Roosh Valizadeh has long fantasized about ruining the professional lives of alleged “social justice warrior” journalists who criticize racist and misogynistic assholes like himself.
Now he’s fantasizing about murdering them.
Yesterday, the pickup guru and “Return of Kings” founder posted a short story on his personal blog about a twentysomething mailroom worker who loses his job after a feckless SJW reporter working for a Gawker-like blog called “The Denouncer” discovers an offensive Facebook post of his and writes a hit piece on him.
Unable to get a decent-paying job, the young man travels to New York and guns down the reporter who, in his mind, ruined his life.
If you have to guess which of the two characters Roosh sympathizes with, you clearly haven’t encountered him before.
Roosh has had a hate-on for “SJW” journalists – and Gawker media in particular – for some time. In 2012, he included Gawker, alongside such other obvious-to-him evils as Kim Kardashian, Apple Computer and “most media companies,” in a list of “culture parasites” that in his mind are “contributing to the decline of American women, and therefore [male] happiness.”
In 2013, Roosh led a Manosphere crusade against Vallywag writer Nitasha Tiku and blogger/entrepreneur Anil Dash after Tiku wrote a post highlighting a series of offensive Tweets from Business Insider’s then-Chief Technology Officer Pax Dickinson, whom she described tartly (and accurately) as a “tech bro nightmare.”
Dickinson lost his job and Roosh tried his best to ruin the lives and livelihoods of the “two Indian immigrants [who] coordinated to destroy the livelihood of a white American-borne professional,” declaring Tiku to be “a suspected Marxist [with] a pattern of disliking white men.” (For what it’s worth, Tiku and Dash have both lived their entire lives in the US. Neither, and I’m taking a wild guess here, are Marxists.)
Roosh has used his blogs Return of Kings and Reaxxion to launch similar if less extensive smear campaigns against several other “SJW” journalists, including several others who were at the time writing for Gawker media. (See here, here, here, and here.)
And he has enthusiastically supported #GamerGate’s anti-Gawker media crusade.
His short story, titled “The Denouncer,” takes his “critique” of Gawker one step further, setting an everyman hero whose “only fault in life was that he was an average man” against the “star blogger” for a Gawker-like “social justice” blog whose speciality is ruining the lives of “heterosexual white men.”
Roosh, struggling against his inadequacies as a writer, resorts to crude stereotypes in his attempts to convey to his readers the true evil of The Denouncer’s staff. His vision of New York new media is cartoonish and conspiratorial.
In her job interview with The Denouncer’s founder, a gay man named Ted who was from South Africa and had a fiery Filipino ladyboy lover, Katie asked what was the overall mission of the new venture.
“To make society better,” Ted replied. “We want to shame, humiliate, and embarrass all the racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, and cisgender jerks to forever stop all that is offensive. America has no place for such backwards beliefs and thinking.” …
“This sounds like a social justice blog.”
“This is social justice on steroids.” Ted spoke with a lisp so the phrase ‘social justice’ was a tongue twister for him. “We won’t be afraid to dox people and go after their bread. My dream is that in a year or two, people will be so scared of us that it will change not only what they say publicly, but also how they think.”
Katie signs on enthusiastically, quickly becoming known for her takedowns of racists; she receives bonuses of $500 each time one of her posts gets a man fired.
Brad, the hero of the story, comes to her attention after posting a picture of himself brandishing a newly bought Glock pistol to Facebook with the caption “I’d like to see some dirty Mexicans try and take my country.”
After being sent his Facebook photo from an anonymous reader, she darkened it a bit in photoshop to make him appear more sinister. She called him a “racist asshat” and then showed photos of sad Mexican children with dirt on their faces attempting to cross into America for a better life. She also added that Brad is “not what America stands for” and “will probably commit murder if he’s not stopped.” To end her article, she pleaded with her readers to put a stop to men like Brad by contacting his employer and letting them know what they think of his racism and pre-violence.
To celebrate his firing, Katie upgrades her iPhone.
Brad, meanwhile, is left reeling. He’s unable to get another job that pays enough to pay the bills, because a “dozen other blogs picked up Katie’s story and now the first page of Google was bombed with accusations that he was a racist and a future murderer.”
Ironically, Roosh is an enthusiastic advocate of “Google bombing” when the target is an alleged “SJW” journalist he doesn’t like. In a 2013 post, Roosh gleefully outlined what he saw as a foolproof plan to torpedo the careers of “New York city media liberals.”
Little Susie is writing for Jezebel today, but she will have to change jobs at some point, meaning a Human Resources airhead will search for her name to make sure she is a proper fit for the company. …
Unless she’s applying for a position at Jezebel, no respectable company will touch a toxic individual who has been linked to racism. … If you dig into these writers work and background, you can easily find cases where they spew anti-white or misandrist views. All that’s left is getting that on the first page of Google.
