4chan evil sexy ladies memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny princesses PUA pussyconomics rape rape culture rhymes with roosh

MEMESPLAINING: Women hate rape because it doesn't allow them to "monetize" their vaginas [TW, obviously]

Found on Roosh V's blog.
Found on Roosh V’s blog. Click for larger version.

If you have something terrible to say, say it with a meme!

That, at least, seems to be the consensus of some of the worst people on the internet. So I’m starting a little occasional series called “memesplaining” in which I’ll highlight some of the most nonsensical and/or horrific memes I run across on the internet. Today’s is both.

I found the lovely meme above pasted into the comments on the blog of everyone’s favorite rapey, racist “pickup artist” Roosh Valizadeh. I don’t know where it originated, but a quick image search reveals that it’s been making the rounds on 4chan and Reddit.

Here’s the text at a more readable size . I highlighted the worst bits, but then again pretty much the entire thing could be classified as “the worst bits.”


And gosh, it turns out that whoever made this awful meme is as dismissive of the female rape of men as he is of the male rape of women.


Somehow I imagine he’s not quite so keen on rape when men are raped by other men — even though by his logic it’s also “objectively … merely inserting an object into [his] body.”

I feel bad for the people who model for stock photos. I’m sure most of them have no idea that they’ll end up getting used to illustrate crap like this.

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10 years ago


Yeah, I remember that. It’s the same stuff. I’m sure he would have a quite different opinion if he found out that, say, the executor of a relatives will had kept him in the dark about some money meant for him and then appropriated it for himself/herself. Same principle, but I’m willing to bet serious money that he would have called that theft. I also think he would object to being anally raped while unconscious – even if he had no memory of it. But he doesn’t even think of that because, like most guys (including myself) we have the privilege of basically passing out wherever without any fear of someone humping us while we are unconscious.

There was a little on-line “debate” a while back between two groups of “Libertarians”. There was one group who claimed that the late 19th century was the high-point of personal freedom in America. The other group (of much more intellectually honest Libertarians) objected on the grounds that, in fact, women and minorities (totaling a majority of the population) had very serious legal limitations on their freedoms in large swaths of the country – including laws that stripped the large numbers of women of any independent property rights whatsoever (see “Coverture” .. something one would THINK would be anathema to self-proclaimed “Libertarians”) and that this supposed “Golden Age” of personal liberty was only golden for White Men .. who were less than half the population. The response of the first-group to this information? “So what? At least some people got to have real liberty. That’s better than our situation now in which no one does”. I kid you not. Instapundit Glenn Renyolds actually claimed that it didn’t matter that married women lacked independent property rights since (paraphrasing) “Wives have ways of making our lives hell if we don’t do what they want! Amirite boys? Women!” . Once again, I kid you not.

Sometimes I think that girls should start going to the bathroom on guys they find flaunting their “Passing Out Privilege”. Like, find some guy passed out in an alley behind fraternity row? Take a steaming dump on his chest. If guys actually had to start worrying that passing out might mean they want up covered in doo-doo, maybe they might get a clue.

10 years ago

Oh that’s just… fantastic. I am going to put down lunch and get on the nope train to fuckthatville.

10 years ago

“Monetize her pussy”. “Treated like princesses in all previous centuries.”

Just imagine the luxury of actually being this stupid.

10 years ago

re:”normal rape”

Really serious TW for what follows

In Chicago, in 2013, a woman was the victim of “jumping out and dragged into an alley” rape. At noon. On a fairly busy street. Later, while she was being interviewed by the police, the rapist called her cell phone to ask her out on a “second date”.

I don’t know if that’s indicative of how rapists don’t even think of flagrantly obvious forms of assault as rape, or if it’s an indication that this particular rapist is one of the most evil humans alive today. It’s a lose-lose proposition either way.

10 years ago

Regarding the evo-psych stuff being discussed here, what I think makes a bit of sense is this: assuming we agree that in survival of the fittest, “fittest” is defined in terms of success in perpetuating one’s genes, is that the optimum strategy for a male would be to (1) assemble one or several females according to his ability to protect and provide for them and their children, and (2) attempt opportunistically to impregnate any other female that happened to come unprotected into his range. By that logic rape could be a small part of a successful reproductive strategy, provided it could be done with little risk. But providing for the children one has with one’s partner(s) would always be far more important.
The problem with evo-psych is that it is often used to defend behavior that may have once been acceptable but is now unacceptable and dysfunctional. It doesn’t matter whether rape was ever part of a successful reproductive strategy for our species; Whatever happened hundreds of generations ago, people today are quite capable of resisting any urge to rape.
In my view the real problem is once again toxic masculinity: our culture pressures boys and young men to repress and deny their emotions, tells them repeatedly that girls and women are these delectable but somewhat alien creatures who think in a way that you can never understand — thus making it harder for men to relate to women in the way that women appear to want. It then tells them that their success in getting sex is a big measure of their manliness, that it is bad to rape but tricking or pressuring (wink, wink) women into having sex with you is fine, even manly. Yes, we have a rape culture — and is it any wonder we have a lot of men that are dysfunctional in intimate relations.
Our culture spends huge amounts of time and effort (probably too much) teaching girls to be partners/mothers. It spends much less time teaching boys how to be partners/fathers, and much of what it does teach is outright destructive. (A lot of what it teaches girls is also destructive, of course, but I’m sure I don’t need to mansplain that.)
I just get riled up thinking about how much unhappiness is caused by the destructive way our culture prepares boys in particular for adult life. As a pacifist, I’ve always attributed it to the desire to have plenty of willing cannon fodder, but obviously there’s more to it than that. When people say that such-and-such a company is raping the environment, that is not really all that metaphorical. Uncontrolled aggression takes many forms, and our culture sure does a great job of encouraging it.
End of rant. I am going to spend the rest of the afternoon trying to think about how you could explain the concept of “rape culture” to the average dude so that he might be able to understand it. I’m afraid that there aren’t enough legos in the world that even stepping on them all would fix their bad thinking.

