
[UPDATE 2: Pogo now says his misogynistic posts were an “experiment.” For my take on this, see here.]
[UPDATE: Pogo has taken down several of the blog posts mentioned in this post. I have replaced the links to the vanished posts with links to archived versions.]
So you know that dude Pogo, who makes all those amazingly perky-yet-somehow-also-ethereal music/video mashups using snippets of old Disney movies and the like?
Turns out he’s a bit of a misogynistic dickbag.
Yep. On his Pogomix blog, Nick Bertke (his real name) has been posting a bunch of tiresome and achingly unoriginal rants about feminism and the alleged privileges of women that might as well have been cut and pasted from the Men’s Rights subreddit or A Voice for Men.
In “Why We Should Envy Women” he argues that “[d]espite what all these feminists talk about, women actually have things pretty damn good. Better than men, I would say.”
He presents a little list of ways he thinks women have it better than men; it’s an assortment of MRA clichés, a sort of mashup (yep) of Warren Farrell and Girl Writes What, as filtered through a million crappy blogs.
– You are naturally endowed with a more valuable, sought after and artistically favorable body.
– At the bat of an eye, you can be excused from accountability regardless of the magnitude of your actions.
– At 18, you lose the protective status of the child but retain the protective status of the female. …
– Society excuses you from needing to work and says all you need is a hard working and generous man. …
– You are granted the rights of a democracy without the burdens of military service.
The creepiest item on the list is undoubtedly this one:
– You can give the opposite sex a thrashing when the person deserves it.
That’s right: the guy who created the gorgeous “Alice” and the charmingly catchy “Upular” envies women’s alleged ability to beat up their boyfriends without consequence, apparently wishing he could do the same to women when they “deserve it.”
Seemingly channeling the “red pill wisdom” of the internet’s self-proclaimed masters of “Game,” Bertke goes on to explain that women are basically overgrown children needing the “discipline” of a firm father figure.
I’ve always found that the more I treat a woman like a child, the stronger the relationship, the better the sex and the more often it happens. Discipline, reprimand and complete indifference. I think the feminine woman craves the attributes of a firm father in the man she enters a relationship with. The more I realize it, the more I see modern feminism in a different light – it could well be little more than the collective feminine cry for drama and childlike retaliation.
Sigh. He seems to have turned this rant, or portions of it, into a video. (I could only make it through about 30 seconds before my annoyance got the better of me and I turned it off.) [UPDATE: He’s deleted the video.]
In “5 Things I’ve Learned About The Real World,” Bertke urges his readers to, yep, “take the red pill for a minute,” and offers more, er, insights into women’s alleged desire for “fatherly order.”
A lot of women you meet, feminists in particular, will preach that you are the source of their failures and womanly strife. This won’t stop them from playing powerless, and they’ll insist that you roll up your sleeves and rescue them from their mysterious bonds. The collective female cry for fatherly order requires that you as a man are expected to make the world spin.
As you may have noticed, Bertke’s prose is not quite as elegant as his songs. He can’t even keep his metaphors straight.
In “Where Feminism Goes Wrong,” he informs us that “inequality is a door that swings both ways but feminism by definition and in practice treats it as a one way street.” (Here’s an archived copy of the post in case he takes it down too.)
Yep. Inequality is somehow both a door and a street.
He goes on to declare that:
Feminism is taken prisoner by too many women and re-branded as a self entitling social status posing as a humanitarian ideology. There’s really only two possible explanations for why feminism has become a bait and switch: 1. Feminism is revealing its self to be a camouflaged push for gender supremacy, or 2. Feminists just aren’t doing a very good job of communicating their true cause.
There’s actually a third explanation, more convincing than the first two, which is that Nick Bertke has no fucking clue what he’s talking about.
Misogynistic outbursts are apparently not a new thing for Bertke. Last spring, after erratic behavior on his part led some of his fans to worry that he might be undergoing some sort of breakdown, one Redditor reported that “some fans and friends close to Nick that have stated that he’s done something similar in the past, going on a rude, sometimes misogynistic rant and basically acting like a 12 year old … .”
It’s always disappointing to find out that someone whose work you enjoy and admire is a shitty person. Alas, he’s far from the first talented musician to turn out to be a woman-hating asshole.
Bertke, dude, stick to sampling other people’s words. Your own words are terrible.
H/T — @Metz77 on Twitter, who alerted me to Pogo’s asshattery.
