#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism cultural marxism evil SJWs racism

"Cultural Marxism" explained in helpful infographic (that somehow manages to avoid using "Le Happy Merchant") With BONUS CRAP PICS

It's all so obvious now!
It’s all so obvious now! (Click to enlarge.)

I‘m sorry, did I say “helpful?” I meant “so convoluted that the diagram-maker eventually gave up drawing lines between boxes because even he couldn’t figure out how all these things allegedly relate to each other.”

I should note that in addition to being a mess, this diagram is also complete bullshit, and that “Cultural Marxism” only exists in the fevered imaginations of neo-Nazis, conspiracy theorists, #Gamergaters and Bernard Chapin? For an actual history of “Cultural Marxism” as a boogeyman of the far right, see here. For more lovely “Cultural Marxism” infographics and memes, several of which do include “Le Happy Merchant,” see my earlier post on the subject.

Oh, ok. Here (after the jump) is a crapload of BONUS images I found by searching for “cultural marxism,” this time on Twitter.  [CONTENT WARNING: All the bigotries, actual pro-Hitler Tweets, cartoon semi-nudity.]

Note: This last image, as you’ve probably gathered, is not an actual SPLC poster. A Google image search shows that pretty much the only people who’ve posted it online have been right-wing asshats. For example, this guy, who regularly posts images even worse than the ones I’ve got here.

H/T — @jason_a_w on Twitter, for posting the convoluted  diagram, sent to him by someone who thought it actually made sense, and maistrechat, for linking to Jason’s Tweet in the comments here.

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Quiet Wolf
Quiet Wolf
10 years ago

These schmucks are against interracial adoption? Because GOD FORBID orphaned children find loving homes with people who aren’t the exact same skin color.

10 years ago

Rape your women, bomb your buses, riot in your streets and demand that you accept my religion.

Arson, murder and jaywalking.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Seems I’m in good company with my thoughts on that elaborate European building, versus the functional, but plain, African one. Cuz I went “well, yes, it’s prettier, but is it remotely functional? Cuz it looks like she’s got herself a nice weather proof home right there”

Charles RB
Charles RB
10 years ago

The best meme is the Trek one, because you’ve just gone “HITLER WAS RIGHT” with two characters who beat up Nazis in one of their episodes and live on a mixed-ethnicity, female-officer ship with a Russian ensign.

And one of them is mixed race.

10 years ago

In addition to the Star Trek oopsie, I’d like to point out that the Ideal Aryan in the “race is not a social construct (but totally a biological hierarchy with whites on top*)” pic is actor Luke Macfarlane who is openly gay. With their shmorgishborg of bigotries, probably not what they were going for.

*I think this is what they’re trying to say.

10 years ago

I don’t see how side-by-side photos of two men who are both pale-skinned but have few other facial features in common are supposed to prove that race is not a social construct. If anything, it serves as a very good demonstration of how arbitrary the boundaries of “race” really are.

10 years ago

I love how that Wolfseig guy misspelled the “Sieg” half of his name. Dumb Nazifuck.

Jennifer King
Jennifer King
10 years ago

As it’s been pointed out, I’m pretty sure that if there was such a thing as a “culturally Marxist” society, you know with total multiculturalism, “political correctness”, and all the other progressive ideas the ‘neo-reactionaries’ loathe it might look a little like ‘Star Trek’. Not to mention Nimoy and Shatner are both Jewish…

With all that being said, who the PHUCK decided to make a meme of Spock and Kirk holding a sign that says ” Adolf Hitler was Right”?!?! I mean, that means there’s at least one Neo-Nazi fan of Star Trek who likes to blend his passions. I just figured all Nazi nerds just liked the ‘Gor’ series and heavy metal…

That’s like if there exists a meme where Hitler’s holding a sign that says “‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ is better than ‘Star Trek: The Original Series'”.

Jennifer King
Jennifer King
10 years ago

Ah hell, there are ‘Simpsons’ neo-Nazi fans too…

10 years ago

Wait … hold up … *squeegees eyes* Is that Simpsons one actually saying something positive about the UN !?

Also, that “Race is a Social Construct” one looks like it’s comparing a glamor shot with a mugshot. Way to stack the deck, there, buddy.

And do women still take their shirts off at protests? ‘Cause I’ve been to a few and I’ve never seen that happen.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Re: Star Trek vs right-wing dumbasses:

Don’t forget that these are the sort of people who buy gold from Glenn Beck in the name of Ron Paul because the communists want to abolish money! Secret government straw person bank accounts! The Amero! JEWS JEWS JEWS!… And Star Trek is the only fictional universe I can think of that actually has abolished money as we know it.

10 years ago

About Leonard Nimoy being Jewish …

I know someone who’s got a little story about her dad walking in on the middle of “Patterns of Force,” seeing this on the television screen,×220.jpg

and asking out loud what an Ashkenazim was doing wearing an SS uniform.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

… And I somehow got stuck in moderation. Not sure how I did that. o.O Sorry, David.

10 years ago

Leonard Nimoy…an AshkeNAZI.

Conundrum solved!

10 years ago


Seems I’m in good company with my thoughts on that elaborate European building, versus the functional, but plain, African one. Cuz I went “well, yes, it’s prettier, but is it remotely functional? Cuz it looks like she’s got herself a nice weather proof home right there”

Yeah, I thought of that too. “Our houses are bigger and prettier, and therefore better!” Classism at it’s worst, methinks.

