There are a lot of good reasons to give Valentine’s Day the side-eye. It’s a holiday, as many people dutifully point out every year, that’s more about selling candies, cards and jewelry than it is about love, promoting a backwards version of (hetero)sexuality in which men trade expensive gifts for sex – a philosophy perhaps most crassly expressed in the ad slogan for Kay Jewelers: “Every Kiss Begins With Kay.”
It’s a day that causes stress for a lot of couples and resentment amongst the single. And those little chalky heart candies with the words on them, whatever their kitschy charm, are really kind of crappy as candy.
But there are bad reasons to dislike Valentine’s Day as well. Amongst the Men Going Their Own Way of the world, “National Vagina Worship day” is the holiday they most love to hate; in their minds, the “bitches” don’t deserve any kind of respect at all, much less flowers and candy.
The folks at MGTOW.com has decided to fight back against V-Day, sort of, by inventing a holiday of their own. Here’s a semi-official annoucement:
FEB 14th is INTERNATIONAL MGTOW DAY and it is 17 centuries too late!
That’s ok cunts of the universe. We have the Future Covered Bitches. Fuck You!
The MGTOW.com regulars are celebrating the day (they claim) by treating themselves to nice dinners and new power tools and whatever else they can think of. As Soul Man put it on the MGTOW.com forums,
I am going to treat myself to whatever the fuck pleases me! I think I’m going to have a big fat steak and go ride my crorch rocket at very excessive speeds! If I’m feeling altruisric, I will find some cheap trollop to toss on the back and give her a couple of miles of “Mr. Wrong”! HAHAHA!
Yeah, that’s gonna happen.
Ned Trent, reporting in from Germany, has similar plans, minus the motorcycle ride:
For this evening I am going to take myself out for a substantial meal like a big Schnitzel with fries in a cool restaurant which specializes in this at a pre-ordered table for one person (myself), before heading out to a local nightclub on a mission: taking the piss out of /pissing off any female that I may encounter during that night over there, whilst having a great time myself on my own…
Mostly, though, as you may have already gathered from these two comments, the MGTOW.com regulars seem to be using the day as an excuse to do the same thing they do every day: try to take over the world kvetch about women and fantasize about making them miserable.
Mycocaine, writing back in January, allowed himself to dream:
This will be first 2.14 I am looking forward to. Rubbing my hands together. What say all men in unison dump that bitch on Feb 13. and go buy themselves a car.
GoneGalt had a somewhat more labor-intensive plan:
We ought to start some campaigns to counter women, small or large or just funny. One might be to derive a list of chick flick movies and then use it as a guide to rate all such movies as ‘1’ star on Netflix/IMDB/Rotten Tomatoes to bring the ratings down, and every now and then write a review that’s generic (so you can cut and paste it) and extremely insulting of that movie (something like ‘typical female drama and romantic garbage – amazing how women view themselves as soooo special’) 🙂
ListenUp! announced an equally, er, creative way to punish the women of the world on their (allegedly) special day. It involved a photo of celebrity feminist lawyer Gloria Allred.
Tonight after printing 30 pages all with this photo on it, I’m going to the gym to tape this photo on every punching bag in the place. Carry on men!
Machiavelli tried to live up to his namesake with a proposal to ignore women real hard:
Studies have show that [ostracism] creates the same effect in the brain as physical pain (google it). People become co-operative when ostracised to win back approval. … It’s hard wired into us for evolutionary reasons.
Women are particularly sensitive to being ostracised.
The more guys that become mgtow the more women will be ostracised for mistreating men (either yourself or another man). …
14 February 2015, it’s a “nice day for an ostracism” for women everywhere.
We (men) are 50% of the population, so let’s see what women think when this half of the population starts ostracising them until they treat all men with equality and respect.
As I read through all of these little fantasies, none of which seem at all likely to ever be implemented in the real world, I found myself thinking of the title of an old album by the eccentric British post-punk band Television Personalities: “Mummy Your Not Watching Me.”
Because the one insurmoutable problem of all these plans is that they depend on women actually giving a shit about what these guys do. And as most of these guys in their hearts probably realize, no one really cares if they eat a nice steak dinner (go for it, dudes) or waste their evening giving “chick flicks” one-star ratings on Netflix (knock yourselves out).
If they were decent human beings, being ignored by them actually would hurt. Of course, if they were decent human beings, they wouldn’t be giddily fantasizing about ostrasizing the women of the world for being women.
Maybe the MGTOWers need to replace their clumsy five-letter acronym with a new one: MYNWM (Mummy You’re Not Watching Me, pronounced “minwim”).
Here’s the actual song “Mummy Your Not Watching Me,” by Television Personalities (music only), followed by a video of them pretending to perform their song Painted Word. Happy Vagina Worship Day!
By the end of that post, my brain was seeing “ostracism” and somehow converting it to “ostrich-ism”. Which is funnier and somehow appropriate.
I am having a bad day; my words do not like me today.
David, you’re a Television Personalities fan!? They’re one of my favorite bands and hardly anyone I know has ever heard of them. I’m extremely excited to see the reference!
I think my favorite songs are Sorry to Embarrass You and Part Time Punks. Or You, Me and Lou Reed.
I love them all really!
It’s funny, manospherians only like women who have a traditional view of gender roles and hate feminists. But it’s the traditional women who expect their husbands and boyfriends to make a big deal of valentine’s day. All the feminist/progressive women I know, including myself couldn’t give two shits about it.
As usual, for men going their own way, their plans do seem to revolve around women.