EDIT: Reworded a couple of things.
He certainly is.
The sort of guys who move to China and date Chinese girls are, in my experience, people who couldn’t hack it in the western world. That or people fleeing debts.
I couldn’t read the full thing, but it’s really, really, really, really gross to complain about how women get everything handed to them in China, a country that has a massive gender imbalance in the younger generations because of selective sex abortions. Yeah, being a girl in China is a fucking cakewalk, assuming you make it to girlhood.
Your stuff about Sarkeesian is bullshit and is enough to discredit you right there.
The massive copy pasta of eeeeevil feminist quotes has been debunked a hundred times.
You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I suggest getting a new brain and starting from scratch.
UK stat time!
Actually omnigenous, official crime figures reveal that more than 1.4 million or 8.5% of women and 700,000 or 4.5% of men have been victims of some kind of domestic abuse in a single year. On average 24 men and 104 women a year are killed as a result of domestic violence.
Both sides indeed. According to the ONS, 4.9 million women, or 28%, and 2.4 million men, or nearly 15%, have experienced some form of domestic abuse since the age of 16.
Figures from the Crime Survey for England and Wales also reveal that there were an estimated 406,000 victims of sexual assaults last year and nearly one million victims of stalkers. More than two-thirds of these were women.
But nope, nothing to see, no rape culture here.
Also, a study produced by the Crown Prosecution Service in England & Wales in March 2013 revealed that over a 17-month period between January 2011 and May 2012 – when all false allegation cases were referred to the DPP – there were 5,651 prosecutions for rape, but only 35 for making false allegations of rape. Further studies into rape case attrition (Kelly et al) have shown that false allegations account for 3% of all recorded rape allegations.
Must be finals season at Necromancy U… I’ve heard, though, that restarting the green/purple flame war on a Babylon 5 newsgroup is totally an easy A. Maybe this guy could try that (and leave us alone).
The thing is, dude, even if most people aren’t sexist on purpose, almost everybody is sexist *by accident* because it’s baked into our culture.
For example, studies have shown that women are *perceived* by women and men to interrupt more, whereas when people actually count, men interrupt more. Studies have shown that teachers call on male students more — and that even when they’re told this and make an earnest, honest effort to call on girls, they STILL call on boys more.
Heck, look at the toy aisle some time. There’s toy aisles, and then there’s a ghetto of pink and purple toys for girls. Boys are the default. Yet boys don’t get away scott-free either–they can play with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but if some boy wants an April figurine so that he can actually play like the show, he’s out of luck. If he wants a Black Widow, who’s rad and badass in the Avengers, he’s going to have a tough time finding one.
You should be just as avid a feminist as we are, man. Men are hurt by sexism and crappy gender roles too. Try looking up toxic masculinity and read about it some time. It makes me worry about my cute little nephew to no end. He shouldn’t have to deal with that; he should be able to be who he is. Whoever that is. He’s pretty little yet, so other than “incredibly mellow for a baby” it’s hard to say who that will be.
Here’s some rape culture. A woman was shot and killed by a security guard that had been sexually harassing mall employees and was just fired after the victim made a complaint about it. http://jezebel.com/iowa-mall-shooting-motivated-by-sexual-harassment-compl-1711118147
Predictably there is a sealion in the comments.
Just thought I’d check back briefly to see if anybody has actually decided to be reasonable.
Just a quick scan shows someone laughing and joking about me running away from debt, that I don’t have a girlfriend, all kinds of random insulting presumptions, creepy tumblr guy (I don’t have a tumblr) and so on.
I mean, congratulations guys. Way to teach me how to be a better person. Then you act bewildered when I explain that people are often turning sexist as a result of the anger and attacks from the feminist community.
Take a look at yourselves.
You’re calling some regular guy who think is in the wrong, a creep, a freak, to leave you alone, desperate and… well I’ll be damned if I’ll ever want to be a part of your group. And you may not care about this individual but this is honestly what I’m seeing happen to thousands in the male community.
And it’s all your fault. Seriously.
I’m not being emotional about this, I’m just point it out as bluntly as I can. Take a step back, and think about it. Your insulting has done nothing but solidify my biases and thoughts. And every time you gang up in your dozens against one or two, you’re slowly pushing those who otherwise had at least somewhat open minds, far away from what you hope this world to be.
