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"No vagina on the planet will give you superpowers," and 9 other baffling Manosphere memes from the mind of Ian Ironwood

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

Ian Ironwood, as he calls himself, is the proprietor of the blog The Red Pill Room. He’s also a big fan of retro art.  Alas, he has attempted to combine these two interests, producing a series of baffling “memes” in which he pastes little manosophere lessons on top of artwork borrowed from postwar American magazines and paperbacks.

Here are 9 more of my favorites, pulled from Ironwood’s Twitter stream.

1) “Your sudden newfound support for feminism will do absolutely nothing to get you laid.”

In this meme from last Fall, Ironwood tries to warn any young men who’ve fallen under the spell of Emma Watson that taking up feminism will not entitle them to a harem of sexy feminist ladies. Why anyone would assume that it would is unclear. but evidently in Ian Ironwood’s world, nothing is worth doing unless it’s guaranteed to get you laid.

Feminism: the snooty nurse of ideologies.
Feminism: a snooty scientific researcher that doesn’t believe in safety goggles

2) “Always flush it yourself!”

Of course, those fellas who do manage to get themselves laid have a whole other set of problems, one of the most pressing being the ever-present threat of spermburgling. Yes, it’s true (by which I mean “not true”): Women are devious creatures who will sneak used condoms out of the wastebasket in order to impregnate themselves and thereby set themselves up for a lifetime of sweet, sweet child support payments.

So flush all your condoms down the toilet. After filling them with tabasco sauce. And thumbtacks. Then jump out the window and run, run like the wind!


3) “Until shit’s on fire.”

Apparently, anyone whose house catches on fire should put it out themselves.

Not sure the firefighters are going to be able to save this house.
Not sure the firefighters are going to be able to save this house.

4) “ELIMINATE the dads … and EFFEMINIZE the sons.”

Dads! Defeat the feminazis with Orange Crush.

Nothing puts hair on your chest faster than carbonated beverages.
Nothing puts hair on your chest faster than carbonated beverages.

5) “It’s your son’s best defense against feminism!”

Apparently, being an “active and involved dad” means going after feminism with a baseball bat?

Kid looks a little worried about dad.
Kid looks a little worried about dad. I don’t blame him.

6) “Real men know their place!”

You know, if you’re trying to get across the idea that feminism is all about women dominating men, you guys should probably stop illustrating your rants with sexualized pictures of dominant women designed to appeal to men with BDSM fetishes. Because this isn’t something that feminists are forcing on men; this is something that dudes actually seek out and sometimes pay a lot of money for.

Your fetishes have spilled all over the internet again.
Your fetishes have spilled all over the internet again.

7) “Don’t help them unless ordered to!”

Apparently the best way to protect yourself from accusations of sexual harassment is to be a giant douchebag.

Bosses love it when their employees are completely unfelpful to half of the other employees
Bosses love employees who are complete dicks to half of the other employees

8) “Not really a viable Reproductive Strategy anymore.”

Apparently Mr. Ironwood has confused feminism with lesbianism. And confused lesbianism with two women in slinky dresses looking out of two large holes that someone has cut into their front doors. And confused both with “reproductive strategies.” Also, he’s evidently unaware that lesbians can in fact have children.

I have no idea what is going on here.
I have no idea what is going on here.

9) “Wake me up when it’s ok to be a boy again!”

Forget about Ian Ironwood for a second. I just want to know why this poor kid’s hand has been replaced by a dog’s asshole.

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10 years ago

Quick question regarding “No vagina on the planet will give you superpowers”: Does this mean that extraterrestrial vaginas, i.e. Vaginas from Space will imbue you with superpowers or one type or another? And what sort of superpowers are we talking here? Flight? Immortality? Biotics?

10 years ago

#1: Feminism has a “long, bloody history of despising feminist men”?!?! wut?

#2: Why is the man dressed? Did he dress to go throw the condom away?

#3: Does he mean a literal fire? Or is he using it figuratively? Like, women are independent until stuff is literally on fire (and need fire department) or until stuff goes wrong and wants his help? Also, that woman is still on her own while the earth is burning behind her. She looks like she is doing fine on her own running the hell away from that conflagration.

