evil sexy ladies imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny vaginas

Men Going Their Own Way transform the hated Valentine's Day into International MGTOW Day. No one cares.


There are a lot of good reasons to give Valentine’s Day the side-eye. It’s a holiday, as many people dutifully point out every year, that’s more about selling candies, cards and jewelry than it is about love, promoting a backwards version of (hetero)sexuality in which men trade expensive gifts for sex – a philosophy perhaps most crassly expressed in the ad slogan for Kay Jewelers: “Every Kiss Begins With Kay.”

It’s a day that causes stress for a lot of couples and resentment amongst the single. And those little chalky heart candies with the words on them, whatever their kitschy charm, are really kind of crappy as candy.

But there are bad reasons to dislike Valentine’s Day as well. Amongst the Men Going Their Own Way of the world, “National Vagina Worship day” is the holiday they most love to hate; in their minds, the “bitches” don’t deserve any kind of respect at all, much less flowers and candy.

The folks at has decided to fight back against V-Day, sort of, by inventing a holiday of their own. Here’s a semi-official annoucement:

FEB 14th is INTERNATIONAL MGTOW DAY and it is 17 centuries too late!

That’s ok cunts of the universe. We have the Future Covered Bitches. Fuck You!

The regulars are celebrating the day (they claim) by treating themselves to nice dinners and new power tools and whatever else they can think of. As Soul Man put it on the forums,


I am going to treat myself to whatever the fuck pleases me!  I think I’m going to have a big fat steak and go ride my crorch rocket at very excessive speeds!  If I’m feeling altruisric, I will find some cheap trollop to toss on the back and give her a couple of miles of “Mr. Wrong”!  HAHAHA!

Yeah, that’s gonna happen.

Ned Trent, reporting in from Germany, has similar plans, minus the motorcycle ride:

For this evening I am going to take myself out for a substantial meal like a big Schnitzel with fries in a cool restaurant which specializes in this at a pre-ordered table for one person (myself), before heading out to a local nightclub on a mission: taking the piss out of /pissing off any female that I may encounter during that night over there, whilst having a great time myself on my own…

Mostly, though, as you may have already gathered from these two comments, the regulars seem to be using the day as an excuse to do the same thing they do every day: try to take over the world kvetch about women and fantasize about making them miserable.

Mycocaine, writing back in January, allowed himself to dream:

This will be first 2.14 I am looking forward to. Rubbing my hands together. What say all men in unison dump that bitch on Feb 13. and go buy themselves a car.

GoneGalt had a somewhat more labor-intensive plan:

We ought to start some campaigns to counter women, small or large or just funny. One might be to derive a list of chick flick movies and then use it as a guide to rate all such movies as ‘1’ star on Netflix/IMDB/Rotten Tomatoes to bring the ratings down, and every now and then write a review that’s generic (so you can cut and paste it) and extremely insulting of that movie (something like ‘typical female drama and romantic garbage – amazing how women view themselves as soooo special’) 🙂

ListenUp! announced an equally, er, creative way to punish the women of the world on their (allegedly) special day. It involved a photo of celebrity feminist lawyer Gloria Allred.

Tonight after printing 30 pages all with this photo on it, I’m going to the gym to tape this photo on every punching bag in the place. Carry on men!

Machiavelli tried to live up to his namesake with a proposal to ignore women real hard:

Studies have show that [ostracism] creates the same effect in the brain as physical pain (google it). People become co-operative when ostracised to win back approval. … It’s hard wired into us for evolutionary reasons.

Women are particularly sensitive to being ostracised.

The more guys that become mgtow the more women will be ostracised for mistreating men (either yourself or another man). …

14 February 2015, it’s a “nice day for an ostracism” for women everywhere.

We (men) are 50% of the population, so let’s see what women think when this half of the population starts ostracising them until they treat all men with equality and respect.

As I read through all of these little fantasies, none of which seem at all likely to ever be implemented in the real world, I found myself thinking of the title of an old album by the eccentric British post-punk band Television Personalities: “Mummy Your Not Watching Me.”

Because the one insurmoutable problem of all these plans is that they depend on women actually giving a shit about what these guys do. And as most of these guys in their hearts probably realize, no one really cares if they eat a nice steak dinner (go for it, dudes) or waste their evening giving “chick flicks” one-star ratings on Netflix (knock yourselves out).

If they were decent human beings, being ignored by them actually would hurt. Of course, if they were decent human beings, they wouldn’t be giddily fantasizing about ostrasizing the women of the world for being women.

Maybe the MGTOWers need to replace their clumsy five-letter acronym with a new one: MYNWM (Mummy You’re Not Watching Me, pronounced “minwim”).

Here’s the actual song “Mummy Your Not Watching Me,” by Television Personalities (music only), followed by a video of them pretending to perform their song Painted Word. Happy Vagina Worship Day!

