#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism cultural marxism evil SJWs racism

"Cultural Marxism" explained in helpful infographic (that somehow manages to avoid using "Le Happy Merchant") With BONUS CRAP PICS

It's all so obvious now!
It’s all so obvious now! (Click to enlarge.)

I‘m sorry, did I say “helpful?” I meant “so convoluted that the diagram-maker eventually gave up drawing lines between boxes because even he couldn’t figure out how all these things allegedly relate to each other.”

I should note that in addition to being a mess, this diagram is also complete bullshit, and that “Cultural Marxism” only exists in the fevered imaginations of neo-Nazis, conspiracy theorists, #Gamergaters and Bernard Chapin? For an actual history of “Cultural Marxism” as a boogeyman of the far right, see here. For more lovely “Cultural Marxism” infographics and memes, several of which do include “Le Happy Merchant,” see my earlier post on the subject.

Oh, ok. Here (after the jump) is a crapload of BONUS images I found by searching for “cultural marxism,” this time on Twitter.  [CONTENT WARNING: All the bigotries, actual pro-Hitler Tweets, cartoon semi-nudity.]

Note: This last image, as you’ve probably gathered, is not an actual SPLC poster. A Google image search shows that pretty much the only people who’ve posted it online have been right-wing asshats. For example, this guy, who regularly posts images even worse than the ones I’ve got here.

H/T — @jason_a_w on Twitter, for posting the convoluted  diagram, sent to him by someone who thought it actually made sense, and maistrechat, for linking to Jason’s Tweet in the comments here.

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10 years ago

So today I learned that some people equate beliefs such as “racism is bad” with the planned extermination of a group of people. How deluded do you have to be for this to even start to make sense?

10 years ago

Speaking of racism, there’s this site called vdare. It’s basically a white nationalist site, but unlike sites like amren of stormfront it denies it and calls itself ‘anti immigrant. But The thing about anti-immigrant places like vdare, is that they’re not as much anti immigrant, as just plain white nationalist, albeit, a a ‘suit and tie’ type rather than frothing bonehead type. They piss me off because they go beyond ‘dog whistles.’ Most ‘dog whistles’ try to obscure their true intent to some extent. Vdare is essentially screaming quacking ducks who deny they are ducks or quacking.

In fact, vdare especially annoys me just because they’re do dishonest about it. He, they, walk and quack like a duck, but just won’t say “yeah, I’m a duck.”

Basically, it’s not immigrants they’re against. It’s non white immigrants, and black Americans, and basically, yeah. Vdare denies being white nationalist and says they’re anti immigrant, but their founder is an immigrant, many writers are immigrants, and most of the content that includes immigrants is only used to Bash non white pEople. They even bash non-white AMERICANS on behalf of… white IMMIGRANTS. Of course, the site also frequently bashes non white non immigrants who’ve likely been in america longer than many of their writers as well, if not more. Sure , they might accept people from these non-white groups on an individual, everyday level, but you get what I mean. If they just came out and said ‘we’re white nationalist and are against non-white immigrants’ it’d be way more honest.

So yeah. Vdare annoys the shit out of me because they aren’t dog-whistle racists, but plain as day white nationalists who deny it while having it written on their forehead and oozing from their pores. What’s it called when it’s a ‘dog whistle’ without the effort to obscure anything?

10 years ago

I think I’m going to be sick. I really, genuinely think I’m going to be sick.

My favorite lolbertarian. “”I’d give up my vote if that would guarantee that all women were denied the vote” cause freedoms and individual liberty”

10 years ago

^ I wuv her. She writes like she masterbates with a thesaurus

10 years ago

Speaking of reasons to give up voting

A baby aged 12 weeks, a boy aged 18 months and their parents have been struck by lightning at a polling station on the Gold Coast.

10 years ago

Wait … hold up … *squeegees eyes* Is that Simpsons one actually saying something positive about the UN !?

Yep. Because the UN resolution mentioned bans “deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” How that’s being done to white people, though, I’m not entirely sure.

10 years ago

I don’t even know what libertarians think libertarianism is. Because even if you repeat their exact talking points back to them and criticize them, they will tell you that you don’t understand what libertarianism is.

I got into an argument with someone who said he was against socializing risk like the Republicans do. I pointed out that even that when the government enforces contracts, and libertarians love contracts, that was actually a form of socializing risk. All he could do when confronted with his hypocrisy is tell me I was failed by public schools and didn’t understand libertarian thought.

10 years ago

Re:Ilana Mercer

I see she’s one of those Democracy vs. Republic libertarians …so uninformed about political systems she’s not aware that a Republic can also be described as a type of representative democracy. 🙄

“Lolbertarian” is perfect. Wish I thought of it.

10 years ago

The leader of our third largest political party, which self-describes as non-religious and centrist, has made the statement that the previous state church has been “taken over by Cultural Marxists”, and that Protestantism needs to be reinstated as the state religion in order to fight Islam.

