off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: February 2015 Cat Wearing Box in a Sink Edition

Yeah, so?
Yeah, so?

An open thread for personal stuff.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, no being jerky.


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10 years ago

Helpful household tip:

“Here’s how to box a cat’s ears, any questions?”

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

Can people give me hugs? I need hugs. All the hugs.

I’ve had my cooties shot, swear.

10 years ago

New Kitty!

Just returned from the animal shelter today with a new cat. “Rob Roy”, which I see no reason to change. He’s a big ginger tom, and incredibly sweet. He’s isolated in my office so he and Mica can acclimatize.

10 years ago

Mouse Farts,
All the hugs to you!

Left Wing Fox,
I hope you post pictures.

Tina S
Tina S
10 years ago

My brucie kitty has a cold!

10 years ago

Mouse farts, all the hugs for whatever is going on. I’ll leave a big barrel of hugs over in the corner if anyone needs some.

10 years ago

Thanks. I’ll just be over here in this barrel.

10 years ago

Ginger kitty? Pix please!!!

10 years ago

Adding some more hugs for Mouse Farts and thanks for the barrel of hugs, Sam. If anyone else has some extra hugs, happy thoughts or good vibes you could send to my cousin, that would be great. She had a baby at 24 weeks on Tuesday. They are both doing well, but the baby will obviously be in the NICU for quite awhile.

10 years ago

Hugs, Mouse Farts.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Hugs to Mouse Farts, ej’s cousin, and itty bitty very careful finger hugs for her tiny baby! Also, I’ve put some wilting roses in the barrel of hugs since “50% off but who cares what they look like, they’re for tortoise dinner” doesn’t work if tortoise rejects them. Yep, my goofy shelled one got offered flowers and has so far not touched them.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Also, tissues for Tina’s furry one, and bulldog puppies for all! (Live cam so idfk what they’ll be doing in the future, but they’re currently nursing and D’AWW)

10 years ago

Sending good vibes to all the people who need it, especially ej’s cousin and the new baby.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

If the King of All Cosmos had a cat, it would look like the one in the OP.

10 years ago

@emilygoddess: YES. CAT OF THE COSMOS. He’d bat around Katamaris that are too small to be made into planets!

And hugs for those that need them.

10 years ago

Mouse Farts: Super strength hugs, for when the standard brand won’t do. Now with 75% more <3 ! Also mini hugs for the little one.

Emilygoddess: Hah! Katamari Damarcy right?

I'm going to live with my parents end of next week, for a few months, and I'm not ashamed of that any more. I think it might do me good. I'll still be working, just taking it down to Devon with me. It's a lovely area, fantastic atmosphere, lots to do, I'll be with family that loves me and free board and partly free food means I'll have a higher profit margin which means it'll be easier to pay off debts. Considering I've been struggling with some internal shit for a long time and it got worse over the last six months, this new move, albeit temporary, could help with some healing.

10 years ago

Hugs for Mouse Farts.

Here’s the kitty;
comment image?dl=0

10 years ago

Mouse Farts–hugs for whatever it is that is causing you trouble.

I am sitting her with Pan on my legs, preventing me from throwing in the pasta for dinner. Eventually, one of us will get hungry.

I’ve known a few cats–including Pan and Jade–who will let you roll their ears all the way back and keep it there for a few seconds. Anyone else tried that?

10 years ago

D’aww, he’s a cutie! Such a sweet kittyface…

10 years ago


Kitty pictures please!!

I just took in 2 cats that a friend can’t keep. They are both big solid white toms. Very cute and very snugly so I couldn’t say no even though I am a bit worried I might be getting close to having to many furries but so far the new guys are getting along fine with the 3 I already had.

10 years ago

I realised today that Bailey the cat understands a “no” much better than the creeps in bars. When he jumps up for a snuggle and I put him down because I’m engrossed with the TV, he actually walks away and leaves me alone.

10 years ago

MouseFartscomment image

10 years ago

Speaking of virtual hugs…
Jade was sitting in my dinner chair, so I had to relocate her to eat. So I put her down on the brown chair with Pan. The result looks something like this:

And yes, they are still at it.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
10 years ago

So, kitty in the sink, that resonates.

Kitty in a box, that resonates.

Too-small box on a kitty? Haven’t personally seen it, but surprised the kitty isn’t ripping it off (and up).

This image, well, it’s a box too far. Almost seems photoshopped. Almost.

But the thing is, if a kitty was going to have a box on its head long enough to be photographed doing something other than ripping it off, that’s the expression it would have.

So, I’m going with non-photoshopped. I’d talk about this longer, but I have to go to the bathroom so my cat can roll around on the edge of the sink expecting me to both pet her and keep her 6″ wide body from falling off the 3″ wide ledge as she roly-poly’s around the slick, wet, granite surface.

Because cats.

Yeah? So?

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