Roosh Valizadeh has long fantasized about ruining the professional lives of alleged “social justice warrior” journalists who criticize racist and misogynistic assholes like himself.
Now he’s fantasizing about murdering them.
Yesterday, the pickup guru and “Return of Kings” founder posted a short story on his personal blog about a twentysomething mailroom worker who loses his job after a feckless SJW reporter working for a Gawker-like blog called “The Denouncer” discovers an offensive Facebook post of his and writes a hit piece on him.
Unable to get a decent-paying job, the young man travels to New York and guns down the reporter who, in his mind, ruined his life.
If you have to guess which of the two characters Roosh sympathizes with, you clearly haven’t encountered him before.
Roosh has had a hate-on for “SJW” journalists – and Gawker media in particular – for some time. In 2012, he included Gawker, alongside such other obvious-to-him evils as Kim Kardashian, Apple Computer and “most media companies,” in a list of “culture parasites” that in his mind are “contributing to the decline of American women, and therefore [male] happiness.”
In 2013, Roosh led a Manosphere crusade against Vallywag writer Nitasha Tiku and blogger/entrepreneur Anil Dash after Tiku wrote a post highlighting a series of offensive Tweets from Business Insider’s then-Chief Technology Officer Pax Dickinson, whom she described tartly (and accurately) as a “tech bro nightmare.”
Dickinson lost his job and Roosh tried his best to ruin the lives and livelihoods of the “two Indian immigrants [who] coordinated to destroy the livelihood of a white American-borne professional,” declaring Tiku to be “a suspected Marxist [with] a pattern of disliking white men.” (For what it’s worth, Tiku and Dash have both lived their entire lives in the US. Neither, and I’m taking a wild guess here, are Marxists.)
Roosh has used his blogs Return of Kings and Reaxxion to launch similar if less extensive smear campaigns against several other “SJW” journalists, including several others who were at the time writing for Gawker media. (See here, here, here, and here.)
And he has enthusiastically supported #GamerGate’s anti-Gawker media crusade.
His short story, titled “The Denouncer,” takes his “critique” of Gawker one step further, setting an everyman hero whose “only fault in life was that he was an average man” against the “star blogger” for a Gawker-like “social justice” blog whose speciality is ruining the lives of “heterosexual white men.”
Roosh, struggling against his inadequacies as a writer, resorts to crude stereotypes in his attempts to convey to his readers the true evil of The Denouncer’s staff. His vision of New York new media is cartoonish and conspiratorial.
In her job interview with The Denouncer’s founder, a gay man named Ted who was from South Africa and had a fiery Filipino ladyboy lover, Katie asked what was the overall mission of the new venture.
“To make society better,” Ted replied. “We want to shame, humiliate, and embarrass all the racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, and cisgender jerks to forever stop all that is offensive. America has no place for such backwards beliefs and thinking.” …
“This sounds like a social justice blog.”
“This is social justice on steroids.” Ted spoke with a lisp so the phrase ‘social justice’ was a tongue twister for him. “We won’t be afraid to dox people and go after their bread. My dream is that in a year or two, people will be so scared of us that it will change not only what they say publicly, but also how they think.”
Katie signs on enthusiastically, quickly becoming known for her takedowns of racists; she receives bonuses of $500 each time one of her posts gets a man fired.
Brad, the hero of the story, comes to her attention after posting a picture of himself brandishing a newly bought Glock pistol to Facebook with the caption “I’d like to see some dirty Mexicans try and take my country.”
After being sent his Facebook photo from an anonymous reader, she darkened it a bit in photoshop to make him appear more sinister. She called him a “racist asshat” and then showed photos of sad Mexican children with dirt on their faces attempting to cross into America for a better life. She also added that Brad is “not what America stands for” and “will probably commit murder if he’s not stopped.” To end her article, she pleaded with her readers to put a stop to men like Brad by contacting his employer and letting them know what they think of his racism and pre-violence.
To celebrate his firing, Katie upgrades her iPhone.
