antifeminism entitled babies gender swap ladies aren't funny men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA no girls allowed

The Top 3 Reasons the All-Female Ghostbusters Will Suck, According to Some Dudes Who Hate Women

Yes, there's already a meme.
Yes, there’s already a meme.

Have you heard? The upcoming Ghostbusters reboot will feature women in the lead roles. Men who hate women seem to be taking the news hard.

And nowhere do they seem to be taking it harder than on MGTOW HQ, a forum devoted to men who are “Going Their Own Way” from women by talking about how much they suck online all day every day.

The assembled MGTOWers have not only determined that the movie will suck but have also figured out why.

So here are the Top 3 Reasons the New All-Female Ghostbusters Will Suck According to a Bunch of Guys Who Hate Women:

1) Because women can’t invent things.

As some dude calling himself TheShaman writes:

Obviously its not gonna be a team of women who created the technology to be ghostbusters- women don’t create anything nowadays except thugspawns and epic fails.

2) Because women are a bunch of copycats.

Mongolking explains:

Your movie’s a gimmick because men did it first. …

[H]ow often do women ever take a risk and do something different that was a success?

Everything they celebrate – from getting the vote, to being elected politicians, to becoming clergy, to going to college, to getting on company boards, to winning Nobel prizes – men had not only done first, they created it out of nothing.

So now we have a group of low ambition women wanting to feminise “Ghostbusters”. That’s the very definition of “uninteresting”.

3) Because everyone knows that women are scared of ghosts. And mice.

TheShaman again:

Women are usually the ones screaming ABOUT ghosts- In an already outlandish plot, we’re now expected to suspend our sense of disbelief to the extent that the very segment of the population that is usually victimized BY ghosts is going to “protect us?” Hell, anything to do with ____BUSTING, whether it be rodent busting, bug busting, etc- its done on the whim of a women who is terrified of whatever it is she wants to eradicate!

Unless the proton packs in the new movie are activated by women pissing themselves in fear, I can’t imagine me enjoying anything out of this new movie.

PhilosopherStoned adds:

I’m not going to suspend disbelief and say that a gender that will jump on a chair when they see a mouse will all of a sudden not only fight ghosts, but have the initiative to start a company that does so. For a movie that where guys trap ghosts in machines, an all female crew just does not seem plausible.

So a 100-foot-tall Stay Puft marshmallow man that is an incarnation of a Sumerian god is the epitome of plausibility, but the idea of women actually starting a company is beyond the pale?

H/T — VforVanarchy on Reddit’s GamerGhazi subreddit, who found the meme I used to illustrate this post on Twitter

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9 years ago

Remember that other manospherian who said all female Ghostbusters made no sense because women are scared of ghosts? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say these guys probably think ghosts are real, and Ghostbusters is a documentary.

9 years ago


But then how do they explain Beetlejuice?

9 years ago


Since when do they ever have to explain anything? :p

Distorted Flare
9 years ago

Are you people really this fucking retarded that you don’t see obvious troll bait? These guys do this to get a rise and look you are all losing your shit saying well women invent things. Yeah whoopee fucking doo we have established that everyone build’s things.

You have all done nothing else other than once again lumped everyone that thinks the new movie will suck in with a few trolls. Seriously the reason many people think the movie will suck is because most movie remakes suck. that is just facts. Regardless of how popular they are they never live up to the original.

This person knows these people are trolls as anyone with half a brain would know and has decided to use it to attack everyone who thinks the new movies will be shit. People are losing there shit because the synopsis for the new ghost busters movies spends most of it talking about how it is an all female team. Who the fuck cares what gender they are and putting emphasis on it being all female just seems like they are pandering to SJW more than anything else. Why not a mixed team. Of males and females. Why not a team of all trans people. Why not a team of all gays. Because having one group solely to appeal to a small market of dipshits is idiotic. Oh we are fighting sexism by making a movie purposely all female.

well done people for as long as you all continue to be dick heads trolls will always have something to laugh at.

emilygoddess - WHTM Mod
emilygoddess - WHTM Mod
9 years ago

Distorted flare, do you get this pissed off when a cast is all male? Are all-male casts pandering to an audience? Do they have an agenda? Are they guaranteed to suck? Or is it only the idea of all-female casts that makes you so indignant you have to necro months-old posts to whine about it? “Who the fuck cares what gender they are”? You do, apparently.

