So earlier in the week I received an email with the subject line “$1000 donation to Paul Elam thank to you David!”
The email was a copy of a note this generous fellow evidently sent to Elam along with a $100 donation and a promise to send more.
But the email wasn’t so much about Elam as it was about me, or at least about an imaginary version of me that the email-writer has cooked up in his own fevered imagination, and who for some reason he calls “David Futtreele.”
After referencing that recent Buzzfeed article (which was not of course written by me), the letter writer moved on to his main complaints about me (or at least about imaginary me): that I’m a fat man-hater that no woman will ever have sex with.
It’s true that I’m fat.
This seems to me an odd reason to donate money to Paul Elam, but, hey, Paul, you’re welcome.
Here’s the note, unedited. I’m leaving it in its original wall-o-text form, though I have redacted the guy’s name.
Dear Paul Elam
60-80% of the population knows Buzzfeed TRIED to turn what we ALL go through with broken westernise women into something bad… About 80% of the male population can relate to this except David Futtreele that has never been laid before or ever will!
DAVID FUTTREELE ISN’T INTELLIGENT AT ALL… any NORMAL human being in their 40s would have asked themselves, “why can’t attracted a women. Is it because I’m a broken man = YES” Paul, you have been in 3 marriages and have dated allot of women. Did David ever think “I have allot of followers like Paul Elam but no one wants to have sex with me, there must be something wrong with me” and there serious is! Seriously, the loser properly lives in a basement with his mum and we both know he HATES his FATHER. I bet his father was never there as a boy so he create this bullshit website to vent his anger at every man on the planet. He hates men cause of his father was never there… what a fucking loser… Seriously… a normal man would move on from shit like this but no… he still runs a website after all these years, attracting broken people like himself and spends ALL THIS TIME researching issues that men’s have and writes against it…. You can’t get any LOWER when you hate your own sex and I bet the poor bastard EATS cause he feels a void that he tries to fill up but never can fill!! He denies his male characteristics which causes him to eat! We both know THE BODY IS A REFLECTION OF THE MIND hence why we both are healthy looking but have u seen photos of this guy. Seriously, if he wasn’t SO FAT, I reckon he would be able to pick up chicks but wait… he is a broken man based on his beliefs where we BOTH know if you are broken as a person, you won’t be able to attract people or women! Seriously…. Any NORMAL human being would have woken up by 40… My point is Paul, if the guy doesn’t get over his daddy issues and hating men for picking on him as a child, the guy is going to die alone where the only thing he has is his shitty website. We both know people that run blogs and are on it all the time have MAJOR issues. It’s called ‘Social Media Addiction’ where the loser David is addicted to attention via women because it’s the only attention he can get. At least you are trying to change things, David is just PMSING all over the internet due to his daddy issues… Seriously Paul… I pitty the guy… He will die alone and not grow mentally and emotionally because he isn’t smart enough to work out OR FACE his own issue cause HE IS VERY VERY WEAK MAN!! No woman would ever touch him cause women want strong men like us that have faced their demons! Energy radiates around us compare to David Futtreele which causes women to run away because he is weak and not very intelligent! Fuck… even junkies wake up and admit they have a issues! In David’s case, I like to believe there is hope but some people are 2 blinded by their hate (his father/pain from other man in his past [my money is on bullying]), that they never wake up and deal with problems like both you and I. We are strong, David is a weak… I won’t EVER lose any sleep over a loser!
Paul, the media only dug this up cause you’re doing a great job and they see you as a threat now! The media will make you out to be a monster for now but any attention by the media will just bring more followers. You actually have the balls to put yourself out there just like Martin Luther King. I have so much respect for you!!!
I believe you knew your daughter would be a threat to your cause BUT cause you LOVE HER so much, you continued to have her in your life! Anyone can see the pitiful fight you are having like nearly EVERY parent on the planet has except David Futtreele who will die alone in his basement!
History will look at you as a liberator and a HERO cause you can’t fight biology. It doesn’t matter how much you try to brainwash the human race, dysfunctional feminist beliefs will never win long term! People deny their natural urges which result in poor health!
Enjoy the $100 donation and expect more again later this year! You are getting things moving for mens rights… if i was a millionaire i would be donating at least $1, 000,000 every year. For now, I will continue to donate $1000 every year until men and women are treated equal as well as a healthy families life is encourage compare to greed and narcissistic traits.
