evil sexy ladies imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny vaginas

Men Going Their Own Way transform the hated Valentine's Day into International MGTOW Day. No one cares.


There are a lot of good reasons to give Valentine’s Day the side-eye. It’s a holiday, as many people dutifully point out every year, that’s more about selling candies, cards and jewelry than it is about love, promoting a backwards version of (hetero)sexuality in which men trade expensive gifts for sex – a philosophy perhaps most crassly expressed in the ad slogan for Kay Jewelers: “Every Kiss Begins With Kay.”

It’s a day that causes stress for a lot of couples and resentment amongst the single. And those little chalky heart candies with the words on them, whatever their kitschy charm, are really kind of crappy as candy.

But there are bad reasons to dislike Valentine’s Day as well. Amongst the Men Going Their Own Way of the world, “National Vagina Worship day” is the holiday they most love to hate; in their minds, the “bitches” don’t deserve any kind of respect at all, much less flowers and candy.

The folks at has decided to fight back against V-Day, sort of, by inventing a holiday of their own. Here’s a semi-official annoucement:

FEB 14th is INTERNATIONAL MGTOW DAY and it is 17 centuries too late!

That’s ok cunts of the universe. We have the Future Covered Bitches. Fuck You!

The regulars are celebrating the day (they claim) by treating themselves to nice dinners and new power tools and whatever else they can think of. As Soul Man put it on the forums,


I am going to treat myself to whatever the fuck pleases me!  I think I’m going to have a big fat steak and go ride my crorch rocket at very excessive speeds!  If I’m feeling altruisric, I will find some cheap trollop to toss on the back and give her a couple of miles of “Mr. Wrong”!  HAHAHA!

Yeah, that’s gonna happen.

Ned Trent, reporting in from Germany, has similar plans, minus the motorcycle ride:

For this evening I am going to take myself out for a substantial meal like a big Schnitzel with fries in a cool restaurant which specializes in this at a pre-ordered table for one person (myself), before heading out to a local nightclub on a mission: taking the piss out of /pissing off any female that I may encounter during that night over there, whilst having a great time myself on my own…

Mostly, though, as you may have already gathered from these two comments, the regulars seem to be using the day as an excuse to do the same thing they do every day: try to take over the world kvetch about women and fantasize about making them miserable.

Mycocaine, writing back in January, allowed himself to dream:

This will be first 2.14 I am looking forward to. Rubbing my hands together. What say all men in unison dump that bitch on Feb 13. and go buy themselves a car.

GoneGalt had a somewhat more labor-intensive plan:

We ought to start some campaigns to counter women, small or large or just funny. One might be to derive a list of chick flick movies and then use it as a guide to rate all such movies as ‘1’ star on Netflix/IMDB/Rotten Tomatoes to bring the ratings down, and every now and then write a review that’s generic (so you can cut and paste it) and extremely insulting of that movie (something like ‘typical female drama and romantic garbage – amazing how women view themselves as soooo special’) 🙂

ListenUp! announced an equally, er, creative way to punish the women of the world on their (allegedly) special day. It involved a photo of celebrity feminist lawyer Gloria Allred.

Tonight after printing 30 pages all with this photo on it, I’m going to the gym to tape this photo on every punching bag in the place. Carry on men!

Machiavelli tried to live up to his namesake with a proposal to ignore women real hard:

Studies have show that [ostracism] creates the same effect in the brain as physical pain (google it). People become co-operative when ostracised to win back approval. … It’s hard wired into us for evolutionary reasons.

Women are particularly sensitive to being ostracised.

The more guys that become mgtow the more women will be ostracised for mistreating men (either yourself or another man). …

14 February 2015, it’s a “nice day for an ostracism” for women everywhere.

We (men) are 50% of the population, so let’s see what women think when this half of the population starts ostracising them until they treat all men with equality and respect.

As I read through all of these little fantasies, none of which seem at all likely to ever be implemented in the real world, I found myself thinking of the title of an old album by the eccentric British post-punk band Television Personalities: “Mummy Your Not Watching Me.”

