If you’re on Twitter, and have any number of followers at all, you’re going to end up getting followed by some bots — usually spambots looking for people to pester when certain keywords get used.
But when Twitter accounts have more than a relatively small percentage of fake followers, it’s almost certainly because they went out and bought them in order to make themselves look more influential than they really are.
Well, it looks like two of the most active members of A Voice for Men’s Twitter squad have done just that.
Twitter users @BlutalTheDog and @UnseenPerfidy recently ran “Twitter Audits” of a couple of AVFMers who are especially active on Twitter — AVFM “Managing Editor” @deanesmay and @Jackbarnesmra, co-host of AVFM’s Blue Collar Red Pill online radio show. The results weren’t pretty:
That’s right: it looks like both of them bought the overwhelming majority of their “followers” — tens of thousands of them in total.
I checked both of their accounts using another fake-Twitter-follower finder on Statuspeople.com, and the results were similarly terrible:
That’s not just embarrassing; it’s sleazy, and a pretty big breach of journalistic ethics for someone (Esmay) who’s the managing editor of an online publication.
By contrast, here’s the Twitter Audit of someone who doesn’t buy Twitter followers.
It will be interesting to see Esmay and Barnes explain this, or if they even try.
UPDATE: Well, Barnes has responded by … blocking me on Twitter. (Esmay already had me blocked.)
Twitter user @AnimalJimmies, meanwhile, has pointed me to two more (apparent) fake-follower buyers, one a GamerGate celebrity, the other AVFM’s “Assistant Managing Editor.”
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we buy Twitter followers to decieve!
UPDATE: I’ve been informed that Mr. C is claiming that evil SJWs are buying fake followers for him in an attempt to make him look bad. Which is, I suppose, possible. But he also claims that he’s got 11,000 or so real followers regardless. Twitter Audit says his real followers only number about 4400.
For all his dribbling about how women should be in pristine condition at all times Heartiste is not a handsome man. Not his fault, but if he wants to be consistent with his views of the “sexual marketplace” he really shouldn’t be demanding that only the hottest women sleep with him. Otherwise he’s committing hypergamy.
I’d like to announce that I, due to a recent discovery of supernatural abilities, am now providing psychic readings by phone or in person. Sessions are $29.99.
By the by, when I only saw four shapes in the graphic, without scrolling down at all, I already knew what the fifth shape would be, and what the reaction to it would be. My only mistake was underestimating the intensity of the reaction.
These guys, they’re so predictably forumlaic. I half expect to see a piece, next, on how there are four basic hair colors, and only one of them is optimal for fuckability and shit.
Formulaic, even.
Honestly I was expecting much more biotruths. That post was basically just personal preference disguised as objectivity.
Oh ye of little faith. PUAs have convinced themselves long ago that men obviously don’t have to care about their appearance, because women are totes sexually attracted to money. Any woman who says otherwise and suggests that perhaps you should consider wiping your bum occasionally after you poop is a misandrous harpy whose existence heralds the decline of female kind.
Nawh, hourglass = stuck up. Probably large breasts and narrow everything else (but not fake boobs, of course!)
The comments get creepy in that some of them start talking about women as if they’re choosing broodmares for their championship winner. One guy is all “small boobs mean they won’t be able to breastfeed my kids enough, they’ll die of starvation in their first year!” and another is “women need a little fat so their incubators work properly.” (Yes the word incubator was actually used). Another concludes that the hourglass is perfect because big boobs mean more milk and wide hips means she can safely push out his child.
*shudders* Should it really surprise me that not once did any of them say something to imply that women are people, not boner pleasers or baby factories?
Refresh first Argenti! Kirbywarp wins, I guess being overweight is more a problem for their boners than whether she’s a so called “stuck up bitch”.
Seriously though, if she’s got suitors lining up, why do these guys think they can 2 + 2 = sex their way to the front of the queue? Oh, right, cuz if she tries sorting through them to find one she’s compatible with, she’ll end up old and alone and miserable.
In other news, pissy as a picked up tortoise wasn’t even satisfied by the picking up being to show him his fresh clean water! Stuck up entitled tortoises! Amiright?! XD
Nope, you shouldn’t really be surprised at all. Creeped out? Sure, but not surprised.
