a voice for men antifeminism conspiracy theory entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains jokes post contains sarcasm precious bodily fluids

Women Joking About Condoms: Part 297 in a series of Things That Totally Oppress Men For Real No I'm Serious

There's a condom big enough for every dick.
There’s a condom big enough for every dick.

In a sort of rebuke to men who complain that they’re “too big” to wear condoms, one Swedish gal pulled a condom over her leg and up nearly to her knee, and posted a pic documenting this feat to Instagram. This pic:


Naturally, some men have reacted with outrage. When the pic was posted recently on WomensRightsNews, a host of dudes popped up in the comments to point out that not all men are comfortable in regular sized condoms. (Uh, I’m pretty sure that’s why they make bigger sizes, dudes.)

And then there was this guy.

Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges She probably advocates aborting male children and mass sterilization/poisoning of men. Typical RadFem. If men were to go around telling women to use IUDs, and buy female condoms, we'd be labeled as misogynistic. If men were to make a website making fun of womens excuses for not having sex, we'd be labelled as disgusting pigs. You feminists are so anti-equality. It used to be positive, but its become disgusting. Equality is NOT A ZERO-SUM GAME. You wont win by lowering everyone.

Yes, this is his response to a picture of a woman’s leg with a condom stretched over it.

But as it turns out, he was just getting started. Responding to one commenter who took issue with his, er, analysis, he spat forth these giant gobs of text. I won’t summarize them, because, honestly, my eyes glazed over after about the third word in ALL CAPS.

Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Netania Gazda i could just as easily say to a woman who wants to have sex, but doesnt want to get pregnant - get an IUD! But if i did that, id be a misogynistic, disgusting pig who has no right to tell a woman to do anything. Of course in your world, the world we live in now, its totally appropriate to disparage and MAKE MEN DO WHAT YOU WANT (i.e be completely responsible for birth control) but inappropriate to ask that of a woman. Exactly what i said - anti-equality. In todays world, a man who tells a woman to be safe to not get raped is a "rape apologist, victim blamer", but a woman who tells a man that he CANT BE RAPED, that shapes laws and policy to make rape penetration only, that a man must have enjoyed it so it wasnt rape - that woman isnt a "rape apologist" or a "victim blamer" - shes a feminist. GIRL POWER! Its worse than victim blaming, its VICTIM ERASURE. We live in a world today where women are driving men and boys into the dirt. Men are losing ground EVERYWHERE In modern society. More depressed, more suicide, MORE VULNERABLE TO VIOLENCE AND CRIME (contrary to what women would tell you. violence is something ONLY women deal with, according to feminists), less education, more prison, less college, onn and on and on. Femists want you to believe this is a misogynistic world, but if a man is misogynist, his life is ruined, if a woman is a man-hater, its PRAISED. Its a GOOD THING. That flies in the face of the feminist narrative. If this truly was a MAN'S WORLD, it would be no big deal to be misogynistic, it would be shrugged off as ok. But of course that ISNT how it is. What IS shrugged off is being a man-hater. Reply · Like · 8 · Edited · January 16 at 10:08pm Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Netania Gazda Lets not forget that the whole feminism movement was founded to shift women out of traditional roles. It was so effective that women now have multiple life options to choose from. Guess who is STILL STUCK in their traditional role? MEN. Men have NO VALUE, not worthy of LOVE, or PARTNERSHIP, or ANYTHING, unless they embrace their traditional role. We have no options - Work, Work harder, or work yourself to death. All to provide for someone to raise our children, make them hate us, divorce us, and steal 75% of our net worth ALONG with our children, all the while criticizing our every move. Feminism must end and equality MUST prevail.
Another commenter raised an interesting point:

Lei Qian · Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Err if she wants mass murder of males the condoms become obsolete so why demonstrate the use of a condom Reply · Like · 5 · January 16 at 10:28pm Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Lei Qian It was more a joke reference to the leaks from a feminist website where they called for the poisoning, mass sterilizations, and abortions of male fetuses. Its important men wake up and realize what they are up against. Total domination and slavery.

Huh. That must be a reference to the legendary Agent Orange files. I guess Jayme is a reader of A Voice for Men?

He then moved on to some, er, art criticism, I guess?

Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Meanwhile, a woman can stick wool in her vagina, and knit a weird, straight shaped piece of disgusting shit filled with uterine lining and blood clots (and daresay, aborted fetuses and miscarriages), and shes a fucking HERO! OMG WHAT A PERFECT SOUL! Thats an acceptable life path for a woman. I guarantee if i stuck wool up my urethra, jerked off repeatedly, and knitted a hat out of it, and called myself a artist whose communed with my inner masculinity, and now im a perfect being, in harmony with my creator (who is a manly he god of gleaming muscles and 13in cock) id be put in a loony bin. Thx Feminism.

For what it’s worth, dude, Andy Warhol made a painting using his own semen, as did Marcel Duchamp. And this guy made a portrait of Justin Bieber out of other people’s pubic hair. So go wild, dude, stick wool up your urethra in the name of dude art!

