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MEMESPLAINING: Women hate rape because it doesn't allow them to "monetize" their vaginas [TW, obviously]

Found on Roosh V's blog.
Found on Roosh V’s blog. Click for larger version.

If you have something terrible to say, say it with a meme!

That, at least, seems to be the consensus of some of the worst people on the internet. So I’m starting a little occasional series called “memesplaining” in which I’ll highlight some of the most nonsensical and/or horrific memes I run across on the internet. Today’s is both.

I found the lovely meme above pasted into the comments on the blog of everyone’s favorite rapey, racist “pickup artist” Roosh Valizadeh. I don’t know where it originated, but a quick image search reveals that it’s been making the rounds on 4chan and Reddit.

Here’s the text at a more readable size . I highlighted the worst bits, but then again pretty much the entire thing could be classified as “the worst bits.”


And gosh, it turns out that whoever made this awful meme is as dismissive of the female rape of men as he is of the male rape of women.


Somehow I imagine he’s not quite so keen on rape when men are raped by other men — even though by his logic it’s also “objectively … merely inserting an object into [his] body.”

I feel bad for the people who model for stock photos. I’m sure most of them have no idea that they’ll end up getting used to illustrate crap like this.

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10 years ago

Of course, even IF misogynists had some magical anti-rape protection, the lack of empathy is still horrifying.

10 years ago

(On second thought, “WOMEN” above should be read as covering all people who aren’t cis het men.)

10 years ago

To sum it up, I hate, hate, hate the (mostly implicit?) equation “shy” = “creep”. It erases genuinely shy people – or people with social/communication problems in general – who are NOT raging misogynists. Sure, many misogynistic creeps try to masquerade as victims of shyness or some other problem that isn’t their fault at all. But it needs to be made crystal-clear that these groups are completely different demographics. Creeps have plenty of privilege, genuinely shy (etc.) people don’t. (Indeed, many of them aren’t even able-bodied white cis-het young men who are educated and well-off. Shyness is far too often thought of as an exclusively male problem.)

Also, if you like the feeling of being in control, learn about BDSM. (Of course, no real rape allowed there, either.)

As for the sex workers I mentioned, they’re not necessarily only there to fulfil sexual, but also emotional needs.

10 years ago

RE: Almagest

Please stop baking no cakes. We do not want them.

Look, MOST celibate humans, I think, would rather not be. You are preaching to disabled and autistic people about their own feelings and experience. *points to self and andiexist* Do you realize how condescending that is? Uh, yes, I AM aware that being disabled causes isolation. ASK ME HOW I KNOW.

I’m not incredulous about sex workers existing. I KNOW sex workers, and I know what sexual surrogates are, thank you. I’m incredulous as to why you’ve brought them into the conversation and are now going off on a tangent about this when NOBODY brought this up before you. (Please, do not take this as an excuse to pontificate further on them.)

Please stop, Almagest. You’re not helping.

10 years ago

So now you think non-heterosexual disabled women (of which I am one, hi) would want to listen to Roosh? Yeah… the implying we’re all male wasn’t the wanting to have sex with women part. It was the idea we’d turn to someone like Roosh to help us with this.

And now you’re… complaining I’m erasing everyone who isn’t a cishet white man? When… I was only talking about women. In which all women are included. And moving the goalposts to talk about another disability, great.

Holy something, so many teal deers. Look- disabled people are perfectly capable of not being creeps. Autistic people especially tend to get the reputation of “nice guy.” Yes, some autistic people latch on to that sort of script. They’re still creeps. People who try to do what Roosh tells them to do are at least creeps and have a large possibility of being rapists, no matter their disability status.

And since we haven’t yet achieved a world where sex work is safe and a choice for the people in it, and since it’s also irrelevant to the discussion…

Can a mod come clean up this not-a-MRA-but troll with a teal deer problem? Or at least join me in mocking him? 😉

(Originally posted in the Roosh thread because troll was apparently talking about Roosh a bunch and I thought the thread must be about Roosh then… how optimistic of me.)

(And troll, I don’t care how sincere you are about this. You post six teal deers in a row, you’re a troll.)

10 years ago

Wait… sorry for the double post, but you think *I’m* saying that shy people are creeps? Um, no. People who listen to Roosh are creeps. It doesn’t matter what minority they are a part of, they are still creeps.

(Really, I am sorry for the double post, but one of his got lost in the SIX OR SO he posted.)

10 years ago

I’ve always hated the stupid red herring about people painting shy folks and creeps with the same brush. I know TONS of people with social anxiety and people who are awkward as the aliens in Galaxy Quest. It’s a totally different experience than with someone who’s just a creeper.

10 years ago

The ones painting creeps as the same as shy are the creeps, keep that in mind. They know “creep” is bad, but they know they totes aren’t bad, so “creep” must be a slur against some benign character trait like shyness or social awkwardness.

It plays well into culture’s habit of dismissing a het cis guy’s bad behavior towards het cis women as something cutesy rather than a problem. “That boy is pulling your hair? He must like you! Boys act mean to girls they like.”

It’s the same as the dudes who make completely out-of-the-blue and inappropriate remarks to women. “What are you getting angry for, it’s a COMPLIMENT! Chick just can’t take a COMPLIMENT these days…”

10 years ago

Oh good. We haven’t had a creep shaming troll in awhile.

People who are nice and respect boundaries and are shy or awkward don’t tend to get called creeps. People get called creeps when they’re acting creepy.

10 years ago

I’m glad the guy feels this way, since he’ll be delighted when I kick him repeatedly in the balls. It’s a female body part coming in contact with his groin, something the slutty men of today always enjoy. If he claims not to like it, he’s a spoiled little stuck-up prince. Where does he get off, thinking his balls are too good for my foot? Because my foot is AMAZING.

It’s important to understand that men don’t hate getting kicked in the balls because “it really hurts and stuff.” They hate it because they arrogantly consider themselves aristocrats because of their genitals. Women, on the other hand, know our value consists of more than mere body parts, which is why we’re much less concerned about getting kicked in the balls.


10 years ago

And besides all of that, force-feeding is form of torture. I don’t understand why, when they try to minimize rape and prove that it’s no big deal, they compare to other crimes, which, while perhaps not as heinous as rape, are still pretty fucking bad.

Yeah… If someone really force-fed someone else chocolate, it would be pretty fucking terrible. Can you imagine what it must feel like to have someone hold you down and showing things down your throat and you can’t stop them? No matter if it’s chocolate or anything else? The only reason they go “haha, wouldn’t it be silly to suggest that it would be terrible to force-feed someone chocolate” is because their imagination is so poor that they can’t really conceive of what this imagined crime (I mean, I guess it has happened somewhere to someone, but it’s not really something you here about on a regular basis) would be like in real life.

10 years ago

And the cherry on the irony sundae is that force feeding has been used to control women, and women have died that way.

9 years ago

jeoghqeagjkadgj oh sorry I was cleaning the vomit off my keyboard

Andrea Johnson
Andrea Johnson
9 years ago

This is shattering. People like this nauseate me beyond words. Ignorant, hateful, repugnant mysoginists who deserve antibiotic resistant syphilis! This is such an insult to female and make survivors -_-

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

To apply MRA logic to this meme, the MRAs are begging to be raped by alpha women, but they are too ugly/smelly/fat, so they just fantasise about it instead.

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