In 300 years time when there actually is rape culture and patriarchy, you’ll be rolling around in your graves wondering what went wrong.
I took the time to write all that out because I have thoughts that are genuine, and I did the best I could to justify myself. I tried to put forth the fact that I’m not a creep, I’m a good person, with dreams of equality just like you. I tried to add a bit of personal life so you can get some insight as to who I am, and I tried numerous times to consider compromises and accept I could be wrong here and there.
And the best you can return is pathetic insults and personal stabs.
As your mother used to say, ‘You should be ashamed of yourselves. Go to your room and think about what you’ve done’.
Over and out – More sexist than when I came in. Isn’t that what you wanted?
See? You didn’t needed that teal deer. This sentence is enough to make your point.
Also: your point is wrong and you’re an asshole.
I hope you will remember my name as the feminist who expelled you from Feminism. My friend Katie promised me a gold star for it.
Oh, but he flounced already! Hope I’m not too tempting for this shithead to come back.
Stick to the flounce!
Shut up, Woody!
Why is it our job to help you become a better person Omnigeneous? You’re an adult and we’re not your mommy. If you’re a shitty person, that’s on you. Us being nice to you wouldn’t get rid of your biases. That’s not how biases work.
Did you even look up the creepy white guys tumblr? It’s about white men fetishizing Asian women. Treating them like submissive children. That’s you. You’re sexist and racist. I don’t need or want to be nice to anyone like that. Your threats to be a misogynist instead of a feminist mean nothing to me because that’s already what you are.
Really? Because I can see the flowing tears of a category four mantrum from here.
Up until now I’ve toyed with you. I’ve been cruel in order to entertain my fellow board members.
Let me be direct.
When you say “I am not a creep” and “I am a good person”, I’m sure you believe yourself. I’m absolutely sure that you have defined your worldview so that this appears true, and I’m sure that this is how you want people to treat you.
I’m not going to be nice to you. But I am going to be patient with you. Let me explain this slowly, starting at the first step.
1) When you come into a forum and say “Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t you do feminism this way instead?” you’re assuming that we’ve never heard anyone say that before and that our poor delicate lady-brains could never have come up with it (or mangina-brain in my case). You’re assuming that you are the first person in history to advance this opinion.
Spoiler: You’re not.
What you come off as, instead, is the guy who comes up to a pair of chess grandmasters and says, “Hey, why don’t you put your horsie here?” When they point out to him that it’s a poor move, he gets all huffy and feels insulted rather than just accepting the truth: they know more about it than he does. Their grasp of strategy is probably above his. After all, they do this all day. He doesn’t.
This leads to the next problem.
2) You have made assertions and not backed them up. I’ve called you on it and your response is to say “You’re being mean to me! It’s just my opinion!”
Yes, I have been mean to you. The reason I’ve been mean to you is because people giving opinions on matters which they do not understand, and which are not backed by citations, have a negative value. They take up time which we could spend doing something fun, or at least useful. The fact that you suggested that I do your research for you was a particularly galling touch in this respect.
Therefore, if you wonder why I do not feel the desire to be nice to you, this is why.
3) When we called you on it, your response was to demand that we be nice to you rather than actually trying to understand what you did wrong.
I don’t think this requires elaboration. After all, the problem was that you don’t listen to content, only to tone; so me putting content here isn’t going to help.
4) You appear to have no grasp of good internet etiquette.
When approaching an unknown part of the web, there’s a few things you should do:
– Lurk for a while, to get a sense of what the community is like and what the various people in it are like.
– Read up on the topics so you know which things have already been discussed to death and which ones are still things we’re interested in hearing views on.
– See how they handle disagreements.
– See how they handle trolls. See what their definition of a troll is.
– If it’s about a technical subject (like this one is) make sure you know something about the subject in question.
– See how they handle people necro-ing threads. Some boards like it. Others don’t.
– If in doubt, stay silent. Your voice is amplified by all the other things that you have not said.
– When introducing yourself, do not tell people to change their approach on matters unless you are one hundred percent sure that you are more of a subject matter expert than they are.
For example, I am also active on BDSM forums and Microsoft Excel forums. If someone is discussing an INDEX(MATCH(),MATCH()) function, I may weigh in because I know something about it. If someone is discussing OLE objects, I will be silent but listen because I know nothing about it but would like to. If someone is discussing shibari, I won’t read the thread because I’m not interested in shibari.