So.. what country should I move to? Any suggestions?

10 years ago

Here our nut jobs are just much more straightforward racists or they are business leaders who confuse their class interests with the national interest.

10 years ago

Ok, I just want to point out #UKIP next to the most blatant White Supremacist, Neo-Nazi keywords in at least three (3!) of those tweets.

They really are the new BNP/ National Front. I wish our media outlets would stop treating them like vaguely distasteful buffoons rather than the pernicious fascists they are.

I mean, these are the bastards who won the European Election.

10 years ago

Okay, first, when did genocide become a verb?

Second, is it really genocide when you are talking about people who don’t exist except in your imagination? I always thought genocide was killing of actual living, breathing people, not the potential people that white women are not having. I know these people are all in a panic because overall white people are having fewer babies, and countries like Italy have a birthrate that is lower than replacement rates. In fact, Italy’s population relies on immigration right now – genocide! (I don’t think low birthrates are a true outcome of ‘cultural marxism’ or hatred of one’s own race or what have you, but a result of higher living standards, costs associated with having children, and many more causes. IOW, I don’t think women want fewer babies because they feel guilty being white).

Basically, my translation of all this is: “The world doesn’t work the way I think it should and people like me are not on the receiving end of groveling, accolades and blow jobs for just showing their face in public! waaaaahhhhh!”

10 years ago

On the topic of libertarians, back around 2007-8, I got interested in people who claimed to hold these beliefs, and I found someone who seemed reasonable to chat with online. He actually went by the nym John Galt (for realz!). He seemed a nice guy but totally mired in his white, cis-het, able-bodied privilege. When we got to talking about regulations, he mainly would rail on that there were too many, citing some Heritage study. I’m all for meaningful regulation, and I would be happy to advocate getting rid of meaningless rules, so I asked which regulations he would eliminate. He could never answer. It was simply the number of rules that bothered him.

He was also against anything we might call the commons. He thought all land and roads should be private. I think this is a terrible idea and would cause all kinds of headaches, but John Galt had ideas about how this would work. He would never elaborate, so I can’t even imagine.

He hated unions, of course. I defended them because as a college professor I see the benefits of uniting to get good work conditions, salaries and benefits. In my profession, a single professor has little power (yes, there are star professors, but I am in a teaching college where the biggest part of my job is teaching, working with students, committee work – not research), so a single person going to ask for a raise would have no power. John Galt told me what he heard was I had made poor life choices if my position had not bargaining power.

I also got the feeling from him that people who owned businesses were the most intelligent, incisive and sharpest people who always and only made decisions for good. No one who owned a business was capable of making a poor decision, having a bad day, being incompetent or spiteful – or even just greedy. Or really, greed was good, it led to charitable decision…. Also, individuals were always in the position, better than experts in a field, to decide for themselves issues like climate change. He himself “had doubts” about climate change because Al Gore! I kid you not.

I really appreciated that I could chat with him calmly and he seemed sincere, but overall I took away from it that for his ideas to work, we all had to be identical humans with superhuman abilities.

10 years ago

I’ve never understood libertarians who are anti-union. I mean, they are Private Associations of Individuals using their Skills and going together for leverage of their OWN Interests, you know something like what JG did with Galt’s Gulch, and if I remember correctly, the preliminary name for “Atlas Shrugged” was “The Strike”

10 years ago

Speaking of reasons to give up voting …

I went to bed early and got up a while ago to hear the news.

1. Yay! We won the Asian Cup.

2. Yay! Yah sucks boo to the right wing carpetbaggers. They lost the Queensland election.

3. Sad. The father of that family has died – I think he was dead from the moment he was struck, they were trying to resuscitate him where they were hit. They were sheltering in a park they were walking through on the way home from the polling booth and the awning over them was hit by lightning. The mother, the newborn and the toddler are all in hospital and seem to be progressing okay so far. They’re all described as “stable”.

10 years ago

Mud is one hell of a building material – as in, using it properly is hell.

Oh, sure. You built a castle out of rock. Big deal, hotshot. You had access to a material that retains its shape, doesn’t deal with water erosion, can be chipped into figures, has high shear and tensile strenght, is shock resistant and easily polished into a fine sheen. How nice for you.

Person over there? They built a functional home out of a material that can’t even retain a shape without proper heat baking procedure.

10 years ago

Wait, how have white people ever suffered being put in “conditions of life calculated to bring about [their] physical destruction in whole or in part”? Are they really so stupid as to compare ther conditions to those of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, or of Navajo in Bosque Redondo? You know, real occurences of real people dying? I’m gonna need a barrel of brain bleach to get these memes out of my head.

10 years ago

It’s so hypocritical for libertarians to be anti union. They claim they’re for free association when they’re arguing against the outlawing of discrimination in employment or housing but when free association benefits workers rather than business owners,suddenly they’re opposed.

For people who claim corporations are state fictions, they sure seem to fetishize them.

