So earlier in the week I received an email with the subject line “$1000 donation to Paul Elam thank to you David!”
The email was a copy of a note this generous fellow evidently sent to Elam along with a $100 donation and a promise to send more.
But the email wasn’t so much about Elam as it was about me, or at least about an imaginary version of me that the email-writer has cooked up in his own fevered imagination, and who for some reason he calls “David Futtreele.”
After referencing that recent Buzzfeed article (which was not of course written by me), the letter writer moved on to his main complaints about me (or at least about imaginary me): that I’m a fat man-hater that no woman will ever have sex with.
It’s true that I’m fat.
This seems to me an odd reason to donate money to Paul Elam, but, hey, Paul, you’re welcome.
Here’s the note, unedited. I’m leaving it in its original wall-o-text form, though I have redacted the guy’s name.
Dear Paul Elam
60-80% of the population knows Buzzfeed TRIED to turn what we ALL go through with broken westernise women into something bad… About 80% of the male population can relate to this except David Futtreele that has never been laid before or ever will!
DAVID FUTTREELE ISN’T INTELLIGENT AT ALL… any NORMAL human being in their 40s would have asked themselves, “why can’t attracted a women. Is it because I’m a broken man = YES” Paul, you have been in 3 marriages and have dated allot of women. Did David ever think “I have allot of followers like Paul Elam but no one wants to have sex with me, there must be something wrong with me” and there serious is! Seriously, the loser properly lives in a basement with his mum and we both know he HATES his FATHER. I bet his father was never there as a boy so he create this bullshit website to vent his anger at every man on the planet. He hates men cause of his father was never there… what a fucking loser… Seriously… a normal man would move on from shit like this but no… he still runs a website after all these years, attracting broken people like himself and spends ALL THIS TIME researching issues that men’s have and writes against it…. You can’t get any LOWER when you hate your own sex and I bet the poor bastard EATS cause he feels a void that he tries to fill up but never can fill!! He denies his male characteristics which causes him to eat! We both know THE BODY IS A REFLECTION OF THE MIND hence why we both are healthy looking but have u seen photos of this guy. Seriously, if he wasn’t SO FAT, I reckon he would be able to pick up chicks but wait… he is a broken man based on his beliefs where we BOTH know if you are broken as a person, you won’t be able to attract people or women! Seriously…. Any NORMAL human being would have woken up by 40… My point is Paul, if the guy doesn’t get over his daddy issues and hating men for picking on him as a child, the guy is going to die alone where the only thing he has is his shitty website. We both know people that run blogs and are on it all the time have MAJOR issues. It’s called ‘Social Media Addiction’ where the loser David is addicted to attention via women because it’s the only attention he can get. At least you are trying to change things, David is just PMSING all over the internet due to his daddy issues… Seriously Paul… I pitty the guy… He will die alone and not grow mentally and emotionally because he isn’t smart enough to work out OR FACE his own issue cause HE IS VERY VERY WEAK MAN!! No woman would ever touch him cause women want strong men like us that have faced their demons! Energy radiates around us compare to David Futtreele which causes women to run away because he is weak and not very intelligent! Fuck… even junkies wake up and admit they have a issues! In David’s case, I like to believe there is hope but some people are 2 blinded by their hate (his father/pain from other man in his past [my money is on bullying]), that they never wake up and deal with problems like both you and I. We are strong, David is a weak… I won’t EVER lose any sleep over a loser!
Paul, the media only dug this up cause you’re doing a great job and they see you as a threat now! The media will make you out to be a monster for now but any attention by the media will just bring more followers. You actually have the balls to put yourself out there just like Martin Luther King. I have so much respect for you!!!
I believe you knew your daughter would be a threat to your cause BUT cause you LOVE HER so much, you continued to have her in your life! Anyone can see the pitiful fight you are having like nearly EVERY parent on the planet has except David Futtreele who will die alone in his basement!
History will look at you as a liberator and a HERO cause you can’t fight biology. It doesn’t matter how much you try to brainwash the human race, dysfunctional feminist beliefs will never win long term! People deny their natural urges which result in poor health!