Jayme then went on to address the wage gap issue, and then that whole “turning men into nothing more than egg fertilizers” thing that is apparently the grand aim of feminism.

Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Lois Corinne Munteanu Incorrect. According to the Pew Research Center - young women fresh out of college have equal pay to men. Its only when things occur that lower work productivity, ability to have open availability, and sick days used increases that the gender pay gap mysteriously appears. Just as theyve been saying for years, women get paid less because they have responsibilities outside the workforce, mainly children. Of course this isnt a bad thing. It only becomes a bad thing when you demand equal pay when you're only doing 80% of the work. Stop using your uterus and personal choice to have children to force employers to pay you for work that isnt done. Women that dont have children experience NO WAGE GAP. Reply · Like · 3 · Edited · January 16 at 10:52pm Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Amy Kathleen Leroux Not bitter, just incredibly worried about how much more abuse my gender can take before our collective will is destroyed. By then of course, you wont need us. We'll just be egg fertilizers then, relegated to unimportance.I just have a couple of questions.

How exactly did Jayme Crandall become a “Top Commenter?” I think something might have gone wrong with the selection process here.

Also, why are so many angry dudes reading something called WomensRightsNews?

Ok, that’s last question was a joke. OF COURSE angry dudes are reading WomensRightsNews. Hell, there’s probably no more effective way to reel in the angry dude demographic than to mention feminism online. They are drawn to articles about feminism with the same powerful mystical force that draws cats to paper bags:

catrapsH/T — Sunnysombrera, who posted a link to this whole wondrous discussion in the comments here. Thanks!

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10 years ago

Alisha: Pretty much.

GOP: Babies! Babies for everyone whether you like it or not! But no money to raise them babies with though, you lazy scrounger. What, you think we have billions of dollars at our disposal?

10 years ago

@katz: Yup. Bask in the awkward stiffness that is Larry Elmore art!

10 years ago

A thread on Fb reminded me of a Man From UNCLE video I have (15 Years Later Affair), so I went to watch it and remembered – new tv, nothing plugged in. So I plugged in my dvd player instead. Resident Evil I have 5 or 6 dvds in the series. David McCallum/Ilya Kuryakin. But lots of Milla Jovovitch.

10 years ago

So the serial killer in Silence of the Lambs spelt his name Jame and this guy is spelling it Jayme. COINCIDENCE?
Case closed.

10 years ago

Also, I am so pissed off that a male friend of mine keeps questioning my sexuality when I rave about Mila Jojovich. The fact she is great has nothing to do with my sexual prefs.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I am so pissed off that a male friend of mine keeps questioning my sexuality

Just cutting out the rest of that statement makes a great case for why this person should be an ex-friend.

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

Apparently both pregnancy and pregnancy prevention are misandry.

I’m pretty sure that just being a feeeeeemale is misandry.

Christ. I’m sorry. The levels of selfishness that dude displayed are so high it’s almost magical. Like “once upon a time the labd was plagued by a terrible fire breathing Mystical Asshole” kind of magical.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago


Apparently their idea of fairness is bareback sex while leaving behind single mothers to raise the kids on their paycheck alone.

And then berating the single moms for being immoral, impulsive, and irresponsible. <– every MSM comment section, ever.

The men's rights movement pretty much boils down to:

1) Men's pleasure is sacrosanct, primary, and nothing must interfere with it

2) Remove all obstacles to sex for men

3) Offload all the burdens, responsibilities, worry, social sanctions, and negative consequences of sex onto women.

Why they need 90,000-word hiccuping capslock manifestos to say this, I don't know.

10 years ago

4) Blame women for literally everything

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

Dammit, now I have a plot bunny for the Great Misogyny Dragon.

Also, Thomothy, I dunno if this is appropriate, but…I’m not actually super comfortable speculating on anyone’s penis size, much less using it as a point of mockery. If fat-shaming isn’t okay, I don’t see how shaming someone for their genitalia is. Just, you know, food for thought.

Miss Diketon
Miss Diketon
10 years ago

A thread on Fb reminded me of a Man From UNCLE video I have (15 Years Later Affair), so I went to watch it and remembered – new tv, nothing plugged in. So I plugged in my dvd player instead. Resident Evil I have 5 or 6 dvds in the series. David McCallum/Ilya Kuryakin. But lots of Milla Jovovitch.

Heh. I just got the box set of the Man from UNCLE and it is all David McCallum/Ilya Kuryakin all the time.

As for those questioning the sexuality: F*ck ’em, hot is hot whether it’s girls or guys.

10 years ago

5) declare women wicked and selfish because of “serious issues” that don’t actually exist. For example spermjacking, hypergamy, false rape accusations.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

If fat-shaming isn’t okay, I don’t see how shaming someone for their genitalia is.

Yeah, it’s not okay.

10 years ago

Nah @PoM, he has been a great friend and supporter on everything else. I guess he is allowed one tease.

10 years ago

I came of age sexually in the mid-80s, coinciding perfectly with the British government’s first big AIDS awareness campaign. Which meant that my generation was relentlessly bombarded with apocalyptic warnings about what might happen if you didn’t wear a condom pretty much 24/7.