Let’s have a big round of applause for the Men’s Human Rights movement, everyone!
I wonder how many of Elam’s supporters write him notes like this?
If it were possible to write an email in purple crayon with half the letters backwards, this would be it.
@davidknewton Twenty years ago, it would have been cut-out newspaper letters pasted onto a sheet of paper, with a few unidentifiable stains here and there.
Can I just say, that fierce little laptop kitten is adorbs. That tongue!
Puppies… tongues… *explodes*
How does one improperly live in a basement anyways? By not pitching a surprisingly large one person tent? Cuz I’m not lending mine to these douches, I want to be sure that any white sticky stains are insect repellent or sunscreen!
Once it’s warm enough to pitch my new toy outside that is, for now I just get to be amazed that stretched out it wouldn’t fit on my bed… mind, this is a ONE PERSON tent! Was surprisingly cheap too, even with shipping from England (hey America? You don’t need eight person geodesic domes nearly as often as you need a nice lightweight small tent, but folks here are apparently the tent out and set up the grill sort, not the set up, sleep, pack up, hike, lather rinse repeat sort)
…gods I cannot wait to tell society to fuck off and leave my mother in charge of the critters while I go get eaten by mosquitoes (it’s inevitable, I’m apparently really yummy)
Someday far into the future someone is going to dig up all these messages on the internet, filled with grammatical errors, logical fallacies, and incoherent rambling where the writer decries the recipients idiocy while bolstering their own enlightenment; and they’ll begin to wonder how their ancestors had managed not to scald themselves to death while boiling a cup of tea, let alone invent the internet.
I love birdrightsactivist
My other favorite parody Twitter account is this Richard Dawkins parody account:
Make u think!
“scald themselves to death while boiling a cup of tea”
*checks arm* well, it’s mostly healed. And I didn’t die! (Also, it was, unsurprisingly, boiling coffee, not tea.)
“If the guy doesn’t get over his daddy issues and hating men for picking on him as a child, the guy is going to die alone where the only thing he has is his shitty website”
That sounds just like Paul Elam. The irony. XD These guys are really masters of projection.
Gawd I laughed so much– Thank you David.
“60-80% of the population”
It’s so telling how the female half of the population doesn’t even count. Either that, or women are all lesbians, who treat each other “horrible” too, and therefore most western women also have problems with western women.
katz | February 13, 2015 at 7:17 pm
Now that movie I would watch. Who would the other two guys be?
Probably two poor dudes who were in the right place at the right time, and Elam and Roosh spend the entire movie trying to convince them that wimmens are eeeeeviiiiil, and to join them in boycotting the human race (or trying to convince some women to actually give a shit about their unwiped asses) while David sits upon his golden throne with kitties, vitamin water and scented candles, women lining up to get some of David’s precious liquid gold.
I think it’d be both terribly hilarious and very, very sad if both of them were gay though. Like that episode of The Twilight Zone where the guy just wanted time to read, and the apocalypse happens, he’s the last survivor, and then his glasses break.
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid | February 13, 2015 at 7:46 pm
Okay, I snickered. Internets, kittens, and scented FUCKING candles to you.
Goddamnit, blockquote monster. Why won’t you blockquote what Katz said?
@ Fruitloopsie
“If anyone can hear me out, I really don’t like how people call others ‘losers’ for living with their parents. I live with my mom and grandma because I’m mentally ill it’s hard for me to function out in the world I have a hard time getting a job and Im a slow learner and I’m trying to get on disability. I don’t doubt that there are very lazy people out there who don’t want to work but it’s just getting on my nerves.”
I’m in a somewhat similar situation, totally agree with what you said.
I have to admit I donated to the women in videogames Kickstarter primarily to show to the idiots harassing her that people don’t all feel the same way.
Which I’d like to think isn’t the same.
I’d like to think it’s a positive reason where his was negative.
Normally I read the comments and don’t post, but today I am reading the article and just have to say: David, my darling, I am so sorry that you are personally in the firing line. I know you must have thick skin but seriously, the straw man is not a very flattering version of yourself I am sure. Methinks the lady doth protest too much when complaining about your stupid blog! If I was a millionaire I would give you 1,0000-0000 a year just so you can keep saying what you are sayings, although after a year I would be eating two minute noodles.
a stupid westernise women xx
“…there serious is.”