It’s adorable that they think women are going to be upset about this.
Hell, I actually think the idea is kind of nice – single people celebrating themselves and treating themselves to things they enjoy and not thinking about romance. Although of course the MGTOW have had to warp it into “and also I’m going to constantly shout about how mean women are and how I definitely wouldn’t date one ANYWAY so THERE”. Please do better at GYOW already, dudes.
@MouseFarts – I kept doing that too! Ostrich-ism: being ignored by an ostrich?
A MGTOW puts his Vaentine in the friendzone, in poetry. 1825
To MGTOW I can only say: Keep walking – as far away as possible. You won’t be missed..
Vagina worship day sounds pretty awesome, needs a parade float or a giant parade balloon.
They can throw bonbons and scented fucking candles from the float. I’d gladly trade Valentine’s day for that.
As a single, celibate for 20 years woman, I celebrated Valentine’s Day by buying the dvd collection ‘The Hollow Crown’ (Tom Hiddleston in 3 of the 4 movies as Hal/King Henry) and David Tennant’s Hamlet.
Are future-covered b***hes anything like chocolate-covered peanuts?
Yeah, what the hell is a Future Covered Bitch?
Sitting around writing negative reviews for movies you haven’t seen and don’t care to see, just to spite some imagined women, seems kind of sad and petty. If that’s what they want to do with their special day I can only assume they have a pretty empty life.
“Yeah, what the hell is a Future Covered Bitch?” Maybe it’s a female dog that has it’s entire future covered by insurance, somehow I doubt it though.
@Spindrift Personally, I am utterly crushed and reduced to a sobbing, mascara-stained wreck whenever I read a vague, generic bad review of a movie apparently associated with my gender.
Oh, wait, no, I don’t give a shit. But hey, whatever gets them through the night.
MGTOW: Still wasting time and energy on women.
@lacerta viridis Agreed. I’m spending my Valentine’s Day watching some of my favorite movies and possibly treating myself to some special food (except that would require leaving the house in freezing temperatures to get said food, so that may not happen). And yet, somehow, i manage to do this without raging at the evils of women or anyone else.
I love the idea that they’re going to go around ignoring women even harder.
As for the guys that intend to go out to fancy restaurants by themselves? Do they realize that on Feb 14th they either won’t get a table anywhere or if they do will be surrounded by couples? If they’re really lucky they’ll go to a place full of guys popping engagement rings into glasses of champagne, cupcakes, onto the claws of lobsters etc, I can almost hear the man tears falling.
David had a point here: We’d actually have to give a shit about you not wanting anything to do with us before we’d get upset over it. If an asshole ignores me, that only makes my day a little brighter. :3
Also, it’s cute that you think all men think like you do and read your silly little forums. Because I can think of quite a few men who are going to be a little extra nice to their lover. Y’all severely over-estimate your numbers.
I don’t personally mind Valentine’s Day, as long as we ignore the whole “You MUST get them candies and store-bought presents and you MUST have sex because you got nice things!” idea. I’ve made past lovers a special dinner and hand-made gifts instead.
I don’t like the commercialization, but I like the sentiment, if that makes any sense. (Though, you should be treating your lover really special as often as possible, not just on Valentine’s Day.)
My favorite holiday (Right after Halloween/Samhain) is The Day After. The Day After happens four times a year (Post-Valentine’s Day, Post-Easter, Post-Halloween, and Post-Winter Holidays) and that’s the day all the candy and fun decorations goes on sale. *U*
I, too, am happy being single, and spent today doing things I enjoy (playing World of Warcraft and browsing the internet, mostly), but I did not spend the day thinking about how men are awful and how I could upset them, because I am not a bitter, miserable person who hates half the population on principle.
I bought myself a new bike and masturbated. I’m studying for the rest of the day. Pretty great day, really.
New plan: we’re going to get our own back on these horrible mean women by holding our breaths until we pass out and shit our pants. Who’s with me?
MGTOWs may have the Future Covered Bitches, but that’s okay, because Feminists have War On Women, and they’re pretty great.
You mean the MGTOWs still haven’t actually gone?
In other news, I wish to apologise for not introducing myself on delurking. It was unpardonably rude and as a netizen of twenty years I have no excuse.
Please accept this video of a kitten eating waffles as a sorry gift!
About me: I’m a divorced cat lady, currently without any cats (see divorce above, also body corporate/landlord issues), not-quite-yet forty, fair, fat, mostly celibate because ceebs (no pun intended), long time reader from the MB days, currently living in Melbourne (Australia, that is). I also sing opera. Not for a living, sadly.
Why am I here? I’m a committed feminist with a passion for promoting equality for all, and knowledge of what we’re up against is the best weapon against the jerks of the world. David has simply some of the best resources and info on misogyny on the whole net.
Also, you all crack me up, which helps when looking at these serious issues, especially those that are triggery. 🙂
I hope you don’t mind me staying around here for a while.
This really demonstrates the paradox of MGTOW logic, they want traditional gender roles where every man is the king of his castle but at the same time they believe traditional gender roles are a raw deal where men do all the work in exchange for the women giving them a little sex now and then. It is ultimately codified selfishness dressed up as independence.
Today I wrote my partner of 5 years a love note and had a farting competition with my 7 yr old son (I won)… This sounds similar to all my days. Except I received presents and extra smooching.
I genuinely don’t care what MGTOW have been doing. They’ve obviously been wanking into socks. Sexy, sexy socks. (Like me, their valentines day has been like any other day.