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10 years ago


I get that people simply have been (and are) like this. Bigotry, racism, sexism, it’s nothing new, and it has had horrible consequences throughout history. What I don’t get is – *why* – how does someone get *this* filled with hate… over practically nothing?

To hate, viciously *hate*, women in general – to the point of actively trying to punish members of the gender at random – just for them not wanting to serve as subdued servile servants.

Is it just out-of-control entitlement? Is it some kind of misogyny-gene? Are these people genuinely sick – in the true, pathological, meaning of the word?

I know what you mean – it’s like, if I could understand maybe I could reason with them, or at the very least know that there’s some genuine reason they’re doing it and that it’s just that for whatever reason I can’t see it right now.
Except I know that really there’s no genuine reason for it beyond the hate – any reasons given are just rationalising the hate. It’s like anti-semitism, someone told me recently that while the Jews are hated by some for being greedy and running all of the financial institutions that the only reason they do is because at one point finance was the only job they were allowed to have because they were being punished for being Jewish.
There’s no reason there, and there’s no reasoning with hater logic. The best you can hope for is to shame them into not being dicks.

And… do I really *want* to get into their headspace to the point where I understand?

I’m somewhere between “probably not” and “there’s nothing to understand”.

Eliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
Eliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
10 years ago

Does anyone know if this this an actual World War II propaganda poster, or just a manospherian hoax? I find it hard to believe that the U. S. government would have spent money on something like this, even back in the 1940s.

10 years ago

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone.

I love bad movies.

My favorites include The Room, Queen of the Damned and I Know Who Killed Me.

There’s also a wealth of made for TV movies to mock. Everything on the Sy-Fi channel is mock able fun. Then there’s the 90s Tori Spelling classics Mother May I Sleep With Danger? and Death of a Cheerleader.

10 years ago

Forgive me if this has been said before, but that top image sums up the MGTOW movement perfectly. If it was really about men going their own way it would be a picture of a bunch of guys drinking beer, hanging out and having fun. But nope. It’s a picture of an upset/angry woman (I can’t actually tell what her expression is meant to be. Despair?).

I love it when they inadvertently display their real mission statement.

10 years ago

I love bad movies too, got hooked on them watching MST3K.

10 years ago

That poster looks fake to me. Tattoos just weren’t common enough for anyone to actually lament women getting tattoos. They didn’t get mainstream until maybe the 90s.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
10 years ago


Oh I dunno, I’ve got a collection of WW2 training cartoons (as in the animated type) and one of them does warn against going with girls with tattoos because of the VD risk.

10 years ago

I love Hawk the Slayer (as an adult, because it is so bad, as a kid because I genuinely thought it was cool). My kids watch it sometimes. It isn’t uncommon for me to say goodnight by announcing that I am going to sleep *pinches nose* “the. sleep. of. the. dead.”

Did you know that the blind sorceress with the light up hula-hoops is Patricia Quinn (Magenta)?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

In Finland we call it Friend’s Day (Ystävänpäivä) and it’s pretty much entirely platonic. Seriously, I can’t think of it having any romantic aspect that wasn’t influenced by the US equivalent.

In my understanding, the whole thing was picked up from the US, not that long ago, in order to sell cards, with some limited success. Probably the card companies named it “Friend’s Day” because they learned it from Peanuts and figured it was worth a try.

It seems to be mostly older ladies who buy those cards and send them to people. Other people might wish happy Friend’s Day to each other as a sort of polite gesture. Romantic couples sometimes buy flowers and small gifts.

10 years ago

This Valentine’s Day I worked, like I do every Saturday night. Hubby and I were going to go out to breakfast on Sunday morning after I got off work, but then I got the stomach bug that’s going around. And then my husband and daughter got it. And then my mom and stepfather, who were going to babysit my daughter, got it. And then it went down to -20 with the windchill on Sunday, so instead we all stayed home and watched Maleficent and nursed our daughter through the tail end of sickness. But nothing quite says, “I love you” like cleaning up after your beloved has spewed.

But, yeah, sure, MGTOWs, you show those women by giving rom-coms low ratings on IMDB. That’ll accomplish…something, I’m sure.

10 years ago

For folks having a bad time of it, hugs if wanted, and a kitty:

Bad movies? As a kid, I loved Red Sonja, but I haven’t seen it in awhile and so it might actually suck.

10 years ago

…my favorite terrible movies:

Spaceballs, because how can you not adore this line:

You idiots! These are not them! You’ve captured their stunt doubles!

Also, really awful horror movies featuring animals. I can’t stand horror movies with people as the scary thing, because I can’t. But the animal ones crack me up because of all the ways that they don’t work.

Confession: I watch Jaws every couple months, curled up with my Great White Shark body pillow, Saruman. We also try to find a new (to us) Shark themed movie every so often. At the end of this month, we plan on finally watching Sharknado.