As they say in your part of the internet, QQ more.

Also, speaking as a mod: lay off the slurs. This is your one and only warning.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Distorted Flare | June 21, 2015 at 10:32 pm
Are you people really this fucking retarded that you don’t see obvious troll bait? These guys do this to get a rise and look you are all losing your shit saying well women invent things. Yeah whoopee fucking doo we have established that everyone build’s things.

Here comes Mr. Edge here to lay down some truth bombs littered with ableist slurs! We silly wimmens better pay attention to his words of wisdom! [/sarcasm]

You have all done nothing else other than once again lumped everyone that thinks the new movie will suck in with a few trolls.

No, we were only talking about the people who think that the reboot will suck because it’s an all-female cast. Did you not read the article posted a few mouse-wheel scrolls above the comment section, or did you only skim it and jump down here with a knee-jerk and a screech?

Seriously the reason many people think the movie will suck is because most movie remakes suck. that is just facts. Regardless of how popular they are they never live up to the original.

That doesn’t mean that everyone will hate it, or that it still won’t make money. Nostalgia’s a hell of a drug. I’d pay for a reboot of a few games, even if they were bad.

Some people legitimately want to see this movie. Sorry-not-sorry if that upsets you.

This person knows these people are trolls as anyone with half a brain would know and has decided to use it to attack everyone who thinks the new movies will be shit. People are losing there shit because the synopsis for the new ghost busters movies spends most of it talking about how it is an all female team.

Uh, I’m taking a guess at what you said here, because apparently you aren’t sure what commas are.

No, David’s pointing and laughing at the sad little manbabies who are saying that they don’t want an all-female Ghostbusters because wimmens can’t be cool and in movie franchises that they happen to like. If you think the reboot’s going to suck, that’s fine, that’s a valid opinion. If you think it’s going to suck because it’s an all-female cast, then we’re going to point and laugh because you’re being silly and sexist.

And of course they would emphasize it’s an all-female team. Do you realize how few roles women get that aren’t the same old tired “chick flick” tropes? I’m excited for this!

As for your comment: Word salad. Please revise.

Who the fuck cares what gender they are

Women who are tired of not seeing women in good roles in movies. Women who are tired of seeing themselves being relegated to “love interest” of the cishet, chiseled, white male lead. Women who enjoy Ghostbusters as a franchise and who want to take their little girls to see it and show them they can be badasses someday too.

and putting emphasis on it being all female just seems like they are pandering to SJW more than anything else. Why not a mixed team. Of males and females. Why not a team of all trans people. Why not a team of all gays.

Because a mixed team will undoubtedly fall into the “romance in the group” trope, or the “damsel in distress” trope, or the “token female character” trope. It’d feel weird, and let’s face it, the manbabies will still complain that there are women there. So, we might as well go the whole mile and just make them all women!

Though I’d love to see a Ghostbusters movie with an all trans/queer team. Fuck yeah!

Though take it from me: As a queer person, calling us “gays” or “the gays” is a huge pet peeve of mine. Call us “queer people” (though be careful with that because some people still consider it a slur) or “LGBTQA+ people” please and thank you.

Because having one group solely to appeal to a small market of dipshits is idiotic.

I wasn’t aware that women were a “small market”. Let me look up some statistics here. Oh hey! This is interesting!

Women make up 52% of all movie-goers!

Though, it’s hard to tell if movie-goers are queer or trans though. I mean, do they screen you for that when you walk in for data purposes? I haven’t been to a movie theater in a while.

Oh we are fighting sexism by making a movie purposely all female.