Because the one insurmoutable problem of all these plans is that they depend on women actually giving a shit about what these guys do. And as most of these guys in their hearts probably realize, no one really cares if they eat a nice steak dinner (go for it, dudes) or waste their evening giving “chick flicks” one-star ratings on Netflix (knock yourselves out).

If they were decent human beings, being ignored by them actually would hurt. Of course, if they were decent human beings, they wouldn’t be giddily fantasizing about ostrasizing the women of the world for being women.

Maybe the MGTOWers need to replace their clumsy five-letter acronym with a new one: MYNWM (Mummy You’re Not Watching Me, pronounced “minwim”).

Here’s the actual song “Mummy Your Not Watching Me,” by Television Personalities (music only), followed by a video of them pretending to perform their song Painted Word. Happy Vagina Worship Day!

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Annie Squidface
9 years ago


I’m still proud of you, bb. :3 Play some Clocktower: The First Fear on emulator, transfer as many farts into the very paint of your place as humanly possible before tomorrow, and try not to fret too terribly. As long as you are trying, you are not a disappointment.

I recently had to move back in with my elderly parents due to financial fail and a medical issue that knocked me on my ass, and it does suck SO HARD, but I can also do things for them that they have problems with due to age. I help out financially, do stuff around the house, and respect their space, and while we have fundamental differences, it still works out bc they know I’m working towards not being such a fail. Many people are having to do it, it isn’t as catastrophic as it may feel in the moment.

9 years ago

It’s funny, but I can support half of the MGTOW suggestions. There really isn’t anything wrong with treating yourself to a nice dinner, buying yourself power tools, or going for a ride or to a club on Valentine’s Day even if you’re doing those things alone. Where they screw up is that they can only have fun by annoying and insulting women. For all their talk of being independent and apart from women on Valentine’s Day, it sounds like their plans basically revolve around women and their (imagined) reactions to their antics. It’s sad, really, because it only highlights how lonely and pathetic they must be.

9 years ago

It looks like there are a bunch of us in the dumps. So here:

9 years ago
Reply to  katz

Thanks katz! How thoughtful 🙂

9 years ago

I too, am eagerly looking forward to The Day After deals. Valentine’s isn’t really my thing, though I do try for my husband’s sake, because he really likes that kind of sentimental stuff.

So we did exchange gifts (his were about an order of magnitude better thought-out than mine, per the usual) Then I sewed a chiffon blouse I cut out weeks ago and spent some time with our kiddos. I was going to put together the skirt that goes with it, too, but I seem to be out of empty bobbins.

I also spent a fair amount of time thinking about the last several years of my life, which have been… good, but weird. Really, I guess like most of the other years, too. Even my childhood was weird. Maybe that’s why normalcy feels all wrong whenever I try it out.

Maybe I’ll straighten out and fly right this time, but if past experience is any guide, if I’m not mixed up in one kind of weird bullshit, I’m mixed up in another.

“Lately it occurs to me what a long, strange trip it’s been.” So, hey, a good day all ’round.

Hang in there Mouse Farts! Thinking of you.

9 years ago

It just goes to show that they do care what women think and do. Either way, and maybe even especially as mgtow, their lives revolve how they’d like women to respond to them. Way to go your own way.

9 years ago

Also thinking of you, WWTH.

9 years ago

I cannot decide whether MGTOWs are more hillarious, dangerous, or just more pitiful. Probably all three, really. These pathetic examples of more perverse Peter Pans spend most of their time whining and moaning about women and not getting laid then actually creating lives that are creative, loving, useful, and worth living.

Listen up, you pathetic wankers. The reason you are not getting the love and sex to which you feel entitled is just that – you see women as someTHINGS to which you and your penises are entitled, rather then as people you need to actually talk with and get to know while letting them get to know you. You are lazy and moronic. You want us to seek you out and adore you, but only if we look like hot babes and ask for nothing in return.