10 years ago

@contrapangloss “Also, really awful horror movies featuring animals.”

Have you seen “night of the lepus” ? Giant killer bunnies are out of control!

10 years ago

…yep! As a recent bio/math graduate, the ‘scientist causes mayhem with out of control experiment’ trope just adds to the fun.

10 years ago

The fonts on that poster don’t look like they came from midcentury, and the grammar is really bad… I vote obvious hoax.

(or, excuse me, “satire,” lol)

10 years ago

Ooh, how about Black Sheep? And there’s and Austrian movie called Blood Glacier about mutated critters that’s actually pretty good. Both are pretty gory, though.

I love Jaws. It’s one of my all-time favorites.

10 years ago

Definitely fake. Comic Sans.

10 years ago

The Bay is a good creature feature. It’s a found footage movie that actually looks and feels real.

10 years ago

Christina Nordlander | February 16, 2015 at 6:53 am

@ParadoxicalIntention: Yay, games! I haven’t played “Long Live the Queen” yet, but I’ve seen other people playing it, and it looks great. I might get it myself when I have the money.

Plus, you can be extra happy that the MRAs would probably hate “Long Live the Queen” and “Analogue: A Hate Story”, since the first one is about a young girl (a princess, no less!) growing into competence and independence, and the second is a critique of misogyny and oppression in patriarchal societies.

The Humble Bundle is still up for another two days if you want to check that out. You set the price for it yourself, and you get to choose where it goes (HB, Charity, or the Developers), so even if you can’t afford them full price, you can still get them. (It’s my go-to site because I’m routinely broke.)

I hadn’t heard much about the games beyond that they were pretty good, so that little bit of information makes me very excited to play them.×300.jpg

On the topic of bad movies: I always find that ScyFy (Or however the bollocks they’re spelling it these days) Original movies are always a great source of bad movie laughs. They did a movie I think was called Zombie Apocalypse that my cousins and I watched on Netflix and we laughed and WTF’d through the entire movie. So. Much. Bullshit.

10 years ago

Does anyone know if this this an actual World War II propaganda poster, or just a manospherian hoax?

Obviously fake. People didn’t say “I’d hit that” in the 40’s.

10 years ago


OR.. just stay home and play videogames. That’s what I did every Valentines day until I was 19, and then again between 21-25.

That’s how my partner and I usually celebrate lol. This year, we worked for people who had plans and celebrated the premiere of Better Call Saul the night before instead. I think I’ve actually celebrated more anti-VDay type things than the real holiday. I had a couple boyfriends who were really into it, but for the most part it was a good excuse to buy a bunch of candy and trade off on the console of choice. Who wants to try to fight through a bunch of restaurant crowds anyway?


You and your wife sound awesome. And I don’t think a migtoe’s mindset allows them to ever help out another person. Any super-conservative, anti-empathy, “America is post-racism/sexism” type I’ve ever run into always uses the excuse that they’ve never gotten a leg up to not give anyone else a hand when they need it. Not big on the Golden Rule or the idea of reciprocation. They are all about themselves, even to their own detriment.

10 years ago

As usual another misogynist site that gets it totally arse backwards – I am referring to that Facebook shite about tattoo’d women (yes I know it refers to mothers, but I am going to make a wild guess that they are not that fussy what women they attack). Hitler and tattoo’d women? WTH? The kind of people that get tattoo’d, stereotypically, are the kind of people that Hitler HATED – rebels, bikers, anarchists, etc.

If you Google Hitler tattoo women all you get is a load of stuff about American neo Nazi’s!

Headless Unicorn Guy
Headless Unicorn Guy
10 years ago

As someone who’s never been attractive to women, I just call it “Singles Misery Day”.
Not some unpronounceable acronym.

And do these MRA types have a “Can You Top This?” competition going with each other as to who can hate women the most? These guys sound like “Caveman” Rapists waiting to happen.

Headless Unicorn Guy
Headless Unicorn Guy
10 years ago

Ellesar, I have NEVER understood tat culture.

10 years ago

Does anyone know if this this an actual World War II propaganda poster, or just a manospherian hoax?

Definitely a hoax. “I’d Invade That” = “I’d hit that”, which is a saying that only came up in the last 10-15 years or so.

Also, everyone knows that the only tattoos Hitler was actually all about were (a) to mark blood groups on soldiers in the event that one should require a transfusion, and (b) serial numbers on concentration camp prisoners.

And he would have viewed an artistically-tattooed woman with the same puritanical horror that that silly right-wing Facebook group does, ironically. Right down to all the things that tattoos are allegedly tied to (profanity, delinquency, etc.)

Final irony: I know a woman with extensive tattoos. She has five kids. Her husband is as regular a working joe as you can get. And her kids are fine, and she loves them all to bits.

Bad mother, my ASS.