It worked on me: I was far too paranoid to have sex without a condom until I turned 25, and it never would have occurred to me in a gazillion years to refuse to use one if my partner of the time (quite reasonably) preferred it. Regardless of what people claim, I’ve always found the difference in sensation to be minimal to nonexistent, and it’s comfortably outweighed by the massive advantages.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Well, you know him, gilshalos, and I don’t. Your call!

10 years ago

Women should all just use IUDs? Uh, dude…I get really bad periods. Heavy bleeding, lotsa cramping, dicey regularity. IUDs are contraindicated for precisely such women as me. Plus, they don’t protect against STDs, which guys who routinely go condomless are bound to be chock-a-block with.

No glove, no love. In fact, if you expect sex just because you went drinking with me, no dice there, either. Even though I’m now sterile, by choice, condoms are still happening until I get monogamous commitment plus a clean bill of health. With papers and all.

(Am I misandering loud and clear enough for y’all?)

10 years ago

So the serial killer in Silence of the Lambs spelt his name Jame and this guy is spelling it Jayme. COINCIDENCE?
Case closed.

The one is Jame Gumb, the other is Jayme DUMB.

Nope, not a coincidence at all!

10 years ago

@sunnysombrera: ha, not members of the “reality-based community” then!

In this particular dude’s case, to the best of my recollection (not to keep harping on him– but it’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to seeing this particular mindset up close and personal) he himself had been raised by a single mother. I didn’t get the impression his father had been much in the picture. It seemed strange to me that he’d be so cavalier about risking a repeat of that cycle in his own life.

But maybe that’s what helped form his impression about who is “responsible” for what when it comes to sex and reproduction and childcare/support and so on.

Woman’s responsibility: All the Things!
Man’s: … brb, going out for cigs for fifteen years

Though the partner I had before him had also been raised at least partly by a single mom (she later remarried.) He was totally straight about not wanting to be a dad/transmit STIs and was usually so on-the-ball with the protection that I hardly had to think about it myself. I am confident that if I’d asked him to drive me to the clinic on Saturday morning, he’d have camped out by my door on Friday night. He was SERIOUS about his life. So that may not really explain it either.

Anyway, I’d never gotten involved with anyone quite like that before, and frankly, haven’t since. I remember relaying the whole weird tale to my husband years later, because he also knows the guy, and he was like, “Holy shit, that’s just classic Dumbass, right there!”

But yes, they’re out there!! Why exactly they are that way, and what can really be done about it, truly remains a mystery to me.

10 years ago

I was wondering why the all the sperm stealing women don’t just hook up with the condomless guys but then I remembered that evil wimminz only want the alpha sperm. Silly Dougal.

10 years ago

6: Establish an ever-shifting, often self-contradicting list of traits that are markers of a ‘good’ woman. Make certain to alter them periodically so as to force women to jump through hoops and never be able to actually meet your standards.

7: Be confused about why so many women fail to (read: have no desire to) try and meet your standards.

10 years ago

ceebarks, that’s really unsettling to read and I’m sorry you went through it – it really hurts to the see the consequences of someone being irresponsible and putting you through that through no fault of your own.

I mean, condoms aren’t exactly an attractive idea, but they’re a fact of life! They’re designed to… hug a bit and they dull sensation slightly, as you’d expect, but you’d think that any man with empathy or responsibility would think them worth it. And while they can technically fit over a leg, I imagine it would be extraordinarily painful if that amount of stretching was involved for their intended purpose.

I know only one person I trust very much who swears he’s too big for them, but he and his girlfriend use other protective measures instead and he doesn’t try to… dupe anyone into unsafe sex by using it as an excuse. (“Just fell off”. I’m actually getting more angry about that the more I think about it.)

10 years ago

“Apparently their idea of fairness is bareback sex while leaving behind single mothers to raise the kids on their paycheck alone.”


They want all the “rights”, and none of the responsibilities. They’re overgrown children. It’s Mommy’s job to take care of their needs and clean up after them. Oh but don’t point that out because then it’s “Peter Pan shaming” or some other ridiculous name for a thing that only exists in the minds of immature, entitled men.

10 years ago

@ Mouse Farts. If the content of his tirade is inspired by the idea that some men’s penises are too big for condoms and condoms are a means of oppressing men and their penises, he went pretty far in making this about penises and the size of them. Of course, no one has a penis quite as big as zaralarsson’s leg, so they’re all quite diminutive by comparison. The rhetorical point of this episode is, after all, that penises of all sizes can be oppressed by condoms …or fit in them …regardless of whatever motivated Jayme Crandall’s petulant tirade.

You’re right, though, that no one should be shamed for the size of whatever protuberance(s) they may have between their legs. And now I’d rather not dwell on Jayme Crandall’s genitals any longer; they’re an awful place to live.

Still, would he be just as upset if a man made the same point?

10 years ago

gilshalos, oh hai. I know you? You know me?

BTW, I’m just delurking here at WHTM now, because of the site traffic story. I have the page load with my other top sites. It makes me happy to help make Elam unhappy and it’s just so easy.