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The Top 3 Reasons the All-Female Ghostbusters Will Suck, According to Some Dudes Who Hate Women

Yes, there's already a meme.
Yes, there’s already a meme.

Have you heard? The upcoming Ghostbusters reboot will feature women in the lead roles. Men who hate women seem to be taking the news hard.

And nowhere do they seem to be taking it harder than on MGTOW HQ, a forum devoted to men who are “Going Their Own Way” from women by talking about how much they suck online all day every day.

The assembled MGTOWers have not only determined that the movie will suck but have also figured out why.

So here are the Top 3 Reasons the New All-Female Ghostbusters Will Suck According to a Bunch of Guys Who Hate Women:

1) Because women can’t invent things.

As some dude calling himself TheShaman writes:

Obviously its not gonna be a team of women who created the technology to be ghostbusters- women don’t create anything nowadays except thugspawns and epic fails.

2) Because women are a bunch of copycats.

Mongolking explains:

Your movie’s a gimmick because men did it first. …

[H]ow often do women ever take a risk and do something different that was a success?

Everything they celebrate – from getting the vote, to being elected politicians, to becoming clergy, to going to college, to getting on company boards, to winning Nobel prizes – men had not only done first, they created it out of nothing.

So now we have a group of low ambition women wanting to feminise “Ghostbusters”. That’s the very definition of “uninteresting”.

3) Because everyone knows that women are scared of ghosts. And mice.

TheShaman again:

Women are usually the ones screaming ABOUT ghosts- In an already outlandish plot, we’re now expected to suspend our sense of disbelief to the extent that the very segment of the population that is usually victimized BY ghosts is going to “protect us?” Hell, anything to do with ____BUSTING, whether it be rodent busting, bug busting, etc- its done on the whim of a women who is terrified of whatever it is she wants to eradicate!

Unless the proton packs in the new movie are activated by women pissing themselves in fear, I can’t imagine me enjoying anything out of this new movie.

PhilosopherStoned adds:

I’m not going to suspend disbelief and say that a gender that will jump on a chair when they see a mouse will all of a sudden not only fight ghosts, but have the initiative to start a company that does so. For a movie that where guys trap ghosts in machines, an all female crew just does not seem plausible.

So a 100-foot-tall Stay Puft marshmallow man that is an incarnation of a Sumerian god is the epitome of plausibility, but the idea of women actually starting a company is beyond the pale?

H/T — VforVanarchy on Reddit’s GamerGhazi subreddit, who found the meme I used to illustrate this post on Twitter

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10 years ago

Your movie’s a gimmick because men did it first. …

This guy doesn’t understand the concept of a reboot. “Someone else did it first” doesn’t apply when the new product is meant to be the same IP. “Batman: The Dark Knight? Pah, that’s a gimmick. Batman And Robin already had a guy in a bat suit fighting crime in a dystopian city. So derivative.”

No no, I get it. It’s because women are frightening space aliens, so a gender can “do” something first and mark it as their territory forever.

Everything they celebrate – from getting the vote, to being elected politicians, to becoming clergy, to going to college, to getting on company boards, to winning Nobel prizes – men had not only done first, they created it out of nothing.

O_O I… I can’t. What? Women celebrating finally being able to participate fully in society as fellow human beings after being forbidden from doing so by men… is copying?

Matriarchal societies existed in ancient Greece, and ancient Greek myths seem to chronical the outside influence that converted them into patriarchal ones. Do women get to claim the creation of structured government? Are men just copycats for being kings?

“Going to college” is a thing this dude is describing as having been “created” by men. “Being an elected politician.” “Becoming clergy.” Occupying positions in society that one couldn’t possibly know the original origins of, but have a history of women being excluded by men.

My mind. It boggles.

Women are usually the ones screaming ABOUT ghosts- In an already outlandish plot, we’re now expected to suspend our sense of disbelief to the extent that the very segment of the population that is usually victimized BY ghosts is going to “protect us?”

Ghosts don’t actually exist. Women are usually the ones screaming about ghosts because somebody wrote the story that way, not because it’s reflective of a real life thing. The best you can say is that it’s a violation of a trope. How exactly is that a bad thing?

