antifeminism evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA nonpology yeah that's the ticket

Pogo now says his misogynistic posts were an "experiment." Then he denounces most self-described feminists as "hyenas" and "brats."

Yeah, that's the ticket!
Yeah, that’s the ticket!

So the musician who goes by the name Pogo, best known for his magical audiovisual mashups using snippets of old Disney movies, is now declaring that the awful misogynistic nonsense he recently posted on his blog and on YouTube was “somewhat of an experiment for myself,” intended to rile up

the enormous breed of hyenas out there taking gender equality and feminism hostage, and bending it into a social status to validate their feeling that the world owes them everything because of their gender.

As Pogo (real name Nick Bertke) explains it in a new blog post today, his attacks on women were intended to expose these fake feminist “hyenas … as the self contradicting brats they are.” To do this, he says,

I uploaded videos and blog posts to draw this mentality out and see just how much of it plagues my own circles. I mashed together the most radical views I could find about women and feminism on the internet, doing my best to present it as my humble opinion and honest observations.

It wasn’t long before my Twitter, which I haven’t touched in months, was absolutely blazing with “equality seeking, compassionate and understanding people” putting every one of their ideals through the shredder and back again. A few people had excellent things to say, but watching the rest of them was like watching a bunch of vegetarians turn cannibal and tear apart a newborn.

Bertke gives zero examples of this.

Looking through Twitter’s list of “Top Tweets” mentioning Bertke’s now-deleted @PogoMix Twitter account, I didn’t find a lot of cannibals. I saw a bunch of Tweets like this:

The harshest tweet of the bunch was this one:

Looking through some of the rest of the Tweets referencing his account, I found more disappointed fans, a few more people asking if his antifeminist videos were poor attempts at satire, and a number of people (mostly dudes) challenging him to back up the various dubious assertions he’d made in his blog posts and videos.

The most abusive tweet of the bunch was the following one, from a self-described troll — seriously, the word “troll” is in his avatar.

There were not a lot of cackling feminist “hyenas” to be found, unless you count this Tweet as a sort of hyena howl:

There are a couple of obvious problems with Bertke’s claim that the whole thing was an “experiment.” For one thing, as I pointed out in my last post, he’s apparently had misogynistic eruptions before. For another, his “honest views on feminism and gender equality,” as he puts it, are still pretty shitty.

While avoiding overtly misogynistic statements — you know, like claiming that women are basically just children begging for discipline  — Bertke’s post today is full of the same sort of ignorant and vaguely infantile attacks on feminism you see on Men’s Rights sites. In addition to calling his feminist opponents “hyenas,” he also suggests that many self-described feminists are “brats pocketing what they think is a ticket to a special club for getting special treatment.”

And in his earlier post Where Feminism Goes Wrong — which he hasn’t taken down, and which he says he stands by — he makes similarly ridiculous claims:

The irony of feminism is that, by focusing largely on one gender, it in inherently supports the segregation of genders and raises a breed of self victimizing gold diggers who think historical injustice to their sex makes them personally deserving of special treatment today.

So, yeah, not buying it. And if Twitter is any indication, there aren’t a lot of other people buying it either.

I guess we’ll have to see what he comes up with next.

EDIT: Reworded the sentemce starting “For another” which wasn’t quite right before.

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9 years ago

Why does everyone use the term hyena as an insult? Hyenas are sharply intelligent and highly socially organised animals. They are also very clean (but we always see them in documentaries neck-deep in carcasses) and are more useful for ecosystem than we give them credit for. They don’t steal food from other animals any more than others (like lions) steal from them. Opportunists, the whole lot.
They are also matriarchal and one of the rare species where a male cannot force himself on a female. Is this why they are associated with feminism? 😉

9 years ago

Before hyenas were properly researched, it was a widely-held belief that they could change sex at will. In fact, Aesop wrote this fable about it:

It really speaks to the MRA fear that Feminists will treat men as badly as men have treated women in the past. 😀

9 years ago

On the other hand Hyena reproduction is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago


So his “experiment” was to post something deliberately inflammatory and offensive, then act like a condescending asshat when feminists take offense?

Someone get the Nobel Prize Committee in here.