News flash, duuuuudes. LIFE DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!!!! And the sooner you get over yourselves, let go of your dicks and actually grow up and join the human race, the sooner you will get what you REALLY want.

Oh, and what makes you think that behaving like a jerk and looking (and probably smelling) like something the cat dragged in entitles you to only the best looking, moneyed and young lovelies? I will let you on a little secret – treating women with simple respect, engaging us in intelligent conversation, showing compassion and humor, and behaving as an adult human being go a lot further than you know. Oh, and supporting a womans right to make the same wage you make for the same work is vital. THEN we might not be looking so hard at your ability to support a family, you selfish little boys.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Hugs and courage to you, MouseFarts and WWTH.

Crorch rocket sounds like a portmanteau of crotch and scorch. Yowtch.

9 years ago

Seventeen centuries too late-oh fucking really?! What crimes against masculinity did Medieval man have to deal with according to these shitheads?

Miss Andry
9 years ago

The secret ingredient to the candy hearts is bone marrow. Or so I’ve heard.

9 years ago

I’m 20 years old and single, I never been on a date and I’m quite lonely tbh I want to meet someone who is a good person of course, good sense of hygene, ittelegent, fun loving, has a great sense of humor and is a hopeless romantic as I am; I like to send letters, going to the movies, go on picnics, enjoy dinner at home and more.

I consider myself to be straight but if a woman asks me out I would give her a chance. Is that wrong to think that?

MouseFarts | February 14, 2015 at 4:31 pm
“By the end of that post, my brain was seeing “ostracism” and somehow converting it to “ostrich-ism”.”

This makes me want to post ostrich gifs

Hugs for you mousefarts and WWTH


Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Why is it supposed to be an epic tragedy if men who have no desire to get married don’t get married? Even if these chucklefucks stayed in the dating pool, women would still be bypassing them and lamenting how hard it is to find a good man. MGTOW doesn’t change the equation in the slightest for women.

Apparently, it also doesn’t change the equation for MGTOW. Instead of abusing, insulting, and denigrating a partner, they’ll simply go out and do it to strangers (after buying themselves a steak dinner and table saw first). Same behavior, different target.

They long for some golden, prelapsarian age when there was a guaranteed vagina in every pot, but as has been pointed out many times before, arranged marriages historically tended to happen only among the upper classes, and it wasn’t like the average peasant could just snap his fingers and have his pick of the comely village lasses. There was no period in history when whiny, childish, lazy assholes would have been considered good marriage material. More likely today’s MGTOW would have ended up as vassal farmers, low-grade ecclesiastics, or military conscripts.

9 years ago

Hey Mouse Farts, I’m hanging out with you in the unhappily single club. *fist bump* I have a bunch of snacks and mindless yet absorbing video games and a kitten who would like to purr on your lap if that would help.

9 years ago

This Valentine’s Day, the bad news is I had to work a 10-hour day mostly on my feet, and I’m exhausted. The good news is it was at the doggie day-care, so it was 10 hours of caring for and petting dogs! Then I had dinner at my favorite ramen restaurant. It wasn’t a fancy place, so it wasn’t crowded. Maybe one or two couples and some parents with kids, but it was pretty spacious for dinner rush time.

Overall I had a nice time on Valentine’s Day. And I didn’t piss off any males! Or at least, not intentionally. Most likely my being a woman whose day/life was not ruined by MGTOWs’ “ostracism” pissed them off.

9 years ago

Big hugs to MouseFarts, WWTH, and everyone else who is having a less than happy Valentine’s Day. It is a rough time of year to be newly single. And there is no good time of year to get evicted.

9 years ago

I’m a virgin who’s never had a boyfriend to date and honestly, I never really got the hate over Valentine’s Day. I mean, I totally get why it sucks for people with recent breakups or in that awkward new relationship phase but personally, *shrug*

You can never be too sure with a movement that speaks entirely in acronyms and awkward number systems, but I think “future covered bitches” is missing a comma, so that should read, “We got the future covered, bitches!” (That’s still awkward as hell though.)