10 years ago

In Chicago, in 2013, a woman was the victim of “jumping out and dragged into an alley” rape. At noon. On a fairly busy street. Later, while she was being interviewed by the police, the rapist called her cell phone to ask her out on a “second date”.

Jeezus Murphy, I hope they nabbed the bastard. Please tell me they did…

Moving on:

Yesterday, I posted this story to my Facebook with the comment that even princesses don’t get treated like “princesses” in the real world. Remember, they have to deal with arranged marriages, and with the certain element of coercion that goes into that. And forced reproduction, too — think of the British royals with their “heir and a spare” habit. But I guess none of that counts as rape-rape to these guys, because forced breeding is the royal prerogative of all men, at least in their eyes.

And on a lighter note: Why doesn’t the guy who made this meme try to monetize his own anus, as he thinks we do with our vaginas? Answer: Because that would entail pulling his head out first, and objectively just inserting other objects where a rather large one has already been.

Yes, that was a sickly attempt at a joke.

10 years ago
Reply to  Bina


Charges were dropped in that case. He was arrested again in 2014 after doing pretty much the same thing again. Was denied bail, and seems to still be in jail awaiting trial.

10 years ago

Ugh. Well, at least it’s now known that he’s a serial offender. Should make it that much harder for him to do it again anytime soon, anyhow.

10 years ago

“Men hate it far less being raped by a woman.”

So many things wrong, where to begin:
1. Most men who are raped are raped by other men. 2. I imagine that men raped by women would beg to differ. 3. (This is the big one) Isn’t this the sort of thing MRAs say that feminists say to demonize them? They go on and on about how a man being raped by a woman wouldn’t be taken seriously, but then this guy says things like this? (I mean, I know this is a PUA, not an MRA, but still…). 4. Even if this were objectively true (which it obviously isn’t, but for the sake of showing how horrible their argument, let’s go with it for a minute), how does that invalidate the experience of women? Just because an experience is inherently less painful for one group doesn’t mean that the group for whom it is more painful is weak. (Again, to be clear, I’m not saying I believe rape is inherently “not as bad” for any group of people. It seems logically flawed to suggest that the way one group of people experiences something invalidates how other groups experience it).

10 years ago

I’m glad the guy feels this way, since he’ll be delighted when I kick him repeatedly in the balls. It’s a female body part coming in contact with his groin, something the slutty men of today always enjoy. If he claims not to like it, he’s a spoiled little stuck-up prince. Where does he get off, thinking his balls are too good for my foot? Because my foot is AMAZING.

It’s important to understand that men don’t hate getting kicked in the balls because “it really hurts and stuff.” They hate it because they arrogantly consider themselves aristocrats because of their genitals. Women, on the other hand, know our value consists of more than mere body parts, which is why we’re much less concerned about getting kicked in the balls.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Hey Shaenon, you know how you can be sure God’s a woman?

She put the ovaries safely tucked away inside.

10 years ago

“Charges were dropped in that case. He was arrested again in 2014 after doing pretty much the same thing again. Was denied bail, and seems to still be in jail awaiting trial.”


That makes no sense. Do you have a link backing up this story?

10 years ago

My god. What horrible people.

Eliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
Eliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
10 years ago

And half the time when women DO rape men, they use objects (beer bottles, fists, etc). Would this guy be okay with a woman doing _that_ to him?

10 years ago

To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that force feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offense.

They really don’t get it, do they? They honestly refuse to comprehend why rape is such a heinous crime, or maybe they just can’t because they honestly can’t imagine it happening to them. It’s not just the violence. If it were just the violence, it wouldn’t be any different than assault. But the psychological effects of having someone violate your bodily autonomy to such an extreme degree are what last and what make it so painful to live with. Remembering the pain, the terror, the feeling of helplessness, and worrying that it might happen again…the lack of trust, either of the people you know (if you knew your rapist) or of strangers who are around you when you’re out in public (if you didn’t)…just not feeling safe in places where you used to feel safe…the nightmares…

They really don’t get it.