On top of that, someone else made a good point that most of the wonderful buildings that existed in Africa and in other countries were destroyed by white people colonizing the place.

So, yeah. Those guys can fuck off.

10 years ago

I call fake geek boy. A REAL Star Trek fan would know Kirk and Spock beat up Nazis in Patterns of Force.

10 years ago

I recently watched the 70s version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and had completely forgotten that Leonard Nimoy was in it.

10 years ago

And do women still take their shirts off at protests? ‘Cause I’ve been to a few and I’ve never seen that happen.

Women usually go topless at protests that are against the sexualization of women’s breasts even when inappropriate. (breast feeding, for example, shouldn’t be seen as sexual or inappropriate.) Nipples are something that everyone has, so it’s weird that women aren’t allowed to show them even as men are frequently casually topless. To bring attention to this issue, some women stage topless protests. So it is a thing that happens, but usually at protests that are specific to that cause. Not at, say, an Occupy Wall Street or Ferguson protest.

10 years ago

I never understood the thing where supposed liberty loving libertarians are in reality such authoritarians fuckers. Right lobertarians in particular

10 years ago

Oh good, someone already mentioned Great Zimbabwe. Dry stone construction: The whole city was built with no mortar. Still standing.

I read a novel recently set in the Kingdom of Aksum. It was pretty excellent.

10 years ago

@Ellie: It’s pure misdirection. They like to omit the fact the “liberty” they love so much is largely economic, which is generally something that only benefits corporations as it removes any limits imposed on them for one reason or another (including environmental regulation that might protect a town from, y’know, having a poisoned water supply due to waste being dumped in it). They’ll bring up legalization of marijuana or gay rights as something they support but, in reality, could give less of a shit about either. They’re often the same group of people who think “state’s rights” should precede such laws being ratified nationally – many of which would (some already do) severely punish possession of weed and make any act of homosexuality illegal.

If they were honest, they’d just call themselves “Corporatists.”

10 years ago

I never understood the thing where supposed liberty loving libertarians are in reality such authoritarians fuckers. Right lobertarians in particular

There’s the Big L libertarians that align with the Ron Paul mouth piece and official Libertarian Party(Ron Paul runs as a Republican, but his talking points are libertarian). They are authoritarian and racist but try to do everything to hide it. They have a couple of think tanks working on sleazy fronts for their propaganda. Think of the worst, corrupt Republican politician. These people will make him/her look like Mother Theresa. At their core Big L libertarians and those that support them knowing what they are, are opportunists. If they can get away with anything, it’s okay. That’s what they mean by “liberty”.

Small l libertarians, also lefty libertarians, usually come from populist working class roots and have a cultural aversion to aligning themselves with the traditional left(Labor /Democrats). They’re socially liberal, fiscally conservative, or rather, cautious. They’re very frustrated with what they see as the traditional left dragging it heels or making compromises.

The first group ruthlessly exploits and manipulates the second group. In 2008, many lefty libertarians bailed from membership after Ron Paul’s racist newsletters –which they had never heard of—were brought to people’s attention. But it was too late. They’d already helped the party get national recognition.

IMHO the Official Libertarian Party is a front for reactionary racists who are too cowardly to admit their real goals. It would be great if it was abolished, but I don’t think that’s feasible now.

Links for more reading:,_2008#Ron_Paul_newsletter_controversy,1

10 years ago

What a bunch of bullshit in that diagram. Some other points have already been mentioned, but as a philosophical anarchist, I feel it necessary to point out one particular misstep: Abolishing the traditional concept of property in the way we understand it would not lead to a welfare state, since a welfare state still pretty much runs on the traditional concept of property. The people who are on top now are not the ones who worked hardest to get there, but those who started out with the most opportunities and privileges, so taxing them more is not “unfair”, but an acknowledgement of the disproportionate share they’ve received from society’s common efforts.

It’s like some people can’t imagine a world where people work together for the common good, instead of pointlessly gathering wealth to gain an upper hand in a constant, merciless struggle against other people who want to destroy you and steal your stuff. Thinking like a capitalist must, by its very definition, lead to a very miserable, lonely existence.


I never understood the thing where supposed liberty loving libertarians are in reality such authoritarians fuckers. Right lobertarians in particular

As everyone who loves using “freedom” as a buzzword to rally people to their cause, glibberglobbertarians are for freedom for people as much like them as possible (white, straight, neurotypical, economically privileged, etc.), but not to those pesky non-humans (everyone else), who will apparently just randomly turn into criminals, murderers and rapists if “granted” freedom. Best just to hold them under our thumb. Privilege makes one pretty fucking near-sighted. And often hypocritical.

Oh, and as someone who loves comics as a medium, I need to ask about the one meme: Why the hell are Burns and Smithers speaking in thought balloons?

10 years ago

Ah shoot, I only wanted the links. Please delete my previous post, if possible.

10 years ago

Sorry about my inability to post properly. Let’s try this one last time:

Long time reader, first time commenter (read the Welcome Package).

I just spend some time (probably too much) making those images, reversing the “white = beautiful” and “Africa = poor” type of images: