antifeminism entitled babies gender swap ladies aren't funny men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA no girls allowed

The Top 3 Reasons the All-Female Ghostbusters Will Suck, According to Some Dudes Who Hate Women

Yes, there's already a meme.
Yes, there’s already a meme.

Have you heard? The upcoming Ghostbusters reboot will feature women in the lead roles. Men who hate women seem to be taking the news hard.

And nowhere do they seem to be taking it harder than on MGTOW HQ, a forum devoted to men who are “Going Their Own Way” from women by talking about how much they suck online all day every day.

The assembled MGTOWers have not only determined that the movie will suck but have also figured out why.

So here are the Top 3 Reasons the New All-Female Ghostbusters Will Suck According to a Bunch of Guys Who Hate Women:

1) Because women can’t invent things.

As some dude calling himself TheShaman writes:

Obviously its not gonna be a team of women who created the technology to be ghostbusters- women don’t create anything nowadays except thugspawns and epic fails.

2) Because women are a bunch of copycats.

Mongolking explains:

Your movie’s a gimmick because men did it first. …

[H]ow often do women ever take a risk and do something different that was a success?

Everything they celebrate – from getting the vote, to being elected politicians, to becoming clergy, to going to college, to getting on company boards, to winning Nobel prizes – men had not only done first, they created it out of nothing.

So now we have a group of low ambition women wanting to feminise “Ghostbusters”. That’s the very definition of “uninteresting”.

3) Because everyone knows that women are scared of ghosts. And mice.

TheShaman again:

Women are usually the ones screaming ABOUT ghosts- In an already outlandish plot, we’re now expected to suspend our sense of disbelief to the extent that the very segment of the population that is usually victimized BY ghosts is going to “protect us?” Hell, anything to do with ____BUSTING, whether it be rodent busting, bug busting, etc- its done on the whim of a women who is terrified of whatever it is she wants to eradicate!

Unless the proton packs in the new movie are activated by women pissing themselves in fear, I can’t imagine me enjoying anything out of this new movie.

PhilosopherStoned adds:

I’m not going to suspend disbelief and say that a gender that will jump on a chair when they see a mouse will all of a sudden not only fight ghosts, but have the initiative to start a company that does so. For a movie that where guys trap ghosts in machines, an all female crew just does not seem plausible.

So a 100-foot-tall Stay Puft marshmallow man that is an incarnation of a Sumerian god is the epitome of plausibility, but the idea of women actually starting a company is beyond the pale?

H/T — VforVanarchy on Reddit’s GamerGhazi subreddit, who found the meme I used to illustrate this post on Twitter

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9 years ago

I am so sick of this argument. Both sides are truly neanderthal. Men living in glass houses throwing rocks at women who live in those same glass houses, who then throw those same stones back at them. I have always said, and will always feel. That if you decide to engage in any argument the weighs the merits of person versus another persons designed to compare gender or race you in fact are being a racist or sexist. You cannot pigeon hole all males as sexist because that in itself is inherently a sexist statement. I just hope that Hollywood would lose the tired way of casting or script writing that has become popular. That is that in order to accentuate a strong female lead the males must portray that of bumbling idiots. Let things feel natural not forced. Believe it or not in the real world men and women not only coexist, but they actually get along without all the pretentiousness. It was never right to portray blacks in they way they where, women either. You cannot create peace or balance between people by waging old wars. Men are out there with open minds ready to say no kidding were all equal but can you stop fight the war. If you can’t spend the rest of your days in the middle east. They seem to enjoy fighting ancient wars.

9 years ago

Why does this thread get so many necro trolls?

Probably a drive by, but what the hell, I’ll respond.

You cannot pigeon hole all males as sexist because that in itself is inherently a sexist statement.

Who did this? Quote please.

Men are out there with open minds ready to say no kidding were all equal but can you stop fight the war. If you can’t spend the rest of your days in the middle east. They seem to enjoy fighting ancient wars.

Is this a sexism is over, no need for feminism anymore argument? Because that’s bullshit. The majority of rapists still aren’t punished, in many countries, including the US, reproductive rights are under a constant assault, a leading candidate for US president dismisses women who disagree with him as on their periods. I could go on.

And why bring xenophobia into this? Not a good look?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Holy wall of necro text, Batman!

Dave | August 30, 2015 at 12:41 pm
I am so sick of this argument. Both sides are truly neanderthal. Men living in glass houses throwing rocks at women who live in those same glass houses, who then throw those same stones back at them.

But not you, Dave! Oh, no! You’re oh so perfect and rational, and we’re all just awful, awful people for even discussing gender in this sense!

We should all just listen to Dave, because obviously Dave knows everything! [/sarcasm]

I have always said, and will always feel. That if you decide to engage in any argument the weighs the merits of person versus another persons designed to compare gender or race you in fact are being a racist or sexist.

What is this word salad?

And who was trying to compare people solely based on their race or sex? Because it wasn’t anyone here.

You cannot pigeon hole all males as sexist because that in itself is inherently a sexist statement.

One, I’m going to second WWTH for quotes of who did this, because seriously?

