a voice for men antifeminism crackpottery creepy do you even lift drama kings entitled babies female beep boop gender policing imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats post contains sarcasm rape culture reactionary bullshit shaming tactics twitter vaginas whores

Attila vs the Lynch Mob Cult Savages: A Case Study in Twitter "Activism"

Attila Vinczer: The Men's Rights Revolution Will Be Well-Hydrated
Attila Vinczer: The Men’s Rights Revolution Will Be Well-Hydrated

Today, the first in what will be an occasional series of posts on the Twitter activity — sorry, “activism” — of Men’s Rights Activists and other misbegotten misogynistic miscreants.

Sorry about the cheap alliteration at the end of the sentence there, but I’ve spent the last few hours reading  Tweets from Attila Vinczer (@Alvhun) and I guess his penchant for tacky rhetorical special effects has rubbed off on me a little.

Attila, the “Activism Director” for Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, is an energetic Twitter “activist.” While not quite as hateful or vicious as his colleagues Dean Esmay or the now-banned Judgy Bitch (aka Janet Bloomfield), Attila has developed a Twitter style all his own, spewing forth minor masterpieces of overwrought incoherence that are the unintentional result of his attempts to pull off complicated literary maneuvers without a mastery of the basics. There is a kind of poetry to them.

I’ve written about Attila before; you may recall his not-altogether-successful attempts to dig up dirt on me. But I felt his Tweets deserved a more thorough examination. Enjoy!

As you read the following Tweets, keep in mind that this is not some anonymous rando spewing invective on the internet; this is the official “Activism Director” of AVFM, the most influential Men’s Rights site on the internet.

Attila is perhaps best known for “zingers” that are more befuddling than zingy:


attoiletAs this last Tweet hints, Attila has a bit of an obsession with the bowels:

atturd atturd2And a kind of horrified fascination with vaginas.

atvulvaIndeed, when another Twitterer accused him of having a “littledick,” he responded with posts suggesting that her clitoris is essentially an even littler dick.


He makes the “clit = small penis” equation a little more directly in this attack on the “MICROPENIS aka CLITORIS” of a feminist whose blog routinely skewers MRAs.

Attila’s contempt for women leaks out in Tweet after Tweet. Aside from calling women “twats” or “t-wats,” he is not shy about calling them “bitches” and “whores,” a trait he shares with many of his colleagues at AVFM.

atbitch2 atbitch

attwhoreHe seems to think that calling women “missy” is the sort of brilliant retort that ends arguments and wins people over to the Men’s Rights movement.

atmissyyWhen men challenge him, he tries to belittle them as insufficiently masculine.


Attila, by contrast, sees himself as “all man,” and regularly boasts of his fighting prowess.

attrainingattrain2 attraain3 attrain3 attrain4

He must be quite a man! If you look at the dates of these Tweets you will see that he somehow managed to undergo two years of training between last September and this January. He hasn’t been able to keep up the pace, alas, and has somehow managed to lose a year of training in the last month.

He has this to say about Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University student who carried a mattress around campus as a way to bring attention to the school’s unwillingness to punish the fellow student she says raped her.


And he apparently thinks that Albert Einstein was a bit of an underachiever because he allowed women in his life.

atteslaFor someone who shares a first name with that of an infamous barbarian leader, Attila is quick to label his opponents “savages.”

atsavage atsav3atsav2Lately, Attila has been working diligently to introduce a new catchphrase. Can you guess what it is?

attlynchbig copy

This catchphrase, you may not exactly be shocked to learn, is not catching on; despite Attila’s enthusiastic promotional efforts, literally no one else on Twitter has picked it up.

Perhaps he will have better luck with these alternate spellings:

lyncmob lyncmob2 lumchmobNote: I plan to do a few upcoming case studies on several other AVFM staffers who are particularly energetic Twitter “activists,” as well as a couple of well-known PUAs. Please suggest any other Twitter heroes you think I should take a look at.


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10 years ago

Warning Rant Ahead

MRAs: feminists are labeling everything as rape, they don’t care about male rape victims and labeling every man as a rapist!
JB: lol I’m a rapist you’re a rapist everyone is a rapist! I get decide what is rape!! Consent is not important! I raped a man! Lol Lol lol 🙂
MRAs: lol XD

F*** the hypercritical, lying and evil men’s rights movement! I wish I could send all those fuggets (f***+nuggets) to a f***ing planet with f***ing Legos everywhere so they could step on them all f***ing day long! This is one of the f***ing reasons why I call myself a f***ing feminist (wanting women to have rights and be treated like people) because I’m f***king sick of how society treats men! Society f***ing treats men like weapons, animals and jokes!

‘Well men are treated bad too so screw you feminists we are the ones who treat men with love and respect!’ But then society goes right back to f***ing bash them again!

I’m very truly sorry for my language and being violent and if I offended anyone again I am very truly sorry but I’m extremely angry right now and I feel like I’m going to explode so im just going to leave and watch some animal videos and pictures to calm myself down. BRB!

10 years ago

For you, fruitloopsie, along with applause.

10 years ago

@fruitloopsie I wasn’t offended (except by the MRAs)

I do that same self censoring thing sometimes, think I must have picked it up trying to get around swearfilters in games.

Here’s a cute pangolin picture (if I don’t mess this up)

10 years ago

Moar baby turtles!

10 years ago

I wish pangolins weren’t heavily trafficked or endangered, and were domesticated easily and made for great pets, because are so cool and look beautiful.

10 years ago

And here’s a baby sugar glider eating some apple!

