a voice for men antifeminism crackpottery creepy do you even lift drama kings entitled babies female beep boop gender policing imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats post contains sarcasm rape culture reactionary bullshit shaming tactics twitter vaginas whores

Attila vs the Lynch Mob Cult Savages: A Case Study in Twitter "Activism"

Attila Vinczer: The Men's Rights Revolution Will Be Well-Hydrated
Attila Vinczer: The Men’s Rights Revolution Will Be Well-Hydrated

Today, the first in what will be an occasional series of posts on the Twitter activity — sorry, “activism” — of Men’s Rights Activists and other misbegotten misogynistic miscreants.

Sorry about the cheap alliteration at the end of the sentence there, but I’ve spent the last few hours reading  Tweets from Attila Vinczer (@Alvhun) and I guess his penchant for tacky rhetorical special effects has rubbed off on me a little.

Attila, the “Activism Director” for Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, is an energetic Twitter “activist.” While not quite as hateful or vicious as his colleagues Dean Esmay or the now-banned Judgy Bitch (aka Janet Bloomfield), Attila has developed a Twitter style all his own, spewing forth minor masterpieces of overwrought incoherence that are the unintentional result of his attempts to pull off complicated literary maneuvers without a mastery of the basics. There is a kind of poetry to them.

I’ve written about Attila before; you may recall his not-altogether-successful attempts to dig up dirt on me. But I felt his Tweets deserved a more thorough examination. Enjoy!

As you read the following Tweets, keep in mind that this is not some anonymous rando spewing invective on the internet; this is the official “Activism Director” of AVFM, the most influential Men’s Rights site on the internet.

Attila is perhaps best known for “zingers” that are more befuddling than zingy:


attoiletAs this last Tweet hints, Attila has a bit of an obsession with the bowels:

atturd atturd2And a kind of horrified fascination with vaginas.

atvulvaIndeed, when another Twitterer accused him of having a “littledick,” he responded with posts suggesting that her clitoris is essentially an even littler dick.


He makes the “clit = small penis” equation a little more directly in this attack on the “MICROPENIS aka CLITORIS” of a feminist whose blog routinely skewers MRAs.

Attila’s contempt for women leaks out in Tweet after Tweet. Aside from calling women “twats” or “t-wats,” he is not shy about calling them “bitches” and “whores,” a trait he shares with many of his colleagues at AVFM.

atbitch2 atbitch

attwhoreHe seems to think that calling women “missy” is the sort of brilliant retort that ends arguments and wins people over to the Men’s Rights movement.

atmissyyWhen men challenge him, he tries to belittle them as insufficiently masculine.


Attila, by contrast, sees himself as “all man,” and regularly boasts of his fighting prowess.

attrainingattrain2 attraain3 attrain3 attrain4

He must be quite a man! If you look at the dates of these Tweets you will see that he somehow managed to undergo two years of training between last September and this January. He hasn’t been able to keep up the pace, alas, and has somehow managed to lose a year of training in the last month.

He has this to say about Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University student who carried a mattress around campus as a way to bring attention to the school’s unwillingness to punish the fellow student she says raped her.


And he apparently thinks that Albert Einstein was a bit of an underachiever because he allowed women in his life.

atteslaFor someone who shares a first name with that of an infamous barbarian leader, Attila is quick to label his opponents “savages.”

atsavage atsav3atsav2Lately, Attila has been working diligently to introduce a new catchphrase. Can you guess what it is?

attlynchbig copy

This catchphrase, you may not exactly be shocked to learn, is not catching on; despite Attila’s enthusiastic promotional efforts, literally no one else on Twitter has picked it up.

Perhaps he will have better luck with these alternate spellings:

lyncmob lyncmob2 lumchmobNote: I plan to do a few upcoming case studies on several other AVFM staffers who are particularly energetic Twitter “activists,” as well as a couple of well-known PUAs. Please suggest any other Twitter heroes you think I should take a look at.


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10 years ago

Even though “#LynchMob cult” will obviously never catch on, “#LumchMob” just might.

10 years ago

When white people say they are being “lynched” every time they get criticized or talked back to:

10 years ago

MMmmmmm lunch.

10 years ago

Lynchmob Cult sounds like a terrible professional wrestling stable.

