If you’re on Twitter, and have any number of followers at all, you’re going to end up getting followed by some bots — usually spambots looking for people to pester when certain keywords get used.
But when Twitter accounts have more than a relatively small percentage of fake followers, it’s almost certainly because they went out and bought them in order to make themselves look more influential than they really are.
Well, it looks like two of the most active members of A Voice for Men’s Twitter squad have done just that.
Twitter users @BlutalTheDog and @UnseenPerfidy recently ran “Twitter Audits” of a couple of AVFMers who are especially active on Twitter — AVFM “Managing Editor” @deanesmay and @Jackbarnesmra, co-host of AVFM’s Blue Collar Red Pill online radio show. The results weren’t pretty:
That’s right: it looks like both of them bought the overwhelming majority of their “followers” — tens of thousands of them in total.
I checked both of their accounts using another fake-Twitter-follower finder on Statuspeople.com, and the results were similarly terrible:
That’s not just embarrassing; it’s sleazy, and a pretty big breach of journalistic ethics for someone (Esmay) who’s the managing editor of an online publication.
By contrast, here’s the Twitter Audit of someone who doesn’t buy Twitter followers.
It will be interesting to see Esmay and Barnes explain this, or if they even try.
UPDATE: Well, Barnes has responded by … blocking me on Twitter. (Esmay already had me blocked.)
Twitter user @AnimalJimmies, meanwhile, has pointed me to two more (apparent) fake-follower buyers, one a GamerGate celebrity, the other AVFM’s “Assistant Managing Editor.”
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we buy Twitter followers to decieve!
UPDATE: I’ve been informed that Mr. C is claiming that evil SJWs are buying fake followers for him in an attempt to make him look bad. Which is, I suppose, possible. But he also claims that he’s got 11,000 or so real followers regardless. Twitter Audit says his real followers only number about 4400.
All this endless pseudo-scientific nonsense and microscopic analysis by “experts” who have never been within 100 feet of a woman. As if it’s some sort of novel revelation that different body shapes exist. HOW DID EVERYONE ELSE MISS THIS?
…The sudden and burgeoning popularity of the burka in Western society?
Twitter only allows users to follow 2000 accounts, plus an additional ten percent of the number of one’s own followers. The more followers above 2000, the more a user can follow back. That *might* be a factor in why some people pay for followers, but ranking sites like Favstar probably play a part as well.
Correction: the more followers one gets after one has hit that 2000 follow limit, the more one can follow back. Clear as mud, eh?
Two Orions… For myself I’m going to distinguish between Green Orion (on the previous page) and Turquoise Orion (see above).
Green Orion, it does suck for them being told what they “should” be attracted to, but at least they’re not being told how much they should weigh, what body shape they should have, what hairstyle they need and how much makeup they should wear in order to be deemed “attractive”.
Especially since we are also told who we should be attracted to on top of being commanded to perform beauty.
@WWTH I forgot about that! So not only do we have to fit a certain beauty ideal at all times (I hate it when PUAs say “I want a woman who looks perfect when she’s just got out of bed – no, fuck you) but we have to be attracted to, well, every man who is attracted to us. Especially the misogynists, who claim they’re the nice guys but really aren’t. Otherwise it’s our fault if one of them decides to rape or kill us.
Green Orion and Turquoise Orion sound like characters from a 90’s cartoon.
@sunnysombrera We’re constantly told to “just give him a chance!” about sidewalk randos and awkward friends, but PUAs are allowed to reject any woman for any reason, preferably with a loud bunch of insults and body-shaming slurs. They also expect women to lose baby weight right away (and not have any permanent body changes from pregnancy and breastfeeding) and look amazing without makeup (because that’s lying).
I tend to agree with Green Orion, being in a permanent 2/10 Would Not Bang snit isn’t the norm for most guys. I guess for PUAs it serves a purpose – it’s safe, provides a convenient cover for angry failure, and wins them major imaginary alpha brownie points (“Whoa, check out the quality of babes I’m rejecting!”).
