a voice for men antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA ugly feminists

Someone could probably write a Master’s thesis about the sexual insecurities on display in A Voice for Men’s "memes."

Classy, A Voice for Men, very classy.
Why are so many MRAs and PUAs so invested in the notion that women who reject them will end up miserable?

A Voice for Men’s ongoing campaign to convince the world that “Men’s Human Rights Activists” are a bunch of petty, malicious, sexually insecure douchenozzles continues apace.

I mean, that must be what they’re really up to, right? Because no one who actually had any real interest in human rights of any kind would produce “memes” like the one above and all the rest below, delivered to your eyes straight from AVFM’s Fcebook page.

At their best, AVFM’s memes are merely baffling …

What ... do the Saw movies have to do with any of this?
What … do the Saw movies have to do with any of this?

… or ridiculous.

How far must your head be shoved up your ass to even think any of this was even remotely true?
How far must your head be shoved up your ass to even think any of this is even remotely true?

AVFM also loves appropriating the images of famous people, and pretending that these people are somehow on their side. But their choices of imaginary celebrity endorsers can be a bit, well, ironic. A couple of days ago in one of my posts on the iconography of the “Cultural Marxism” conspiracy theorists, I posted a neo-Nazi meme showing a crudely photoshopped picture of Star Trek’s Kirk and Spock endorsing Adolph Hitler — a rather odd conceit, given that William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy are both Jewish, and that the original Star Trek series promoted tolerance and a very 60s-liberal sort of multiculturalism.

Well, here’s AVFM’s attempt to make Spock an MRA:

Er, not so much.
Er, not so much.

Dudes, hate to break it to you, but Nimoy is actually a … feminist. Really. In the 60s he demanded that Star Trek’s producers pay actress Nichele Nichols the same as her male counterparts on the show. And as a photographer today, Nimoy acknowleges that he is heavily influenced by feminism, partiularly the writings of Jewish feminist Letty Cottin Pogrebin, one of the founders of Ms. magazine.

So that’s not really his “listening to feminism face” at all.

An astonishing number of AVFM’s memes are so sexualized that they are more or less soft-core porn. Even their anti-male-rape memes, ostensibly attempts to raise consciousness about the rape of men by women, feature seductive, scantily clad women, undermining whatever message they are supposed to be getting across.

But the most, er, revealing memes are the ones that hint at deep sexual insecurities on the part of the meme makers and those who “like” them on Facebook. (The images that follow are mildly NSFW.)

This meme, for example, actually features the dreaded vagina dentata:

[slightly risque meme removed]

And this one attempts to shame male feminists by suggesting they enjoy being penetrated, an act that’s really only “shameful” if you have some rather fucked-up notions of what is and what isn’t appropriate male sexuality. And a certain degress of  hatred and fear of female sexual agency.

[slightly risque meme removed]


AVFM meme-maker John Galt also continues to be weirdly obsessed by me.

And then there’s this lovely meme, intended as a joke at the expense of a feminist activist who’s been on AVFM’s enemies list ever since she told some AVFM dudes to shut up at a demonstration several years ago. (I’ve crossed out her face, because no one really deserves to be made into an AVFM meme.)

[slightly risque meme removed]

The joke is obviously supposed to be at her expense, suggesting that she is so unattractive that she makes penises wilt. But you don’t have to be Sigmund Freud to realize that this isn’t the real story here. This is a woman demonized by AVFM and other antifeminists because once, several years ago, she shouted down some dudes. It’s not her appearance that frightens their penises; it’s the fact that she wouldn’t put up with their bullshit.

Guys, you’re not fooling anyone, except yourselves.

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9 years ago

If it’s on your computer, Alan, you should upload it to a third-party place like Photobucket, then paste the image’s URL into the text box then post it.

9 years ago

@ Alan

It needs to be on the internets somewhere, anywhere really, for it to work. URLs only. Do you have a site/blog thing you can upload it to? Or a site you got it from?

9 years ago


10) Because men are forced to die crossing roads that women voted for.

9 years ago

Oops I mean 9.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ paradoxicalintention
@ fromafar

Thank you both for you help. It’s just a pic of mine of a dog looking cool. I’ll figure somewhere safe to host him and upload at some stage in the future when we need some relief.

On a totally unrelated note I hope it’s ok to post this link:

Edith Garrud is a major hero of mine, so I’m very supportive of this venture and if anyone wants to ‘like’ the site that would be great [not connected with it, just love the subject matter]

9 years ago

Ikeke35: You’re right, they really don’t believe in things like love and partnership. And yet they keep rattling on about how women are going to be lonely if they keep rejecting MRAs. I wish they’d make up their minds, already! How are women supposed to have ltr’s if men shouldn’t/won’t? And if ltr’s are a bad idea, why are they bad only for men? I mean, there’s no logic, not that that’s an original observation.

9 years ago

“like swimming through tar” by someone who doesn’t know tar is a liquid, or couldn’t be bothered finding a picture of some.

