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MEMESPLAINING: Women hate rape because it doesn't allow them to "monetize" their vaginas [TW, obviously]

Found on Roosh V's blog.
Found on Roosh V’s blog. Click for larger version.

If you have something terrible to say, say it with a meme!

That, at least, seems to be the consensus of some of the worst people on the internet. So I’m starting a little occasional series called “memesplaining” in which I’ll highlight some of the most nonsensical and/or horrific memes I run across on the internet. Today’s is both.

I found the lovely meme above pasted into the comments on the blog of everyone’s favorite rapey, racist “pickup artist” Roosh Valizadeh. I don’t know where it originated, but a quick image search reveals that it’s been making the rounds on 4chan and Reddit.

Here’s the text at a more readable size . I highlighted the worst bits, but then again pretty much the entire thing could be classified as “the worst bits.”


And gosh, it turns out that whoever made this awful meme is as dismissive of the female rape of men as he is of the male rape of women.


Somehow I imagine he’s not quite so keen on rape when men are raped by other men — even though by his logic it’s also “objectively … merely inserting an object into [his] body.”

I feel bad for the people who model for stock photos. I’m sure most of them have no idea that they’ll end up getting used to illustrate crap like this.

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10 years ago

Are there any more seats on the Nopeocopter?

10 years ago

@Misha: Wasn’t that the guy who came here for, like, a week around the big AVFM con last May, and kept trying to get us to go visit his website?

10 years ago

Jumping on the nope train.

Hambeast (formerly twincats)
Hambeast (formerly twincats)
10 years ago

I can play this game too: Men do not *need* sex with women (or other men, or anyone else if that’s their fancy.) Objectively, touching another person is not required to have an orgasm. So men need to stop getting so bent out of shape about women who don’t want to stimulate their genitals or otherwise be a party to their orgasms just because they feel entitled to that.

I’d join in the ragepuking, but one of the things in life I hate the very most is vomiting. I will beat a hasty retreat if anyone else in my vicinity is doing so; I’m nearly phobic about it.

Even so, I’d much prefer being afflicted with projectile vomiting followed by the dry heaves than being raped, thanks very much.

10 years ago

Oh Christ, one of the commenters on Misha’s link is John Allman, the abusive asshole who doxxed his own son while spamming his shitty blog here. More nope GIFs required.

10 years ago

@Falconer, did he? No way, the guy’s an infamous shit weasel. He thinks we live in a PC-plagued society.

Imma go find it. Need a laugh after all the nope.

10 years ago

Did anyone notice the weird disclaimer written on the side of the meme? It starts right above the right shoulder of the pouty lady wearing the tiara; it’s so faint I thought it was a watermark. But it says:

[blockquote]”This image is about normal/typical rape (heterosexual, average looking average healthy rapist etc.)”[/blockquote]

WTF is a “normal/typical rape” in the meme writer’s mind? Is is that stranger-in-the-bushes scenario all men seem to think of as “typical rape”, or is it something else?

And why does the rapist have to “average looking” and of average health? Is it some catch-all to cover the rapes perpetrated by devilishly handsome and deathly ill men? If your rapist happens to be diabetic, is the rape no longer “typical”?

It’s kind of lulzy that the writer defines a typical rape in terms of the characteristics of the rapist. Not the victim, or the relationship those two people have together, or whether drugs or alcohol are involved.

But then, to admit that most would-be rapists provide their victims with alcohol so they won’t be believed later is *actually* what rape culture is. I can’t expect some meme writer who hates women to really comprehend that.

10 years ago

@ Idledillettante

I expect the average health thing is in regard to STIs etc

10 years ago

Wasn’t that the guy who came here for, like, a week around the big AVFM con last May, and kept trying to get us to go visit his website?

He did indeed. Got banned for spamming and being boring, as I recall.

Christina Nordlander
10 years ago

What in the actual fuck. This may be the vilest thing you’ve ever blogged about.

That bit about women raping men at the end stood out a bit. It says that rape is no big deal to men (at least as long as it’s not perpetrated by another man), because men consider themselves to have a value “that consists of more than just holes and body parts”. Whew, I feel a bit faint after typing that. So… having a sense of self-worth means that you’re OK with having your bodily autonomy violated?

Also, seconding what everyone else has said about “it’s just putting an object in your body”. Heck, the *only* time I can imagine that it’s OK to sticking an object in someone else’s body without their consent would be in the case of acute surgery where the patient is unconscious.

10 years ago

Well, apparently Mr. Buchanan didn’t just stumble across us. David mentioned him a couple of times because he was going to be speaking at the AVFM conference.

10 years ago

@idledilettante: “normal/typical rape” What the fuck kind of escape clause is that?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
10 years ago

@ Falconer

This is the old “Real rape = man jumping out of bushes with knife and balaclava” syndrome.

Hence, “You don’t need to teach us not to rape, we know that”

Getting girls drunk, sex whilst unconscious, threats and intimidation etc. Well, that’s not ‘real’ rape. You know, the sort that shuts down your ovaries or something.

Michael Kelly Miecielica

I think we are over looking that even if you grant the “logic” (which we should not do because gross) of the meme, it follows that theft is no big deal, which is another layer of fail.

10 years ago

Jesvm Christvm. Sometimes, you have to ask yourself if you’re seeing the worst thing ever, the bottom of the barrel – I think this might be it. “Inserting an object”!!! Just an object – a non-thinking inconsequential object called an “alpha” male. You bouquet of thrushwallets.

10 years ago

The fuck does a rapists looks have anything to do with it? I thought that according to MRA rape culture it’s women who get raped/not raped for their appearance?

10 years ago


Perfectly said. It’s also how they manage to argue that “rape is rare/most accusations are false” with a straight face.

10 years ago

If MRAs had any self-awareness at all, claiming that there’s no such thing as rape or rape culture then nodding along to “Normal/typical rape” would cause them to vanish in a puff of logic.

… Well, that and fifty thousand other things.

Inez Milholland
Inez Milholland
10 years ago

Insane troll logic is insane.

“Women are preoccupied with holes!” say the men preoccupied with women and holes…

10 years ago

You bouquet of thrushwallets.

Oooh, nice one.

10 years ago


They also think that rape culture is something that it actually isn’t. Hence why they deny it but admit that “real” rape exists.

10 years ago

If men value themselves outside of their genitals then why do a certain number of them take such an ego hit when they’re sexually rejected?