off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: February 2015 Cat Wearing Box in a Sink Edition

Yeah, so?
Yeah, so?

An open thread for personal stuff.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, no being jerky.


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10 years ago

Mouse, I really agonized about whether to link to the gofundme that Carolyn set up for me and it actually made me feel better that you had one to link as well, so I certainly endorse you linking it.

10 years ago

So. Um. This morning I woke up to this kind of thing.

This is not a huge surprise, I’ve had this problem before. It’s just that… this time it seems to be taking a different route out, so I’m off to hospital in a moment. And if it is what I worry it might be, then I might return sans one gallbladder.

10 years ago

I’m sorry so many people are going through so much stuff. I wish I could pull you all into a big slothy group hug.
comment image

10 years ago

Came back home to pack up stuff, doc has punted me from the local hospital to regional one, so apparently it is Serious Bizniz ™.

10 years ago

That sloth hug is seriously cute. Cuter than cats! *heads to hide from the local feline population*

10 years ago

Also, I am having pizza for lunch. This might not seem good, but for me, I normally don’t eat anything after breakfast (or even without breakfast) till about 2100. So though I am feeling close to a crash, the fact I’m having lunch is good! Also, I changed clothes earlier! Not as good as taking a shower but…hey!

10 years ago

Thanks, WatermelonSugar.

Hurray, gilshalos!

And damn, skiriki. I hope everything works out okay!

10 years ago

Yikes. When I originally went to post these, there were maybe two people in need of it, now there’s kind of too many to keep track of. :-/ So, to *anyone* that sees this and needs it (text links there in case WordPress rejects img src= tags):
Houdini (gray tabby bicolor) & Jax (tux) –

Damien (black) & Azrael (torbie) –

I was going to say quite a bit more, but fucking WordPress/Gravatar ate it. Evidently one thinks I have a WordPress account under the SpamGourmet address I was using, while the other one insists I don’t if I try to retrieve its theoretical password, and when I finally got back here, my comment was gone.

I’ll just say that I wish it was illegal for absurdly posh vet hospitals to refuse to treat a pet in mortal danger unless the owner forks over thousands of dollars up-front. Especially when they have a gourmet coffee/espresso machine and a 42″ LCD dedicated to playing slideshows of clients’ pets. >:-( (No, that is not a hint asking if I can post a funding page — I don’t have one yet, and I’m too socially anxious to read comment threads I’ve posted in or even my email most of the time.)

Apologies if I slipped up and used a ‘banned’ word. I re-read what I wrote repeatedly, and I don’t use classic ableist slurs we all know about, but I’m stressed & angry enough at this point that it won’t surprise me if I overlooked something.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Xyzzy, that sounds just like my former hospital (like eerily similar. If you’re willing to name the city I’d like to know). It was a common complaint, and ultimately watching animals die and owners grieve over something as stupid as money was more than I could take (I worked in the ER so I was on the front line for the money cases). The hospital in my case is a charity one and I get why some of the stuff was so expensive, but it still sucked.

10 years ago

Inurashii; so sorry to hear about your dad.

What you said is true, you don’t know what the coming timetable will be. It’s impossible to do the perfect thing here, so try not to worry so much about doing the exactly “right” thing. Try to think of what you would want your memories to be of this time when you think back about them 20 years from today and accomplish them now. Try to stop focusing on the confusion of today, of unsure timetables and the like. This is the exercise that helped me to focus, and see what my priorities were, myself.

Regardless, all the strength and love go your way. If you ever find yourself in an emotional battle, Know that your loved ones, and the people here, have faith in you that you will find your truth, whatever it may be. Even if we don’t know you personally, know that there’s people that care about you, and that we have faith in you.

10 years ago

@skiriki: good luck at the hospital!

@isidore13: I’m so sorry for your loss.

Hugs for everyone else who wants them. :/

10 years ago

Hugs for everyone! Sloth or otherwise.

Also, if anyone would find it a comfort to be slept on by a two-year-old with a double ear infection, be my guest. I’ll keep his sister (who’s been laid up with a head cold for a week and is now bouncing off of everything*) in the other room.

*Literally. “Hop hop hop!” she says. “Like a kangaroo!” And then she takes a header off the couch….

