If you have something terrible to say, say it with a meme!
That, at least, seems to be the consensus of some of the worst people on the internet. So I’m starting a little occasional series called “memesplaining” in which I’ll highlight some of the most nonsensical and/or horrific memes I run across on the internet. Today’s is both.
I found the lovely meme above pasted into the comments on the blog of everyone’s favorite rapey, racist “pickup artist” Roosh Valizadeh. I don’t know where it originated, but a quick image search reveals that it’s been making the rounds on 4chan and Reddit.
Here’s the text at a more readable size . I highlighted the worst bits, but then again pretty much the entire thing could be classified as “the worst bits.”
And gosh, it turns out that whoever made this awful meme is as dismissive of the female rape of men as he is of the male rape of women.
Somehow I imagine he’s not quite so keen on rape when men are raped by other men — even though by his logic it’s also “objectively … merely inserting an object into [his] body.”
I feel bad for the people who model for stock photos. I’m sure most of them have no idea that they’ll end up getting used to illustrate crap like this.
Don’t be ridiculous, David. Men getting raped only happens when women are talking about women getting raped and dudes need to say “men get raped too.”
How low can they go? That is the question. Truly nauseating.
I feel sick now 🙁
Oh great, I thought I was done vomiting.
And Roosh gets all pouty when people call him a misogynist, just cos the poor luv likes to associate with people who think like this.
All aboard the vomit train!
I’ve been following this blog for a little over two years and I think this may the most atrocious thing I’ve come across (on here). Unless I’m repressing a lot of the stuff I’ve read… 🙁
Jumping on board the “I feel sick” train, and I have a strong stomach.
There is so much wrong with that meme I don’t know where to start, but I have a feeling that the person who made it (and people who endorse it) are proto rapists, maybe not even proto. This thing stinks of contempt and disdain for women, do you think the creator who thinks rape is only “not treating a woman like the princess she thinks she is” has no issue with “de-princessing” a woman? Maybe even sees it as a “putting them in their place” good thing? 🙁
*gets out the mop bucket*
It’s kind of impressive that someone got so much fail into one little meme.
No, I’m pretty sure it’s because rape is fucking horrible. 0/10, would not recommend at all.
Wow. Great job you’re doing standing up for the rights of men who have actually been abused and assaulted, there.
Bender will now convey my feelings.
Even if we only were willing to have sex for money, that still wouldn’t make rape okay. It’s wrong because it’s a violation of someone else’s body.
This is why I hate the old saw about incels just needing to go to a sex worker if they want to get laid so badly. Incels and pick up artists don’t want sex. They want to dominate and abuse and are a real threat to sex workers. Sexual frustration never was the root of misogyny.
Coming from the same people who say rape doesn’t exist and/or that women love to be raped.
I think this is more appalling than most of the shit we process because someone spent time to put this thing together. I’m not suggesting this required Rembrandt-level artistry, but this isn’t some spewed-up comment on Reddit, either. This was composed, and by a very disturbed human being.
If you’ve ever wondered as to why this ‘movement’ requires vigilance and protest, well, here we are.
Here I always thought that people hate being the victims of violence for more obvious reasons. Shows what I know…
The creator is either a rapist or a man who wants to be a rapist so badly that he makes memes about how OK it is for him and other men to rape women.
But only women. He no where recognizes that most male rape victims are raped by other men. He says men don’t mind being raped by women because they aren’t too uppity to be raped (*VOMITVOMITVOMIT*), but he does not say how they feel about being raped by men.
Let me guess. Then it’s wrong because it’s “gay”, not because its rape.
Misogyny and homophobia, together again!
Augh the horrible. This makes me feel sick, and hurty, and… just so much horrible. D:
I’ve been reading this blog for awhile now so I’m pretty inured to their idiocy, but… holy shit, I’m speechless.
How does someone get so twisted and not notice it? I don’t even care if this is just “chan culture” and their terrible one-upsmanship – that’s no fucking excuse.
Grumpyoldnurse: I think you mean to say this:http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr147/Westley878/fractal-wrong.jpg
I’ve just had the thought that it’s possible a woman made this, or at least helped circulate it. We’ve all seen what kind of shocking misogyny can come out of FeMRAs mouths. Maybe she’s bought into the crap hook line (or should I say lie) and sinker, but considers herself an exception to the risk of rape because “she’s not like those girls” and if she gets buddy buddy with MRAs (because all other men are manginas who don’t rape) hen she’ll be safe.
My gut says that a dude wrote this though…
I can’t even. I felt a bit angry when I read the meme. I can’t summon any more coherence right now. 🙁
“It’s just a thing in your body, no biggy”
I can think of literally no thing I’d find even remotely reasonable to have put into my body without my consent. Oxygen, maybe?
Like if I said “no, I don’t want some water right now”, having it(just water) forced into my mouth would be terrifying, and possibly meet the criteria of torture.