If you have something terrible to say, say it with a meme!
That, at least, seems to be the consensus of some of the worst people on the internet. So I’m starting a little occasional series called “memesplaining” in which I’ll highlight some of the most nonsensical and/or horrific memes I run across on the internet. Today’s is both.
I found the lovely meme above pasted into the comments on the blog of everyone’s favorite rapey, racist “pickup artist” Roosh Valizadeh. I don’t know where it originated, but a quick image search reveals that it’s been making the rounds on 4chan and Reddit.
Here’s the text at a more readable size . I highlighted the worst bits, but then again pretty much the entire thing could be classified as “the worst bits.”
And gosh, it turns out that whoever made this awful meme is as dismissive of the female rape of men as he is of the male rape of women.
Somehow I imagine he’s not quite so keen on rape when men are raped by other men — even though by his logic it’s also “objectively … merely inserting an object into [his] body.”
I feel bad for the people who model for stock photos. I’m sure most of them have no idea that they’ll end up getting used to illustrate crap like this.
So, do guys hate prison rape because they can’t monetise their arseholes?
I’ll be in the angry room, if you need me.
Of course this monstrosity is from Roosh’s site. Of course it is.
It always comes down to these men being enraged that women can say “No”.
To anything really, but most of all it pisses them off that women can say “No” to sex with them and “Yes” to whoever they like.
“monetise their pussy”
Gee, this drop kick sounds like he’s okay with depriving someone of their right – RIGHT – to support themselves with a livilihood without fear of goddamn thieves sabotaging their business.
You know what that sounds like, children?
That’s right! COMMUNISM!! *dun dun dun*
How much is Stalin petting you on the head to say these things, Comrade Roosh?
(Go to hell, Roosh, fucking hell.)
Underpinning it all is the atrocious assumption that not being raped is a privilege, an entitlement of spoiled, pampered princesses.
Jesus, Buttercup, you’re right. In fact, it also seems to be underpinned with the idea that men who have consensual sex with women are being secretly controlled or screwed over by them, and rape is the “alpha” thing to do instead.
So I second whoever said that of course this was posted on Roosh’s site.
I’m sure when this guy refers to a man being raped by a woman, he’s thinking of some woman who looks like the one in his meme. I’m pretty sure that if he were forced by a woman he considered fat/ugly/old/smelly/drug-crazed, he might find that he hates it as much as a woman would.
It’s like they only think attractive women are fuckable, that those are the only women who are capable of sex with them. Anyone else is sexually invisible to them; just targets for ridicule and disgust. So it’s understandable that they discount those women in their “I wouldn’t mind being raped” rants.
I don’t know where exactly I’m going with this. It just strikes me as very arrogant to assume that if they were ever a rape victim, it would be at the hands of someone they wouldn’t find unappealing. Like the fatties wouldn’t dare to touch them. It could never really happen in their minds so there no real danger, no threat of being forced to do something actually personally repugnant, so they don’t think of what it would actually be like.
I also wonder how many of them think they would get to “finish” if they were ever in that situation? Or assume there would be no acts they didn’t dislike (“Only betas get pegged”)? Yeah, sure they wouldn’t hate being raped.
On a side note, my phone’s Swype is very prim. I cannot get it to read “sex”, so I have to type it in. Sadly, I didn’t have to do the same for “fatties”.
Bizarrely enough ‘monetizing pussy’ is a LITTLE BIT like the radical feminist view of the 70s – ie that in hetero relations a woman’s sexual behaviour is given a value by the patriarchy, ergo it was vital to not be part of that. The radfem solution was political lesbianism (for those who were 100% hetero) – I think this is where the comparison breaks down!
I can honestly say that no one has EVER treated me like a princess. It doesn’t automatically happen because of being girls or women. Many of us are not considered worth it for a start (some of us are just scoring too low for the average misogynist). Whether I was or not was not the issue for me, I have a very strong personality, intellect and physique, and ‘princessing’ was the LAST thing on my mind.
I don’t really want to comment on the ‘we only complain about rape because’ stuff because it really is sickening. I think that I will just say that I have known many women who were raped, and many women and a couple of men who were sexually abused as children, and trivialising it is about the cruelest and nastiest thing a person can do. That Roosh has done this is of course not at all surprising.
QFT. The idea of not being in full control of an encounter – including the other person’s feelings – seems to frighten them so much.
Sweet baby Cthulu, I can barely fathom the ways in which these guys’ minds work.The thought that there may be men (and some women) who think like this in South Africa (where I live) is unsettling. According to Interpol, SA was named the rape capital of the world in 2012 [TW]: http://www.news24.com/Multimedia/South-Africa/SA-named-world-rape-capital-20120420
^This. I cannot help but feel so angry when people trivialise rape, especially those who say stuff such as “We raped that comment thread”. [That example is similar to something I saw on a Facebook comment thread.] My first boyfriend was raped as a child. There isn’t a damned thing funny or trivial about that.