I will always assume, unless I see evidence otherwise, that the people in there are more technically skilled than I am. After all, it’s a thing that matters to them. They probably think about it a lot, which means they know more than I do.
You have not done this, and it shows little respect for us. This is why we see no reason to be polite to you.
5) You appear to have no concept of staying on topic.
I care about your personal life because I care about all humans. Many other people don’t. Please don’t assume that we want to know about it. We have threads where established community members can tell us about their lives. Someone coming in and immediately telling us all about it – especially if they’re also telling us that we don’t understand issues we spend a lot of time thinking about – is not going to receive the same response.
Threads wander, and I’m as guilty as anyone (probably more than most) of contributing to their wandering. But turning a thread that’s about a subject into a thread that’s about you is poor manners.
So. You want to know why we’re mean to you? The above is why. We saw most of this from your first post, which is why instead of taking you seriously we just mocked you. You got off pretty easily, frankly. You’re lucky that it’s only me doing it. If it had been someone smarter and funnier than me, like Lea for example, you would have really been upset.
That’s untrue. My insults were awesome. I was really proud of them.
My mother never said that to me. It wouldn’t have worked. I had LEGO in my room. Being banished there wasn’t a punishment.
You’re not more sexist than when you came in. You’re more honest about it.
When you entered, you thought women were these soft-headed addled-brained things which just needed a man to take care of them and show them how to do feminism properly. Now you think women are mean, spiteful harridans who won’t be nice to people who are trying to help them. Both are just ways to be a misogynist. The difference is that the first one allows you to maintain the fiction that you like women, whereas the second makes you confront the fact that you don’t actually like them.
I’m glad this has been a learning experience for you. I hope the rest of your weekend is excellent.
Please don’t come back.
PS: You should never say “Over and out.” “Over” means you have finished your remark and that you are expecting a reply. “Out” means you have finished your remark and you are not expecting a reply. The phrase “over and out” does get kicked around, but to anyone who’s ever had to use a radio it’s just deeply frustrating.
Nailed it.
omnigeneous sez:
I just wanted to give everyone another opportunity to marvel over this stunning example of self-unawareness.
“I don’t wanna be part of your group because you were mean to me but I’m not being emotional.”
Today’s lesson in “Men’s emotions are not actually emotions but just the way people (i.e. not wimmin) talk” has been brought to you by omnigeneous. Thanks omnigeneous!
My mother never said that.
Wanna know what my father told me?
“I want you to be able to stand toe to toe with anyone and tell them to go fuck themselves.”
So…you know what you can do.
You know who else tells women “Look what you made me do”?
Dear Omnigenous,
Consider us puzzled. Did you really think that what you were doing here was trying to become a better person? You’ll forgive us for saying so, but that shows a rather stunning lack of awareness. What you did is the equivalent of jumping into the shark tank at feeding time to become a better swimmer.
There are plenty of places on the internet where people are willing to deal with ill-educated people regarding the ins and outs of feminism 101. Any of those would have been a good place to start if you were interested in becoming a better person. You bypassed those in favor of a place dedicated to mocking misogyny and introduced yourself with ‘you’re doing feminism wrong, feminism is responsible for misogyny’ and a side of ‘rape culture doesn’t exist.’
Seriously, how did you expect the conversation to go? If your expectations were anything other than pushback, we humbly request that you examine what lead you to that belief. Your opening comment was, at the very least, passively hostile towards the community you were addressing; why shouldn’t that garner some agitated responses? Has social conditioning lead you to believe that you can address women thus and expect nothing but muted agreement? Perhaps not, but it wouldn’t surprise us.
Unsurprisingly, you become petulant and condescending when you are challenged. These are not the actions of someone looking to be a better person. They are the actions of someone who believes they already are a better person and seeks internal justification for their questionable behaviour.
Yes, sir, you are being emotional. Would you care to guess why you believe you are not? Could it be that you’ve been told men don’t get emotional? It’s not being emotional, it’s being passionate about a subject, right?
Thank you and good day.
Ok, if you’re going to teal dear, omnigenus, could you please ACTUALLY quote people instead of giving one-liners to specific people without context. Ctrl+C Ctrl+V is not difficult. And you can use quotation marks if you don’t know how to do HTML Blockquotes.