That way, when there’s a shitstorm of outrage that panics him, he gets to pretend he’s still in control and that he’s the one yanking the puppet strings. The angry reaction is all part of his master chess strategy. We’re not a group of people who he’s gratuitously insulted and provoked, we’re lab rats! Yeah, that’s it.

Little does he realize, though, his social experiment is actually part of MY social experiment. It’s called “When Asshats Try To Weasel Out Of Taking Responsibility For Their Words”‘ and it postulates that when a once-popular internet figure is called to account for his hateful opinions, he’ll double down and hide behind “It was all just a joke, geez you ladies are emotional”.

Checkmate, Pogo. You behaved exactly as expected. Here’s a misogyny pellet. I’m off to publish my results in the Journal of No Shit, Sherlock.

9 years ago

Elephant herds are also matriarchal, all female, and the males are essentially MGTOW but without the whining.

9 years ago

@wwth, I can’t watch Firefly because Castle.

9 years ago

@sunnysombrera – now I’m thinking of that photograph of the lioness roaring at the lion while he huddles in the corner.

9 years ago

comment image

9 years ago

If you’re going to be a backwards shithead, at least own it. Have some courage. The whole ‘LOL I WANTED TO SEE HOW U REACT’ shtick is minor league; the motto of a douche that doesn’t even have the conviction to stand behind their douchiness. I don’t need an ‘out’ for my opinions because mine aren’t indefensibly horrible.

The whole thing boggles my mind. The guy does Disney mash-up songs, correct? I’m guessing he has a large number of women in his audience, and almost no Red Pillers? He’s going to shoot his own foot off and mar his career because of some sexist drivel he read on Reddit? Inexplicable.

9 years ago

@Cyberwulf Ah yes, the misandry lioness. Also these:

I prefer elephants though. Not because they’re matriarchal but because elephants are awesome.×343.jpg


9 years ago


9 years ago

I didn’t know the guy, but I feel sorry for his disappointed former fans.

For a guy who’s into not just appreciating but also creating art with Disney music and movie characters… it sounds extra stupid to subscribe to red pill speech, its support for traditional gender roles and its macho-manliness ideas of masculinity. It also sounds really stupid to spew those ideas aloud to an audience that appreciates Disney music and movies. But admittedly, the whole ‘social experiment’ sam-pepperism is the summit of stupidity here (like, he’s not even retracting a word or non-pologizing at all!)

9 years ago

On the topic of animal misandrists–

The sea horse–the female sticks the male with carrying fertilized eggs. That’s pretty much FORCED CHILD SUPPORT.

Pretty much all fish–the female just lays her eggs and expects the male to come fertilize them, TYPICAL FEMALE ENTITLEMENT AMIRITE.

The mantis–the female literally decapitates the male, TALK ABOUT THE DISPOSABLE MALE.

Bees–literally a matriarchy, where all kinds of crazy shit happens, like a population of male sex slaves AND THEY SAY WOMEN HAVE IT BAD GEEZE.

…annnnd that is my MRA-take on the animal kingdom.

…I’m sorry, I am in a giddy, goofy mood because my husband has the weekend off and I am happy happy happy to spend time with him, so I am full of silly. We are going to go bird feeder shopping so we can attract birds, another famed misandrist of the animal kingdom in that the flashy, show-y, look-at-me portion of mating is placed squarely on the males of most species.

yeah no (@is800)
9 years ago

Damn that was a great experiment: “I posted horrible things and people told me they were horrible.”

This guy deserves a prize.

9 years ago

@WatermelonSugar: I have a question! Where do the scented candles, hard chairs, and spanx fit in? More specifically, the penguins in spanx?

9 years ago

Then there’s the anglerfish, where the female is pretty much 50x bigger than the male and is the one equipped with the bait lantern and vicious teeth. The male latches on to her and spends his life as nothing more than a dependent parasite and sperm donor.

Then there is also a type of elk where during the fall the males go into horndog mode and pester the females for sex, who are more interested in fattening up for the winter and surviving it, instead of having to carry a foal and then rear it. Selfish bitches, putting their well being above a man’s desire for sex!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@WatermelonSugar – you mean birds invented peacocking? WUT

9 years ago

Let’s remember that he put “You can give the opposite sex a thrashing when the person deserves it” as a reason to “envy” women. Not that he was concerned about female-on-male violence, that there’s “envy” that men can’t beat the opposite sex who “deserves it”.