Good news: Feb. 14 is already Vagina Worship Day/International Misandry Day:

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

“The regulars are celebrating the day (they claim) by treating themselves to nice dinners and new power tools and whatever else they can think of.”

I SO almost went to the hardware store tonight — glad I changed my mind!

9 years ago

@Fruitloopsie “I’m 20 years old and single, I never been on a date and I’m quite lonely tbh I want to meet someone who is a good person of course, good sense of hygene, ittelegent, fun loving, has a great sense of humor and is a hopeless romantic as I am; I like to send letters, going to the movies, go on picnics, enjoy dinner at home and more.

I consider myself to be straight but if a woman asks me out I would give her a chance. Is that wrong to think that?”

That was almost like reading about myself! Hugs if you want them.
I don’t think it’s wrong to go out with a woman who asks you out if you’re honest with her.

Hugs for WWTH and mousefarts and anyone else who may want some!

9 years ago

@fruitloopsie: I think that’s called being Hetero-flexible. Or Homo-curious. (I could be wrong about those terms, though. They might be outdated.)

Future Covered Bitches is very obviously the name of my next Rock band.

Oh and: MGTOWs…Git! Shoo! ????

9 years ago

@MouseFarts, WWTH

I’d say you both soundly beat my collapsed molar pain V Day sob story (not to say yours are sob stories). Hugs to you if you’d like. I prescribe ice cream and good friends and music played at an inappropriate volume. Doesn’t fix everything, but it helps a little. …kinda like the Norco I got at the ER @_@

What say all men in unison dump that bitch on Feb 13. and go buy themselves a car.

This gave me a laugh. My partner was just able to buy a really nice new car solely because I got a better job. See, people who truly love each other tend to work together to improve both of their lives. Hence the term ‘partner’. He’s been without a job in this relationship, and I supported him, and vice versa. Neither of us ditches the other in hard times. Instead, we encourage each other and bear the extra weight for as long as it takes for the other to get their feet under them. Again: PARTNERS. What a depressing world those migtoes like to imagine.

Speaking of depressing, what’s with all of the solo missions? Do those guys not have friends? I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised what with all the bitter vindictiveness and pseudointellectualism, but yeesh. I’ve never cared for the holiday either, but at least I had people who enjoyed my company to get drunk and make fun of all the lovey couples with. Almost gives me a sad for how incredibly lonely their lives must be.

9 years ago

Most straight people experience same sex attraction some point in their lives, and most gay people probably will feel an inkling of attraction to the opposite sex once in a blue moon.

9 years ago

This gave me a laugh. My partner was just able to buy a really nice new car solely because I got a better job. See, people who truly love each other tend to work together to improve both of their lives. Hence the term ‘partner’. He’s been without a job in this relationship, and I supported him, and vice versa. Neither of us ditches the other in hard times. Instead, we encourage each other and bear the extra weight for as long as it takes for the other to get their feet under them. Again: PARTNERS. What a depressing world those migtoes like to imagine.

My wife’s just bought a new car that cost three times as much as her old one – thanks to her now commanding a salary that would have been beyond her wildest dreams a few years ago. And how did she manage that? By asking me, a decade ago, if I’d mind working extra hours and taking on more childcare to compensate for her studying for an intensive two-year diploma course.

You can imagine how an MGTOW would have reacted to that. I, on the other hand, said yes – and as a direct result we’re now both reaping substantial rewards.

9 years ago

Speaking of depressing, what’s with all of the solo missions? Do those guys not have friends?

Yeah, seriously! That’s what I was thinking too. Nothing wrong with calling up your single friends and going out for dinner/drunkenness. OR.. just stay home and play videogames. That’s what I did every Valentines day until I was 19, and then again between 21-25.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

Kinda OT, but is it common in US for people to wish “Happy Valentine’s Day” to friends, acquaintances and relatives, including single people? I’ve seen it sometimes, but it’d seem awkward if this is really a celebration of lovers. Foreigners asking silly questions…