And the answer to that question is yes, there are plenty of reasonable people here. Reasonable in the sense that we’re not going to let you just spew crap and not challenge it. Not to mention that there are several posters who didn’t make fun of you and provided thoughtful responses which you are BLATANTLY ignoring because it conflicts with the ‘feminists are meanies who make fun of men and that’s why men become anti-feminist” narrative that you’re now trying to promote.
Gosh, you might want to fix your scanner because it’s apparently only got selective vision. Yes, you are being mocked. Part of why you are being mocked is because you are intentionally ignoring the GENUINE arguments raised against you, you make up nonsense arguments. And of course because you have this laughable belief that having a girlfriend makes you not sexist.
Take this hilarious part for example:
It seems like you are already sexist to begin with, let’s go back to your first point, mmkay?
So basically, “Hi, I think wage gap rape culture is all a myth without any sort of evidence, I think feminists use abelist language and I want to make excuses for people who say sexist things because heaven forbid we can’t call someone ‘sexist’ that would be like the worst thing evar……. What? how dare you call me sexist, you’re all big meanies even though I just said a bunch of crap that’s pretty offensive and very obviously not true.”
You’re demonstrating a hilarious lack of self-awareness here. And dude, we’ve already had plenty of trolls come in and declare how the whole reason why anti-feminists exist is because of how feminists are big meanies. Nevermind that backlash against feminism has been around for as long as feminism has been around.
Well I can’t speak for everyone else (our hivemind doesn’t work on Sundays) but I took a look at myself and concluded that I am a sexy beast.
AWWWWW NOOOO, he doesn’t want to be a part of our community! How dreadful. Why the fuck would we want someone who makes shit up, uses abelist language, and denies things that feminists have been fighting against? What the fuck makes you think we want you here when your first post made it abundantly clear that you don’t believe in our cause to begin with?
Again this is the ‘I’ve lost faith in this movement’ brand of concern trolling.
Did you miss the part where EJ, me and oh-i-dunno the author of this blog are male? Speak for your fucking self, you are not an ambassador for the male gender. Plenty of us in “the male community” are perfectly capable of recognizing that problems exist even though we are not affected by them. It’s called empathy.
The thing I’m seeing with thousands in the male community? They make shit up about feminists then use those as a reason for why feminism is bad. Plenty of gullible men believe them.
No it’s yours. If you’re going to come in here and start spouting nonsense we’ve debunked a million times, then you shouldn’t be surprised when you are laughed at.
Actually you are. Look up persecution complex.
Gotta love how you blatantly ignore the posts by Jarnsaxa, isidore13 because they were NOTHING but courteous with you and instead focused on the posts mocking you because your goal seems very clearly to paint us all as big meanie feminists.
Example of being open minded: “Oh I realize that my previous position was based on bullshit, I now stand corrected”
Example of NOT being open minded “Rape culture is a myth, no I’m not wrong why should i have to provide evidence to support my opinion?”
What makes you think you are open-minded when you STILL cling to views that several posters have completely debunked? You’ve shown nothing but unwillingness to change your opinion after your opinion has demonstratively been proven false. That’s the opposite of open-minded.
Ah yes, it’s all the fault of feminists. If women would just let you spout your opinion and not talk back, rape wouldn’t happen. Do you even realize how offensive this is? I’m not even mocking you here. I genuinely believe that you don’t actually realize how your statement constitutes victim blaming. You’re literally saying rape culture wouldn’t happen if feminists weren’t mocking you on the internet. Please try to think about how that comes across to a group of feminists, many of whom have experienced rape.
And you know what? I would be totally willing to give you the benefit of the doubt if your first post wasn’t so offensive and defensive. In your penultimate post you pointed out some good examples of how Chinese culture is egregiously sexist due to well-established traditions. If you hadn’t come in here and try to spout a bunch of nonsense (we’re very much against ableism here, so claiming ‘feminists use the r word whenever they disagree with someone’ is NEVER going to go over well), you wouldn’t have been mocked.
Well maybe you should try a bit harder. Did you ever consider that maybe rape culture DOES exist and maybe you just don’t realize it because of your gender? Did you maybe consider that the ‘things you heard about feminists’ were actually spouted by anti-feminists in an attempt to silence the movement?
The fact of the matter is, your are sexist. This is just something you need to accept. I know it’s hard because we never want to think of ourselves as bad people and denial is the most common defense mechanism. But the thing is, everyone has their flaws. I use to be sexist, and I’m far from the only one. In fact, if you actually took the time to look at the more RECENT posts, you’ll notice that lots of the posters here fully acknowledge buying into toxic gender roles and the hardships that this has caused in their lives.
