So the musician who goes by the name Pogo, best known for his magical audiovisual mashups using snippets of old Disney movies, is now declaring that the awful misogynistic nonsense he recently posted on his blog and on YouTube was “somewhat of an experiment for myself,” intended to rile up
the enormous breed of hyenas out there taking gender equality and feminism hostage, and bending it into a social status to validate their feeling that the world owes them everything because of their gender.
As Pogo (real name Nick Bertke) explains it in a new blog post today, his attacks on women were intended to expose these fake feminist “hyenas … as the self contradicting brats they are.” To do this, he says,
I uploaded videos and blog posts to draw this mentality out and see just how much of it plagues my own circles. I mashed together the most radical views I could find about women and feminism on the internet, doing my best to present it as my humble opinion and honest observations.
It wasn’t long before my Twitter, which I haven’t touched in months, was absolutely blazing with “equality seeking, compassionate and understanding people” putting every one of their ideals through the shredder and back again. A few people had excellent things to say, but watching the rest of them was like watching a bunch of vegetarians turn cannibal and tear apart a newborn.
Bertke gives zero examples of this.
Looking through Twitter’s list of “Top Tweets” mentioning Bertke’s now-deleted @PogoMix Twitter account, I didn’t find a lot of cannibals. I saw a bunch of Tweets like this:
rip @PogoMix
Used to love your mixes a lot. No more. Please look into what feminism actually is, then we'll talk.— Cassie (@dinosaur_mug) January 30, 2015
The harshest tweet of the bunch was this one:
Looking through some of the rest of the Tweets referencing his account, I found more disappointed fans, a few more people asking if his antifeminist videos were poor attempts at satire, and a number of people (mostly dudes) challenging him to back up the various dubious assertions he’d made in his blog posts and videos.
The most abusive tweet of the bunch was the following one, from a self-described troll — seriously, the word “troll” is in his avatar.
@pogomix im gonna beat you up
— Speedcore Henry after EVO 🙁 (@FilmCritGRINCH) January 30, 2015
There were not a lot of cackling feminist “hyenas” to be found, unless you count this Tweet as a sort of hyena howl:
There are a couple of obvious problems with Bertke’s claim that the whole thing was an “experiment.” For one thing, as I pointed out in my last post, he’s apparently had misogynistic eruptions before. For another, his “honest views on feminism and gender equality,” as he puts it, are still pretty shitty.
While avoiding overtly misogynistic statements — you know, like claiming that women are basically just children begging for discipline — Bertke’s post today is full of the same sort of ignorant and vaguely infantile attacks on feminism you see on Men’s Rights sites. In addition to calling his feminist opponents “hyenas,” he also suggests that many self-described feminists are “brats pocketing what they think is a ticket to a special club for getting special treatment.”
And in his earlier post Where Feminism Goes Wrong — which he hasn’t taken down, and which he says he stands by — he makes similarly ridiculous claims:
The irony of feminism is that, by focusing largely on one gender, it in inherently supports the segregation of genders and raises a breed of self victimizing gold diggers who think historical injustice to their sex makes them personally deserving of special treatment today.
So, yeah, not buying it. And if Twitter is any indication, there aren’t a lot of other people buying it either.
I guess we’ll have to see what he comes up with next.
EDIT: Reworded the sentemce starting “For another” which wasn’t quite right before.
What a whiner. Sheesh. 😛
No idea what happened to my tags. The third quote should just be text.
Sigh. Guess it’s time for me to stop typing, eat dinner and watch Constantine.
Reblogged this on skatologist and commented:
Seems Pogo is still at it
No no no, you have to dig for it. And since you have to have a man to perform this particular excavation, it stands to reason that one must go digging…you know…places. Which would, honestly, shed new light on their terror of such proclivities.
Pff, not being eaten by hyenas is overrated.
All this time I’ve been talking about women’s education, domestic violence stats, attitudes on rape, micro aggressions, employment, salary, bodily autonomy and other such burning topics.
Now all I can think about is my Historical Injustice Club card and whether it’s good for one decent car or a casino license?
katz, with that picture of a big hyena, I want one as a pet, to be honest. IT’S SO FLOOFY.

I have to bring up Harley when hyenas are concerned.