Brad, meanwhile, is left reeling. He’s unable to get another job that pays enough to pay the bills, because a “dozen other blogs picked up Katie’s story and now the first page of Google was bombed with accusations that he was a racist and a future murderer.”
Ironically, Roosh is an enthusiastic advocate of “Google bombing” when the target is an alleged “SJW” journalist he doesn’t like. In a 2013 post, Roosh gleefully outlined what he saw as a foolproof plan to torpedo the careers of “New York city media liberals.”
Little Susie is writing for Jezebel today, but she will have to change jobs at some point, meaning a Human Resources airhead will search for her name to make sure she is a proper fit for the company. …
Unless she’s applying for a position at Jezebel, no respectable company will touch a toxic individual who has been linked to racism. … If you dig into these writers work and background, you can easily find cases where they spew anti-white or misandrist views. All that’s left is getting that on the first page of Google.
As proof, Roosh posted a screenshot of a Google search for Tiku’s name, showing his attack on her among the top results. (In fact, though he didn’t know it at the time, his accusation of anti-white racism would cause Tiku no career troubles; she was promoted at Vallywag, then hired away by The Verge.)
But in his story, Brad’s plan for revenge is far more direct than fucking with Katie’s Google results: he borrows money from his father to travel to New York and kill her.
Heading to SoHo, where the fictional Denouncer’s offices are located (and where the real Gawker media offices were until recently), Brad spots Katie leaving work, and Roosh lets us know that she is not only a life-ruining narcissist but a man-jawed fattie, the ultimate PUA nightmare:
The first thought that struck Brad’s mind was how much fatter she was in person than in her carefully managed online photos, but it was definitely her—he recognized the same strong jaw and broad nose.
He follows her to her Brooklyn apartment, stalks her as she walks her “little dog” to a nearby park, and confronts her, demanding to know “Why did you ruin my life?”
Then he pulls out his gun and shoots her dead. Moments later he turns the gun on himself. [See CORRECTION note at end of post.]
Roosh sees the killing as a sort of rough justice for her “crimes” against a decent man:
Brad’s only fault in life was that he was an average man. He was destined not to greatness, but to having a mediocre job in a mediocre town with mediocre entertainments to fill his time. Getting out of the hole that Katie put him in was too great a task. Someone more capable would have thought of other options … but Brad believe [sic] this was the only way to end his pain.
Katie’s murder generates a good deal of media coverage, leading one policeman to Tweet “If you ruin a man’s life, don’t be shocked when he tries to ruin yours.”
An “an up-and-coming intern” at The Denouncer spots this Tweet, and quickly writes a post labeling him an apologist for murder.
She got him fired within 81 minutes, a new record. The next day she arrived at work to applause from her co-workers—it was her very first firing bonus.
In the comments to his post, Roosh himself gets mostly applause for his chilling revenge fantasy, including this exchange, referencing a film about a 12-hour purge in which all crimes are legal.
I can only hope that Roosh and his followers limit their enthusiasm to fictional violence.
CORRECTION: In my original post, I wrote that Brad killed Katie and her dog. He kills Katie and then kills himself. But Roosh is such a terrible writer I misread the passage and concluded Brad had shot the dog.
My cousin tried that with her cat once. He would only walk backwards with the harness on.
On the other hand, there is this little explorer. I would love to have a cat that would go hiking with me.
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KickTheDog Kick the dog.
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AndYourLittleDogToo And your little dog, too.
Do they know they’re parodies of themselves?
Gawker? A SJW blog? Has he ever read it? And seriously, that photo – though I don’t usually judge people by appearance, I look at him and dry heave. I wouldn’t fuck him if he was the last man on earth.
When I I was 9 years old, I experienced bullying for the first time in a really concerted way. I vowed – loudly – that I was going to write a story that would shame the bullies in my class into realising what jerks they were (which, as you’d expect, got me teased even more). I never wrote it, and eventually grew out of such a petty, solipsistic point of view. Roosh’s story reminds me of my bout of childhood petulance, except that it’s coming from an apparently adult man. The narcissism of this guy is truly astonishing.