I don’t understand why people act like being called sexist is the worst thing ever. It’s actually really common because toxic gender roles and sexism are ever-present in our culture. I use to be sexist, I use to make offensive jokes, I use to be very insecure about my gender and tried to overcompensate by being toxically masculine. I actually found a post I made 9 years ago on a gaming forum… it’s embarrassing to read.
You are being disingenuous. There were PLENTY of thoughtful replies that were giving you plenty of respect. And you promptly ignored them, which is pretty rude. But hey, it seems you were far more interested in painting us in a negative light which is why I’ve taken the time to give you an honest response with just a bit of sarcasm sprinkled on top.
Nooooooo my teal dear got lost in the woods of moderation…. 🙁 Oh well, seems everyone has pretty much covered what I had said anyways.
Oh for god’s sake. Dude, be ashamed of yourself. I’m younger than you and I don’t have the immature audacity to have a go at a group of strangers on the internet for not helping me to “be a better person”.
Are you so blind to your own privilege that you can’t see how entitled that is? It’s nobody’s job here to teach you, hold your hand or gently break the statistics/studies/evidence to you concerning how ethically, empirically and logically wrong your views are. You have insulted everyone here with your harmful ignorance. Nobody owes it to you to be ‘nice’ in their reaction.
How is this not deeply offensive?
It is absolutely disgusting, given the extent and horror of rape and sexual assault, that you would continuously try to draw attention to the fact that false allegations are made. For the sake of proving… what? False allegations are RARE. False reporting is NOT a phenomena. Statistics gathered by multiple professionals, agencies and governing bodies show rape and sexual assault IS. I provided you with the current statistics from your own country of origin. Despite the fact that you managed to offend both the community here and survivors of rape with your inappropriate point pushing – you even tried to use commenter’s reactions to your ignorant, uninformed spiel as proof of the motives behind the rare few who falsely allegate. And you got upset because nobody was NICE to you?
And this. You condescending arsehole. I am angry about this. I am very angry. And if you have the nerve to not see why, do not post about it. Do not return. Do not parade your lack of self-awareness with defences like,
I mean, who even says that? Who seriously has the gumption to state, “I’m a good person”? without their internal irony metre going up in flames and exploding through their ears? There is no way you’re 28. The teenagers I’ve worked wouldn’t have been able to say something so embarrassingly self-gratuitous while keeping a straight face.
Wow. I missed this skimming the teal deer last time.
Okay. Even if we except the troll’s premise that feminists are mean to mean. How would that justify a bunch of men deciding to rape women en masse?
He’s literally advocating rape as a punishment here.
Yeah dude, we didn’t make you a misogynist. You were one all along. No good person would ever sit around dreaming gleefully of retaliatory rape to put women back in their place.
Hey, you’re the asshole who came onto a website that MOCKS misogyny and you’re angry we’re mocking your misogynistic, racist, clueless ass?
You came in here and started spouting sexist nonsense, then racist nonsense, and lack the self awareness or dignity to own up to your gross ass ways until we “affirmed” them.
You think we should take your ass seriously on a website that fucking mocks people like you?
Really, fucking think man. Use your actual brain for once, don’t let your feelings and pride get in the way, and really fucking think about what you said and how horrible it is for once in your goddamn life. Take some responsibility for your own actions.
And I hope your “girlfriend” leaves your racist, sexist ass because no one deserves to be with a racist, sexist ass like yourself. Not now, not ever. Learn to be a decent person first.
I missed this very very lengthy exchange, but I caught this comment.
What have you monsters done to this poor man? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!
Hey, news articles about individual cases are citations now?
Accused Serial Rapist Kept Photos of His Victims
The Colorado police were able to track down the earlier victim, who had been charged with false reporting a crime, because the serial rapist had put her Washington State ID card next to her bound body in one of the photos.
Did you vomit up the ancient copy pasta list of evil feminist quotes? The list with no citations that’s been debunked a number of times? Why yes, you did. How unbiased of you.
There’s a tangible reason why many rapes go unsolved, FYI.
Rape Kit Backlog Grows Nationwide, Jeopardizing Prosecutions
Untested Rape Kits: FAQ
Why cities are struggling with backlogs, and what they’re doing about