10 years ago

Would like to clarify that the disembodied shadow was in the distinct shape of an adult man. That’s why we were nervous when we saw there was no actual person outside.

10 years ago

They claim that women criticizing something gender related in a video game amounts to censorship and an attack on the programmer’s artistic freedom. They then criticize something gender related in a movie. Hypocrisy much?

10 years ago

I really, really hate “argument” 2, because it’s so common. So first women get excluded from everything prestigious and important in society… and then later that in turn is used to “argue” how inferior they are? I mean, most of the time this “argument” is used much more indirectly, but this mongolking guy is even very straight up about it: Women were not allowed to vote, so that means women can’t be any good. What?

But the cake of stupid is really taken by TheShaman. He can’t suspend his disbelief about women not screaming at ghosts, because it’s “usually women victimized by ghosts”… err, what? In what reality exactly? In what reality are ghost visits to women common occurrences? More proof, I suppose, that manospherians live in their own reality.

10 years ago

Men complaining about being oppressed are so unoriginal. Women have been oppressed for ages, and now all of a sudden men want in on it. Go invent your own stuff, dudes! /s

10 years ago


*slow clap*

*dredges up link to locations of burn wards*

10 years ago

“Everything I know about women I learned from Tom And Jerry cartoons.” Good lord, these people.

10 years ago

‘Hey women, it’s not about you, it’s all about us’ because no woman ever watched the original Ghostbusters, OR had a childhood, apparently.

That said I don’t think that many sequels are a good idea, especially ones many years later, and this is no exception.

10 years ago

I picture all these guys as 15-year-olds who’ve never encountered an adult woman before, so they assume women must act the way they do in the movies. This also explains the whole ugly/nerdy women don’t exist trope. And the reason they think everything should cater specifically to them (because they’re pretty much the target market for movies and video games).

10 years ago

“Everything they celebrate – from getting the vote, to being elected politicians, to becoming clergy, to going to college, to getting on company boards, to winning Nobel prizes – men had not only done first, they created it out of nothing.”

Men: Women aren’t allowed to vote

Women: We demand the right to vote

Men: Geez stop copying us

10 years ago

I mean, with clergy, has has never heard of priestesses? The oracle of Delphi was most certainly a woman, does she not count as clergy?

Back before college was a thing, women were students that learned things (depending on where and when you look, anyway). Before nobel prizes were a thing, I’m pretty sure there have been women that have received community recognition throughout all cultures. Before company boards were a thing, I’m pretty sure women sat on elder councils.

It’s astounding how narrow his worldview is, limited to western history where women were explicitly kept out of the professions he claims men invented. Does he think political women never existed until the 19th ammendment?

10 years ago

That “men had the vote first, women copied” reasoning looks like playground-logic. Or possibly troll-logic.

Voting was men-only for so long because every one of those men had thought up democracy, while it had never even occurred to any woman at all? Women’s suffrage wasn’t any kind of achievement, it was just those lazy women sitting up and using what hard-working, mammoth-hunting men had invented ages ago?

10 years ago

“So now we have a group of low ambition women wanting to feminise “Ghostbusters”. That’s the very definition of “uninteresting”.”

What “group” of women is this exactly? Isn’t the director a man? (Google search) yep, unless Paul Feig is a wimminz. And according to Rolling Stone, Bill Murray (yes, that Bill Murray) made recommendations of women…

And I’m sorry, which of the feminazis is “low ambition” exactly? Would that be Kristen Wiig? Melissa McCarthy? Who have been in umpteen movies – winning awards like the Emmy and the Golden Globe (which are probs stoopid because wimminz can win them) and are also a writer and producer. Those unambitious women?

When are these guys gonna ‘go their own way’ already? Just go. Take your VHS player and your male-dominated items and go. No one will care.

MGTOW = Megdouches Griping Too much Over Whatever stupid thing

10 years ago

Honestly, I’d be pretty surprised if none of these guys end up seeing the movie anyway. I mean, come on, it’s Ghostbusters. It’s inherently awesome.

