So earlier in the week I received an email with the subject line “$1000 donation to Paul Elam thank to you David!”
The email was a copy of a note this generous fellow evidently sent to Elam along with a $100 donation and a promise to send more.
But the email wasn’t so much about Elam as it was about me, or at least about an imaginary version of me that the email-writer has cooked up in his own fevered imagination, and who for some reason he calls “David Futtreele.”
After referencing that recent Buzzfeed article (which was not of course written by me), the letter writer moved on to his main complaints about me (or at least about imaginary me): that I’m a fat man-hater that no woman will ever have sex with.
It’s true that I’m fat.
This seems to me an odd reason to donate money to Paul Elam, but, hey, Paul, you’re welcome.
Here’s the note, unedited. I’m leaving it in its original wall-o-text form, though I have redacted the guy’s name.
Dear Paul Elam
60-80% of the population knows Buzzfeed TRIED to turn what we ALL go through with broken westernise women into something bad… About 80% of the male population can relate to this except David Futtreele that has never been laid before or ever will!
DAVID FUTTREELE ISN’T INTELLIGENT AT ALL… any NORMAL human being in their 40s would have asked themselves, “why can’t attracted a women. Is it because I’m a broken man = YES” Paul, you have been in 3 marriages and have dated allot of women. Did David ever think “I have allot of followers like Paul Elam but no one wants to have sex with me, there must be something wrong with me” and there serious is! Seriously, the loser properly lives in a basement with his mum and we both know he HATES his FATHER. I bet his father was never there as a boy so he create this bullshit website to vent his anger at every man on the planet. He hates men cause of his father was never there… what a fucking loser… Seriously… a normal man would move on from shit like this but no… he still runs a website after all these years, attracting broken people like himself and spends ALL THIS TIME researching issues that men’s have and writes against it…. You can’t get any LOWER when you hate your own sex and I bet the poor bastard EATS cause he feels a void that he tries to fill up but never can fill!! He denies his male characteristics which causes him to eat! We both know THE BODY IS A REFLECTION OF THE MIND hence why we both are healthy looking but have u seen photos of this guy. Seriously, if he wasn’t SO FAT, I reckon he would be able to pick up chicks but wait… he is a broken man based on his beliefs where we BOTH know if you are broken as a person, you won’t be able to attract people or women! Seriously…. Any NORMAL human being would have woken up by 40… My point is Paul, if the guy doesn’t get over his daddy issues and hating men for picking on him as a child, the guy is going to die alone where the only thing he has is his shitty website. We both know people that run blogs and are on it all the time have MAJOR issues. It’s called ‘Social Media Addiction’ where the loser David is addicted to attention via women because it’s the only attention he can get. At least you are trying to change things, David is just PMSING all over the internet due to his daddy issues… Seriously Paul… I pitty the guy… He will die alone and not grow mentally and emotionally because he isn’t smart enough to work out OR FACE his own issue cause HE IS VERY VERY WEAK MAN!! No woman would ever touch him cause women want strong men like us that have faced their demons! Energy radiates around us compare to David Futtreele which causes women to run away because he is weak and not very intelligent! Fuck… even junkies wake up and admit they have a issues! In David’s case, I like to believe there is hope but some people are 2 blinded by their hate (his father/pain from other man in his past [my money is on bullying]), that they never wake up and deal with problems like both you and I. We are strong, David is a weak… I won’t EVER lose any sleep over a loser!
Paul, the media only dug this up cause you’re doing a great job and they see you as a threat now! The media will make you out to be a monster for now but any attention by the media will just bring more followers. You actually have the balls to put yourself out there just like Martin Luther King. I have so much respect for you!!!
I believe you knew your daughter would be a threat to your cause BUT cause you LOVE HER so much, you continued to have her in your life! Anyone can see the pitiful fight you are having like nearly EVERY parent on the planet has except David Futtreele who will die alone in his basement!
History will look at you as a liberator and a HERO cause you can’t fight biology. It doesn’t matter how much you try to brainwash the human race, dysfunctional feminist beliefs will never win long term! People deny their natural urges which result in poor health!
Enjoy the $100 donation and expect more again later this year! You are getting things moving for mens rights… if i was a millionaire i would be donating at least $1, 000,000 every year. For now, I will continue to donate $1000 every year until men and women are treated equal as well as a healthy families life is encourage compare to greed and narcissistic traits.
Let’s have a big round of applause for the Men’s Human Rights movement, everyone!
I wonder how many of Elam’s supporters write him notes like this?
Obviously there’s a lot to work with here, but I do enjoy the fact that these gentlemen keep falling back on “Paul Elam is obviously a smooth ladies’ man who knows what women want — just look how many different women he has been married to.” Yeah, repeated divorces are always a sign of success in relationships.
This part makes be think of birdsrightsactivist on twitter.
ie: why can’t attracted a giant bread. Is it because I’m a broken birb = YES
Also, pardon me for being observant, but isn’t Paul Elam kind of a fat guy himself? He has always looked fat and dumpy to me….not that it has anything to do with my opinion of him, but I don’t see how this guy can pick on Dave for being fat and yet somehow call Paul healthy in ANY sense of the word…….