Cthulhu's Intern
10 years ago

I’ll do the same thing, BrokenValley:

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

I know it doesn’t, but “genophilia” just looks like it should mean “I love genitals”

More like “I love studying genealogy”

If you know anything at all about archaeology, you know that cultures all around the world constructed huge palaces and cities and public works of art and massive feats of engineering.

First, this. Second, there were genuine differences in the development of technology and the accumulation of individual and public wealth – but those can be better explained by environmental factors than by human biology or super hard-ingrained cultural factors.

I don’t see how side-by-side photos of two men who are both pale-skinned but have few other facial features in common are supposed to prove that race is not a social construct. If anything, it serves as a very good demonstration of how arbitrary the boundaries of “race” really are.

I can only guess that the poster author took “race is a social construct” to mean “color is only skin deep” ie. that racial differences are very superficial and meaningless. Then they went on to prove that…black and white people look different aside from color.

10 years ago

“It’s so hypocritical for libertarians to be anti union. They claim they’re for free association when they’re arguing against the outlawing of discrimination in employment or housing but when free association benefits workers rather than business owners,suddenly they’re opposed.”

Libertarians and ancaps will happily contradict themselves. The essential point is freedom for themselves and their money.

e.g. It’s a trope that libertarians think discrimination laws are unnecessary since consumers can just boycott offending businesses. This doesn’t quite square with how libertarians absolutely shat when Brendan Eich was forced out of Mozilla by a consumer boycott over his unrepentant bigotry – no no, that was cultural Marxism.

10 years ago

Re: unions: What John Galt told me was he was opposed to people being forced to join the union and pay dues. I don’t know how universally true this is; my union does have an opt-out for conscientious objection, but objectors are asked to give money for some student fund.

The thing is, there are lots of people who dislike aspects of the union, but they are the first to call up the union rep when they feel they’ve been treated unjustly. Some people don’t want to pay the dues but want all the benefits. Human nature!

John Galt also didn’t like that national unions donated to campaigns or advocated for legislation. Relying on bosses to know what’s best and always act in the best interests of the company and the employee – and never mistreat anyone or make mistakes.

Some people don’t understand why they are paying dues. There are costs associated with being in a union. We pay lawyers at times to read or draft legal documents; sometimes someone with special expertise is needed to come in and negotiate an area. We have a secretary who gets paid. In our case, we have a great faculty member who can do the collective bargaining – he’s someone good with labor law, statistics and health care policy. He is a rare find. Some unions have to hire a negotiator. There may also be arbitration costs.

It may seem like negotiating should be a slam dunk. You come in with no-duh statements about the circumstances of your job; you present statistics or data or whatever; everyone shakes hands. But it is a power struggle, and it doesn’t matter what is rational if it will put another penny in the administration/management pocket.

People like John Galt are also surprised at some of the aspects of work that must be negotiated: like having your own office, having your own computer or phone, having access (keys) to the spaces you need access to, providing people with the means to do their job and safe environments to do it in. Negotiation isn’t just about money

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

The whole “you should be glad we enslaved your ancestors so you don’t have to live in mud huts” thing makes me angry because it’s wrong in like fifteen different ways. (1) some of those mud buildings are still standing after hundreds of years. (2) Have you seen the Great Mosque of Djenne? Those “mud huts” get pretty big and impressive. (3) What do you think brick and concrete are, exactly? “Mud” is a pretty broad term. (4) Africa wasn’t all “mud huts” when we went over there capturing slaves. Africa had ~great empires~ to rival anything Europe and Asia had going. Mali, Nubia, Abyssinia, fucking Egypt… (5) Africa isn’t all mud huts now. Have you seen Lagos lately? Cape Town? Nairobi? (6) There’s a lot of poverty in Africa, yes, but it’s largely a result of European interference. Using African poverty as proof of their inferiority is like hitting someone with your car and them using their broken bones to gloat that you’re stronger then them. (7) What is even wrong with living in a mud hut?

So much wrong in so few words. You might as well just say “I don’t understand anything about anything” and save us all a bunch of time.

I read a novel recently set in the Kingdom of Aksum. It was pretty excellent.

*grabby hands*

The leader of our third largest political party, which self-describes as non-religious and centrist, has made the statement that the previous state church has been “taken over by Cultural Marxists”, and that Protestantism needs to be reinstated as the state religion in order to fight Islam.

So.. what country should I move to? Any suggestions?

Sweden? I hear they’re proper misandrists over there.

10 years ago

If you know anything at all about archaeology, you know that cultures all around the world constructed huge palaces and cities and public works of art and massive feats of engineering.

Yup. Timbuktu alone is proof that those who think Africa is one big primitive grass hut…are full of shit. Which, by the way, is a lousy building material, but if dried properly, makes fairly decent firewood.

10 years ago


The really fun thing about VDARE is that it was named after someone who, if she survived to maturity, would have been raised among native Americans. Although nobody really knows for sure, it’s pretty likely that the Roanoke colonists fled the area and were assimilated into the local Indian population, so…