4chan evil sexy ladies memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny princesses PUA pussyconomics rape rape culture rhymes with roosh

MEMESPLAINING: Women hate rape because it doesn't allow them to "monetize" their vaginas [TW, obviously]

Found on Roosh V's blog.
Found on Roosh V’s blog. Click for larger version.

If you have something terrible to say, say it with a meme!

That, at least, seems to be the consensus of some of the worst people on the internet. So I’m starting a little occasional series called “memesplaining” in which I’ll highlight some of the most nonsensical and/or horrific memes I run across on the internet. Today’s is both.

I found the lovely meme above pasted into the comments on the blog of everyone’s favorite rapey, racist “pickup artist” Roosh Valizadeh. I don’t know where it originated, but a quick image search reveals that it’s been making the rounds on 4chan and Reddit.

Here’s the text at a more readable size . I highlighted the worst bits, but then again pretty much the entire thing could be classified as “the worst bits.”


And gosh, it turns out that whoever made this awful meme is as dismissive of the female rape of men as he is of the male rape of women.


Somehow I imagine he’s not quite so keen on rape when men are raped by other men — even though by his logic it’s also “objectively … merely inserting an object into [his] body.”

I feel bad for the people who model for stock photos. I’m sure most of them have no idea that they’ll end up getting used to illustrate crap like this.

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10 years ago–7kp6UdSB–/18uzodohufsy4gif.gif

Ah. Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system (I’m still struggling to keep my lunch, which I just finished, down), have some good brain bleach: A town in Bavaria trolling the fuck out of Neo Nazis and sponsoring them, so for every meter they marched, ten euros were donated to EXIT Deutschland, a group that helps people get out of radical right wing groups.

10 years ago

I recently monetized my vagina with Google Adwords, and now I make $2,386 a week working from home!

(will actually read the article now)

10 years ago

Read the article.

Joining the vomit party now. Holy fuck.

10 years ago

The most striking thing in all this to me, given the strong self-proclaimed “Libertarian” streak in the Men’s Rights movement, is it’s mind-boggling hypocrisy.

Point #1 explicitly states that “Rape Is Heist”, ie. theft.

To so-called “Libertarians”, Theft (ie. violation of private property rights) is the paramount sin/crime of all sins/crimes. It is their Uber-Crime from which all other crime flow. It’s not uncommon for “Libertarians” to describe other (greater) crimes as really just extreme forms of “theft”. So, Murder and Assault are crimes because they are violations of one’s rights to his/her property (ie the body). Why do they hate taxation? Because it’s theft. Why do they support IP laws? Because IP is property and using without permission is theft. It literally all boils down to theft. So, a naive person just might expect that one thing Libertarians would not mock someone for is objecting to being robbed.

But, of course, no. Here we have a bunch of people, which doubtlessly includes a large number of self-described “Libertarians” saying that outrage about rape is illegitimate because it’s just theft? As though it’s shameful or whiny to object to having someone take something of theirs without compensation?

Obviously like everyone else here I disagree with that underlying premise, but even if I accepted it the line of attack still fails because objecting to being robbed is not illegitimate.


10 years ago

And they often call enforcing tax laws, which usually involves fines, wage garnishment and asset seizure rather than jail time violence. So a man being made to pay his taxes = violence and a woman being raped = not violence at all. It makes no sense.

Miss Andry
10 years ago

There are still some human beings who make me physically ill. Kudos to the creators of that meme, you’re truly repugnant.

Jason Neuman
10 years ago

I feel dirty just reading that, eww.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

There is not enough nope.

Anywhere, ever.

The universe’s supply of nope has been exhausted.

10 years ago

This actually deserves a trigger warning… GOD, how can people be so incredibly horrible to other people? I´ll just never get it.

10 years ago

What in the shit….

10 years ago

Agree with Arctic Ape in that the “logic” seems to be that if an “average-looking-healthy” man wants to sleep with any woman, it should be their right (said woman having bodily autonomy is a whim though). There’s layers of disgusting in the assumption that not only men’s sexual desires trump women’s bodily autonomy, but that there’s a hierarchy of men that lack this god-given right, since the only “legitimate” reasons women should have any right to protest being raped were that their rapist is not attractive or healthy enough (and misogynists just love positioning themselves as “average” or “typical”).

Anyway, this is nauseating.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Now you know what “Rape Culture” means. It means we live in a society where pussy is cheap (or even free), pictures of female flesh are easily available, and men don’t treat women as princesses anymore as they did in all previous centuries

Because rape never, ever happened in any previous century, and all women throughout history were pampered and catered to and treated like royalty. Uh-huh.

This is a level of stupid that goes beyond “can barely remember to breathe” stupid and into “drowning in the rain from looking up with an open mouth” stupid.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago


I recently monetized my vagina with Google Adwords, and now I make $2,386 a week working from home!

I sold ad space on the wall I recently hit. Cha-ching!