Also, who’s to say that husbands who rape their wives are never violent? Why do they always assume that date rape or martial rape or acquaintance rapes are automatically less violent? Is this some way in which they’re admitting, however unintentionally, that rapists who attack people whom they know do so in part because it’s easier to rape someone who trusts you enough to be alone with you?

And besides all of that, force-feeding is form of torture. I don’t understand why, when they try to minimize rape and prove that it’s no big deal, they compare to other crimes, which, while perhaps not as heinous as rape, are still pretty fucking bad. Force-feeding? Still bad. Theft? That’s wrong too. Non-sexual abuse of people who are passed out drunk? Stop doing that too. Hazing? Another issue that institutions are working hard to end. My point is: how does a group of people become so morally bankrupt that they can’t understand why any of this is very bad?

10 years ago

Moderator on aisle five, please.

10 years ago

RE: Almagest

No, buddy. Just no.

Where do I even start with that pile of no? It’s like you decided to make a no cake out of scratch, using pure no, baked it in your no oven, iced it with no, covered it in no sprinkles, and then put on candles spelling out the word NO.

Wishing rape on Roosh? No.

Claiming some incels are just poor misunderstood autistic folks? No.

Sex workers??? …no? I don’t even know. What the fuck is this shit. What is this cake you have given me.


10 years ago
10 years ago

Since the horribleness of wishing rape on people has already been covered…

Hey, autistic person here. I kinda resent the implication that we can’t understand what is going on enough not to be misogynistic nope factories, you know? And the implication that we’re all male? And almost all celibate? And both unhappy with that if we are and needing to resort to paying for sex in order to get any?

Yeah, time to drop into the nopetopus pit. You or me, doesn’t really matter. As long as there’s noping going on, really.

10 years ago

Well said, andiexist. Misogyny and autism are two separate issues. Someone might be both, but it’s correlation, not causation.

10 years ago

Somehow my autistic brother has managed not to be a misogynist. It must be a miracle!

Ugh. I’d already had enough of ableism for the day before I read that comment. I’ve been dealing with dumbasses all day on Gawker who are just so certain that a recently retired cop who killed two of his daughters, his dogs and himself must have been mentally ill. Never mind that the research on family annihilators shows that most of them don’t have a history of mental illness. Never mind that if he had been poor or a POC, he would’ve been labeled a thug.

Agh! Rage! I’m really annoyed right now.

10 years ago

Speaking of people using mental illness to excuse violence towards women and general asshattery, we got interviewed about Andy Blake, fandom cult leader, abusive douchewaffle, and now claiming he only did it because he was extremely mentally ill with some kind of DID/schizophrenia hybrid. (Yes, I know that doesn’t make sense. Shush.)

For those of you wanting to know about this hobbit-channeling soul-crushing trainwreck, here’s the full article, and here’s our full interview.

10 years ago

Sorry for the wishing of rape on Roosh. That was ill-considered. I’m taking it back.

But you’re misreading my comment about autistic people. When I’m talking about involuntarily celibate people, I’m talking about genuine people who would really like to have a relationship of some kind, with sex not even being a central concern at all, but just DO NOT MANAGE TO. Because they have some kind of disability. Not because they are violent misogynist morons who want to dominate the uppity wimminz and show them their rightful place under their boot.

In short, I’m not talking about “incels”. I’m talking about people who are celibate and wish they wouldn’t. (That there are people with disabilities who nevertheless have a relationship doesn’t mean that all who have the same disability manage to have one.)

And those sex workers I mentioned are a real thing. I’m not sure why you are reacting in such an incredulous way at this. Disabled people have these natural urges too. How about people with Down syndrome, for example? Are you seriously conflating them with misogynists?

10 years ago

Oh, and how about WOMEN who would like to have a relationship and don’t manage to have one, because of disability or some other reason? And how about disabled WOMEN who use the services of a sex worker? You’re talking as if every person with a problem like this hated women. What. I don’t even.

This must be a huge misunderstanding. It just has to be.

10 years ago

To my defence, it does seem like rape apologists are ignorant of, or rather actively ignore, the possibility that they themselves could be sexually victimised by a person who is physically stronger or in some other way in control of the situation while they’re not.

That’s why, for example, some men (not only rape apologists) cannot, or refuse to see, why women approached by men in lifts are terrified by the situation. They cannot, or refuse to, place themselves in an analogous situation (the point of my gorilla comment), so they don’t see it as a serious thing, because they don’t imagine it ever happen to them.

In short, rape apologists have to live in serious denial when they insist that rape is “no biggie”, as if they had some magical protection against ever becoming the victim of rape themselves. If they dropped that delusion, they could see why rape is so awful.

I know, I should have phrased it better right away and not in the manner of a joke in horrible taste. Sorry again.