![Classy, A Voice for Men, very classy.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/10392363_763750227013794_2018072950414937055_n.jpg?resize=580%2C348&ssl=1)
A Voice for Men’s ongoing campaign to convince the world that “Men’s Human Rights Activists” are a bunch of petty, malicious, sexually insecure douchenozzles continues apace.
I mean, that must be what they’re really up to, right? Because no one who actually had any real interest in human rights of any kind would produce “memes” like the one above and all the rest below, delivered to your eyes straight from AVFM’s Fcebook page.
At their best, AVFM’s memes are merely baffling …
![What ... do the Saw movies have to do with any of this?](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/10428559_773363349385815_8203590948976103329_n.jpg?resize=580%2C677&ssl=1)
… or ridiculous.
![How far must your head be shoved up your ass to even think any of this was even remotely true?](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/10372226_766905003364983_18144352172233688_n.jpg?resize=580%2C359&ssl=1)
AVFM also loves appropriating the images of famous people, and pretending that these people are somehow on their side. But their choices of imaginary celebrity endorsers can be a bit, well, ironic. A couple of days ago in one of my posts on the iconography of the “Cultural Marxism” conspiracy theorists, I posted a neo-Nazi meme showing a crudely photoshopped picture of Star Trek’s Kirk and Spock endorsing Adolph Hitler — a rather odd conceit, given that William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy are both Jewish, and that the original Star Trek series promoted tolerance and a very 60s-liberal sort of multiculturalism.
Well, here’s AVFM’s attempt to make Spock an MRA:
![Er, not so much.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/10917107_771684639553686_9197919729481780390_n.jpg?resize=580%2C375&ssl=1)
Dudes, hate to break it to you, but Nimoy is actually a … feminist. Really. In the 60s he demanded that Star Trek’s producers pay actress Nichele Nichols the same as her male counterparts on the show. And as a photographer today, Nimoy acknowleges that he is heavily influenced by feminism, partiularly the writings of Jewish feminist Letty Cottin Pogrebin, one of the founders of Ms. magazine.
So that’s not really his “listening to feminism face” at all.
An astonishing number of AVFM’s memes are so sexualized that they are more or less soft-core porn. Even their anti-male-rape memes, ostensibly attempts to raise consciousness about the rape of men by women, feature seductive, scantily clad women, undermining whatever message they are supposed to be getting across.
But the most, er, revealing memes are the ones that hint at deep sexual insecurities on the part of the meme makers and those who “like” them on Facebook. (The images that follow are mildly NSFW.)
This meme, for example, actually features the dreaded vagina dentata:
[slightly risque meme removed]
And this one attempts to shame male feminists by suggesting they enjoy being penetrated, an act that’s really only “shameful” if you have some rather fucked-up notions of what is and what isn’t appropriate male sexuality. And a certain degress ofĀ hatred and fear of female sexual agency.
[slightly risque meme removed]
AVFM meme-maker John Galt also continues to be weirdly obsessed by me.
And then there’s this lovely meme, intended as a joke at the expense of a feminist activist who’s been on AVFM’s enemies list ever since she told some AVFM dudes to shut up at a demonstration several years ago. (I’ve crossed out her face, because no one really deserves to be made into an AVFM meme.)
[slightly risque meme removed]
The joke is obviously supposed to be at her expense, suggesting that she is so unattractive that she makes penises wilt. But you don’t have to be Sigmund Freud to realize that this isn’t the real story here. This is a woman demonized by AVFM and other antifeminists because once, several years ago, she shouted down some dudes. It’s not her appearance that frightens their penises; it’s the fact that she wouldn’t put up with their bullshit.
Guys, you’re not fooling anyone, except yourselves.
A Voice for Men Who are Grossed Out by Butt Stuff When the Butt Belongs to a Dude.
Actually, the sheet of paper the doc handed Henk reads: “Margaret Thatcher” who was… well, if she was, she was a rather strange brand of feminist.
A Voice for Men Who Have Alot of Unresolved Issues About Aging.
That last one is the final panels from an extended Cowboy Henk strip about priapism and the face was originally Margaret Thatcher.
There must be a pun somewhere in the dude-swimming-down-a-road one, but it’s just not coming to me.
I just want to think about that Atlas ‘meme’ for a second, that’s obviously based on this manospherian idea that ‘we created civilisation for them, and the bitches show no gratitude’.
I can’t work this out. Even IF – and this is just for the sake of the exercise – I agreed that human achievement was a completely male domain, with no women to be seen anywhere (apparently women were lying around being waited on), I don’t understand why this means I have to forfeit all human rights in perpetuity.
I love that they say dating is unappealing as if it is the worst thing ever for women that MRAssholes don’t want to date them. They just want to fuck them (even though they are boner wilting feminists). These doodz don’t do thinky do good. They have no respect for women or concern for their kids. I’ve got news for the MRAs. Nobody is getting in line to give a shit about what they want in a ltr. It’s unlikely that a woman will see an MRA as Mister Right. The best they can hope for is that in a pinch they might do as Mr. Right Now.
(For the record, implying that Margaret Thatcher is a boner-shrinker isn’t any better than implying that feminists are.)