“I can honestly say that no one has EVER treated me like a princess.”
A fun exercise;
1) Ask one of these chumps what it means to be “treated like a princess”.
2) Note down their answer.
3) Keep an eye on their future rhetoric regarding women.
4) Cry gentle tears for the poor goalpost that is forced to be move all across the state like it’s the goddamn Trail of Tears.
Someone has never actually asked a male rape survivor with a female assailant how he felt about the experience. Or they asked, but refused to listen because it mucks up their narrative of consent being an obstacle.
Right, can we throw this meme at the next piece of shit who derails a discussion of women being raped by piping up with “BUT MEN GET RAPED TOO”?
@alysonmiers – Cracked recently ran an article based on an interview with an anonymous man who had been raped by a woman. They had to disable the comments, they were that bad.
I know a man who was raped by his so-called “GF.” The trauma of the experience changed him forever, and not in good ways.
10knives – I did think that as I wrote that. WHAT is being treated like a princess anyway?! But even if they could come up with SOME kind of coherent and consistent definition I am pretty sure that the majority of women and girls are not being treated like that. Not that I would ever want to be, I hasten to add – I can only see ‘princessing’ as being put on a pedestal and considered to be far too delicate to really engage in the real world, and I am NOT a piece of china!
For a while it was considered the ‘cool’ thing to say, especially when I was at uni and working in student bars. For all I know it still is. (TW for yuck ahead). Saying “I completely raped that” after downing a pint or, again, “I raped their facebook status”.
And then if you challenge it you’re the one given considerable side-eye for being the language police or way-over-the-top PC. “Just joking, gawd”.
The first MRA I ever encountered online was the skin-crawlingly loathsome Norwegian rape apologist Eivind Berge, who in addition to minimising male-on-female rape also seemed convinced that male sex abuse survivors were “lucky” – to the extent that he’d even gatecrash support forums for such survivors to explain to them just how lucky they were. (Obvious TW attached to that link.)
Five years or so ago, I assumed that this made Berge such an extreme outlier that he barely registered as a statistical blip. Sadly, David has repeatedly demonstrated on a more or less daily basis that this isn’t the case. But the fact that people can fervently express such demonstrably ridiculous views (even aside from the chilling lack of empathy) never ceases to astonish me.
Brain bleach backpack bunny, I choose YOU!
Is there an MRA version of Poe’s Law? Because I’m having a really hard believing that -anyone- can actually believe something so profoundly stupid.
Brain Bleach Backpack Bunny used Happy Place!
It’s super effective!
You know… this is one of those cases where I like to evaluate it on its own terms. Okay, let’s reduce rape to a theft-of-services problem like this graphic wants us to. Guess what — even by the writer’s sociopathic standards, rape is *still* wrong. Essentially, this argument is an admission of complete moral bankruptcy on the part of the writer.
Trigger warning, sarcastic discussion on rape
The basic argument here seems to be that rape shouldn’t be a big deal because women routinely consent to sex with men, supposedly in exchange for some small socioeconomic rewards.
Hence the caveat “if the man isn’t particularly ugly or smelly or otherwise unattractive”. Also, “if the rapist isn’t particularly violent or STD-ridden then there’s no real harm done”. Basically, “if you can rape a woman in a way that’s plausibly indistinguishable from consensual sex (standard PIV assumed), then she’s just refusing on a whim.”
Never mind that she might actually feel strongly about her partner choice and sexual taste and bodily autonomy or that she might have her own opinions about your general attractiveness or that she might not know if you’re going to give her HIV or make her pregnant or kill her as afterplay or that you might actually physically hurt her while thinking you’re being a “reasonably” gentle rapist.
The rape is also specified as heterosexual, because women supposedly generally consent to sex with men, and vice versa, whereas male-male rape is different. Men don’t want to have sex with other men in any circumstances, especially if it involves anal penetration. Those who do can be conveniently dismissed, just like men and women who truly don’t want to have sex with the opposite gender, or anyone. Lesbian rape isn’t even on chart.
I’m not a man, but I’m pretty positive the vast majority of men would most emphatically not actually enjoy being raped, even by beautiful and sexy women. It’s such an insult to actual male rape victims and it’s made all the more disgusting by the fact that such male rape apologists (hilariously, initials were unintended) also complain female-on-male rape isn’t taken seriously enough. Of course they’re right on about the latter, but the hypocrisy is still mind-boggling.
@Cyberwulf: actually, Cracked chose to turn off the comments in advance because they anticipated the kind of shit they’d get. I have to say, as much as I was grateful for the point at the end calling out MRAs for using female-on-male rape as a point against feminism (and certain feminists who are overly dismissive of it), it’s still really fucking sad how much it had to be said. Good job, MRAs.