#4: So be a good dad, take your son to baseball and drink a soda? That’ll save the patriarchy?

#5: More baseball? That’s your answer?

#6 tl;dr I got bored.

#7: It looks like everyone thinks that businessman is attractive, even soda boy at the files. How does that convey any kind of sexual harassment? also tl;dr

#8: I don’t get this one. Also, why is there an exclamation point after feminism? And “anymore”? Was feminism a reproductive strategy at some earlier date? so confused.

#9: Again, what’s with the exclamation point… then the ellipses. The punctuation doesn’t make sense. Also, what is the problem with being a boy exactly? more confusion. I shouldn’t try to figure these out.

10 years ago

Wow! Just wow! Do they not know about women firefighters? Or female cops? Or any competent women, in general? These memes are all just baffling. These people are so caught up in ther bitter dickish ness, they have no grasp of the real world.

And I guess they assume these things of only White Western women (they’re still wrong) because there are parts of the world that have gone to Hell and the women there have no choice but to handle everything, including the shit that’s on fire.

Jeebus! These men are deeply, deeply myopic.

10 years ago

A shame, really, since he actually can draw. He could use his powers for something useful, or at least profitable.

Nope, they’re all stolen off Google Images. His artistic talents begin and end with “Resize horribly in MS Paint, add nonsensical text.”

10 years ago

Some of these are so strange I expect to see “For more information please reread” at the bottom.

10 years ago

What superpowers does he think women promise men in order to trick them into having sex with us?

How are women keeping men form spending time with their kids and don’t men have daughters too? Are men only supposed to help raise their sons?

I remember Mr. Ironwood from over at Pharyngula. I think he was mocked mercilessly by people calling his name into question. I mean, it isn’t Peter O’Toole, but still. What a dork.

10 years ago!.gif

#2 Funny on how being a dad is a burden and they should choose to be so whenever they want but if only it will benefit them against the evils of feminism.

On number 7 I saw a meme from their facebook page that reads: “you have committed sexual harassment and all you did was turn around” I guess being a hot woman is considered sexual harassment to men.

“As for “no vagina on the planet will give you superpowers”, that’s just got me thinking of a spiderman origin story where Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive vagina dentata.”

My vagina Dentata senses are tingling!

Annie Squidface
“I love how the “mangina” meme assumes that men who want anything to do with treating women like human beings are doing it to get their dicks wet.”

And they say we’re the misandrists.

10 years ago

Does Ian think that if his house is burning down, he’ll be able to put it out with his manliness instead of calling the fire department? Because no.

I’m starting a new job tomorrow and if there are any red pill dudes there, I’m happy for them to follow that advice and not talk to me.

10 years ago

Wait, I thought being abandoned by your father was an easy thing for a Real Man to get over? Now it stomps all the manly man machismo out of a kid? Which is it to be young fellers?

10 years ago

He’s going to flex his pecs at the fire and the fire is going to put itself out. He’s that manly!

10 years ago

Congratulations on the new job, WWTH! Hope it goes well.

10 years ago

That superpower was not bestowed to him by a magic vagina though. Those things never work. Sure they answer your wishes, but they always do it in a way that makes you regret the wish.


I wonder if a magic vagina works anything like a genie’s lamp?

10 years ago

“What superpowers does he think women promise men in order to trick them into having sex with us?”

I don’t know about superpowers for men but I would like the power of ‘wish’ I can wish for anything at all and it would come true.

10 years ago

loganbacon | February 16, 2015 at 12:51 pm

The butthurt is strong with this dude. A shame, really, since he actually can draw. He could use his powers for something useful, or at least profitable.

Preeeeety sure that he stole those from various artists from the 1950s to use in his shitty memes. It’s MRA protocol.

Film Runner | February 16, 2015 at 12:57 pm

Could someone please educate me as to the cause of this fucking semen-theft obsession? It’s one of the few things on this site that still has me legitimately baffled.

They read an email once that was forwarded to them from their grandpa’s brother’s son’s nephew’s second cousin twice removed.


Breakdown time!

1. If you don’t believe that vaginas will give you superpowers, why do you believe that your penis is filled with liquid gold and we wimmens should all worship it? I mean, you also seem to believe that simply thrusting it roughly in and out of my vagina will make me climax, which would have to be a superpower if you really want to make me want to have sex with you again.