I highly doubt any of them are actually attracted to milk-producin’ breasts or child-birthin’ hips. Aren’t these the dudes that don’t want to be saddled with children ever? They’re just literally repeating about every stereotype about women under the sun as if it were scientific fact that determined their own culturally-defined tastes. If culture changed and suddenly a different shape was considered ideal, you’d get an Orwellian about-face with PUAs arguing that biology and psychology made that new ideal the objective best.
Best I could find. Only a couple hair colors are addressed, but to make up for that you get a crap-load of other little things that have nothing to do with sexuality but somehow determine it.
I never really understood the idea of buying twitter followers. From a marketing perspective, the “followers” aren’t even real leads. It has no value, except to create a superficial appearance of legitimacy while propping up a fragile ego.
I guess MRA’s are pretty much the target demographic. Carry on, follow-bot salespeople.
I scanned that article enough to see that the “perfect Playboy measurements — 34/24/34 and mostly unchanged in their boner-popping power since time immemorial.”
I’m going to have to call bullshit on that. Just look at centuries of classical artwork.
When I was 14, my locker was plastered with photos of Warren Buffett.
Kirbuwarp’s link, in a nutshell — biotruths, stereotypes, and “slut” (that is literally all he has to say about one of his made up groups of women)
As far as I know breast size has nothing to do with ability to breastfeed. Large breasts have more fat on them not more or bigger milk ducts. Babies don’t actually suck boobs fat out through their mother’s nipples.
At least they provide the obligatory Biotruths in the comments, if not in the article itself…
@Sonnysombrera The worst one is the dude who talks about his OWN WIFE in that way, assuming said wife actually exists, but wow… she’s there, living with him, an actual human being with quirks and experiences and feelings and whatnot, they raised children together (or maybe not, she probably did it on her own, again, assuming she’s actually real) and he speaks in that creepy objectifying way about her and just….. aaaargh. How can you live with someone for years and not even acknowledge their humanity? Just how? :/
@Argenti Aetheri:
It’s funny, I don’t think they talked about personality at all. Too humanizing, I guess. Perhaps thinking women they find attractive must therefore be “stuck-up bitches” is their way of continuing to despise women while having to admit something positive.
Complete side-note, as I was looking for a possible hair-color ranking article, I came across suggestions Heartiste gives his fellow PUAs. Apparently PUAs eat a lot of chicken on dates, so they can set up a “I’m more of a breast man/dark-meat man, that’s not what I meant!” line. (Pretty close to a quote)
This is what being a PUA is. Going through shit-tons of effort to carefully control ever interaction to give the illusion of wit (as they see it, anyway) and spontaneity rather than just being genuine and empathetic. No wonder they feel so slighted at a rejection; does she know how long it took to find a restaurant that posted its menu online AND had about three types of chicken to choose from? Not to mention the last-minute studying to keep a wide array of cheesy one-liners in mind like a wizard prepares spells for the day.
(previous comment was in reply to this. Should learn to refresh BEFORE posting long comments…)
Apparently, Heartiste doesn’t understand that these body types aren’t about weight but how the weight is distributed. Hourglass means that the waist curves inward and is small compared to the chest and hips. Obese isn’t a separate body shape. A fat woman can still be an hourglass.
When I was 25 I had an hour glass figure. I also had long thick hair and my BMI was about 22. I even wore make up and dresses frequently. BUT… I was only interested in sexual relationships with other women! Take THAT heartiste!
I do not do Twitter. Please someone explain how you ‘buy’ fake followers.
Heartiste doesn’t understand a lot of things. He wouldn’t, not when he’s relying on descriptions like “child-birthing hips” that originated in societies that had very little understand for how childbirth actually worked.
Breast size is definitely not the issue when it comes to breastfeeding. If that were the case the genes for small breasted women would have died out years ago!
I wonder how biotruthers explain Polynesian cultures and others that historically and currently value average-sized or overweight women over skinny women. Probably racistly.
Small breasts are a feminist plot to reduce male sexual pleasure!
UnseenPerfidy is pretty badass. His Youtube account under the same name is similarly awesome.
Also, re: the findings. File me under shocked, not even a little.