10 years ago

Fistbumps for gilshalos and the pizza lunch, that’s awesome. Especially with everything that’s been going on for you (assuming things are still the same – I’m going on what was mentioned in previous threads aaaages ago).

@Falconer, cutest kangeroo ever :). Boing!

Also, just wanted to apologise to Argenti if my comment played a part in triggering those feelings. I’m still backtracking on comment sections (in the last few months of posts, and hot damn but it’s a mighty effort) and didn’t know about the ToD and all that went down until it was mentioned in this thread … and then, when I read them today, in much later threads … and all the way to the Dread Thread itself, which I’m still working through.

I’m sorry, I didn’t want to ressurect it at ALL in light of what emilygoddess and David said, and I’m wary of doing so by mentioning it now so I’ll stop. But kudos to David for opening up a thread soon so it can be discussed. It’s going to be on my mind for a long time even after I finish reading through it, and the feelings are already pretty strong and hard to process.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Wasn’t just you Misha, no worries.

Falconer pass him this way, I know that pain, and even as an adult it takes effort not to end up crying on the floor, poor little guy! Idk how much it’d help at his age, but cotton balls in the ears make mine crackle less and do less painful weird air pressure things. Ear infections fucking suck and for a little one the inability to hear properly must be extra scary!

And maybe his sister could try hoping like a bunny instead? In the hopes that needing all four limbs for that would mean less couch diving? Or just turn the floor into a pillow fort!

I would actually babysit if you lived in a reasonable distence, cuz kids are adorable, even when you’ve just learned that this particular one is a spit up king, or that one REALLY hates diaper changes, and don’t climb on that, climb on this instead, oh no bear fell behind the couch? Bear rescue service is on the call! Not literally though — I tossed my pacifer in with real bears once, and my mother still teases her sister for debating going in after it. Not to be mistaken for the day my then teenage cousin popped my dirty pacifer in his mouth to get the dirt off and then back in mine (man, I handled his boys, and they were hellyuns, and now are teenagers themselves!)

*finds a big box, drags it over* who wants to go to the moon?! (My favorite toy was a fridge box, because it could be anything!)

10 years ago

I have a job interview tomorrow and I’m really nervous. I’m so terrible at self promotion. But not only do I need this job, but I want it. It seems like a good fit for me.

I just hate job interviews so much! At least I’m meeting with a woman. They make me slightly less nervous than men do.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
10 years ago


Just don’t do this and you’ll be fine 🙂

Seriously thigh fingers crossed for you.

10 years ago

WWTH: Best of luck on your job interview! I’m sure you’ll do great!

10 years ago

I’m really digging that Emilie Autumn music, thanks for introducing that to me Argenti&Lordpabu.

10 years ago

As someone who also hates job interviews and went through a whp;e bunch of them recently, may you land on your feet as I finally recently did, WWTH!

Mammothers’ well-wishes and encouragement really helped me out when I was stressing out and anxious over all that interviewing.

10 years ago

I mean a whole bunch of them.

10 years ago

Good luck on the interview, wwth!

We’re slogging through some copper pipes that decided to go bad a little for a (and ruin a hidden wall and floor) and then a lot (which was actually a good thing since the sound of running water in the wall alerted us to the slow rot that had been going on for months).

But all better now!

Yay, handy spouses!

10 years ago

And try not to be jealous that we found this wallpaper behind our sink and cabinets:

10 years ago

inurashii – I couldn’t give much, but maybe it’ll be enough for a bad road meal while you’re dealing with things.

10 years ago

Thanks, everyone.

I just spent time figuring out how I will answer their questions assuming they ask lots of standard questions. It made me feel a little better.

A. Noyd
A. Noyd
10 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger sez:

I have a job interview tomorrow and I’m really nervous. I’m so terrible at self promotion.

I lucked out the first time I interviewed for the place that just offered to hire me. I was in an especially charismatic and articulate phase and managed to exude an astonishing amount of competence. For the follow-up, I was my more typical babbling clod self, but I think since it was a Skype interview with a shitty connection, they didn’t notice as much.

I just spent time figuring out how I will answer their questions assuming they ask lots of standard questions.

I did that, and they didn’t ask any of them. But it was good practice. I even prepared a joke since apparently some places ask you to tell one.

Anyway, I hope your interview goes as surprisingly smoothly as my first one did.

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