10 years ago

I don’t follow Twitter, but am I reading it wrong if it looks like he throws the namecalling at multiple recipients at a time?
“Here I so cleverly cornered your personality let me send the same conclusion to a bunch of targets at once to make it more personal!”

10 years ago

Men’s rights bowel movement sounds about right.

Film Runner
10 years ago

Shouldn’t the title be Attila vs the Lync Mob Cult Savages?

10 years ago

The martial arts training thing is stupid and profoundly unprofessional (hell, un-amateur – when I took karate lessons as a kid, our senseis made it clear from the first class that we were never to threaten or intimidate anyone, and if they got word that we had attacked or even threatened anyone, we would be banned from the club). But, minor fluctuations in remembering how long you’ve been doing something isn’t necessarily indicative of a lie.

However, I’m pretty damn sure he’s lying, and I dearly hope someone has tweeted the Navy Seal copypasta back at him.

10 years ago

Also, I knew a man who was raised in a cult and he is traumatized to this day. He and his mother fled the cult and he’s been out since he was a teen, but he still cries when he tries to talk about it and can’t get much out. I wish people would stop throwing around that word.

10 years ago

Bragging about 40+ years of martial arts experience on twitter = admitting that he’s a middle aged man getting into twitter feuds and attacking college students.

10 years ago

If he’s an ex Seal who is proficient in martial arts, so am I.

(I’m not)

10 years ago

Jesus, it’s depressing to see the names of like a dozen people I follow in those. Also, he tweets at jackbarnesmra a fuck of a lot.

10 years ago

Also, “even with a gun”? Pretty sure if I shoot you dead I can take your wallet pretty easily.

Reminds me of what an actual martial artist used to say. He always got the question, “what do you do if someone sneaks up on you with like a two by four or a pipe or something?”
And he’d say, “well, first you go ‘ugh!’ Then you fall to the ground. Then you probably twitch and bleed a lot.”

Because the moral of the story is that nobody is invincible, anyone can get the drop on you.

There’s a fencing quote: “the greatest swordsman in the world has nothing to fear from the second, third, or fourth best. It is the rank amateur, waving the blade around wildly and unpredictably, that will do him in.”

10 years ago

I am literally crying with laughter at “can subdue enemies without killing them.”

I don’t know what a #Lumchmob is but from the rest of his tweet I think they aren’t good at all.

10 years ago

This guy.. He’s the very model of a modern internet tough guy. Why is it that I see his “dojo” as being some karate class for young children that he never left, and the only reason the instructor keeps him around is because the checks don’t bounce and he’s relatively well behaved in class?

Hey, at least it keeps his body supple. And it would explain why he seems to run every new insult he comes up into the ground with repetition, as if he were learning a swear for the first time.

10 years ago

He meant “Lunch Mob”, which is when the whole workplace goes out to lunch together and ends up swamping the little diner because nobody called ahead to warn them about the 23 person party.

10 years ago

Can #lunchmob be a real thing? Subscribe to it and you get notifications of local restaurants to mob (chosen at random)? It’d be horribly disruptive, but awesome.

10 years ago

Dang, ninja’d. Binjabreel, have you been training ninja skills for 41 years?

10 years ago

Awwww now I don’t want to take the pseudonym “T – Watt” and start making inspiring raps about my undying loyalty to “the Cunt Cult” and lesbianism.

Thanks bro.

10 years ago

“Also, “even with a gun”? Pretty sure if I shoot you dead I can take your wallet pretty easily.”

Considering all the red pill stuff, maybe he believes martial arts let him dodge bullets like in the matrix?

10 years ago

*Awwww now I want to take the pseudonym “T – Watt” and start making inspiring raps about my undying loyalty to “the Cunt Cult” and lesbianism.

Thanks posting too fast.

10 years ago

@kirbey, sorry, but as someone who worked in fast food for many years, you’ve been long ninja’d by preteens. I still believe that 12 year olds reproduce by splitting in half whenever they’re exposoded to the environmental conditions of “half day” or “school field trip”. 😉

10 years ago

He really shouldn’t try to sound smart. He can’t pull it off, and just comes across as… odd.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

In a street fight, my money would be on the non Dunning-Kruger guy.

Aren’t martial arts supposed to teach humility and self-control? None of his tweets exhibit a shred of inner discipline. It’s like he thinks he can overcome his opponents with Tantrum-Fu.

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