If you’re a guy in the legal system, it’s like asphalt has become liquid enough to swim in, thanks to feminism? I don’t… I mean where… how does… why?
That’s it, I’m broken.
I cohabitate with two hardcore feminists. annd… nope. Still not in jail or dead.
Dude, I’m married and I gotta say that the idea of being 70 and beholden to no one but my self AND an MRA free existence sounds pretty damned awesome.
Bodycrimes, I think that Atlas one is invoking the “feminism already achieved it’s goals” meme.
I’ve never really gotten the whole “child support is unfair to divorced men” argument, since the mother usually has to cover the overwhelming majority of the cost of raising a child. Child support just puts a nice dent in the price.
Pretty sure being 70 and lonely sounds infinitely better than being 70 and having to put up with a 70 year old MRA, but hey whatever they need to tell themselves, I guess.
The one with the guy swimming in the road is just an amazing work of surrealism though. MALE PRIVILEGE IS SWIMMING THROUGH SOLID GROUND. Apparently.
That’s Sisyphus, not Atlas. It’s actually the most coherent of these nonsensical memes, even if I disagree.
Sisyphus! Of course.
So who solved all the problems? Was it ‘we’ as in the MRAs, or was it feminism?
I’m pretty sure the dude with the boulder is Sisyphus, the guy who was cursed with the impossible task of rolling a boulder up a hill for eternity (as the boulder kept falling back down when near the top) after cheating death for a bit.
As for the dude swimming down the road, I can only imagine the creator of the meme mistook the swimming for drowning. Falling into water on a surface that should be solid with nobody around to help, what could be more poignant? *ow* I think I sprained my imagination…
The Saw one almost irritates me the most, because they could have made it work. Saw was a film about people being put in “games” where they could only escape by making some great personal sacrifice, usually ironically related to some sin they committed. Fatherhood to the MRA crowd would be a perfect subject, but they flub the reference! Irritating!
Ninja’d, nuts. That’s what I get for not refreshing.
“We” as in “all men,” because MRAs represent all men don’cha know.
None of these make any damn sense.
There’s just too much wrong here.
Quick do we have a picture of Roosh V to put “PUA isn’t gonna seem so great when you’re middle-aged and lonely” on?
Also are those underwear with teeth printed on them a real thing? They seem like they’d be cool to have.
“We solved every problem…”
Let me stop you right there, guys.
I second the Roosh V picture! Except that he’s already alienated and bitterly lonely, according to himself.
Okay I found the underwear. They actually exist but sadly it looks like they’re not available anymore. http://becariotroll.tumblr.com/post/15420947011/vagina-dentata-glow-in-the-dark-underwear-by
@Freemage: didn’t you know? Feminism melts tarmac AND changes it’s molecular elements! Because females can’t science, apparently.
@Bill: I think the MRAs basic argument is “if I can’t have full control of the kids then why should I pay a penny?” But actually give them full custody and they’ll whine that parenting is a ‘woman’s job’.
Let’s have some fun dissecting these:
“Feminism isn’t going to seem so great when you’re 70 and lonely.” Says someone who’s obviously never seen or spoken to a 70-year-old feminist. Actually, what doesn’t seem so great is being so dependent on (older!) men from an early age that I’d end up being widowed at 70, and lonely because I don’t know what to do with myself now that I’ve apparently aged out of the dating market (because youth and fertility are all that matters if you’re a feeeeemale, don’cha know). Feminism exists partly so that women who do find themselves still (or suddenly) single at 70 won’t be automatically considered worthless on the grounds of age and singledom.
MALE PRIVILEGE: Must be nice to be able to swim up a road. Guess you can only do that if you’re male, though. If you’re female, it’s just a whole lotta nasty asphalt.
DEADBEAT DAD: What the fuck is up with that Halloween costume? I don’t get it. Also, all the circumstances listed below? Don’t make a dad a deadbeat. What does? Not paying child support, not showing up for visitations, fucking off to Vegas and spending all your kid’s time and money on coke and strippers.
“We solved every problem they could possibly have…”: No, you didn’t.
“…so they just made up new problems to complain about.” No, we didn’t.
Our real, unsolved problems? 30% Penis Surcharge, HB10-Seeking Hypergamous PUA Dude, Deadbeat Dads (yes, they are real), PMS Amirite?, Respect Mah Authoritay Little Woman, Go Home And Make Babies…and no respect for our tremendous inventiveness and problem-solving panache. Because we’re feeeeemale, and clearly we amount to nothing but sex automats and diaper-changers in this manospherically idiotic world. Who’s the Sisyphus, again?
Leonard Nimoy: Yeah, no. Even Spock was too logical to just assume that women were illogical because, you know, hormones.
Vagina Dentata: “Now we really are after only one thing!” And too bad for you it’s got teeth. That’s what you get for only being after one thing.
Male Feminism Strap-On: Oh myyyyy, somebody’s kinky. Does Paulie want a pegging? I can practically hear him begging!
Cowboy Henk: Cured of priapism without medication? It’s a miracle! Originally, that paper just said “Margaret Thatcher”…who, by the way, was a staunch antifeminist. Oh, the irony!