As proof, Roosh posted a screenshot of a Google search for Tiku’s name, showing his attack on her among the top results. (In fact, though he didn’t know it at the time, his accusation of anti-white racism would cause Tiku no career troubles; she was promoted at Vallywag, then hired away by The Verge.)
But in his story, Brad’s plan for revenge is far more direct than fucking with Katie’s Google results: he borrows money from his father to travel to New York and kill her.
Heading to SoHo, where the fictional Denouncer’s offices are located (and where the real Gawker media offices were until recently), Brad spots Katie leaving work, and Roosh lets us know that she is not only a life-ruining narcissist but a man-jawed fattie, the ultimate PUA nightmare:
The first thought that struck Brad’s mind was how much fatter she was in person than in her carefully managed online photos, but it was definitely her—he recognized the same strong jaw and broad nose.
He follows her to her Brooklyn apartment, stalks her as she walks her “little dog” to a nearby park, and confronts her, demanding to know “Why did you ruin my life?”
Then he pulls out his gun and shoots her dead. Moments later he turns the gun on himself. [See CORRECTION note at end of post.]
Roosh sees the killing as a sort of rough justice for her “crimes” against a decent man:
Brad’s only fault in life was that he was an average man. He was destined not to greatness, but to having a mediocre job in a mediocre town with mediocre entertainments to fill his time. Getting out of the hole that Katie put him in was too great a task. Someone more capable would have thought of other options … but Brad believe [sic] this was the only way to end his pain.
Katie’s murder generates a good deal of media coverage, leading one policeman to Tweet “If you ruin a man’s life, don’t be shocked when he tries to ruin yours.”
An “an up-and-coming intern” at The Denouncer spots this Tweet, and quickly writes a post labeling him an apologist for murder.
She got him fired within 81 minutes, a new record. The next day she arrived at work to applause from her co-workers—it was her very first firing bonus.
In the comments to his post, Roosh himself gets mostly applause for his chilling revenge fantasy, including this exchange, referencing a film about a 12-hour purge in which all crimes are legal.
I can only hope that Roosh and his followers limit their enthusiasm to fictional violence.
CORRECTION: In my original post, I wrote that Brad killed Katie and her dog. He kills Katie and then kills himself. But Roosh is such a terrible writer I misread the passage and concluded Brad had shot the dog.
Yes, because us gay men love dating women. Honestly, what surprises me the most is that Roosh doesn’t even try hiding behind an ‘I’m not racist but…’ thing here, he just goes full on Turner Diaries.
“Katie signs on enthusiastically, quickly becoming known for her takedowns of racists; she receives bonuses of $500 each time one of her posts gets a man fired.”
LOL, just LOL. Also, I guess Katie was actually right that Brad would become a murderer. Way to prove those rabid fictional SJWs wrong, dumb fictional average man Brad.
You gotta love how bigots assume everyone else is like them though. He goes on and on about how a man like Brad is only average, like most men post dumb photos of themselves threatening to shoot minorities at least once in their lives.
So, what, is Roosh trying out for the “Worst Person on the Internet” award today or something?
“Firing bonus.” All the over-the-top awfulness and caricatures of “SJWs” would be funny – because, yeah, that’s exactly what groups and organizations that support social justice do, celebrate the firing of some random schmuck and hand out monetary rewards to employees who get random schmucks fired. It would be funny, except that, these seem to think that this is exactly how “SJWs” are, and that it’s perfectly reasonable and justifiable to gun them down.
Neither Gawker or Jezebel have written about Roosh in a long time. It sounds like he’s desperate for their attention.
I gather very recently three young people were gunned down by a man in Chapel Hill who felt a similar sense of entitlement. Roosh merrily tried to link PZ Myers to the shootings on account of the murderer being an atheist.
His timing for publishing this sick little fantasy couldn’t be worse, unless he’d posted it after the Isla Vista murders. I mean really, who on earth would pose on Facebook with a firearm making racist threats and not expect negative consequences? Paul Elam can write better characters than that.
I was reading this and I felt my brain throw up – well after the other story today – all it could manage was mental dry heaves.
Out of interest, do you painting-filter these photos to make them appear slightly less horrifying?
The only reason anyone would ever oppose my narrow-minded bigotry MUST be because the evil “Cultural Marxist” conspiracy (psst, I mean Jews) is paying them.
So the (fictional) man who is denounced for “probably commit[ting] murder if he’s not stopped” turns out to… actually murder someone.
What a plot twist, huh?
