antifeminism entitled babies gender swap ladies aren't funny men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA no girls allowed

The Top 3 Reasons the All-Female Ghostbusters Will Suck, According to Some Dudes Who Hate Women

Yes, there's already a meme.
Yes, there’s already a meme.

Have you heard? The upcoming Ghostbusters reboot will feature women in the lead roles. Men who hate women seem to be taking the news hard.

And nowhere do they seem to be taking it harder than on MGTOW HQ, a forum devoted to men who are “Going Their Own Way” from women by talking about how much they suck online all day every day.

The assembled MGTOWers have not only determined that the movie will suck but have also figured out why.

So here are the Top 3 Reasons the New All-Female Ghostbusters Will Suck According to a Bunch of Guys Who Hate Women:

1) Because women can’t invent things.

As some dude calling himself TheShaman writes:

Obviously its not gonna be a team of women who created the technology to be ghostbusters- women don’t create anything nowadays except thugspawns and epic fails.

2) Because women are a bunch of copycats.

Mongolking explains:

Your movie’s a gimmick because men did it first. …

[H]ow often do women ever take a risk and do something different that was a success?

Everything they celebrate – from getting the vote, to being elected politicians, to becoming clergy, to going to college, to getting on company boards, to winning Nobel prizes – men had not only done first, they created it out of nothing.

So now we have a group of low ambition women wanting to feminise “Ghostbusters”. That’s the very definition of “uninteresting”.

3) Because everyone knows that women are scared of ghosts. And mice.

TheShaman again:

Women are usually the ones screaming ABOUT ghosts- In an already outlandish plot, we’re now expected to suspend our sense of disbelief to the extent that the very segment of the population that is usually victimized BY ghosts is going to “protect us?” Hell, anything to do with ____BUSTING, whether it be rodent busting, bug busting, etc- its done on the whim of a women who is terrified of whatever it is she wants to eradicate!

Unless the proton packs in the new movie are activated by women pissing themselves in fear, I can’t imagine me enjoying anything out of this new movie.

PhilosopherStoned adds:

I’m not going to suspend disbelief and say that a gender that will jump on a chair when they see a mouse will all of a sudden not only fight ghosts, but have the initiative to start a company that does so. For a movie that where guys trap ghosts in machines, an all female crew just does not seem plausible.

So a 100-foot-tall Stay Puft marshmallow man that is an incarnation of a Sumerian god is the epitome of plausibility, but the idea of women actually starting a company is beyond the pale?

H/T — VforVanarchy on Reddit’s GamerGhazi subreddit, who found the meme I used to illustrate this post on Twitter

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10 years ago

Like I really don’t even like Melissa McCarthy’s style of comedy, no matter who is doing it, but even if I end up hating the movie I’d like it to succeed to spite these manosphere assholes.

Because apparently women don’t have childhoods!!! We’re born as fully formed humans, ready to con you into marrying us so that we can file false rape charges and then divorce you and steal all your money.

You should know by now that MRAs hardly see any distinction between adult women and children.

10 years ago

I can’t believe that the “trembling woman that runs from a mouse” is still a thing that people actually believe. You’d think you’d run into a million counter examples along the way but nope. Still as disconnected from reality as ever.

10 years ago

You should know by now that MRAs hardly see any distinction between adult women and children.

What is it with these guys and infantilising women exactly?

10 years ago

So all women are scared of mice, huh? Wait until I tell them that my mother and older sister don’t flinch at mice, but my dad HATES them. Heads’ll ROLL!

(I have no hatred for pet mice. I find them cute, actually. I just dislike the wild mice that find their way into your house, eating everything and making a giant mess. I had to clean one in my kitchen some years ago, and it was NOT pretty.)

Oh, and if they really knew about Ghostbusters, then they neglected that short lived “Extreme Ghostbusters”… where a WOMAN was on the team. And surprise, surprise, she had prior paranormal knowledge before becoming a Ghostbuster. But what did SHE know? She was just a lowly feeeeeeeeeeeeeemale!

(Also, sorry to go a little off topic, but does anyone else have the urge to grab a red pen and correct those grammar issues that those guys make in their nonsense rants? I mean, the Grammar Policewoman in me just can’t help it sometimes.)
10 years ago

If you’re going to do a reboot, you might as well do something interesting with it. I literally did not care about the new Ghostbusters movie until I heard about this.

10 years ago

This is annoying. What everyone’s already said, the ” this is about MY childhood!” ( because women’s childhoods don’t count) and women demanding equal access to society and institutions that they’d been denied by men = women copying men (seriously, what do they want, women to set up a whole seperate government where only women are allowed to vote and to serve as lawmakers? I think the existing government within any country would have a little problem with something like that).

But, mostly I’m just excited that the new Ghostbusters are going to be women! Because, yeah, it was my childhood, too. And my childhood was full of “girls can’t be X, girls can’t do X, only boys can be or do X.” Fuck that noise.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


Not mice, rats or spiders, no (I’ve kept all of them as pets, actually), but to I’ve jumped on my fair share of chairs to get away from roaches. Yech.

I’d say it’s more than made up for by the number of chair-cowering guys I’ve “Saved” from the smallest house spiders possible, though. =P

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

“But to I’ve”? What the hell? *But I’ve.

10 years ago

These men are scared of a spider and a ghost…just as they fear women.

10 years ago

Yutolia: Yeah, I’m with you on this one. I love the original Ghostbusters and the sequel, can recite both from memory and I just introduced my 9 yr. old niece to the cartoons. And yeah, she’s a Slimer fan.

So it’s not just their childhoods or our childhoods. It’s her childhood too. I’m excited about the reboot and I’m pretty sure my niece be excited to watch it too.