That’s the plan.

well done people for as long as you all continue to be dick heads trolls will always have something to laugh at.

How does wanting more representation in movies make us women “dickheads”? Just curious.

9 years ago

Why not a mixed team. Of males and females. Why not a team of all trans people. Why not a team of all gays. Because having one group solely to appeal to a small market of dipshits is idiotic.

Are you saying gay and trans people are dipshits? Are you saying women are a small market when we’re actually half the population? Please make sense next time.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Apparently women are “dipshits” as well to dear Mr. Edge.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Because having one group solely to appeal to a small market of dipshits is idiotic.

And yet Fast and Furious movies keep getting made…

9 years ago

I love it when trolls think we’re “losing our shit” when in reality we are pointing and laughing.

9 years ago

I know right. I put it down to projection, as in, trolls losing their shit that we’re laughing at them.

9 years ago

Who the fuck cares what gender they are

Lots of people, clearly. Duh.

and putting emphasis on it being all female just seems like they are pandering to SJW more than anything else.

Whereas all male casts don’t pander to anyone. Because men are just people whose representation in media is good and natural and right while women are strange alien creatures who constantly have to justify their presence.

Why not a mixed team. Of males and females. Why not a team of all trans people. Why not a team of all gays. Because having one group solely to appeal to a small market of dipshits is idiotic.

So are the truckloads of movies made to appeal only to straight white dudes also idiotic? Or is it just movies that aren’t made to specifically to appeal to people exactly like you that are idiotic?

9 years ago

I mean I know the answer. If it appeals to straight white dudes it, appeals to everyone because it doesn’t occur to people like Distorted Flare to even wonder who it appeals to unless it doesn’t appeal to them. When it doesn’t appeal to them, woe betide those who failed to live up to their duty to center the desires of straight white dudes in their decision making process.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Who the fuck cares what gender they are …

That’s why you posted a page-long, slur-filled, comma-free mangry rant. Because you don’t care.

Malitia - SJW Who Lurks Above in Shadow
Malitia - SJW Who Lurks Above in Shadow
9 years ago

I can’t help but feel really sorry for Captain America’s shield. Poor thing doesn’t deserve the association with this troll.

9 years ago

Ghostbuster 1984 was a pile of steaming cheesy shite, ghostbusters 2 was an even bigger pile of steaming cheesy shite so the remake whether it has a female cast or a male cast is gonna be SHITE, think of shite in Las vegas neon and that is an indication of how shite it will be. this silly and purile gender war that has started, seriously, if men and women are bickering over a stupid rehashed remake of ghostbusters featuring an all female cast then this really confirms to me that men and women are never going to get along and we really don’t have any middle ground or anything in common ,i mean it’s all just a lot of tit for tat bullshit and constant one upmanship, women dids this and women did that, blah, blah,blah, & men fight wars and kill millions and invented this and invented that blah blah blah who gives a flying crap who did what, the sooner the human race is wiped off the face of this planet the better!

9 years ago

Now i’m pissed at myself for getting involved and posting my comment above, i started of bagging ghostbusters and ended up ranting on about gender wars and expressing nihilistic attitude, anyway ghostbusters still sucks, why it still has fans is beyond me, ghostbusters was on the tv a few months back and christ it is outdated, it has aged so badly but it was a piece of shit to begin with even back in good old 1984

9 years ago
Reply to  max


Max, hon? We don’t care whether you like Ghostbusters. We’re just happy to see it having a female cast. Rant on a movie blog, not a feminist one.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago


I would post an image, probably of a disappointed dragon, but Google’s new mobile site sucks and I cannot get the image alone. Perhaps I will try Bing or DuckDuckGo.

9 years ago


So DuckDuckGo works… though the images it finds are kinda meh.

Ah well.

9 years ago

Space Dragon cares not for your movie opinions; only for the music of the spheres does xir heart yearn.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

I’m going to make like Eric Northman and nope out on a conveyor belt.