And you claim you got replies that weren’t “equality seeking, compassionate and understanding”? YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO HIT WOMEN WHEN YOU THINK THEY DESERVE IT! That throws out “compassionate and understanding” responses _inherently_, you’ve made a threat. The drawbridges go up and for goodreason.

Bingo! This guy secretly (well, not so secretly anymore!) thinks women deserve whatever terrible shit they’ve got coming. Therefore, well…he deserves whatever terrible shit he’s got coming, right back. Legos at…no, not dawn. How about that dark, dark hour right before, when you’re too groggy to find the light switch?

9 years ago

They are also matriarchal and one of the rare species where a male cannot force himself on a female.

Slight nit pick. I know the writer was just making a funny, but the belief that females are by default exploited through the animal kingdom feeds the biotruth monster. While I doubt these people are educated enough to even be aware there are species with larger females who aren’t insects, I think this needs to be said at least for the MRA lurkers:

The sexual dimorphism of many mammals leaning to larger sized males does not automatically lead to males “forcing” themselves on anyone. Most animals, male and female are adequately capable of defending themselves or fleeing from unwanted contact. It’s only certain human cultures that brainwashed females into second class citizen roles that make this size factor appear much larger than it is.

We are a tool using species who have hunted large game before recorded history. Met an elk? Elk are larger than, well, every human. The idea women can’t themselves from men simply due to size is ridiculous. And that size difference will be small if the women in the same subgroup get the same nutrition and exercise as the men growing up.

Unscientific anecdote: I have a friend who is the shrimp in her family: She’s 5′ 10′. Her mother, and sisters are taller, and yes the men are mostly taller…by a couple of inches. And while none of them are fat, they’re not scrawny either.

Also compare men to men: few men make the assumption they can get away with pushing a smaller guy around simply due to size. Usually there is another decisive component: greater numbers, intimidation or he’s perceived as being part of a group that won’t defend himself(gay, etc). They know in most situations, if they push it, the guy would not hesitate to a) defend himself and b) cause damage. And so they do what most animals do: avoid a fight they don’t have to have. Because even if you “win”, you might be too damaged to hunt or die from infection. While there is conflict in nature, avoidance and cooperation are the actual norm.

A slightly smaller size is not a significant disadvantage if everyone has claws and teeth, or the human equivalent: equal nutrition, physical education and social networks that will get your back. Yes, guns can be part of that equation, but chances are if you need a gun, your social network needs more work. Or it’s time to move away from the ghetto.

Ironically the people attached to biotruths are pushing men to act exactly the opposite of the way one would really behave without civilization. The entire idea that men pushing people around(otherwise known as starting shite) is natural is what functional social animals DON’T do if they want to survive. Yeah that person, might be smaller than you, but if they’re the only one who knows how herbs can heal, you’ll be shit out of luck when you need them. Also, in a small tribe, they know where you sleep and everyone has a knife.

To wrap up this TL;DR post: MRA’s want it both ways: Their menz privileges based on “it’s part of the natural order”, but with all the benefits and protections that exist in the civilized society they’re disdainful of.

Aside: It would be great if all the extreme MRA/PUA went off to practice their assumptions Quaker-like in the wilderness or on an island. Hell, I’d crowdfund that just for the entertainment value.

9 years ago


Nice social network in action!

Re :Elephants
Elephants are one of the few non human animals observed to take an interest in other animals just out of curiosity. Gorillas are another. And I think the octopus. It’s probably connected to shared manipulation of environment adaptations: primates, opposable thumbs, Elephants, trunks. I can’t think of others off the top of my head. Maybe the cetaceans, but what’s their excuse? Unless manipulating sounds waves language-like does the same thing to the brain?

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
9 years ago

Somehow I just don’t find being called a hyena an insult.

9 years ago

My favorite animal misandry is when female cats mate with multiple males whilst in heat. Then they have litters with multiple fathers. Sluts!

9 years ago

Female cats really ride the cock carousel.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
9 years ago

Ooh, can I start babbling about my spider friends again? Spiders are the ultimate misandrists. Even aside from the drastic size differences and the fact that males are regularly eaten during mating, in some species, the males castrate themselves after breeding.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago