antifeminism entitled babies gender swap ladies aren't funny men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA no girls allowed

The Top 3 Reasons the All-Female Ghostbusters Will Suck, According to Some Dudes Who Hate Women

Yes, there's already a meme.
Yes, there’s already a meme.

Have you heard? The upcoming Ghostbusters reboot will feature women in the lead roles. Men who hate women seem to be taking the news hard.

And nowhere do they seem to be taking it harder than on MGTOW HQ, a forum devoted to men who are “Going Their Own Way” from women by talking about how much they suck online all day every day.

The assembled MGTOWers have not only determined that the movie will suck but have also figured out why.

So here are the Top 3 Reasons the New All-Female Ghostbusters Will Suck According to a Bunch of Guys Who Hate Women:

1) Because women can’t invent things.

As some dude calling himself TheShaman writes:

Obviously its not gonna be a team of women who created the technology to be ghostbusters- women don’t create anything nowadays except thugspawns and epic fails.

2) Because women are a bunch of copycats.

Mongolking explains:

Your movie’s a gimmick because men did it first. …

[H]ow often do women ever take a risk and do something different that was a success?

Everything they celebrate – from getting the vote, to being elected politicians, to becoming clergy, to going to college, to getting on company boards, to winning Nobel prizes – men had not only done first, they created it out of nothing.

So now we have a group of low ambition women wanting to feminise “Ghostbusters”. That’s the very definition of “uninteresting”.

3) Because everyone knows that women are scared of ghosts. And mice.

TheShaman again:

Women are usually the ones screaming ABOUT ghosts- In an already outlandish plot, we’re now expected to suspend our sense of disbelief to the extent that the very segment of the population that is usually victimized BY ghosts is going to “protect us?” Hell, anything to do with ____BUSTING, whether it be rodent busting, bug busting, etc- its done on the whim of a women who is terrified of whatever it is she wants to eradicate!

Unless the proton packs in the new movie are activated by women pissing themselves in fear, I can’t imagine me enjoying anything out of this new movie.

PhilosopherStoned adds:

I’m not going to suspend disbelief and say that a gender that will jump on a chair when they see a mouse will all of a sudden not only fight ghosts, but have the initiative to start a company that does so. For a movie that where guys trap ghosts in machines, an all female crew just does not seem plausible.

So a 100-foot-tall Stay Puft marshmallow man that is an incarnation of a Sumerian god is the epitome of plausibility, but the idea of women actually starting a company is beyond the pale?

H/T — VforVanarchy on Reddit’s GamerGhazi subreddit, who found the meme I used to illustrate this post on Twitter

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10 years ago

Do garter snakes bite?

Nope! I had a pet one as a kid.

10 years ago

it’s official: MRAs are living in a vintage Tom & Jerry cartoon.

I would make a joke about cartoon violence, but I’ll leave that alone.

What is it with these guys and infantilising women exactly?

It’s either one, they like the idea of thinking of us as children who are simply stamping our feet and throwing a tantrum because “Aw, that’s so cute and pretty annoying. Stop that.” because they think we’re not as mature or as intelligent as they are because FEEEEEEMALLES.

Or two, it makes us easier to victimize.

I’m sincerely hoping it’s just one.

[…] and women demanding equal access to society and institutions that they’d been denied by men = women copying men (seriously, what do they want, women to set up a whole seperate government where only women are allowed to vote and to serve as lawmakers? I think the existing government within any country would have a little problem with something like that).

And I would daresay that if women did break off from society and tried to form our own, they wouldn’t want us to leave because someone has to make them sammiches and do the dishes and have babies, and they’re not going to “degrade” themselves to do it.

I think that mice are cute, and the only bug that really scares me is the centipede. Do I have to turn in my woman card now?

I don’t like roaches or spiders, but mice are cute, and I’ve handled my cousin’s pet rat before. (She was adorable.) Oh! And I brought a wild one my cousin caught to my college in a big pickle jar to do a whole presentation on Rattus norvegicus for my science class (our final was a presentation from a selection of topics. I chose to do one on an invasive species, mostly because we had the rat already, and I figured it’d be fun. Though, the look on my department head’s face when I asked him if I could bring it to school was priceless. I had to promise he’d stay in the jar)!

On the topic of ghosts: I do have a ghost story of my own.

A few years back, I was living in a house where my bedroom was haunted. My mom had bought me a singing teddy bear for Valentine’s day, and I had set it on the top of a roughly six foot tall bookshelf.

