed piece on elam. i asked what was up with his creepy memes and he responded by claiming i was creepy for suggesting that his memes were creepy and rather than ignore such a juvenile response i decided to string along thesaurus boy due to finding him absolutely hilarious. in-between the pseudo-intellectualism, bad facial hair, blathering on about men’s rights,creepy memes and an internet hardman persona atilla is merely a fedora away from embodying everything that is wrong with modern internet culture
Here’s a happier story from a while ago
“I asked what was up with his creepy memes and he responded by claiming i was creepy for suggesting that his memes were creepy”
It’s like the men who say: “I’m not sexist you’re the one who is sexist for calling me a sexist!” Or shorter “I know you are but what am i?”
Good for her!
He’s just like those racists who think it’s racist to call out racism. As though shutting up about it would just magically make it disappear, except that they secretly don’t want it to, they just want to get away with being it. He’s a strange, sad little man.
You are very welcome. 😀
I know. 🙁 It can be very disheartening sometimes. But there is a lot of good stuff happening, too. Sometimes you have to look harder for it, but it’s there. 😀