10 years ago

Guys, your childhoods are over, and if you grew up with Ghostbusters, likely for decades now. No-one could ever retroactively affect them unless they possess a time machine, so the only way anything could possibly damage your childhoods is if you never left them, if you’re desperately clinging to your childhood toys to avoid facing the big, scary world. But that couldn’t possibly be the case, could it?

10 years ago

One of my first jobs was closing at night in a restaurant. One night the (male) night manager ran inside completely freaking out because a rat had ran near his foot, by the dumpsters,outside. Granted, the rats were huge, and they would randomly pop out and startle you, but he had a full on freak out.

Obviously, all men must be like him, because every member of a particular gender acts the same, right?


10 years ago

So I was at a rehearsal on Sunday and there was a mouse loose in the room. There were gasps at first, then people wanting to catch it and let it outside, then “Let’s get back to work” from the director.

I DID stand on my chair for the rest of the rehearsal. I was the soloist and needed to concentrate on my singing and I was wearing teeny ballet flats with tights. And the mouse kept making a mad dash back and forth across where I had to stand.

I probably would have screamed if it ran over my foot, but from being startled, not from being scared.

(Mouse was caught and released into the wild. If I was that mouse, I would have squeezed back inside. “It was nice and warm in here before all those monsters started bellowing.”)

10 years ago


And they’re racist, too! Who would have guessed?

it’s about our childhoods

How? Because a remake is different from a movie that came out 30 years ago and therefore has the ability to retroactively change how you felt about the original when you first saw it?

Also, yeah, because your childhood nostalgia is totally more important than people’s current life experiences.

10 years ago

a gender that will jump on a chair when they see a mouse

it’s official: MRAs are living in a vintage Tom & Jerry cartoon.

10 years ago


As a little girl in the 80s (kindergarden and first grade) I loved Ghostbusters as much as all the boys. But whenever we played Ghostbusters, they told me “You can’t be Egon (or whichever Ghostbuster I wanted to be) because you’re a girl. You have to sit by the fence while we go out and fight the ghosts.” Never mind that we could pretend the playground equipment was the Empire State Building or Dracula’s castle–because I wasn’t a boy, I didn’t get to run around and have adventures, I had to sit by myself and watch the rest of them tear-ass around the playground catching ghosts.

So it’s about my childhood too.

10 years ago

Has anyone ever in real life jumped up on a chair to escape a mouse on the floor? When is there ever a mouse on the floor? Rat, sure, but mouse?

Actually, I’d probably climb a chair if there was a giant spider on the floor, so never mind.

10 years ago

I must confess that the last time a mouse got inside my dwelling, I did in fact scream.

Well, I more yelled than screamed. What I yelled was “Get it, Sekhmet! No, don’t let it go! What kind of cat are you? Do I have to do everything around here?”

And since the answer was clearly “yes,” I caught it in a jar and let it go outside. No chairs were involved at any point.

10 years ago

When I was a kid, I used to pretend being MacGyver and convince other kids to be lesser characters from MacGyver. Then I’d tell the other kids to go hide somewhere, and I’d go hide in a different spot, dreaming up elaborate gadgets to help me capture/defeat the others, while narrating my thought process out loud in pretend English.

But I turned out fine.

10 years ago

The new Ghostbusters is going to suck because it’s not the original cast. The Heat sucked, Bridesmaids sucked after 30 minutes. This will suck.

10 years ago

“It’s about our childhoods”

Because apparently women don’t have childhoods!!! We’re born as fully formed humans, ready to con you into marrying us so that we can file false rape charges and then divorce you and steal all your money.

Dudes, I saw this movie in the theater when I was 3. It has had a huge effect on my childhood, and I’ve seen it more than 100 times. I can recite it from memory. I am also not the only woman I know who loves this movie the way I do. Of course I love the original cast, but we’ll NEVER get anything with that original cast in it again (unless Harold Ramis decides to join as a ghost). Also, there’s nothing wrong with female ghostbusters. NOTHING!!!

Also, I find the idea of being “victimized” by ghosts really strange. I’ve seen ghosts, both scary and not, but I’ve never thought of myself as being “victimized”.