Neither people nor women? That’s terrible news!
My favourite part is a tie. First, claiming that Dave has inspired him to donate $1000 and then only donating a tenth of that. Second, making up a reason why this blog exists (daddy issues!), deciding that his made-up reason isn’t actually good enough (a normal man would have just gotten over it!), and using that as proof that Dave has “major issues.”
I read the entire “letter” and haven’t chuckled so much in a while. The key is to read it in the voice of Chucky from Rug Rats.
I can’t beilieve I read that entire letter
This writer has not read anything from Paul’s site or read anything about him at all. He doesn’t know what he is talking about he’s just being unintelligent
“Women like strong men like us”
Yeah no one wants to be with elam or the writer of this letter. If insulting men, being a abuser/rapist, harassing people and making sex the number one goal in life is ‘strong’ then I’ll hang out with the ‘weak’ men. You know? The ones who treat me like a person. But yeah getting divorces is the same as success with women. /s
::the writer calls David a loser for proberly living with his mom::
If anyone can hear me out, I really don’t like how people call others ‘losers’ for living with their parents. I live with my mom and grandma because I’m mentally ill it’s hard for me to function out in the world I have a hard time getting a job and Im a slow learner and I’m trying to get on disability. I don’t doubt that there are very lazy people out there who don’t want to work but it’s just getting on my nerves.
Sorry david I’m not calling you lazy I’m saying that people Shouldn’t automatically assume that if someone who lives with their parents are ‘losers’ or ‘lazy’ I already feel like a burden on my family and to be compared to a ‘ugly misoyginist loser’, ‘lazy good for nothing’, ‘manhater’ or whatever really hurts me.
“why can’t attracted a women.”
This needs to be a meme.
I hear you and agree, frootloopsie.
magnesium | February 13, 2015 at 5:51 pm
If my math’s right, that means David, Paul Elam, and Roosh are three of the last five men on the planet.
If David wasn’t getting laid before, he certainly is now. Doesn’t even matter who the other two men are.
People live with their parents and/or grandparents in many countries, if not most. There are pluses and minuses to such a thing, of course, but America’s one of the few countries that aggressively demonizes such a practice. This is MURICA, baby! You’re here to consume, work hard, consume more, and drive everywhere! Spending time with your stupid family is immigrant shit, y’all!
If it weren’t for the spelling, I’d just assume this was Elam praising himself under a sock in a desperate bid to not look desperate.
Give me a word salad, but no dressing? Not even oil and vinegar?
Damn you…
Yeah, the assumption that living with family is pathetic bugs the hell out of me, too. Loved ones are never a burden. I’m sure your family is happy to have you. I hope things improve for you soon.
As for the letter writer? One word.
It frightens me a little that they have accidentally stalked someone with a name very similar to yours long enough to be positive he has never had sex before.
I agree, frootloopsie.
It took me a couple of tries to get all the way through this one, but I think it’s worth it. There are a lot of little gems in it, including some amazing stuff about energy radiating out of Paul Elam (and the letter writer) that attracts the ladies, while women run from me; Elam as MLK, etc,
Thank you Viscaria and Quiet Wolf
They sure think about David having sex alot.
Weird. I hate Dick Cheney and I have never ever thought about his sex life or that it related in any way to his doucheyness. That does not even.
If someone does have a trauma induced eating disorder, how the hell does it make you superior to them to revel in their pain?
UH. People.
Things I want to tell this poor dupe about fat people:
We eat food for the same reasons everyone else does. Don’t be hateful. The same people who stereotype fat people as lonely homebodies are the same ones crying because they see us everywhere and it hurts their little fee-fees. Won’t someone think of the children!
“I see fat people”
We have sex as much as anybody else does. You know what alot of people will be doing this weekend? Fucking. Ya know what? Alot of those people are going to be fat. None of them spend their days hating you, so maybe you shouldn’t call their lives tragic.
Maybe they channel the energy you waste hating into being awesome in bed. You don’t know.
Don’t use your hate as a cover for your jealousy. It isn’t our fault you can’t get your hustle together.
No, not everybody thinks fat folks are sexy. That’s cool. No one is trying to fuck most people. That’s probably logistically impossible.
Thanks for your concern. (Not really. Obsessing over other people’s sex lives is kinda creepy. No more notes from your boner please. Really. PLEASE.)
Oh, also, it’s not a troll. It’s from an MRA blogger I wrote about once a year or two ago. (His blog isn’t around any more.)
I think this might be my favourite post of yours ever. I hope someone does a dramatic reading of this…
Now that movie I would watch. Who would the other two guys be?
Fromafar: That’s the funniest sh** I’ve read all day. I laughed so hard I nearly passed out!????
Just wanna echo the comments re: living with parents.
My now-ex lives with his parents. I actually had more respect for him because of it; he’s a single dad and became so pretty unexpectedly. He’d rather sacrifice some of his independence than run the risk of his daughter not having something she wants or needs because he can’t afford it. And that’s a wonderful thing.
It did, however, make his sex life kind of awkward. So I guess there’s that? That’s far from a reason for hate, though.