If you have something terrible to say, say it with a meme!
That, at least, seems to be the consensus of some of the worst people on the internet. So I’m starting a little occasional series called “memesplaining” in which I’ll highlight some of the most nonsensical and/or horrific memes I run across on the internet. Today’s is both.
I found the lovely meme above pasted into the comments on the blog of everyone’s favorite rapey, racist “pickup artist” Roosh Valizadeh. I don’t know where it originated, but a quick image search reveals that it’s been making the rounds on 4chan and Reddit.
Here’s the text at a more readable size . I highlighted the worst bits, but then again pretty much the entire thing could be classified as “the worst bits.”
And gosh, it turns out that whoever made this awful meme is as dismissive of the female rape of men as he is of the male rape of women.
Somehow I imagine he’s not quite so keen on rape when men are raped by other men — even though by his logic it’s also “objectively … merely inserting an object into [his] body.”
I feel bad for the people who model for stock photos. I’m sure most of them have no idea that they’ll end up getting used to illustrate crap like this.
“Objectively rape is merely inserting an object into her body”…
And strangulation is merely is a tight hug, being buried alive is merely a dry mud bath, being set on fire is merely someone trying to keep you warm…
And going to prison is merely a free holiday….this guy could use a holiday.
If having water forced over your mouth counts as a torture then I’m pretty sure water directly into it does.
Who was that idiot who compared rape to “force feeding a fat woman chocolate cake”?
“It’s just a thing in your body, no biggy”
Then it would be ginger-peachy if I rammed a piece of rusty rebar into this creep’s ear?
Found it. It was Nick Erikson, leader of the British National Party London section, or at least he was back then, not sure now. (For anyone who doesn’t know the BNP are basically fascists. They’ve said some horrible things about minorities so it’s not that surprising one of them said something horrible regarding women).
Back in 2008 he wrote the following on his blog:
Genuinely sorry if I’ve made anyone feel worse than they did before…
You’re right, sexual frustration alone does not lead to misogyny; however certain kinds of sexual frustration — depending on where it stems from — combined with other factors (ie. personal temperament, existing prejudices, personal experience, etc.) I think can lead someone to develop misogynistic beliefs especially when the combination of factors is able to create a sense of victimhood in the individual.
Well, then I’m guessing that he also thinks getting murdered is okay because it’s nothing more than having a few well-placed bullets put in your body, or some sort of sharpened instrument insertion.
He should go tell that to the victims of rape or the family members of murder victims and see how dispassionately he can respond if one of them decides to insert something into him.
I can’t even, I feel like my brain is trying to shut down as a form of self defense after seeing this thing.
Wish I’d paid attention to the trigger warning. Vom.
After being raped I wanted to just scrape out my own insides and scrub myself clean forever. But yeah, it’s totally because I didn’t get paid.
TIL that women think of themselves as aristocrats and also a collection of holes with price tags. And rape is the equivalent of storming the Bastille. And any crime can be redefined as A Blow Against Tyrannny with magic self-serving victim-blaming bullshit because moral compasses, how do they work?
This thing is so wrong, the light from its wrong will take billions of years to reach the earth.
You are the wind beneath my wings.
This is so utterly against every conceivable ethical code I’ve ever heard of, that I really, really want to believe that this is a troll.
I have zero confidence that this is a troll.
If it is a troll, it s a really inappropriate, awful troll. This is beyond gross.
Indeed. Misogyny is in fact very often the root of sexual frustration.
*goes back to vomiting*
It happens slowly, bit by bit, over a very long time. Also the people telling you this on the internet seem on the surface to be nice and accepting, and draw you in by re-enforcing your self-pity and acting like a friendly, accepting group of people for an awkward social misfit like yourself. Or at least that’s how my teenage years went.
One thing I find interesting about the extreme MRA/PUA crowds (once I’ve finished vomiting) is that for all their obsession with female-on-male rape, they don’t seem to consider it actually happening in reality. The see the subject from a distance (almost like they and everyone they know have no direct experience with it) and every scenario that would actually count as rape in that sense they see as sex, because they can’t imagine a heterosexual man turning down sex with a woman.
*keeps mopping*
Roosh has become the manosphere’s biggest asshole troll, which is quite impressive since that whole cesspool is just a huge pile of trolling nitwits. This one is pretty typical in it’s abject failure as a functional meme, four paragraphs kills it dead, but it does goes pedal to the metal in it’s attempt to say something outrageously misogynistic as possible. Sure it’s moral abhorrent, intellectually bankrupt and spectacularly wrong in just about every way, but pissing off and pissing on women and/or feminists makes it all worthwhile for them.
These guys leg hump “reason”, “logic” and “fact-based reality” yet all that gets thrown out without a second thought in a race to be the internet’s most edgy and outrageous misogynist. Again, this fucking monstrosity stands out for it’s intellectual dishonesty way more than AVfM’s crap memes, which again is really saying something.
“Now you know what rape culture is” is followed by two sentences that show the author has absolutely no idea what the term means. It’s not actually a modern phenomenon brought on by porn and free love, schmuck face.
Does this guy realize this one sentence reveals that he knows zero about history, how the world works and humanity in general? That’s assuming he put any thought or even believes this “theory”, which I actually doubt. He just wanted to troll feminists and that makes spewing unthinking hateful shit like this worthwhile, if your a bottom feeding lump of shit member of Roosh’s crew.
Yes, all aboard the Nopeocopter.
After reading only his poster (not te article or comments yet), I wish that I could think of a stronger invective in the English language than, “Fuck him,” because that sounds uncomfortably close to what he wants.
@M: I hate that sequence. Beautiful game, with some bits that are really annoying or hard or annoyingly hard.
But the tiny Spanish Napoleon dude built a statue of himself that chases you down. If only it weren’t a quicktime event.
I’m going to have to walk away from this one because I can’t think of any response that doesn’t wish violence upon the person who made this meme.
I felt a bit nauseous today and had to lie down on my bed for a while. After a while I got up, ate, and decided to see if there were any new posts on WHTM. Needless to say I am back at square one and my lens stew seems to want to come back up.
I think we just learned why MRA’s don’t do anything about sexual violence in prison. Aside from being ineffectual, I mean.
So rape doesn’t exist, it’s just women being uppity.
This thing I have seen, I cannot now unsee.
Speaking of crap British political parties, this one’s a doozy:
Britain’s new ‘Justice for Men and Boys’ party, because “feminists hate men” and “taxpayers are subsidising sperm banks for single women and lesbians”.
Again, this thing I have seen I cannot now unsee.