Ian Ironwood, as he calls himself, is the proprietor of the blog The Red Pill Room. He’s also a big fan of retro art. Alas, he has attempted to combine these two interests, producing a series of baffling “memes” in which he pastes little manosophere lessons on top of artwork borrowed from postwar American magazines and paperbacks.
Here are 9 more of my favorites, pulled from Ironwood’s Twitter stream.
1) “Your sudden newfound support for feminism will do absolutely nothing to get you laid.”
In this meme from last Fall, Ironwood tries to warn any young men who’ve fallen under the spell of Emma Watson that taking up feminism will not entitle them to a harem of sexy feminist ladies. Why anyone would assume that it would is unclear. but evidently in Ian Ironwood’s world, nothing is worth doing unless it’s guaranteed to get you laid.

2) “Always flush it yourself!”
Of course, those fellas who do manage to get themselves laid have a whole other set of problems, one of the most pressing being the ever-present threat of spermburgling. Yes, it’s true (by which I mean “not true”): Women are devious creatures who will sneak used condoms out of the wastebasket in order to impregnate themselves and thereby set themselves up for a lifetime of sweet, sweet child support payments.
So flush all your condoms down the toilet. After filling them with tabasco sauce. And thumbtacks. Then jump out the window and run, run like the wind!

3) “Until shit’s on fire.”
Apparently, anyone whose house catches on fire should put it out themselves.

4) “ELIMINATE the dads … and EFFEMINIZE the sons.”
Dads! Defeat the feminazis with Orange Crush.

5) “It’s your son’s best defense against feminism!”
Apparently, being an “active and involved dad” means going after feminism with a baseball bat?

6) “Real men know their place!”
You know, if you’re trying to get across the idea that feminism is all about women dominating men, you guys should probably stop illustrating your rants with sexualized pictures of dominant women designed to appeal to men with BDSM fetishes. Because this isn’t something that feminists are forcing on men; this is something that dudes actually seek out and sometimes pay a lot of money for.

7) “Don’t help them unless ordered to!”
Apparently the best way to protect yourself from accusations of sexual harassment is to be a giant douchebag.

8) “Not really a viable Reproductive Strategy anymore.”
Apparently Mr. Ironwood has confused feminism with lesbianism. And confused lesbianism with two women in slinky dresses looking out of two large holes that someone has cut into their front doors. And confused both with “reproductive strategies.” Also, he’s evidently unaware that lesbians can in fact have children.