Honestly, realistic sex bots would be the only thing that could actually make PUAs happy. Especially if they were programmed to give thinly veiled “nos” at random, so the dudes can still fulfil their primary goal which is to go back to their bros and crow “I manipulated a female into having sex with me! I’m so manly!”
I was thinking Power Rangers.
So, apparently, Sports Illustrated is going to have its first “plus-sized” model.
I only put “plus-sized” in quotes because I’ve seen the pictures, and this lady looks pretty average-sized to me. : /
If that model is “plus-sized”, then so am I, because she reminds me an awful lot of…myself.
But then, it’s Sports Illustrated…which, like all of the fashion industry, has a grossly skewed idea of what a “regular” woman looks like.
And meanwhile, I rarely if ever buy from the “plus size” department, because I happen to fit into the regular sizes much better. Albeit, usually, from the top of the regular size range, because the fashion industry doesn’t do Average Jo very well. :/
As someone who is roughly a size 16/18 (because fuck me if clothing companies can keep their bullshit women’s sizes regulation), yeah. She’s very average sized for a woman.
Twenty bucks says there’s still Photoshop involved though.
I mentioned the buying of Twitter followers to Jack Barnes and he blocked me almost immediately, but he is currently carrying on a totally one sided discussion with me, nonetheless. Like, every 3 seconds I’m getting another notification of a response from him. I think he’s a little unhinged 🙂
Hunh, and I saw the Twitter list on the right side including notes that David had ‘magically’ gained 1000 more followers as someone obviously bought followers for him… and yet when I clicked there, for the first time ever, I got a ‘tweets are protected’ page indicating that I couldn’t read the tweets unless I logged into Twitter and was a follower. (I don’t have a Twitter account.) So it not only looks like somebody is trying to slime WHTM, but David has made his Twitter account somewhat more private as well.
That Jack Barnes guy used to post frequently on ExperienceProject (maybe he still does – I wouldn’t know seeing as how I haven’t been on there in ages). He expressed a desire to shoot and kill some of the more prominent feminist posters on that site.
Alan — Caeser wasn’t delivered via c-section, unless proven otherwise, I’m gonna assume Bina’s right that it’s because the law was named after him. But there are reliable accounts of his mother being very much alive after his birth, so we can be quite certain he came out via vaginal delivery. As for the being buried while pregnant thing, there’s at least one very interesting example of that having happened. I wish I had a link, but it was in Britian, so definitely not Caeser’s era, nor near Rome (geography, what’s that?) but it was a woman and three very tiny corpses, one in a position that was probably placing the dead baby with its dead mother, one that was likely still inside her, and the interesting one? Between her legs. Lots of detective work had the anthropology team deciding that one had actually been stuck in the birth canal and since this was the very edge of Rome, the tools that could’ve possibly saved her weren’t at hand… so her, the baby waiting its turn, and the sibling blocking the way all died in childbirth gone very wrong, and the third either died at birth or, and this isn’t for the screamish but you can probably guess — of starvation not long after it lost its breast milk provider aka mother.
(That last bit isn’t me reducing mother’s to breast milk providers, but me pointing out the problems of a newborn with a dead mother pre-formula — best chance was a wet nurse, if you could find one.)
It was terribly sad, but they gave the family a proper burial at the end of it all. And yes, they were buried in a manner that was, um… not proper? Not in the manner you’d expect for a burial, given how the rest of the corpses were buried.
And the anthropology team is almost entirely women, so that’s extra cool. Grrr, I can never remember the name of the show, which sucks because its a British show that investigates long dead corpses and how they ended up dead, and is all sciencey.
If anyone knows the name of the show, let me know!
(Side note! That Caeser’s first attempt at conquering the British Isles was basically “they’re naked, I’m out of here” amuses me. I realize it’s more complex than that, but fucking CAESER turning tail? Lol!)
Here’s the screencap of Jack Barnes expressing a desire to kill a feminist on EP (and fantasizing about a “bloody rebellion” against feminists in general): http://s1072.photobucket.com/user/Vitadisgrazia/media/knight/shotvitacuntMobileVersion.png.html
Jack is a hate monger,nothing else.