So earlier in the week I received an email with the subject line “$1000 donation to Paul Elam thank to you David!”
The email was a copy of a note this generous fellow evidently sent to Elam along with a $100 donation and a promise to send more.
But the email wasn’t so much about Elam as it was about me, or at least about an imaginary version of me that the email-writer has cooked up in his own fevered imagination, and who for some reason he calls “David Futtreele.”
After referencing that recent Buzzfeed article (which was not of course written by me), the letter writer moved on to his main complaints about me (or at least about imaginary me): that I’m a fat man-hater that no woman will ever have sex with.
It’s true that I’m fat.
This seems to me an odd reason to donate money to Paul Elam, but, hey, Paul, you’re welcome.
Here’s the note, unedited. I’m leaving it in its original wall-o-text form, though I have redacted the guy’s name.
Dear Paul Elam
60-80% of the population knows Buzzfeed TRIED to turn what we ALL go through with broken westernise women into something bad… About 80% of the male population can relate to this except David Futtreele that has never been laid before or ever will!
DAVID FUTTREELE ISN’T INTELLIGENT AT ALL… any NORMAL human being in their 40s would have asked themselves, “why can’t attracted a women. Is it because I’m a broken man = YES” Paul, you have been in 3 marriages and have dated allot of women. Did David ever think “I have allot of followers like Paul Elam but no one wants to have sex with me, there must be something wrong with me” and there serious is! Seriously, the loser properly lives in a basement with his mum and we both know he HATES his FATHER. I bet his father was never there as a boy so he create this bullshit website to vent his anger at every man on the planet. He hates men cause of his father was never there… what a fucking loser… Seriously… a normal man would move on from shit like this but no… he still runs a website after all these years, attracting broken people like himself and spends ALL THIS TIME researching issues that men’s have and writes against it…. You can’t get any LOWER when you hate your own sex and I bet the poor bastard EATS cause he feels a void that he tries to fill up but never can fill!! He denies his male characteristics which causes him to eat! We both know THE BODY IS A REFLECTION OF THE MIND hence why we both are healthy looking but have u seen photos of this guy. Seriously, if he wasn’t SO FAT, I reckon he would be able to pick up chicks but wait… he is a broken man based on his beliefs where we BOTH know if you are broken as a person, you won’t be able to attract people or women! Seriously…. Any NORMAL human being would have woken up by 40… My point is Paul, if the guy doesn’t get over his daddy issues and hating men for picking on him as a child, the guy is going to die alone where the only thing he has is his shitty website. We both know people that run blogs and are on it all the time have MAJOR issues. It’s called ‘Social Media Addiction’ where the loser David is addicted to attention via women because it’s the only attention he can get. At least you are trying to change things, David is just PMSING all over the internet due to his daddy issues… Seriously Paul… I pitty the guy… He will die alone and not grow mentally and emotionally because he isn’t smart enough to work out OR FACE his own issue cause HE IS VERY VERY WEAK MAN!! No woman would ever touch him cause women want strong men like us that have faced their demons! Energy radiates around us compare to David Futtreele which causes women to run away because he is weak and not very intelligent! Fuck… even junkies wake up and admit they have a issues! In David’s case, I like to believe there is hope but some people are 2 blinded by their hate (his father/pain from other man in his past [my money is on bullying]), that they never wake up and deal with problems like both you and I. We are strong, David is a weak… I won’t EVER lose any sleep over a loser!
Paul, the media only dug this up cause you’re doing a great job and they see you as a threat now! The media will make you out to be a monster for now but any attention by the media will just bring more followers. You actually have the balls to put yourself out there just like Martin Luther King. I have so much respect for you!!!
I believe you knew your daughter would be a threat to your cause BUT cause you LOVE HER so much, you continued to have her in your life! Anyone can see the pitiful fight you are having like nearly EVERY parent on the planet has except David Futtreele who will die alone in his basement!
History will look at you as a liberator and a HERO cause you can’t fight biology. It doesn’t matter how much you try to brainwash the human race, dysfunctional feminist beliefs will never win long term! People deny their natural urges which result in poor health!
Enjoy the $100 donation and expect more again later this year! You are getting things moving for mens rights… if i was a millionaire i would be donating at least $1, 000,000 every year. For now, I will continue to donate $1000 every year until men and women are treated equal as well as a healthy families life is encourage compare to greed and narcissistic traits.
Let’s have a big round of applause for the Men’s Human Rights movement, everyone!
I wonder how many of Elam’s supporters write him notes like this?
It’s weird how preoccupied they are with what they imagine my sex life is like. Either I’m scamming on “coeds” (as WF Price once decided because I gave a talk at a university) or I’m a virgin. They are basing this on literally no information (b/c I don’t put that information out there).
Man, you guys are great. I didn’t think anything could be written that’s funnier than the actual letter, but…yeah,way to go guys.
(Note: proper number of ellipses.)
Echoing the support for extended family living together. No, that does not make anyone a “loser”.
God I love birdrightsactivist. I’m still laughing at ‘why can’t attracted a giant bread’.
Also, I could have sworn I’d had sex with several fat people, most of whom were even *gasp* FEMINISTS. Who knew that was actually a logical impossibility?
I also agree that living with extended family is fine; I lived with my dad for over a year after I finished college. That’s why I left the “with his mom” bit out of my “properly living in a basement” quip…not that there’s anything wrong with living in a basement, either. I just wanted to make fun of a silly spelling error.
