#gamergate 8chan imaginary russian friends men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill twitter

Welcome, my new imaginary Russian friends! Someone bought me another 5000+ fake Twitter followers today

I am killing it in the imaginary Russian demographic.
I am killing it in the imaginary Russian demographic.

Добро пожаловать, мои новые воображаемые русских друзей! Пожалуйста, наслаждайтесь Моя прекрасная блог и аккаунт в Twitter.

This, Google Translate tells me, is Russian for “Welcome, my new imaginary Russian friends! Please enjoy my fine blog and Twitter account.”

I popped onto Twitter this morning to discover that I have suddenly become popular in Russia again. Or at least in Imaginary Russia, home to countless imaginary Russians used by Twitterers who aren’t as popular as they want to be, in order to pad their follower account and make themselves look more popular. If you are so inclined, you can buy these imaginary Russians (and imaginary humans of many other nationalities) in bulk from specialists in the imaginary Russian Twitter user business.

I got a flood of fake Twitter followers generously gifted to me after I wrote about several A Voice for Menners and a certain Manosphere blogger turned #GamerGater who collectively have more than 70,000 fake Twitter followers.

It’s possible that the fake followers today are a sort of a weird retaliation for my post yesterday about Roosh Valizadeh’s short story about a dude killing a “social justice” blogger; the Manosphere-blogger-turned-GamerGater with the fake Twitter followers that I wrote about in my original post is good friends with Mr. V.

He has claimed that a lot of his fake followers were bought for him from someone else. So it’s possible he or his friends are trying to retroactively “prove” this by buying me fake followers, though this is just speculation on my part. Though it’s not clear how doing something unethical now (buying me and others fake Twitter followers) would be proof that you didn’t do something unethical before (buy Twitter followers for yourself).

At the very least, it shows that you know where to go to buy fake Twitter followers and how you can safely buy them without Russian hackers getting hold of your credit card number. (I have no idea.)

But, again, I have no proof of who did any of this. I’m just making educated guesses.

Jaclyn Friedman, who has tangled both with AVFMers and #GamerGaters in the past, and who got hit with fake followers at the same time I did before, also found herself with many thousands more fake Twitter followers today.

I set my Twitter account private about an hour ago to, at least temporarily, stem the tide of fake followers. (When your account is private, you have to approve any new followers; they aren’t added to your account automatically) Since then, I’ve gotten another 1300 fake followers trying to sneak in the door. I’ll be taking the account public again to tweet this post. We’ll see what happens.

Your name's not down, you're not coming in.
Your name’s not down, you’re not coming in.

Brilliant, dudes. No one will see through your cunning plan, whatever the hell your cunning plan is.

I sort of wish I could have this guy to handle my new Twitter followers.

EDIT: Removed an extra zero from a number. 1300 more would-be fake followers trying to sneak in, not 13,000.

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

(for the 2 people left in the world who remember Atlanta Rhythm Section)

Imaginary Russians,
Never disagree
They always care,
They’re always there in your feed…

9 years ago

All this Cyrillic all over this comment thread. NWOslave would shit a brick.

He should have paid attention in high school Spanish.

9 years ago

You mean Cryillic.

9 years ago

I’m sorry, I do mean Cryillic. I guess I haven’t met my daily recommended of flouride.

9 years ago

I’m sure he’ll be content to do his RRRRRGH I’M A LAWYER thing – it’ll be a while before he realizes it impresses nobody.


9 years ago

As long as you’ve been eating enough fish to get your recommended fetus intake.

9 years ago

Cry “Illic!” and let slip the Imaginary Russians of War!

9 years ago

It’s hard to keep my superdog from eating my fish dinner every night. ;_;

9 years ago

The new followers might just be really interested in parental custody, if the Russians love their children too.

9 years ago

Hey! The Atlanta Rhythm Section saved my basement! I guess I’m one of the 2 or does that make us 3 now?

9 years ago

Ouch Katz!

And yeah, thirding the suggestion that Ilya Kuryakin would be a welcome follower 🙂

9 years ago

Да я не уверен, почему эти люди жалки.

9 years ago

Да я не уверен, почему эти люди жалки.

Я тоже не знаю.

(Do tell me if I should stop with the Russian. Just practicing.)

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

Awesome! Everyone I know who studied Russian in high school hated it and their teachers and didn’t learn anything, apparently.

Here in Finland Russian would be even potentially useful, but people tend to ignore that because we seriously want to be in the “western” cultural sphere. Only relatively few people study Russian, and most of them probably hate it.

My mother used to be a russophile (and a prof translator), although not so much lately, I hear. While moving my stuff, I just found I still have a Finnish translation of a Russian Soviet-era children’s collection of indigenous Siberian fairy tales.

9 years ago

I have a little Russian. A very little. I studied it for an hour a week for 12 weeks in High School ( ie 30 years ago). I can politely start a question, ask ‘Where is…?’ and say ‘I am travelling to…’ And know the word for tea. That is vital 🙂

9 years ago

I’m learning by self-study, at home. So far, not very far ahead. But hey, at least I can read the words, even if I don’t know what they mean.

9 years ago

Google switched the gender of “blog” from masculine to feminine (“прекрасная блог” instead of “прекрасний блог”). Misandry! 😀

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I took Russian for a semester in high school. I can say “hello” and “we are happy making radios in the factory”.

Yutolia, now I’m curious – how did Atlanta Rhythm Section save your basement? 😀

9 years ago

At the very least, it shows that you know where to go to buy fake Twitter followers and how you can safely buy them without Russian hackers getting hold of your credit card number. (I have no idea.)

I’m going to guess PayPal (or similiar), or alternatively, the everliving fave of this kind of crowd: Buttcoins. I’m sorry, Bitcoins. Force of habit, calling ’em Buttcoins…

9 years ago

buy me followers … its @younglive 🙂