#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism cultural marxism evil SJWs racism

"Cultural Marxism" explained in helpful infographic (that somehow manages to avoid using "Le Happy Merchant") With BONUS CRAP PICS

It's all so obvious now!
It’s all so obvious now! (Click to enlarge.)

I‘m sorry, did I say “helpful?” I meant “so convoluted that the diagram-maker eventually gave up drawing lines between boxes because even he couldn’t figure out how all these things allegedly relate to each other.”

I should note that in addition to being a mess, this diagram is also complete bullshit, and that “Cultural Marxism” only exists in the fevered imaginations of neo-Nazis, conspiracy theorists, #Gamergaters and Bernard Chapin? For an actual history of “Cultural Marxism” as a boogeyman of the far right, see here. For more lovely “Cultural Marxism” infographics and memes, several of which do include “Le Happy Merchant,” see my earlier post on the subject.

Oh, ok. Here (after the jump) is a crapload of BONUS images I found by searching for “cultural marxism,” this time on Twitter.  [CONTENT WARNING: All the bigotries, actual pro-Hitler Tweets, cartoon semi-nudity.]

Note: This last image, as you’ve probably gathered, is not an actual SPLC poster. A Google image search shows that pretty much the only people who’ve posted it online have been right-wing asshats. For example, this guy, who regularly posts images even worse than the ones I’ve got here.

H/T — @jason_a_w on Twitter, for posting the convoluted  diagram, sent to him by someone who thought it actually made sense, and maistrechat, for linking to Jason’s Tweet in the comments here.

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andrea harris
9 years ago

I know it doesn’t, but “genophilia” just looks like it should mean “I love genitals.”

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

“All I want do is move to your country, rape your women…”

Roosh? Is that you?

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
9 years ago

Re: The “All cultures are equal” one (I’m not reposting that):

I suppose if I made a picture that compared, say, ancient Egypt to a trailer park, they’d point out that I was unfairly and nonsensically comparing poor people to obscenely wealthy people… And my point would fly over their head, out the atmosphere and off to a planet without racists…

9 years ago

Only two comments so far, and they’re both gems. I may only lurk, but I love me some the Mammotheer community! (That’s as in Mouseketeers — am I old, or what?)

9 years ago

Was the chart made by Hans Herman Hoppe? The line about “Don’t trust empiric evidence” may be a direct quote from him which tells me he either helped make it or a fan of him in particular made it.

9 years ago

Gender Roles cause lower birthrates? Seems legit. /s

Gah, now they’ve bastardize Kirk and Spock. Are they aware of how hard core anti racist Roddenberry was?

9 years ago

And Ranger, I thought the exact same damn thing when I saw that image. Speaking of the planet without racists, can we move there? I’m SO ready!

9 years ago

I found the book “World Revolution: a Plot Against Civilization” (N.H. Webster, 1921) at a library once. It included basically the same diagram. It was no more plausible in 1921 than it is now.

9 years ago

I don’t find the diagram convoluted at all. There are a lot of boxes, but not so many lines, with paths that are easy to follow. How is your argument different than that of a creationist looking at this diagram and saying “ha ha look at this mess, that’s not helpful at all, wow evolutionists are so ridiculous”?

No, what’s really interesting in this diagram is how utterly wrong it is. Pretty much all non-trivial links are dishonest bullshit, tired debunked clichés, or gaslighting.

As for the tweets, wow. The discussion in this thread is enlightening. The white supremacist sounds like a broken record.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Well, today’s new word is “Leukophobia”.

Not quite sure where I’ll ever be able to use that without being, rightly, punched or laughed at; but might come in handy at Scrabble one day.

9 years ago

So as it turns out feminists, gays, weed smokers and new atheists are all controlled by… the jews? (Obviously, who else (?)).

1) is hilarious
2) is false, but props to the Jewish people for earning the reputation of being progressive
3) has a lot of popcorn potential since there are many misogynists who are also new-atheists themselves. Also, by what kind of Jewish logic do you have two groups you control argue with each other?

9 years ago

“Why can’t we love white people while claiming everyone else isn’t as intelligent or beautiful or contributes as much to modern society as we do because of our biotroofs?! Why do you want to kill all white people?!”

– Every image I just saw.

9 years ago

The green-on-black version you link is the one neoreactionary Mike Anissimov posted to More Right. It’s an edited version of the original, which is from 4chan /pol/, and includes a rant explicitly about Jews at the top:

One person on the RW FB group noted that it’s like a badly-structured class diagram in object-oriented programming. You wouldn’t think they were Bay Area technolibertarians or anything, would you.

9 years ago

Those comparisons of the most elaborate of European cultural artifacts juxtaposed with much much simpler non-European cultural artifacts always piss me the hell off. If you know anything at all about archaeology, you know that cultures all around the world constructed huge palaces and cities and public works of art and massive feats of engineering. Ever hear of the Egyptians? The Incas? The original nations of sub-Saharan Africa? Many of these accomplishments were then destroyed and swept under the rug…by white “explorers” and colonialists. Because they had no respect for cultures that were not their own. The racism came first, based in nothing but smugness and intolerance, and murdering bandits acting on their racism committed gross atrocities, the effects of which were then used to justify the racism.

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

Re: Star Trek one, is the fool who created it aware that both Shatner and Nimoy are Jewish? Probably not. I’m guessing this person never saw the famous Nazi planet episode, “Patterns of Force.” Or that, by and large, Star Trek’s entire philosophy is essentially one of multiculturalism, equality and other progressive values?

9 years ago

Oh, and CURIOUSLY ABSENT from that ridiculous cultural Marxism flowchart: THE BEATLES.

9 years ago

I guess I’m not racist enough to understand the point of the picture of the school kids proclaiming multiculturalism as genocide. Are they trying to say that a random grouping of British children that only includes some caucasians is genocide? I am sitting here puzzling over what they could possibly mean.

9 years ago

Why are Kirk and Spock in there? Have they ever actually seen Star Trek? It was pretty much the opposite of neo Nazi propaganda. I’m just so confused.

9 years ago

Got ninja’d a couple times on the Star Trek thing!

9 years ago

Gah, now they’ve bastardize Kirk and Spock. Are they aware of how hard core anti racist Roddenberry was?

More basic than that: are they aware that Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner are both Jewish?

9 years ago

Got ninja’d a couple times on the Star Trek thing!

Very easy to do on teh Intertubes. 🙂

9 years ago

@Flora, well the white kids aren’t the vast majority in that photo so obviously they killed all the other white ones for loving their pasty skin too much.
I dunno. Best I could figure.

9 years ago

More basic than that: are they aware that Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner are both Jewish?

And that’s something even as a longtime member of fandom I didn’t know!

But the anti racist bit is a no brainer. Look at the bridge ffs. That includes a Russian character who was not a villain…DURING the Cold War!

And they want to bang on about “Cultural Marxism”. I doubt they know what the word “culture” means, much less “Marxism”.

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