Oh boy, I just went over and read the story; I have to say I laughed out loud a number of times, it’s too terrible to be triggering. Roosh is not very imaginative is he? Brad embodies everything Roosh is always berating his readers for being, and Katie just had to have a man jaw and be checking her phone all the time. There should have been a scene where Brad runs into a swarthy, dashing pick up artist full of worldly wisdom and brio.
I must just nit pick a bit though: Brad does not shoot the dog. It might read like that, because Roosh is a terrible and clumsy writer, but what actually happens is that after Brad shoots Katie the dog starts barking, then Brad shoots himself and the dog goes quiet and lays down next to Katie thinking she’ll wake up. That’s why there’s talk of murder/suicide in the penultimate paragraph.
So even in a fictional setting, he proved that this “average man” was a dangerous person. Also, even if the killing was “justified” (FYI it never is), are we supposed to sympathize with someone who shoots a dog? Wow that’s psychopathic.
Thank you Katherine XII and M, both for dealing with that comment, and reminding me to take my crazy pills.
There’s still not enough NOPE for this.
Wow, that was a story. The way it sorta tried to pretend to be from a pro-SJW perspective was like someone claiming a scene from Reboot was live action. The vague shapes are similar, but it doesn’t match up at all.
Pro-tip: when you’re trying to make your main schlubby character relatable and sympathetic, probably best not to have as scene where he decries “dirty mexicans” in the first couple paragraphs.
Is it odd to anyone else that people like Roosh like to portray their characters (and sometimes themselves) as working “typical working class jobs” when they almost never actually do that in real life? Roosh sits on his unwashed ass blogging all day, just like Elam with his favourite line about miners. Even the so-called “victims” of media “SJWs” aren’t regular working class Joe’s. They tend to be executives in big companies, or celebrities, that sort of thing, and their lives are not ruined by this.
You are not a man of the people Roosh, stop pretending that you are.
Was the ‘Average Joe’ hammering meant to be a relatable contrast to these perverted monsters (as they appear to be from his pov) created by an evil feminist society? Look who they are hurting, it’s you the Average Man!
The average racist, threat-posting, murdering stalker man.
It really is troubling that this is written to pluck the heartstrings of his target audience. This is what some people consider a hero’s tale.
I saw The Purge. I’m not always the best at deconstructing movies, but even I noticed the themes of privilege and oppression. It’s about a subtle as…well, as subtle as a move in which a gang of rich, white prep school kids want to murder a homeless, black war veteran for their own amusement.
Yet I’m not surprised that some people apparently walked out of the theater thinking, “Dude, a real life Purge would be AWESOME!” I believe people on this site have noted before that MRA’s are not the greatest at picking up on allegory, or nuance, or actually understanding any of the media they consume.
Er, “as subtle as a MOVIE,” not “move.” Sorry.
Worst Fiction Writer, at least. And it would appear he’s a shoo-in.
So, [W]TSHTF = “when the shit hits the fan”, which is prepper lingo for “the inevitable social collapse that is definitely coming, just you wait”. I’ve always suspected that a lot of preppers were actually looking forward to TSHTF, so they could stop pretending to be decent people and be the violent bullies they’ve always wanted to be. Nice of these gentlemen to confirm that theory.
toujoursgai — the second movie has rich people hunting people for sport, and a resistance movement flat out saying the purge is the way those in power are getting rid of poor (etc) people — led by an African-American guy willing to fight violence with violence. Remind you of anyone?
Yeah, you’d have to be neutron star level dense not to get it by the end of the second one.
PS, I thought it was much better th the first one.
Oooh, I’ve been meaning to watch the second one. That does sound interesting. Thanks for the recommendation!
My favorite moment of reactionaries’ complete failure to understand a piece of media was the Wizard of Oz meme someone posted a day or so ago. Like, I was a child and I understood that the scarecrow was always the smart one, etc.
