![Not pictured: Human vagina.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/pitcher_plants_-_pflanzenleben.jpg?resize=580%2C566&ssl=1)
There’s a famous scene in 40 Year Old Virgin where Steve Carrell’s character inadvertently reveals his complete lack of sexual experience with women (not that there’s anything wrong with that) by suggesting that a women’s breast “feels like a bag of sand.”
I sometimes find myself wondering if some of the guys I write about here have ever actually been in the presence of a naked woman. I mean, sure, it’s not really that surprising that a committed vagina-avoider like the legendary Man Going His Own Way known as Christopher in Oregon would write about women in general, and their vaginas in particular, as if they were stinky alien creatures from Planet Yuckygirls.
But it’s a little weirder when someone who claims to be an expert on the female mind and body describes, for example, the human vagina in ways that seem to suggest that he’s never actually been in the same room with one.
I’m referring to our old friend Heartiste, the smug, racist piece of human trash who presents himself to the world as a pickup artist extraordinaire, someone who in his glory days “slew pussy like the Quim Reaper” (his words, obviously, not mine).
In a recent post, though, Heartiste cast aspersions on a fat woman’s alleged “sticky, bulbous, pitcher plant vagina.”
Bulbous? Bulbous?
Dude, you do realize that vaginas are, er, concave, right?
Heartiste, a somewhat overenthusiastic fan of metaphor, has previously suggested that vaginas are less like pitcher plants than they are like a shark’s toothy mouth, describing how “alpha” males find themselves “staring into the maw of an excited vagina aroused by the scent of cock in the water.”
In other posts he’s written of “poon petals flower[ing],” rhapsodized about “pussy waterfalls … sprayed in fine mists over jungle canopies,” described the vagina as a “fetid, humid mess” that no true alpha would want to go down upon, and suggested that the vulvas of “aging women” regularly become “low-hanging hammocks” needing plastic surgery in order to compete sexually with the less-hammocky vulvas of younger women.
He’s talked about “vaginal gusher[s],” exploding pussy, and women whose desire “erupt[s] like Mount Vaginius.”
Taking his cue, perhaps, from Frank Herbert’s Dune, he’s described male desire for a world in which “the snatch will flow.”
The word “labia” seems to send him into a veritable paroxysm of excited metaphoring. He’s described labia as “flowering,” “flapping,” and “pulsating.” He suggests that a sexually aroused women will need to “shift a little in [her] chair to make room for [her] engorging labia.”
In one post, he warns his readers that if they can’t pull off at least a reasonable impersonation of an alpha male, their girlfriend’s “labia will wither like rose petals in a Texas drought”; in another he suggests that if a fella can successfully ape an alpha, a woman’s “labia [will] begin to flower like a Desert Lily after an August deluge.”
He laughs at the thought of a “loser … jab[bing] a few tepid spurts into sea cucumber labia.”
And even more weirdly, he’s referred to the phrase “hey you” as “the symptomatic verbal goosebumps of the warm chill caused by her engorging labia.”
But no variety of labia seems to excite him quite so much as feminist labia. In one post he attacks the “crooked labia of feminist ideology,” whatever that means; in another he happily predicts that his opinions will cause much “gnashing of labia”; in still another, he imagines his writings causing “a million fatties and fug feminists [to] sprout martyrdom stigmata on their marbled labia.”
And in an even stranger bit of metaphorical overkill he once referred to “Manboobz Fatrelle’s porcine labia,” which is evidently his somewhat baroque rendition of the standard Manosphere taunt that I’m a fat “mangina.”
Your challenge today, dear readers, is to draw a picture of what Heartiste must think vaginas look like based on his various descriptions of them. I recommend using MSPaint.
Going by the style of his writing I think he must work for Mills and Boon. Also, does anyone else think that not only has this man not seen a vagina in person, but he has also probably never seen even a picture of one. It’s a little weird, given many MRA/PUAs obsessions with porn (Jordan Owen, for example).
That’s a lot of purple prose and horrible metaphors!
It sounds like he thinks a vagina and labia looks like this. (Totally safe for work. And not drawn, I don’t have to the talent and wouldn’t know where to begin.)
That was unexpectedly disturbing. It still surprises me how these chuzzlewits blend desire and loathing into a cocktail of ick.
I wonder if the g0ys/frot partisans are motivated by a similar form of body horror. Some of them are apparently convinced that human sexuality is patterned after deep sea anglerfish, and they don’t want to be assimilated.
Even Georgia O’Keefe thinks he’s gone overboard on the vagina = flower imagery.
As someone.with a vaj, I have always been a little perplexed by the way they characterize female desire as “vagina tingles.” I’ve been aroused. I have had orgasms. I would never describe any.of it as tingles. Is that because I haven’t been with real alphas? Or do these guys just not have any clues?
He’s semi-right on the labia swelling when aroused, but other than that, he’s got nothing.
I think he may have watched this classic movie one too many times while thirsty.
Maybe what these men need is the thing they admire the most – a good strong man.
Because they seem to be awfully weirded out by women.
Yeah, nope, nothing I got can beat Audrey II up there.
It does sound an awful lot like he’s never seen an actual vulva.
I don’t think he’s seen a sea cucumber, either.
(Flapping labia? Really? That’s–really?)
My contribution.
There you go pal.
Like this.
“Gnashing of labia,” I’m dying here! It’s like he thinks women’s emotions/reasoning are solely channeled through their vaginas. I can’t stop picturing him arguing with a woman and then kneeling eye level to her vagoo and saying, “Who cares about her! What do YOU think?”
I don’t think Heartiste has seen a vagina since a vagina saw him.
With extra misandry!
I’ve collaborated with a professional police sketch artist to produce this image of the being described by Heartiste:
@ David
“(his words, obviously, not mine)”
Yeah right. When are you going to come clean about the real reason you were fired from Hallmark Greetings Cards?
I…I’m not even sure if labia is a real word anymore. Wat.
The Four Vagina Shapes (according to Heartiste):
1. Marbled vampire waterfall
![comment image](https://drawception.com/pub/panels/2012/4-30/jh63hSe9Dc-2.png)
2. Radioactive lava shark
3. Acid-spitting hammock
4. Death daisy
@ Buttercup
That list sounds like the line-up at the worst free music festival ever.
I had to look up the “low-hanging hammock” thing to figure out what the fuck he was talking about, and this article about when it’s acceptable for a woman to deny her boyfriend/husband sex at the bottom popped up.
Apparently, the only time that it’s acceptable is if she’s violently ill or injured. Lemme go projectile vomit because that’s one of the few acceptable reasons for turning men down for sex.
The pitcher plants in the OP kinda look like a group of people standing around talking. The one with what looks like a snake tongue is apparently saying something quite shocking, causing the one to the left to recoil in horror.
“So… yesterday some dude tried to stick his genitalia in me.”
“Yeah. Apparently he thought I looked like something called a ‘labia.'”
(far left) “Something similar happened to a friend of mine. Humans are really strange.”
(far right) “What’s a ‘labia’?”
(snake tongue) “Hell if I know. I don’t think he knew either.”
Brb, writing story about pitcher plants…
OMG, thank you, David and the commenters so far for so much hilarity. And I know the thread will continue to gush forth humor like a mountain spring after a winter thaw. Or something like it.
Oh, and thank you, Heartiste, you vaginaless jokester, you. This wonderful experience would not be possible without you.
P.S. @blanktie:
‘“Who cares about her! What do YOU think?”’