“swimming through mud” would have been easier to illustrate, surely? “swimming through treacle” would have been more fun.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@sunnysombrera Hee! 🙂

10. Because the chicken was busy on the Alpha Cock Carousel

Granny up there is thinking: thank God I didn’t marry that putz. Dodged a bullet there. Now let me gaze out the window at my vast media empire.

(Seriously, feminism is what allows women NOT to have regrets at age 70. You’re going to have to try harder than that, MRAs.)

Miss Andry
9 years ago

The strap-on one is still my favorite. If “John Galt” is into BDSM that’s fine, just don’t try to pretend your posting pictures of it is political activism 😛

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ paradoxicalintenton
@ fromafar

Hope this works. No cat pics I’m afraid. She won’t stay still long enough to take a pic. So this is my dog:

9 years ago

Wishfully hoping your political enemies live lonely, pathetic lives isn’t an MRA thing.

Um, did you even read the main piece? That is EXACTLY an MRA thing. In fact, that was the very first meme!

FYI: Nobody here is “wishfully hoping” anything. With that kind of ugly attitude, we know these guys are headed that way whether we want them to be or not, because who’d want to live with that?

I think it’s funny that you’re attempting to refute misogyny with blatant misandry. It’s a total non productive, eye for an eye scenario.

I think it’s funny that you came in here claiming that misandry is actually a thing. And that you can’t tell mockery when you see it. MRAsshat much?

9 years ago

What blatant misandry? I never see this misandry they come in here whimpering about.

9 years ago

Elektra Kenway: When Stewart discovered that at least some of his father’s problems likely stemmed from PTSD and some kind of head injury, he did some research and now supports veteran’s groups along with anti domestic abuse ones. Here’s a video from an sf convention that made me cry. So much crying…

Hope that embedded properly…

9 years ago

In the second meme I think his little swimmers are struggling to get up the ‘road’ *cough* .. as it were.

9 years ago

Misandry isn’t real. But oh, how handy it is for trolls with false equivalencies…and covert MRAsshat agendas.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
9 years ago

Well, some of the stuff that the big-name MRAs say is genuinely misandristic. Maybe Duerstisms can’t tell the difference between us quoting it to mock/refute and us saying it ourselves?

9 years ago


11) Because women are too air headed to build roads properly and really shouldn’t have jobs at all but also shouldn’t be staying at home relying on husbands.

9 years ago

I found this. I don’t remember this being posted here, but I might have forgotten:

The comments are all full of trolls trying to whitewash the MRM and Farrel. And then I come back here, and see these memes that show the real MRM.

Compassion for men and boys? Concerns about the school-to-prison pipeline and the prevalence of low-wage, soul-killing, possible dangerous work? Hell no.

They hate women. Period. They think we’re soulless harpies who make mens lives worse and never suffer from the common troubles of life, like unsatisfying jobs and gender-based restrictions.

9 years ago

How exactly is the post misandry? And do we even need to refute misogyny? Around here we just take it as a given that it’s bad. We’re not really trying to prove that women are people too. It’s not up for debate.

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Their insecurities are on display all right. If they had the least bit of self-awareness, they’d be embarrassed. But, well.

It’s not just sexual insecurities, either! I mean, it’s true one of their major axioms is that men are entitled to sex. But they also feel entitled to female attention, period. The thought of a woman who just isn’t interested in marriage or long-term relationships with men? THE HORROR.

Yet the same men, I’m sure, support MGTOWs. And the MGTOWs keep endlessly talking about how icky women are, because just going about their business and finding happiness in their mancaves or whatever? Not enough. They want women to notice them and regret driving them away. They fantasize about how sorry we’ll all be because they don’t want us. It’s IMAX-size projection.


Does anyone remember the S. Gross cartoon of the little boy looking at a poster outside a strip club, and there’s a stripper with black censor bands over her nipples, and he’s imagining monster faces under the black bands? I want a bra with little monster faces like that over the nippleage area. To wear with vagina dentata panties.

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

I think it’s funny that you’re attempting to refute misogyny with blatant misandry.

Care to cite a single example of this “blatant misandry” you claim to find here?

9 years ago

The only thing I can think of is that, in his view, saying MRAs have sexual insecurities is misandry.

9 years ago

But they clearly do. You don’t even have to resort to Freudian style psychology to see it.

9 years ago

And then there is this:

Note, there is nothing about mandatory 50 year sentences for men who rape women or girls. Hmmm.

9 years ago

@Lady Mondegreen (nice nym by the way!)

MGTOWs aren’t looking so much for women to want and notice them (they do want that, but it’s not their end goal) they want women to behave as they want them to behave. In other words, meek and submissive housewives and human blow up dolls. Because women have independence, equal rights and freedom of choice MGTOWs are basically upset that they don’t get to be king of the castle anymore, and have to share it with those icky dumb feeeemales. The whole “we’re going to go solo” threat is just a bluff. Problem for them is that so far their bluff has been called, repeatedly! Women don’t care if they leave. And all the MGTOWs can do is blink twice in shock and keep up the tirade, hoping that one day artificial wombs and Blade Runner style sex bots will be invented and then they really can go solo (but chances are they’ll STILL hang out in clusters whinging about wimmin and their annoying insistence on controlling their own lives).