You used my tweet! (I’m Andie Cox) which is all peachy, but since I’d read your previous post about this, being told I was featured in this one would have been nice, or even asking my permission would have been appreciated.
ANYWAYS, yeah, Nick, no. I feel like he’s pulled a Sam Pepper on this one. ‘lol jks, it was a social experiment!’
Nah m8. Nah.
If Pogo can predict what his opponent’s response will be, it means they’re wrong!
Next he’ll tell people their pets died and see if they get sad.
Sooo, he does actually believe all that creepy misogynist crap he posted yesterday? So that wasn’t so much posting something inflammatory in order to get a response – his “social experiment” – but rather, an honest expression of his actual views?
Dude, that is not how a social experiment works.
Your post got eaten by the blockquote mammoth. Don’t worry, it’s how you know you’re a true mammotheer.
I recently watched Firefly for the first time since finding out that Adam Baldwin is a horrible person. Unfortunately, it really changed the viewing experience.
Hey, who wants kitty-flavoured brain bleach?
That’s actually the second entry he’s posted today. The first was another take on the “experiment” angle, though it’s language was even less conciliatory. “It was all an experiment, but here’s why feminists really are terrible.”
Shorter Pogo: I said a bunch of misogynistic things as a joke and promoted the Red Pill as a social experiment to see how people would react, and for some weird reason, they didn’t assume that I was joking. Instead, a bunch of them got really pissed off at me. Proof that feminazi bitches be crazy.
So by this logic, if one of us wrote a post that was virulently anti-male, only to retract it the following day, claiming it was a “social experiment”, that means the MRA’s would totes not have a problem with it, right?
Of course, if one of us did that, we would actually be publishing views we didn’t believe to be true…
So this guy does the very thing MRAs and Gamergaters accuse their opponents of – “attention whoring”?
So, the MRAs and Gamergaters will be along now any minute to decry this behaviour and rain down scorn on Pogo, right?
Any minute now.
*looks at watch*
Any time now.
‘Feminist hyena’ is actually a thing–Horace Walpole called Mary Wollstonecraft a ‘hyena in a petticoat’. But for some reason that’s not easy to find online–here’s one link.
Oooh! Thanks for that, guest! I really want to reclaim that now…
Again, I still don’t see why being a hyena is a bad thing.
It’s like being called that means that whoever called me that is scared of my metaphorical pseudo-penis.
And that just makes me giggle.
So his “experiment” was to post something deliberately inflammatory and offensive, then act like a condescending asshat when feminists take offense?
Someone get the Nobel Prize Committee in here.
Do I get a cool hat to go with that? Or a shaggy wig and tusks? Cuz I would totally wear that.
Well, as someone in another forum said, we thought Jayne was growing as a character. But all Baldwin was doing was playing himself.
In the same thread, after Gamergate went after Felicia Day, it was suggested she should be replace Baldwin in any future Serenity/Firefly projects. And everyone should pretend Jayne– as the same character- had always been played by a petite ginger woman.
It’s a mad idea that could be pure genius.
Let’s remember that he put “You can give the opposite sex a thrashing when the person deserves it” as a reason to “envy” women. Not that he was concerned about female-on-male violence, that there’s “envy” that men can’t beat the opposite sex who “deserves it”.
And you claim you got replies that weren’t “equality seeking, compassionate and understanding”? YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO HIT WOMEN WHEN YOU THINK THEY DESERVE IT! That throws out “compassionate and understanding” responses _inherently_, you’ve made a threat. The drawbridges go up and for goodreason.
What a bunch of BS on Pogos part!
I bet he just realized how much of a mistake it really was to his ‘image’, with people suddenly unsubscribing and calling attention to this, and only then decided to say ‘woops lol tricked ya’. What a freaking tool.
He didn’t even consider at all that a lot of people take not only women’s issues seriously, but that if you are a misogynistic twat, people will call you out on it.
As they should, btw. I mean good god, saying you treat women like children and then in the same breath saying they’re ‘hyenas’ for calling you out, what the actual hell is wrong with this man?
My unsubscribe to him will stand, I don’t believe in giving him even a second more of my time.
I’ve done a social experiment to see if people disapprove of burning down orphanages. Turns out they do. Now can anyone lend me some bail money?
@BritterSweet: Well he’s certainly shat the social bed, so soshul excrement works too.