I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard, but it did.
I mean, it’s always a good thing when the person you’re donating to isn’t dedicated to doing hateful, borderline-illegal things. And it’s also good to dislike the opposition because of cruel things they are objectively doing, rather than simply imagining all kinds of personal and bizarrely bigoted things about them. Both of those things make a pretty big difference.
But really, if someone was rah-rah pro-Elam, and they went, “Hey, I like Paul Elam, and I perceive that he’s getting attacked; I’m going to donate as a show of support,” there’s nothing too weird about that. Well, aside from liking Paul Elam. But tying that to a big martyr-complex teal deer, and then mailing it to David—now THAT’S weird.
Like, if I were to donate to Anita Sarkeesian, but CC: Thunderf00t in the email saying “down with the haters, those video game nerds, amirite”, that would be pretty weird as well.
Yep, it’s just down to me, weirdo here, David Futtreele, Paul Elam and Tom Hiddleston. Now two of us must start mating to propagate the male species.
Why is how many people you’ve slept with some kind of status symbol to these MRAs? It’s only sex, not a measure of awesomeness. I’ve had sex with plenty of people (42 men, 5 women) so do I get some kind of achievement badge? Or is it only for the menz?
My personal favourite part – “why can’t attracted a women. Is it because I’m a broken man = YES”
Oh dear. Dear, dear, dear. I almost couldn’t breathe I laughed so hard. David, if I laugh to death I won’t be impressed!
Paul! Please notice me, Paul! PAUL! YOU AND MEEEE!
Re: living with parents
I agree with what everybody has said on the subject. Living arrangements are due to a bunch of different reasons, and most of them are good.
However, I am originally from Italy. In Italy EVERYBODY lives with their parents until well into adulthood, middle age even. When this happens at such scale, it does affect society negatively. I could go on and on about the effects on the country, but I really think that when entire generations never get out of the house and never learn to take care of themselves without their parents’ emotional/financial/logistic support, it does in the end create a disfunctional society.
In the US, it seems to be demonized and ridiculed to an extreme though, which I don’t really understand. There are a lot of instances where it makes perfect sense to live with your parents, and I don’t see why it should be such a big deal.
Perhaps check out @RichardDawkens too….
I have a natural urge to throw you to sharks. In consideration of my health I feel I must.
“a normal man would move on from shit like this” – *cough*
“I won’t EVER lose any sleep over a loser!” – long ranting letter suggests otherwise.
“he still runs a website after all these years, attracting broken people like himself” – actually the appeal, for me, is that someone is taking awful misogynistic garbage that would generally hurt and making me laugh at it instead, for which I am grateful.
Please, just go live as some cult in a compound where you can’t be bothered by yucky girls or bloggers. You (not to mention the rest of society) would be far happier that way.
Because these men only care about their boners and expect every woman to cater to its every whim. Sex and compliant women are seen as a status symbols and is central to their masculinity. They believe that men who actually respect women (or any man who challenge the MRA’s views) are somehow emasculated, hence why they call any man who respect women (whether these men are feminist or not) ‘white knights’ and ‘man-ginas’. And for some reason they think that these men get less sex. MRA’s are so strange. O.O
I’m male, neurotypical, happily married to a rather beautiful woman and own a big house (with 3 basements!), but I suspect none of that would stop MRAs from discounting my feminist opinions.
I’ve sometimes looked at PUA blogs (Roosh is one example) and despite putting all their efforts into bedding women, they often seem to spend weeks without a new ‘conquest’ and the women they do manage to inveigle generally don’t come back for more. I feel like telling them about my history, which involves a lot of sex with conventionally attractive women all over the world, all of which has involved enthusiastic consent. If they were really just after sex with lots of women, being respectful of and interested in potential partners would work a lot better for them than a lot of the techniques they espouse, but I suspect that for many of them, it’s getting past lack of consent that motivates them, not the sex itself.
@misseb47 “And for some reason they think that these men get less sex. MRA’s are so strange. O.O”
Maybe they don’t consider it to really be sex unless it’s all about them, mutual pleasure doesn’t count, it’s all about their boners. Men who respect women have the kind of sex MRAs don’t value, cause it’s not about control, so it’s not “real” sex. At least not for men, it still counts for women cause double standard. Just a guess, these guys don’t exactly logic well.