10 years ago


We don’t have roaches in this part of the world, but yup I would certainly climb a chair to get away from one of those. Insects (including crabs, lobsters and shrimp, because you can’t tell me they’re not insects) and spiders are just creepy as hell. I’m not going anywhere near them. And my penis has never protected me against a spider ever, so I’m pretty sure the penis-having is irrelevant here. 🙂

10 years ago

I think that mice are cute, and the only bug that really scares me is the centipede. Do I have to turn in my woman card now?

10 years ago

I enjoyed Bridesmaids one hell of a lot more than I enjoyed Ghostbusters II, and so my interest in this has shifted from “nonexistent” to “reasonably intrigued”.

10 years ago

Ackkkkk. I’m gonna have to escape this thread if I want to retain any hope of not having bug related nightmares.

10 years ago

I’m sorry – What’s a “thugspawn?”

10 years ago

One more thing that occurred to me: MRAs are acting like reactionaries always have all history over. They’re so afraid of change that they’d rather they and what they cherish become irrelevant. That is, there really are only two options: Either franchises are in fact updated to go with the times, to display the little advances that have in fact been made in the sectors of equality and freedom, or they will wither away and die. Not including women is thankfully becoming less and less acceptable (at a too slow pace, but incidents like this show something *is* happening), so really, the only two choices are to have changed main casts (see also: nBSG) or to leave the franchises dead.

What MRAs really decry is not the “loss of childhood”, it’s that they’re less likely to have cinematic all-boys clubs anymore.

10 years ago

Now I want someone to do a reboot of ‘Weird Science’ with the genders reversed; that would make some MGTOWs shriek.

10 years ago

I’m sorry – What’s a “thugspawn?”

Analyzing the coded language there, I’m going to guess that “thugspawn” refers to a biracial baby born to a single white mother or a baby of color born to a mother of color.

10 years ago

Insects (including crabs, lobsters and shrimp, because you can’t tell me they’re not insects)

Find ’em creepy all you want, fine with me, but crabs, lobsters and shrimp aren’t insects. They’re crustaceans. Call ’em all arthropods and you’ll cover spiders, too.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I’ve talked to a number of people over the years about ghosts. I don’t believe in ghosts, but some people do, and if you ask a lot of folks have had something ghost-like occur to them.

Almost all of the people who have had ghostly experiences that I spoke with are women, but I think that’s an artifact of me just being more comfortable asking women that kind of question. Only one person reported that her ghost seemed threatening. Most felt their ghost was benign, or uninterested in them or maybe didn’t notice them, and a few thought that their ghost was benevolent. Mostly these took the form of a dead family member, but two ladies I talked to in college were convinced that their benevolent ghost was a complete stranger to them who just happened to share the same home and who liked them.

My unscientific survey, fwiw. The majority of women with ghostly experiences that I have spoken with were not terrified of their spectral visitors.

10 years ago

Hi everyone! Back from a bit of a hiatus. I was busy, the thread dust-up was ugly, and I was really, really busy…

The new and improved contrapangloss now knows how to force doors with a halligan and an axe in under two minutes in order to make a suitable entry point for the first attack hose line on a structure fire! The new and improved contrapangloss still needs to learn and be able to do pull ups. Fortunately, we’re allowed to assist and be assisted by our ‘squad’-mates in the class, and even better yet, I’m not the only one who needs the assists.

Not that any of the guys in the class (or the career guys who’ve been helping instruct) would be jerks about the “girls can’t do pull ups” or the “this is why women shouldn’t be firefighters” stuff. They’re all really supportive and seem totally convinced that all of us are going to get to the point of being able to pass the physical agility test at the end of the course.

…but I’m having to redesign and up my weight routine, as well as adding some additional cardio so I can make myself a little lighter, because trying to lift all of me (which does include the extra weight I’ve carried ever since freshman year of college) and 60 pounds of bunker gear is a little on the nope side right now.

This is on top of work, and the usual EMS volunteer stuff…

Did I mention I got really, really busy?

Okay, back on topic.

Why hadn’t I heard about this reboot?!

They’re going to have ladies in the ghostbusters? Seriously? This’ll be awesome! Plus, there’ll be a whole hour and a half where I’ll know for sure that there aren’t any MRA-types in the room, because they’ll be off refusing to “waste their money” on watching a kind of fun in the campy way franchise now made more accessible to kids of all sorts!

I’m down for watching this movie. Worth it.

10 years ago


I’ve also seen plenty of stories from men online about their experiences with what they considered to be ghosts. Whether or not those are legitimate stories, I don’t know, but if ghosts are indeed “victimizing” people, then it’s not just women. Unless you’re silly enough to think that horror movies are documentaries, and we all know that they couldn’t possibly believe something that stupid.

Oh wait.

10 years ago

I like my mice and am freaked out by centipedes too. However, I don’t scream and jump up on a chair like an idiot. If my feeemale cat doesn’t get to it first, I swat it with a magazine and flush the corpse. My male cat on the other hand, has never killed a bug in his life. He just sits there and watches them. The feeemales are the bug killers in my house.

I also like rats. When we conditioned one in my behavioral psychology class, I enthusiastically did more of the work then my male lab partner because working with the rat was so much fun. My rat was the first in the class to learn to pull the lever for food too!

Tanya Nguyen
10 years ago

Things women did first: give birth to your sorry ass, and have to live with that for teh rest of their lives?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Sfumato720 — literally the word means “the spawn of a thug”. Practically speaking it’s MRA for women having the kids of men they consider “thugs” (so, African American men).

Thought — feminists: “thug” is a racist term, knock it off. MRAs: we’ll insult men of color how ever we want, cuz you stupid women get knocked up and they take men for every penny in child support!

Now, I need coffee, but am I the only one seeing then inherent “MRAs are only remotely for the rights of the ‘right kind’ of men”?