“If anyone can hear me out, I really don’t like how people call others ‘losers’ for living with their parents. I live with my mom and grandma because I’m mentally ill it’s hard for me to function out in the world I have a hard time getting a job and Im a slow learner and I’m trying to get on disability. I don’t doubt that there are very lazy people out there who don’t want to work but it’s just getting on my nerves.”
Ditto, more or less. So yeah, I second that.
Whoops, my eyes rolled into the back of my head while I was reading that letter! So that’s what my brain looks like… looks pretty fine for a brain.
Also, do they have ANYTHING ELSE to nitpick at David for other than “he’s fat!” and “he doesn’t have sex”! Because seriously, that’s tiring.
And how is that any of their business?
@Jason Neuman: Yes, it does need to be a meme. I laughed my butt off when I got to that line.
“Why can’t attracted a women?” *cracks up again*
I’m sorry about the word ‘burden’ I just wish I could do more for myself and my family but it’s very hard to understand how the world works or even trying to listen to what others have to say. I constantly have to ask people of what they mean or repeat themselves because I didn’t hear (becuase I couldn’t remember or focus of what they just said.) or can’t understand.
I have a speech impediment and I’m not good at typing or writing, (but I enjoy it anyway) It is difficult to express on how I feel or explain certain things. I have quite a bit of issues which is why I live with my family.
Sorry I’m not sure if I’m explaining myself very well. Just letting out some steam of how much Im tired of this ‘lol, you live with your parents!?’ Stuff.
Anyway here’s some brainbleach for everybody
Same here. I stay with my Mom because I’m her primary caregiver and it costs a Hell of a lot less than maintaining two separate homes. Yeah, dating is awkward but I regret absolutely none of it.
I weighed it all out. I decided that when she’s gone, I don’t want to be one of those people wishing they’d done more for her when she was alive. I’m confident I made the made the right decisions for me and her. It’s never a shameful thing to love your family.
Calling Dr. Freud…Dr. Freud to the white courtesy phone…
Seriously, the author of this missive is a grown man? I honestagawd thought it HAD to be a teenager.
So anyway, the truth comes out at last…
David is a bunch of ferrets AND 20% of men! In a David suit.
I don’t know who David Futtreele is but I bet he has lots of Russian friends who are totally real people.
TIL that daddy issues cause websites, and normal people in their 40s are broken records with broken English.
Is there any proof this guy actually donated?
Fruitloopsie, I think you are expressing yourself clearly and I always enjoy your posts 🙂
Oh, dude who wrote the letter. Oh, dude. Where to even begin with you?
1. You obviously don’t speak English as a first language. You really need help with that.
2. You don’t reality very well, either.
3. Western women aren’t broken. Neither is David. YOU are.
Dude who wrote that letter, I hope you seek help. REAL help, the kind you don’t find in redpiller fora. You need it badly.
Thank you Fnoicby
I really do love it when these MRA geniuses declare someone to be unintelligent then go on to misspell words and create incomplete sentences with inadequate punctuation.
Me too Fruitloopsie!
Also, I’ve overdosed on cute today. The sensible members of the family (aka minus my father) went out for dinner and CUTE KIDS EVERYWHERE!! Nearly running into me, standing in theirs booth, adorable shiny hat, little guy in a high chair, out with grandma in a snazzy pink coat… and now kittens!
I think we should be more worried about how unintelligent they are with them calling themselves ‘mens rights activists’ but have man bashing language in their posts than their grammar.
My grammar is bad and so is a lot of intelligent, good people that I know is too.
Awww im jealous! Though you can never have too much cute! Take them! Take all the ‘Cuteness’!
Why do people always think fat people eat all the time?
I eat LESS than most people, not MORE. And I watch what I eat. And I’m fat.
Mmmm. This was a corker. Weird, bit sad, funny – and kinda unsurprising too.
It’s like a teenager in school trying to suck up to their crush by trash talking or picking on the crush’s real or supposed enemy. In this case the crush is Elam, so the enemy is David.
Elam is so much like a cult leader (has all the qualities and skills), and his followers, though they probably don’t realise it, are in the throes of devotion – handing over cash and their hearts.
I found some of the lines almost delicious in their strangeness…comparing Elam to MLK, and someone, anyone, ‘PMSing about daddy issues…’ That stuff is almost beautifully bizarre..
It’s nice that he holds out some hope for you David, or would if he could. He wants to believe men can regain their hold in the world – even those who’ve been deluded..
And they do seem to like using (creating) a sexual history to paint a negative portrait of someone. ‘Sexually enthusiastic’ for women (knowing it will tar a woman’s image in the minds of traditional folk) and sexually inept/inexperienced/deprived (seen as the ultimate slur on a man). I think men’s righters have to create a sharp division in their minds as to the way men’s behaviour divvies up sex. This helps them stay in the fold and not allow themselves to be swayed. They imagine one side (men being real men, being the boss) giving them sex and the other side (no bosses) not doing so. Even if they’re not having much sex themselves, they hold out hope.
Perhaps if they think of feminist men as getting even a small amount of sex (let alone a reasonable amount) it screws up the dichotomy they reassure themselves with. So it has to be no sex at all for those guys.
Such a scathing indictment:
Oh, these MRA / RP bozos… But they can be entertaining sometimes.
I’ve read literally all that dumb shit in comments sections of other sites, only they’re complaining about women being fat/whatever.
brb gotta be a broken westernise woman choosing greed over love by being financially independent.
Well, David, it is a relief to learn that you are living “properly” in your Mum’s basement. I also love the comment that what Elam did as a young man is something that “all men go through”.Huh? I don’t know many men that abandon their children without a backward glance.