Well, at least we don’t need a SJW hero like Katie is Roosh’s case–he is doing a bang-up job of calling attention to the fact that he is every -ist and -phobe in the book, and is gleefully open about his murderous ideation.
Some poor SJW will be out of her $500 firing bonus. Such a shame.
The thing that worries me is that is he trying to prime some nut out there to go and do this shit.
1) What a lazy, shitty fairy story. At least ground it in reality, you dope.
2) Hi-fives for ridiculous revenge fantasies but remember, Thelma and Louise glorifies female serial killers.
3) I wonder how loudly Roosh would scream if I posted a short story about a woman who, after observing harassment of women both on- and off-line, coldly comes to the conclusion that men have to die, and sets about doing just that.
Fictional Straw Feminist gets Fictional Racist fired by saying he’s a potential murderer. Fictional Racist proves Fictional Straw Feminist wrong by murdering her.
I can’t wait for the Davis Aurini film adaptation.
For those unaware of the man’s previous filmmaking genius:
“And then everybody totally unjustly and without any provocation whatsoever hated us and also had all the power because POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH MY STUNTED MIDDLE SCHOOL BRAIN SHUT UP MOM I’M TALKING TO MY FANS!”
Also, the boss reminded me of an interesting article about male stereotypes and speech impediments. http://www.glbtq.com/social-sciences/gayspeak.html
@FilmRunner – my favourite thing about the first four and a half minutes (which was all I could stand) is how the narrator talks over almost every woman.
You should watch the rest, we get Aurini’s attempt at a ninja fight. It’s like watching ten-year-old’s play-fighting.
Hilariously, we do have a group that tried to get people fired.
Gamergate. That group Roosh supported.
I can. I can wait forever.
Roosh, man.
Speaking of bad dude-writing, I ran across this and loled, though this is a cut above Roosh’ prose: http://the-toast.net/2014/09/18/tell-youre-mfa-workshop-story/
The best part, though, was in the comments:
Funny story, it seems. Unable to recognize that from the outside people like this don’t look like poor victims, but like assholes, he actually tells a story about a SJW who is ACTUALLY CORRECT about this psychopath. And what would the consequences be in reality anyway? Equipped with the perfect motive and a huge trail of evidence, the guy would go into prison or on the chair, giving huge publicity bonuses to the “SJW”s.
It would have been so easy to paint a “SJW” as a hypocrite who get’s what she “deserves” by cosmic karma or whatever. It would have been so easy to show that the guy was actually right and a hero or whatever. But no, instead the author only shows us that he doesn’t have a clue.
Hi, um, I’m not sure how to quote comments on here but I wanted to chime in about “The thing that worries me is that is he trying to prime some nut out there to go and do this shit.”
I think the idea that hate crimes are the works of “some nut” is a dangerous one. Statistically speaking, the mentally ill are less likely to commit violence than the general population.
If someone is primed for violence by Roosh, it will most likely be an angry and entitled but otherwise “sane” man who will only be labeled crazy after the fact by a public that prefers the convenient fiction that violence results exclusively from insanity to the harsh reality that it results mostly from toxic masculinity.
Sorry–I have a lot of feelings about this particular stereotype…
“racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, and cisgender”
One of these things is not like the others (particularly since Ted and Katie are presumably cis themselves). Is he thinking of ‘cissexist’?
It’s also interesting that he assumes instantly that the purpose and main point of activism is not to support and protect marginalised groups, but to be mean to people you don’t like. I guess that’s why MRAs never do anything to actually help their fellow men or address problems and social issues faced by men; that’s not what activism is about! It’s all about stamping your little feet and shouting about how women are bad and evil and nasty, duh.
@Film Runner ooh!
Okay, the only weapon I have had any training in is the ubi-bo (fingerstaff) and even *I* know that’s not how you use sais or fighting-sticks. Why does the guy with the two fighting sticks keep aiming for the sais instead of going 1, 2, low and taking out Raphael’s kneecaps? Same with Machete-guy. A skilled defender will get off at most three successful blocks against someone with a bladed weapon before being cut. You just make the person think you’re coming in high, then drop the line of attack and hit the belly instead.
I mean Raphael is just holding out his sais to block the attacks. Like straight out. He doesn’t even dodge. And where is he even kicking? And why can’t his attackers dodge? It’s just a front thrust kick. Why does Michelangelo just hang back while Raphael is fighting Knife-guy? Why doesn’t he strangle him with his nunchakas? This isn’t a dojo setting, this isn’t randori. Man, lucky for Raphael that Michelangelo is incompetent, because a slow chest-high kick like that is easily avoided and gives Michelangelo the opportunity to grab Raphael’s leg.
Now the end where they all gang up on him, that’s realistic. See what happens when you skip out on training, Raphael?