Two, you apparently do not understand how sexism works.

I just hope that Hollywood would lose the tired way of casting or script writing that has become popular. That is that in order to accentuate a strong female lead the males must portray that of bumbling idiots.

Are you saying that there aren’t men who are bumbling idiots, and those men shouldn’t be in movies? Or that strong female leads have to deal with an “equally” strong male lead in order for you to be satisfied? Or that you don’t think there are enough strong male leads in movies? Because boy, do I have a fun couple of infographics for you:

Or are you saying that the idea of a female lead is a fad, rather than Hollywood finally understanding that women want to see female leads in movies that aren’t romantic comedies?

Let things feel natural not forced.

Oh please define to us what you mean by “natural”, I can’t wait to hear it.

Believe it or not in the real world men and women not only coexist, but they actually get along without all the pretentiousness.

I’m not sure I can even muster the fucking sarcasm to point out how goddamned obvious this is.

It was never right to portray blacks in they way they where, women either.

Yup, Dave’s so open minded about “the blacks”.

You cannot create peace or balance between people by waging old wars.

Except the war is still going on and never stopped? Did you only skip down here to the comments section to chastise us wimmens for talking about the new Ghostbusters movie and asking for female representation, or have you not been reading any other articles on this blog?

Men are out there with open minds ready to say no kidding were all equal but can you stop fight the war.

Yup, we wimmens should stop fighting the war! Men think we’re people! But they still catcall us on the streets, pay us less money for the same work, and still get away with raping us, abusing us, and dumping all the blame for that on us!

Yup, totally equal! [/sarcasm]

I hate to break it to you and your Just World Fallacy, Dave, but that’s not how the real world fucking works.

You can say “women and men are equal!” and still be a sexist bag of excrement. Because your actions speak louder than your words. You can tell me that there are men out there who think we’re “equals”, but those men are still doing things, either consciously or not, that perpetuate the sexism they benefit from, and perpetuate toxic gender roles that still hurt them.

If you can’t spend the rest of your days in the middle east. They seem to enjoy fighting ancient wars.

Anyone else hear dogs barking at the high-pitched sounds of racist dog whistles?

9 years ago

Oh look, more politically correct BS to shove down everyone’s throats.

On the subject of people who can’t invent anything, maybe they should invent their own franchise instead of stealing everyone else’s?

I mean you’ve seen Karate Kid, Rocky, Little Orphan Annie and Now Star Wars Hijacked for the benefit of the Third World. Why not ruin Ghostbusters too?

Europe went down this road, and where did it Lead? A Sweden under Sharia Law. Think about that.

Your sympathies are over.

9 years ago

A female Ghostbusters will lead to Sharia law?

That’s awfully dramatic.

I mean you’ve seen Karate Kid, Rocky, Little Orphan Annie and Now Star Wars Hijacked for the benefit of the Third World.


Jaden Smith? Not from a third world country. Quvenzhane Wallis? Not from a third country. John Boyega? Not from a third world country either. Your racism is not only bad because it’s racism, your reason for the racist complaints is inaccurate.

It’s also pretty hilarious to complain about Star Wars being ruined when it’s just had a hugely successful opening weekend and gotten positive reviews.

9 years ago


Oh look, more politically correct BS to shove down everyone’s throats.

You seem angry about the all-female Ghostbusters. But some people want to see movies with several women who have names and talk to each other about something other than men. It’s not being shoved down your throat. Don’t like the idea of an all-female Ghostbusters? Don’t go see it.

On the subject of people who can’t invent anything, maybe they should invent their own franchise instead of stealing everyone else’s?

I mean you’ve seen Karate Kid, Rocky, Little Orphan Annie and Now Star Wars Hijacked for the benefit of the Third World. Why not ruin Ghostbusters too?

Hmm. You seem upset that movies are reinterpreted to include more roles for women and people of color. But reinterpretation isn’t theft. It’s a time-honored tradition on the stage and in film. It’s been around for as long as theater and cinema has been around. Also, plenty of people, including white men, enjoy seeing women and people of color play leading roles. But if you’re adamantly opposed to the reinterpretation of a play or film to include more women and people of color in leading roles, just don’t go see it.

Europe went down this road, and where did it Lead? A Sweden under Sharia Law. Think about that.

Your sympathies are over.

So Sweden reinterpreted plays and films to include more women and people of color and this led to “a Sweden under Sharia law”? Citation needed.

I would “think about that” (Sweden under Sharia law) but I just don’t believe it’s true, so no. I won’t waste another moment thinking about it.

You say “your sympathies are over.” Does this mean that you once sympathized with women and people of color in leading roles in reinterpretations of plays and films but now — because of “a Sweden under Sharia law” — you don’t? Yeah, no, I don’t believe you.

9 years ago

Seriously. What is it with sexist, racist dudebros and their need to go into histrionics over movies, TV, and videogames?

There was a recent interview with one of the Game of Thrones directors that addressed a certain controversial rape scene. He said the controversy wouldn’t cause the show runners to self censor but it did have some influence on them. A pretty mild statement, I think.