10 years ago

Frank. Thank you for posting the award of excellence. That is exactly how I remember it to be. I attended Cardinal Newman High School in and around 1979 or 1980. I achieved the award of excellence, but they did not have a patch to give me. I am now demanding the school not only provide the patch, but the accompanying certificate. I am not sure if one was given in 79 or 80, that is a certificate.

Oh dear, that actually makes me feel a little sad for him. When someone in their fifties keeps bringing up their high school achievements, that suggests they’re disappointed in how their adult life turned out. The poor guy peaked in his teens, which may go some way to explaining why he still writes like an adolescent.

10 years ago

TW rape

When I was in college (I know. It’s hard to believe. My writing is craptacular. I have made peace with that.) I had a friend whose female dd didn’t care about his consent. I remember him going through not being able to name what happened to him, calling himself a slut and telling us a guy can’t be raped. He just didn’t want to and could not get away. He told no one else after telling a couple of us the day after. I saw how much he was hurt. I saw acceptance dawn on him. Fuck that rapist piece of shit. She stalked him all night. I realize that in retrospect because I was at the party she drove him home from. We were so new.

It isn’t funny when a man or boy is raped. It isn’t a “Gotcha”. Men and boys should be safe from sexual predators. Their consent matters. WTF is wrong with people who think otherwise?

TW over

This makes me love my high school beaus so much for being decent human beings, unlike JB.

Brain bleach!

We have snow here! By next week their will be Jonquils blooming in it. We’ve hardly had any all year. The dogs and kids have had a ball. The cats have enjoyed watching the bird feeders and even the teen and hubby got snow days. Good times.

10 years ago

Is there any reason to believe JB really IS the thoughtcatalog rapist? Sure, she claims to be, but there’s no evidence, and the writing doesn’t sound like her. Judgy lies all the time about everything and I can completely believes she’d lie about this. She’s trying to cash in on someone else’s notoriety.

10 years ago

Oh goddes, no! That’s one disturbing post.

Here’s a cuscus eating a banana×370/cuscus.jpg

10 years ago
10 years ago

And some cute baby goats:

10 years ago


Is… is that a giant cuscus or a tiny banana? I don’t know whether to be terrified or charmed.

10 years ago


Think it’s what’s left of a banana that was larger, though I could be wrong. Might be another sort of fruit entirely.

10 years ago

I’m pretty sure that “I’ve had 40-42 years of martial arts training” is the middle aged MRA equivalent of the old schoolyard taunt “I’m gonna get my dad to beat you up!”

Come to think of it, I seem to remember some classmates claiming they knew karate. Being elementary school their moves resembled karate about as much as a game of pat-a-cake.

Same mindset, though.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

That JB blog post, ironically, links to the post where she talks about making life a living hell for the “two little dickwads” who “threatened to rape” her daughter (actually, all they did was yell a taunt at her one day on the way home from school). She rants on and on about the boys (who are “racial minorities” because of course they are) and how she called the school principal and the police and got the parents involved and rained down every bit of privileged rich white privileged bitchy suburban tiger-mom privileged hell she could muster on the heads of these kids (because of course she did). And then some. She spends the entire blog post bullying them and tearing them to pieces in a deranged manner far out of proportion to what actually happened. Jesus, lady. Get a grip. Most of us hear far worse stuff ten times over by the time we’re in middle school.

What a fucked up, double standard-having POS she is. Rape is all cutesy fun and games until the merest whiff of it comes near her precious daughter and then she’s all RAWWR IMMA RUIN YOUR LIVES. It makes me wish someone would throw her own words back in her face. After all, those boys were just going after what they wanted! Because they’re strong and secure in their sexuality! Hey, it might even have resulted in a marriage proposal!

(Disclaimer, I’m honestly not meaning to poke fun at her daughter, who I’m sure was traumatized by the whole thing – it’s JB’s smarmy, smug-ass hypocrisy that’s the issue.)

10 years ago

Thank you all for the videos, pictures and applause. I wanted my rant to go longer but I got too angry so I just stopped. Just saw the next post, went into ‘anger phase’ and went back to looking at animals again.

I wanted to post JB’s and Roosh’s article on exposing Mens rights activists on facebook but I’m too angry. I don’t want to look at them. MRAs/Antifeminists/puas don’t care about men/boys at all they are just weapons to score points against feminists because they absolutely HATE and DEGRADE women and girls and they are scared of them too.

I’m sorry I’m very angry I need hugs and kisses and I’m sending hugs and kisses to everyone.

10 years ago


Here, have more kitties.

10 years ago

Fruitloopies- Huge Internet hugs and kisses. I hope you feel better soon.

10 years ago

Saw the name Attila and was glad to realize it wasn’t Attila the Stockbroker (shameless plug for a guy I haven’t met but does a beer festival in England each year with someone I do know). I should have know that a guy who could do something like this would not be that Attila

10 years ago

The martial arts training claim just put me in mind of the Navy Seal Copypasta that’s been floating around online for ages now.

It’s a completely ridiculous, overblown rant that’s been done up in all sorts of dramatic readings and other things, it’s pretty entertaining:

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

What a shame attila is limited to only 140 characters, or maybe he could have created something to rival this masterpiece.

10 years ago


Here are some cute babies and kitties in the same video! Cuteness overload!!


10 years ago

Ugh. Just…ugh. I couldn’t even make it through all those tweets. Pseudo-intellectual who demeans and sneers at everyone he meets and claims to know “martial arts” and feels the need to make purple prosy tweets with big words that make him sound smarter?


The sad thing is, I’ve seen so many men like him. I still feel the urge to vomit every time.