Later that night, I went to bed, and around three in the morning, the bear started singing by itself. (This was before I owned my cat, and no one else was in the room.)

No screaming, no freaking out, just general grumpiness (How DARE you wake me from my slumber!), and a quick removal of the batteries before I went back to sleep.

Fast forward to Christmas (and I had my cat then), and my mom had gotten me another singing bear. The bookshelf was now on the other side of my room (I used to regularly move my furniture around out of boredom), and I put the bear on top of it.

Again, around three in the morning, it started singing. And, again, I got up, removed the batteries, and went back to sleep. No screaming, no nothing.

The only time I remember really screaming at a mouse or something was when my cat at the time left me half of one on my bedroom floor and I stepped on it in a sleepy daze because I had just woken up. (She left me the butt.)

10 years ago

Cool! I’m not used to idea of non-bitey snakes.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Magpie — hi! And garter snakes are capable of biting (but not poisonous), but they’d far sooner just go back into the grass and continue doing their snakey thing.

Definitely a member of the “ignore it, it’s not gonna bother you” species.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Huh, Katz? I thought they could bite, and just like, 99.99% of the time didn’t bother trying.

10 years ago

Okay, so I did a little digging to refresh my memory.

The first reference I can find to rumors of an all-female cast was about 6 months ago, when Feig first was named as a likely director. 4 months ago, Bill Murray–who has repeatedly declined appearing in a GB3 movie himself–basically said, when it came up in an interview, “Oh, hey, that’d be cool.” (He also popped off a list of four women who’d do a good job–two of them are part of the current cast-announcements.)

So it’s worth noting that, in addition to all the very good points folks have been making in this thread, that these entitled, whining man-babies are also kind of ignoring an actual man whose opinion might actually be pertinent to the discussion. Why do MGTOWers hate men so much?

10 years ago

Huh, Katz? I thought they could bite, and just like, 99.99% of the time didn’t bother trying.

Your herpetology knowledge probably exceeds mine; I just know that ours never bit anyone. We had it when I was four or five, so clearly it wasn’t dangerous at all.

10 years ago

I just read that Paul Feig (the creator of one of my favorite shows Freaks and Geeks btw) wants Peter Dinklage to play the villain. That adds another level of awesome to the casting.

10 years ago

I wonder what they’ll say when they realize the all-female recast was Bill Murray’s idea, and two of the leads were his suggestions…

Every time I start to worry that Bill Murray might be secretly terrible in some way, he surprises me with yet more awesome. ^_^

10 years ago

I hate to do any fandom gatekeeping, but if they have trouble with female horror protagonists they’re not true horror fans. The majority of horror protagonists are women or girls. A lot of the horror fandom is female too. In fact, Ghostbusters was one of the things that kicked off my lifelong love of the genre even though it’s more of a comedy. So they need to stop prattling on about their childhoods. Those movies were never just for boys.

Same goes for horror video games. Haunting Grounds, Clock Tower, Silent Hill 3, some of the Resident Evil games have female leads (Though most are male and female led), Rule of Rose, Fatal Frame, Illbleed, all of these have female leads! (And they’re just a small chunk of the list).

Illbleed has an especially interesting female lead, Eriko Christy, who really isn’t scared of anything. Her father used to try scare her all the time with his work designing things for a horror theme park until she was six, and her mother couldn’t take it anymore and left him, taking Eriko with her.

Eriko kept watching horror movies though, and even became the head of her high school’s horror movie club. She was never really frightened by anything.

Later, her friends go to this new theme park called Illbleed, where if you can stay over night, you get a million dollars. Her friends get trapped there, and it’s up to you to go save them!

To be honest, it didn’t do so hot, but many horror fans agree that it added a lot to the genre! I haven’t had the pleasure to play it for myself, but I’m working on adding it to my collection of spoopy games!

10 years ago

Here’s a little poem by Rose Fyleman:

I think mice are nice.

Their tails are long
Their faces small,
They haven’t any
Chins at all.
Their ears are pink,
Their teeth are white,
They run about
The house at night.
They nibble things
They shouldn’t touch
And no one seems
To like them much.
But I think mice
Are nice.

But everyone knows that women are afraid of mice! [/sarcasm]

10 years ago


Because apparently women don’t have childhoods!!! We’re born as fully formed humans, ready to con you into marrying us so that we can file false rape charges and then divorce you and steal all your money.