2. One, if you’re becoming a feminist and supporting women to get laid, you’re neither a feminist or supporting women. Two, being a feminist is bare minimum to get your foot in the door for me to even consider dating someone.

3. Well, at least you don’t want to reproduce or be a father. That’s a scary thought. Also, stop flushing things that don’t need to be flushed. Fer fuck’s sake. Rinse the damn thing out like contrapangloss said.

4. No fireMEN for you, worried blonde lady! Seriously though, if an MRAs house catches fire, I hope his fire department has lots of women in it.

5. Yeah, because we hate men so much we want to…let boys like things that are traditionally considered “girly” if they like them? And apparently feminists can’t be happily married/in a relationship with men and have kids? If we hate men so much, why are we reproducing with them? THIS MAKES NO SENSE.

6. I’m just going to sit here and smile at the fact that there are so many “involved and active” dads in kids’ lives that are actually feminists and are teaching their sons the same. I would say that my dad wasn’t active in my life solely based on the fact that I was a first born girl, and he wanted a first born son, and that’s part of the reason why I became a feminist, but I’m an evil feeeeemale, so I suppose it doesn’t count.

7. I agree with David, men seek out Dommes. This isn’t a “WHAAA, FEMINISM IS HITTING ME” situation, it’s a “guy likes to get beat with a riding crop by a stern lady until he bleeds. It gives him a boner.” As long as there’s decent after care involved (first aid and soothing creams), then I’m alright with it. And I would be alright with it if the genders were reversed, again, as long as after care is involved.

8. Yes, because filling out a mountain of paperwork and having no one like me at work anymore and tanking any chance I had at getting a promotion or anything is totally something I’d do if I didn’t have to. [/sarcasm]

9. One, feminism isn’t about getting laid. Two, feminist ladies are still getting laid and reproducing. Shaddup.

10. I propose a change: “Wake me up when it’s okay to be a boy who likes what he likes and is comfortable enough with his sexuality to do whatever he wants with his life without ridicule from other men sucking down toxic masculinity like it’s the last bit of air on the planet.”

10 years ago

“I’m starting a new job tomorrow”


10 years ago

It’s funny that he describes the supposed history of feminism despising men as “bloody.” not sure if he thinks feminist women have actually been violent towards men for being feminists, or if he thinks not sleeping with men is a form of violence. Either way… no.

10 years ago

I remember Mr. Ironwood from over at Pharyngula. I think he was mocked mercilessly by people calling his name into question. I mean, it isn’t Peter O’Toole, but still. What a dork.

It probably is his real name. Between John Allman, Christopher Allman and Elam himself, MRAs seem to have a penchant for aptronyms that DC Comics would consider too on-the-nose.

andrea harris
10 years ago

OK, I know these dudes read your site obsessively, so here are some helpful hints from me:

On vaginas not being superpower-givers: hey guys? Know what does give superpowers? Nothing! Superpowers aren’t real.

On men trying out feminism to get laid: it’s actually sadly worked many times, mostly because many “feminist” men are scum who lied to the women they used and abused. Fortunately word is getting out, and more and more horny fake-male-feminists are having to get their jollies elsewhere.

On flushing your used condoms to avoid “sperm theft”: I’m willing to bet the idea of a woman wanting to force a man to give her a baby doesn’t exist outside of the movies. and what’s really happening is deadbeat dads are telling everyone “she stole my sperm!” to make themselves look like victims. On the other hand, at least these men are promoting condom use, which used to be looked upon as a horrid pleasure-reducing device by males far and wide.

On women not needing men until “shit’s on fire”: well, whenever women try to become firefighters, you losers grouse and complain. Make up your tiny male mindlings.

On how having no dad–and apparently, no patriarchy–will “effeminize” sons: actually, there’s some evidence that absent dads turn out sons who inherent the worst masculine “values” the patriarchy has to offer and are bullies and women-abusers. I don’t know the numbers on that though, or all the other factors that are probably involved, so I’m just going to say that this is more bullshit based on watching movies. Actually, everything about these males suggests that the discipline of a traditionally patriarchal upbringing under a stern yet loving father figure would be something they would find anathema…and in fact I wouldn’t be surprised that they actually did have an authoritarian, patriarchal dad, and his mistreatment of them has led to this Stockholm Syndrome-ish attitude.