9) “Wake me up when it’s ok to be a boy again!”
Forget about Ian Ironwood for a second. I just want to know why this poor kid’s hand has been replaced by a dog’s asshole.
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
ಠ_ಠ ummm wow
That happened to my dad once. Those fire depts in the counties are usually run by volunteers with very little funding. You can choose to pay for their protection each year or not. But if you don’t, they do not have to put your fire out. My dad got lucky. One of the fire fighters was my step uncle and he decided to be nice and put it out anyway.
Well, that turned out a lot larger than I was expecting. Oops.
We can laugh at these memes but they are in fact an important part of the indoctrination that keeps the manosphere echo-chamber humming (humbugging?)
The memes about boys follow Hoff Sommers’ “War on Boys” theme. Some men buy it. I read a comment somewhere by a man who said he didn’t want to have a son because life is so hard for boys these days. The suffering of boys is apparently due to the fact that “boys will be boys” is no longer universally accepted as an all-purpose get-out-of-trouble free card. Boys are effeminized by being taught that, while girls do have cooties, it is no longer acceptable to treat them as if they were in actual fact overgrown cooties. Basically it is a complaint that boys have lost their automatic 100% male privilege. Also, it is becoming less tolerated to teach your son that he lives in a “dog eat dog” world where any sort of emotional vulnerability is a fatal weakness.
A lot of men do have trouble comprehending sexual harassment. A man who regards women as basically no more than life-support systems for vaginas who are totally incompetent in the workplace — basic manosphere beliefs — is likely to be offensive to women just by being who he is. And if he has absorbed some of the manosphere “wisdom” on the sexual pursuit of women — for example, that women pretend not to like him or “play hard-to-get” just to increase his interest — then he IS at high risk of committing sexual harassment. You might almost say that sexual harassment is basically manosphere beliefs about women put into action. In fact, a man who has these opinions probably will have a difficult time NOT sexually harassing women.
All these memes are designed to confirm and enforce the dogma of the manosphere echo-chamber. Unfortunately, they seem to work.
I, for one, am glad (GLAD, I SAY!) that these educational memes are available for the masses.
Why, after reading #1 I know now that I should stop demanding that Mr. Mistress demonstrate his new found super ability to levitate, or super cooling breath after we have sex.
Seriously, if vagina’s did give superpowers, mind reading for one, they may die of shock realizing how much women do not think about them.
Sorry boys, but my vagina is made of pure magic for *me*, if you’re not having a good time as well then maybe try masturbation?
Wouldn’t these guys’ lives be easier if they didn’t have sex with women? Then they wouldn’t have to worry about a lot of this.
She must be. Any other woman who’s that determined to be a mother would realize that all she had to do was make a withdrawal from the nearest sperm bank. Does the Daily Fail not pay enough for her to be able to do so?
@Geek Goddess:
The problem seems to be that these guys need sex (FSV of need) but don’t like the people that own the equipment necessary and as far as I can tell therefore owning sex itself.
It’s my suspicion that this leads to a negative spiral where they use negative means to take sex from women and receive negative reactions thus reinforcing the negative views they already hold and distorting their already warped viewpoint further.
I think the best we can do is attempt to bring up our own children with awareness of the gender/race imbalance and a sense of fairness and try to change the media they’re exposed to to be more representative of the full range of human behaviour.
I can’t work out if sex-bots would help the MGTOW actually GTOW and leave the people they hate so much the hell alone.
“I can’t work out if sex-bots would help the MGTOW actually GTOW and leave the people they hate so much the hell alone.”
Sex-bots would do little to satisfy their desire to control others. I could only see it making a difference if the sex-bots had AI, and at that point it’s basicly sexual slavery. And then they’d still complain that the sex-bots are too expensive.
“I can’t work out if sex-bots would help the MGTOW actually GTOW and leave the people they hate so much the hell alone.”
I doubt it! 🙁
You and me both, Alto. You and me both.
I can’t wait for season two to start! The fundraiser for it ended months ago, and people are getting twitchy, so hopefully it’ll come out soon?
I doubt it. They want women to be under their boot-heel, and a robot programmed to be such wouldn’t do it for them because there’s no “breaking” to be done.
Besides, I don’t want to cause the robot rebellion because some poor, poor AI got stuck with one of those schmucks.
Re: sex-bots.
I get the impression you don’t think so 🙂
I’d be inclined to agree with you, I’d just like there to be some way they can actually GTOW instead of the hating they do. Wishful thinking.
Especially the bit about it being unfair to robots too.
I know, we’ll replace MGTOW with robots. BOOM! Problem solved.
It wouldn’t be hard to build a robot with more empathy than a MGTOW, I could probably do that with a pencil, piece of cardboard and some scissors.
That sounds highly unnecessary, I’ve got a stone right here with more empathy.
Flushing condoms? Am I a 15-year-old trying to not get caught by my parents and who is also so self-absorbed that I don’t care about damaging the plumbing or polluting the water system? Used condoms go in the trash, folks.
Also, all the rest of the content is wacky as hell, but seriously, DO NOT FLUSH CONDOMS.
Also, Active and Involved Dad™ ironically seems to be completely ignoring his son in order to stare at the viewer. Baseball Game Dad is doing a way better job on that count, though in my head, he goes to hook up with Soda Pop Vendor in the bathroom five minutes after that scene.
“The problem seems to be that these guys need sex (FSV of need) but don’t like the people that own the equipment necessary and as far as I can tell therefore *owning sex itself* [emphasis mine].”
I love when an MGTOW trots out the “women are the gatekeepers of sex” line. I counter with, “Even when a woman approaches a man and asks him out, but he declines?” The response is usually, “Yes, because she’s done the screening beforehand in deciding to ask him out — so even though he’s rejecting, he wouldn’t have had that opportunity if she hadn’t asked him.” And then I just leave that there for the whole internet to see.
Sorry, but you’re a grown man and it’s time to act like one. It’s not OK to go back and it never will be.
You now, the white knighting shit has always amused me. It’s like they think that the only reason a man would ever agree with a woman is because he wants to get laid and not because he might actually agree with her. Lovely, lovely projection.
Someone neglected to tell Ian that “entitled whinger” does not equate to “man.” He must be looking for a pity f%$k. Oh, also, nice guys always finish last, huh Ian?