But, boy did it cause the anti-feminists to have a melt down on a fan site I frequent. They were crying about censorship, despite the fact that the content of the interview stated that nothing like that was happening. One MRA type who I’ve tussled with before was going on and on about how crazy SJWs are. Then he followed that up by dramatically threatening to move to Japan.

As if Japan is looking to take in angry, entitled white guys. And why Japan? I chose not to engage, but I suspect he’s one of those creepy white dudes who think Japanese women are anime characters with a pulse. The projection these types engage is hilarious. They call us crazy and extreme, but they’re ones who have epic tantrums over mild criticism!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Excuse me? Is word salad edible? Cuz I’m hungry and don’t feel like dealing with making proper salad, and if it is, seems I’ve stumbled into the salad bar.

9 years ago

Let’s remake Bridesmaids with an all male cast!
See how stupid that sounds???
What an idiotic idea.

9 years ago

Pfffftt….As if an all female gang would ever start “busting” ghosts.

They’d be too busy thinking about shoes.

Besides, female comics bore people as all they ever do is rant about their ex boyfriends, their skinny girlfriends and their mothers.

9 years ago

There really is no reason to be angry over the movie. Not like it has any chance of being successful.

8 years ago

Hope this movie does well to piss MGTOWers off.

8 years ago

I’m glad you revived this thread, Sally, because otherwise I would have missed Mick and Damon’s very silly necros!

Let’s remake Bridesmaids with an all male cast!
See how stupid that sounds???
What an idiotic idea.

It’s true! A movie where a group of men put as much effort into planning an m/f wedding as women are expected to would probably not be relatable for anyone, as that pretty much never happens in real life.

Sally, if you want to keep chatting about Ghostbusters, this thread is still pretty active :).

8 years ago

I don’t think the idea of an all female cast is objectionable. I like Kristen Wiig. She was awesome in Welcome to Me. I don’t care for Melissa McCarthy’s brand of humor, although she showed more range in Spy. I’m not familiar with the other two actresses.

What I find objectionable is shoe horning female actors into nearly identical roles to the original movie. Roles created by and intended for some of the greatest comedic male actors of that generation. It makes me believe that it’s just a gimmick, which is a sad way to honor a classic comedy, or the feminist movement.

If it wasn’t a remake, and Feig created original characters who take over from the remaining original cast, I would feel much better about the potential for this movie to be great on its own merits. I felt the same way about The Force Awakens basically squandering an opportunity to create something new and instead just remaking A New Hope. Unfortunately, it looks like Ghostbusters 2016 is another in a long line of recent remakes that will never live up to the original, regardless of the gender of its leads, if only because it is by definition unoriginal and redundant. And without trying to pick a horse in this race, it seems that does a disservice to the idea of creating strong female roles in Hollywood. Wouldn’t it be more impactful if the strong female roles weren’t just rehashed versions of the preexisting male roles?

I’m hopeful that it will be good, and it should be fun either way even if it’s not as great as the first. I’m sorry if I’m reviving a dead thread. Just a wandering insomniac offering my two cents.

Cupcakes 4 Hitler
Cupcakes 4 Hitler
8 years ago

When I was little, I wanted to be a Ghostbuster. It didn’t occur to me that the team were all men and I wouldn’t be allowed. I wish this film had come out thirty years ago, as it certainly would not have ruined my childhood, or any other little girls!
Despite all the bad publicity and YouTube down votes, I think this film will be great. Not perfect, but a more than adequate bit of summer escapeism. Last year, a movie came out with the promise of being a “new Ghostbusters” – that movie was Adam Sandler’s mean spirited and cynical Pixels. This was the movie I’m guessing that the MRA types wanted, the only women in the movie were portrayed as idiots only there to be creeped on by Sandler, the little guy and the fat bloke. There were a lot of insults aimed at women, and the part with the Qbert was just repulsive. What were Martha Stewart and Serena Williams even thinking? Yuck.

8 years ago

As a queer woman in her forties I think all of this is silly. I never needed people who looked like me to identify with them.

For example, I wanted to be Han Solo as a kid. So I acted like him. I didn’t get this memo that you’re all reading which said I needed to have the same gender expression in order to identify. Special shout out to mom and dad who bought me Han’s blaster, I broke my wrist twice playing with that thing!

Little girls and boys can identify with whoever they want. How about we as a society stop giving fucks for people (including Hollywood, who is catering to us right now to make money off of us, come on people, the 1% still doesn’t give a damn about me or you!) who tell us we should pay attention to their warped messages.

5 years ago

Kind of late, but gotta say this re: Peter and the thorazine.

Peter was a doctor in that he had a doctorate, he was NOT a medical doctor. He clearly states in his discussion with Peck that his degrees are in Psychology and Parapsychology, which are not medical degrees. Not Psychiatry, which actually is a medical degree. That he goes by Dr Venkman is not a legit reason he would have access to something like that, much less have a legit reason to carry it about, because not everyone who goes by “Dr” is a medical doctor with access to controlled substances.

Just leavin’ that here for late lurkers.

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