Enjoy the $100 donation and expect more again later this year! You are getting things moving for mens rights… if i was a millionaire i would be donating at least $1, 000,000 every year. For now, I will continue to donate $1000 every year until men and women are treated equal as well as a healthy families life is encourage compare to greed and narcissistic traits.
Let’s have a big round of applause for the Men’s Human Rights movement, everyone!
I wonder how many of Elam’s supporters write him notes like this?
So this is basically a long-winded iou for $900?
First thing that jumped out at me: He automatically assumes David is as bitter and hateful as he is, and that WHTM is packed full of the same kind of vitriol against men that AVFM and MRAs in general express against women. He didn’t even read the site!
Second: MALE TEARS. SO MANY MALE TEARS. “I have no argument against David, so I’m just going to call him fat and cry about it! MISANDRY!”
Too Long, didn’t read.
Is there some secret code among ‘splainy, rambling, anti-SJ jerks that forbids them from including paragraph breaks in their rants? I swear.
What just happened? What did I read?
This is my first comment. I have been a fan for ages though. David I want you to know I think your articles are fantastic and I look forward to reading them. Thank you David ????
Agreed. I did try, but the urge to reach for my red pen to correct the atrocious spelling and grammar made me stop. Even though he spelled it wrong, I do feel like this is an appropriate place for a picture of everyone’s favorite animal: The Alot.
(I really hope this embeds properly)
Well, at least David properly lives in a basement. That’s not something you should do gauchely or incorrectly.
Didn’t read much past that. Got bored.
It’s like watching a bitter child trying to give a sibling the silent treatment and talk shit about them to their parents over the dinner table.
I’m trying to imagine what it’d be like to get this type of letter from a fan of my work… It’d probably make me immediately rethink my life.
I, too, could not read the whole thing. But what I did read said volumes about the writer. David, you are someone I really appreciate and admire.
Is that you, Woody?
Shut up, Woody.
My eyes sorta glazed over in the middle there, but the gist, I think, is that to this guy, self worth is based on how many women will sleep with him. That really needs its own currency symbol or something. So is he going to make more 100 dollar donations through the year. I know! He’ll make a $100 donation each month for a year, for a total of $1,000!
Can’t imagine he’d be a millionaire long if he donated a million every year. What on earth would Elam do with a million dollars? Seems odd to donate millions when it all just goes in Elam’s pocket, how’s that going to make men and women equal?. Wonder if Elam would continue to mooch off his girlfriend if he got a million dollars…
I bet even Paul Elam didn’t enjoy reading this. Although, money is always nice I guess. This is kinda like a relative who writes you a terrible message in a birthday card but puts 50 bucks hard cash in it.
Didn’t Paul E’s marriages all end? That doesn’t seem like much of a selling point.
You’re 20% of men, now? Oh man, the population of men has really dropped recently, eh?
“attract people or women” made me LOL. Dude, your issues are showing.
Oh wow, how great would it be if that was Woody? So great. Apparently he doesn’t understand that millionares can’t quite afford to donate most of their wealth yearly.
Then again, maybe it’s an elaborate troll? Because:
Paul Elam isn’t exactly doing more than blogging, and Roosh certainly is all about blogging these days (and living off his sister so he doesn’t need a job). The guy has to clarify that “at least [Elam is] trying to change things” right after, so he knows this knife cuts in many directions.
Dying alone in a basement sounds preferable to shooting someone and then killing yourself like in Roosh’s hero’s tale. Anyway, how can David die alone when he’s a bunch of ferrets in a David Futrelle suit? That’s just silly!
Oh, the irony, it burns.
In other news: TL;DR
His logic is as flawless as his spelling.
All joking aside… there’s totally a four-dot ellipse in there.
I mean, damn.
Suppose Elam will let us know if he ever gets the other $900? I read, maybe the first couple mega-grafs but then my mind wandered to some important stuff. Couldn’t begin to tell you what the last grafs said. Did I miss anything important? Really David, I owe you an incredible debt for reading all this crap so I don’t have to. I feel a little guilty, but you’re obviously made of tougher stuff than I that you can wander into that world of puerile little boys and emerge with your mind intact…
Bravo, courageous letter-writer. Because what is the Men’s Rights Movement, if not humanitarian activists who value people as more than their sexual experiences? Keep on fighting the good fight, there.