10 years ago

“drowning in the rain from looking up with an open mouth” stupid.

We should be so lucky.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

This is why I hate the old saw about incels just needing to go to a sex worker if they want to get laid so badly. Incels and pick up artists don’t want sex. They want to dominate and abuse and are a real threat to sex workers. Sexual frustration never was the root of misogyny.

All of this, and also, expecting sex workers to absorb these men’s violence so the rest of us don’t have to is pretty damn misogynistic.

“It’s just a thing in your body, no biggy”

I can think of literally no thing I’d find even remotely reasonable to have put into my body without my consent. Oxygen, maybe?

Like if I said “no, I don’t want some water right now”, having it(just water) forced into my mouth would be terrifying, and possibly meet the criteria of torture.

Not to mention that, from what survivors have told me, it hurts. Do these assholes not realize that, or are they so lacking in empathy that they don’t realize women feel pain?

The fuck does a rapists looks have anything to do with it? I thought that according to MRA rape culture it’s women who get raped/not raped for their appearance?

I think it’s the “you wouldn’t call it harassment if he was hot” thing being applied to rape.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

“I can think of literally no thing I’d find even remotely reasonable to have put into my body without my consent. Oxygen, maybe?”

Ah, a reasonable statement to respond to! Oxygen, and other things administered by health professionals while able to consent. Outside people trained to save lives doing so, nobody gets to put anything in anyone without consent (and even they don’t if they’ve been told not to)

Like, seriously, there’s no “reasonable people would consent”… ugh. That’s their problem — no reasonable person wouldn’t want their undeniable sexual prowess. My fruit smoothie just got a whole lot less delicious.

10 years ago

It’s kind of impressive that someone got so much fail into one little meme.

First rule of Menz Rightzer ragememes: Cram as much hateful, ugly stoopid into that thingie as you can possibly make to fit. Don’t waste a millimetre of space that could possibly be taken up with your own fail!

10 years ago

Wow….50 Shades of Rape

10 years ago

On the topic of “libertarian” rape apologists… remember the professor who wondered why raping unconscious women was illegal? If you don’t, here’s a jog to your memory:

He set up this argument with two cases where person A objected to other people doing things to their own property without person A’s knowledge–i.e., an environmentalist objecting to someone drilling for oil on their own land.

By implication, a woman’s body belonged to her rapist, and she had no reason to object to him using it. *Vomits continuously*

10 years ago

Also, is “normal rape” any relation to Legitimate Rape™? Asking for…well, HUMANITY, I guess.

PS: Dude who made this can slip and fall bare-ass on all the Legos. If one of them should pop up his bum, I’ll just shrug and say it was objectively just one more thing inserted into his body.

10 years ago

(That last bit was sarcasm, BTW.)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

If it’s all objectively just one thing being inserted into another thing, then why is Rapey McRape so frothingly angry about not being able to have sex wth women? Any old tube sock or cored apple ought to do.

Quiet Wolf
Quiet Wolf
10 years ago

How fucking entitled do you have to be to think that it’s okay to use someone’s physical being without their consent? People’s bodies aren’t public property or finders-keepers.
By this morally bankrupt and spiritually stunted reprobate’s logic, I should be able to give him dozens of paper-cuts all along his fingers and palms. I mean, hasn’t he gotten a paper-cut a hundred times before? Won’t they heal fairly quickly? What’s the lasting damage? Surely his discomfort shouldn’t deny me, a perfect stranger, use of his body! He should think about how awesome I’ll feel and suck it up!

And then I’d throw his car keys in a stone basin full of lemon juice.

Ugh. Someone give this creep a book on basic humanoid empathy.

10 years ago

Joining the vom-fest

However “monetizing the pussy” sounds like something from “Bill, The Galactic Hero” where at one point Bill keeps his spare change in a rubber cat and every day the kitty got a little bigger.

10 years ago

Very young human children are solipsistic. They don’t understand others have different needs, desires and beliefs than themselves. Intellectually they get this, but they don’t approve of it because deep down they think the only legitimate wishes and desires are their own.

So basically, these guys are on par with toddlers in terms of moral and social development, perhaps because of poor socialization or because of their head biology.* To them, it would be just as reasonable to conclude that it’s selfish and evil of women to want to monopolize their bodies for their own purposes, as it would be to conclude that they are selfish and evil for wanting to control women’s bodies for their own purposes. They think that if their purposes are better than women’s, then they are morally in the right. And they’re very good at coming up with justifications for why their purposes are noble and why women are too frivolous to be trusted to manage the valuable resource that is their bodies.

As someone already pointed out, they fail at the most basic level of morality.

*I realize this may sound like ableism, but can I be absolved if I believe everyone is a result of their biology and environment even if they’re perfectly normal and well functioning in every aspect? I’m not excusing being a terrible person, I just think it’s caused by something (other than a choice made out of their free will to be a shithead) and therefore can be explained.