You should know by now that MRAs hardly see any distinction between adult women and children.

Either that or they assume that our childhoods only consisted of playing house and barbies.

dhag85: Has anyone ever in real life jumped up on a chair to escape a mouse on the floor? When is there ever a mouse on the floor? Rat, sure, but mouse?
Actually, I’d probably climb a chair if there was a giant spider on the floor, so never mind.

I was going to say that I jumped up on a chair when I saw one a cockroach (the giant asian variety that flies) for the first time, but then I realized that I was actually already on the chair putting dishes away. So I guess I get a pass on that one… :))

10 years ago

gah, should say “I saw a cockroach” not “I saw one a cockroach”. And I was on such a roll!!!!

Cheryl Kerkin
10 years ago

MRA – the movement that ate itself by gorging on junk. You can’t take such nonsense seriously can you? Or the people that dive on these hilarious tidbits like rats in a feeding frenzy. This is quite funny (assuming no-one has posted this….) :

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

So who thinks JD and SivaOne are the same troll?

*raises hand*

10 years ago

Friday Jones:

I ain’t ‘fraid of no tropes!

Hee-hee-hee. 🙂


just curious- can anyone name ONE comedienne whose standup you would buy a ticket for?

Yeah…me neither

Um, are serious, or being sarcastic?

Kristen Schaal. Wanda Sykes. Amy Poehler. Phyllis Diller, if she was still alive. I could go on. There are lots of great female comedians.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Katz — nawh, reptiles aren’t like fish that way, knowing my tortoise and similar species means shit when it comes to other tortoise species even, forget the rest of the scaley world! I just know we’ve got garter snakes around here and I was always told they could bite, so don’t harass them, but they’re harmless really. So if you had one as a pet, I defer to you!

Fish otoh… XD

10 years ago

Any snake will bite in self-defense, but most species are non-venomous. (Except in Australia, of course.) Garter snakes are definitely on the non-venomous list, but if they’re big enough, they can give you a pinchy chomp and possibly even break the skin.

I’ve been bitten by snakes three times in my life, all non-venomous. The first time, I was about nine years old, and it was a pet boa constrictor who was startled while I was holding her. She must not have been serious, because I didn’t even know I’d been bitten (her head was out of my view) until the adults said something.

The second time was a pet corn snake. I was ten or eleven. I take full responsibility for this one because I should have known better than to handle the feeder mice before sticking my hands in the snake’s cage.

The third time was a wild baby garter snake about the size of an earthworm. I couldn’t even feel it. I watched that poor babby try so hard to wrap its little jaws around my finger…

10 years ago

I’m not so hot on Amy Poehler anymore because of a joke she made recently that didn’t sit well with me.

She was talking about Into the Woods, and she made a joke about how “Sleeping Beauty just thought she was getting coffee with Bill Cosby”, and I’m really not okay with that.

Wanda Sykes is amazing though. She never fails to make me laugh. I really like the bits where she talks about Esther. “Esther” being her belly.

10 years ago

That, and Tina Fey has a lot of whoreophobia when it comes to strippers. Like she thinks it’s okay to imitate one for comedy’s sake, but she doesn’t have any respect for them.

Miss Andry
10 years ago

just curious- can anyone name ONE comedienne whose standup you would buy a ticket for?

Sarah Silverman.

Miss Andry
10 years ago

Also I fail at quoting and responding. Tags, how do they work?

Bette Hopper
10 years ago

So this is my first time commenting here, though I’ve been lurking off and on for a while. Greatly appreciative of David’s dedication and the hilarious and often very insightful commenters here am I.

Another commenter pointed it out already, but I’ll just echo the sentiment that the “copycat” business is especially rich. As if women weren’t almost universally *purposely* denied entrance into the public sphere (and still are to a great extent—look at what happens to women on the Internet). It’s not like women have been intentionally refused, via some real nasty oppressive tactics, any voice in “creating” the vote, or the clergy, or a company or the government or higher education. Nope! Women just never had one good idea ever. Had nothing to do with being chattel. Patriarchal societies have been so warm and open minded about women attempting to do anything but cook, clean, bear children and be sex dolls in general. SO open minded! /s

Do you think they know how disingenuous they’re being when they say this stuff or are they really that deficient in basic historical knowledge?

10 years ago

I like Jo Brand and Sandi Toksvig, though I don’t know if they do stand up now.

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