On the idea that being an “active and involved dad” will protect fragile boys against feminism: what if dad is actively involved in helping mom by raising a son who appreciates and honors women and the feminist movement? Somehow I think that this isn’t the sort of “active and involved” dad that’s being called for here.

On this… weird “Feminism hurt me and made me like it!” meshugas: I’d suggest he seek out the services of a dom to lead him to that sub paradise he so obviously craves, but I get the feeling all the rules and safewords and boundaries would simply confuse him. Also he strikes me as someone who would try to stiff them (no pun intended) on the fee.

On avoiding female employees at work unless forced to engage with them: this is basically signalling that he is a bad employee that no one would want to hire. Oops.

On feminism not being a “viable reproduction strategy” anymore: it never was. It is a social and political movement. Terms for things exist for a reason.

On how he wants to be a boy again: Freud had a phrase for this.

10 years ago

“It’s funny that he describes the supposed history of feminism despising men as “bloody.” not sure if he thinks feminist women have actually been violent towards men for being feminists, or if he thinks not sleeping with men is a form of violence. Either way… no.”

Maybe it’s an aweful “women on their period, amiright?” joke. Though that’d probably be too subtle for his audience.

10 years ago

In the LONG list of odd phobias evidenced by MRAs, the whole fear of “Sperm-Jacking” is among those I find most baffling.

Seriously, their fear of abusive and cruelly manipulative women is wildly overblown but at least grounded in the reality that abusive and cruelly manipulative women do exist and in numbers that can at least be rounded down to an non-zero integer valued percentage. A mans chance of getting into a relationship with at least one abusive and cruelly manipulative women in his lifetime is not less than his chances of getting hit by lightning or eaten by a shark.

But Sperm-jacking? WTF? In a nation of ~150,000,000 million women I would be surprised if it never happened, but I find it really hard to believe that a mans odds of having this happen is larger – never-mind much larger – than his chances of getting hit by lightning or eaten by a shark. In fact, I imagine it’s probably smaller (but honestly have no idea on where one would get the data to test that hunch, so ….).

And yet, it seems to occupy a reasonably prominent position in the list of Meninist phobias. Go figure.

10 years ago

“Spermjacking” is the “FEMA death camps” of the MRA “Movement.” It’s a conspiracy theory that makes absolutely no fucking sense no matter how much time and effort is wasted trying to organise its parts into something that does make sense, and yet, it’s massively popular among its demographic.

10 years ago

Someone should ask these people how the Hell is it cowardly to flee a burning building unless you’re a fire fighter and its basically your job to put the fire out?

10 years ago


1. If you don’t believe that vaginas will give you superpowers, why do you believe that your penis is filled with liquid gold and we wimmens should all worship it?

Holy Smokes!!! You might be onto something there!!

I’ll bet you that there are enough rich Bro’s who would pay BIG money to make their semen temporarily gold to make this a potential serious money-maker. A pill,some gene therapy, or even just a surgical procedure wherein tiny pieces of gold leaf are injected directly into their prostate to turn their semen into sexual Goldschlager

10 years ago

lkeke35 | February 16, 2015 at 1:26 pm

Wow! Just wow! Do they not know about women firefighters? Or female cops? Or any competent women, in general? These memes are all just baffling. These people are so caught up in ther bitter dickish ness, they have no grasp of the real world.

Ah, but remember, when looking through MRA Goggles [TM, Pat. Pend., sold in fine manure shops everywhere], any woman in a job where she might prove useful is obviously just a token affirmative action hire, there for the opportunity to accuse her male colleagues of sexual harassment, and discrimination when she gets fired for not doing the work. Therefore, a woman whose shit is on fire cannot rely on other women to help her, even if those women are in jobs that would require them to do so. Because of feminism.

10 years ago

As of 2010, the average child support payment in the US is $430 per month. Daycare alone costs more than that. The idea that getting pregnant is some sort of money making scheme is just ridiculous. That might work if the father is really rich, but otherwise, not so much.