On the topic of men and dogs–one of my relatives, a grizzled, late-middle aged man who lives out in the country has a white shih tzu. A spoiled, plump shih tzu that sits on his lap at family parties. She is so freaking soft.
Given how lax and inconsistent Facebook is about enforcing its TOS, and how ubiquitous average-joe bigots are in every corner of the internet, there’s no way the media would waste any pixels on some mediocre racist asshat posing with a gun. Yawn. Dog bites man.
On the other hand, if Brad was stupid enough to be leaving a Googlable trail of bigoted rantings and gun threats under his own name, then potential employers, landlords, and romantic partners would care very much about that. Seems to me Brad was the one responsible for torpedoing his own prospects, not Katie.
@lacerta viridis:
Nope. One of the dead giveaways of a Manospherian is that he will talk about SJWs hating cisgendered people just for being cis. He literally thinks the term “cis” is being used as an insult.
Every time I’ve tried to point out to a random MRA, “Uh, no, cisgender is a neutral description, and it applies to literally most people on planet Earth right now,” they always go, “NUH-UH, I know this one roommate’s-cousin’s-friend’s-sister’s-dogsitter, who I totally didn’t make up, who uses ‘cis’ as an insult ALL THE TIME.”
It’s because they think people are persecuting them for being white, male, straight, and cisgendered. They cannot grasp that, no, what’s happening is that they’re being told off for their toxic attitudes about what they’re entitled to for possessing those attributes. To them, being told to check their privilege is tantamount to being actively discriminated against and hated.
tl;dr – Yes, “cisgendered” is exactly what Roosh meant, but it makes just as little sense as it seems to mean.
While we’re on the topic, here’s The Purge in Canada.
toujoursgai | February 12, 2015 at 9:34 pm
If you haven’t been welcomed yet (or if you have or you’ve been here for a while, I’m sorry, I only just noticed you), Welcome! Please click the scented candle on the side for your welcome package!
One thing I noticed about the Purge was the gigantic plot hole that these kids wanted to kill THAT specific homeless, black, war veteran. I mean, what was stopping them from just leaving and finding another homeless person to murder? Why futz around with the house that he got into, and just go away instead of sitting around and trying to scare the family into submission? They needed to be extra scary tonight? What a bunch of murderous dorks.
That, and it was pretty obvious from the beginning that the neighbors were going to turn on the main family and break into the house to murder them out of petty envy. You could practically smell the envy pouring off of them in waves.
Is…. Roosh making a “duck face” in that photo? I’m not one to much talk about looks as I ain’t exactly beautimus nor is mr. fish, but that photo is mighty unsettlin’.
“Roosh tried to tie PZ Meyers to the murders in Chapel Hill? But, he’s not the promoting Islamophobia. That would be Dawkins and Harris. Besides, a significant portion of the manosphere are Dawkins style atheists. Is Roosh sure that those are the people he wants to go after?”
Well you see… PZ Meyers isn’t well liked by dawkinlings and harrisians cause of his rather egalitarian views towards women. He’s linked to atheism +… which was starting a feud in the YouTube atheist community around the time I started was losing intrest in that bickering mess. Since PZ Meyers fans and Dawkins/Harris/tthunderf00t fans rarely overlap these days… I think mra type atheists will probably take it more as a jab at PZ/ atheism + than a jab “rational” atheists. Could be wrong.
Roosh is not exactly a good person, but some of the points he makes about feminism are right. Modern feminism has become toxic and self-destructive.
Also, the part about losing a job due to expressing an opinion is something that actually happened (to the head of Mozilla a while ago). In general, liberals don’t seem to like free speech.
It’s funny how the villains of his story behave exactly like him and his kin.
That’s how all maniac extremists are, it’s ok if we do it! Like Republicans who oppose the sharia but endorse laws that would go very well with it.
I wish we could actually give them a whole planet, just for them, and no one else.
Let’s see how long it takes until they murder the shit out of each other, such hateful creeps are incapable of living in a society.
Man this is everything I’ve come to expect from a man who feels oppressed by a social obligation to wipe his ass.