a voice for men antifeminism conspiracy theory entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains jokes post contains sarcasm precious bodily fluids

Women Joking About Condoms: Part 297 in a series of Things That Totally Oppress Men For Real No I'm Serious

There's a condom big enough for every dick.
There’s a condom big enough for every dick.

In a sort of rebuke to men who complain that they’re “too big” to wear condoms, one Swedish gal pulled a condom over her leg and up nearly to her knee, and posted a pic documenting this feat to Instagram. This pic:


Naturally, some men have reacted with outrage. When the pic was posted recently on WomensRightsNews, a host of dudes popped up in the comments to point out that not all men are comfortable in regular sized condoms. (Uh, I’m pretty sure that’s why they make bigger sizes, dudes.)

And then there was this guy.

Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges She probably advocates aborting male children and mass sterilization/poisoning of men. Typical RadFem. If men were to go around telling women to use IUDs, and buy female condoms, we'd be labeled as misogynistic. If men were to make a website making fun of womens excuses for not having sex, we'd be labelled as disgusting pigs. You feminists are so anti-equality. It used to be positive, but its become disgusting. Equality is NOT A ZERO-SUM GAME. You wont win by lowering everyone.

Yes, this is his response to a picture of a woman’s leg with a condom stretched over it.

But as it turns out, he was just getting started. Responding to one commenter who took issue with his, er, analysis, he spat forth these giant gobs of text. I won’t summarize them, because, honestly, my eyes glazed over after about the third word in ALL CAPS.

Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Netania Gazda i could just as easily say to a woman who wants to have sex, but doesnt want to get pregnant - get an IUD! But if i did that, id be a misogynistic, disgusting pig who has no right to tell a woman to do anything. Of course in your world, the world we live in now, its totally appropriate to disparage and MAKE MEN DO WHAT YOU WANT (i.e be completely responsible for birth control) but inappropriate to ask that of a woman. Exactly what i said - anti-equality. In todays world, a man who tells a woman to be safe to not get raped is a "rape apologist, victim blamer", but a woman who tells a man that he CANT BE RAPED, that shapes laws and policy to make rape penetration only, that a man must have enjoyed it so it wasnt rape - that woman isnt a "rape apologist" or a "victim blamer" - shes a feminist. GIRL POWER! Its worse than victim blaming, its VICTIM ERASURE. We live in a world today where women are driving men and boys into the dirt. Men are losing ground EVERYWHERE In modern society. More depressed, more suicide, MORE VULNERABLE TO VIOLENCE AND CRIME (contrary to what women would tell you. violence is something ONLY women deal with, according to feminists), less education, more prison, less college, onn and on and on. Femists want you to believe this is a misogynistic world, but if a man is misogynist, his life is ruined, if a woman is a man-hater, its PRAISED. Its a GOOD THING. That flies in the face of the feminist narrative. If this truly was a MAN'S WORLD, it would be no big deal to be misogynistic, it would be shrugged off as ok. But of course that ISNT how it is. What IS shrugged off is being a man-hater. Reply · Like · 8 · Edited · January 16 at 10:08pm Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Netania Gazda Lets not forget that the whole feminism movement was founded to shift women out of traditional roles. It was so effective that women now have multiple life options to choose from. Guess who is STILL STUCK in their traditional role? MEN. Men have NO VALUE, not worthy of LOVE, or PARTNERSHIP, or ANYTHING, unless they embrace their traditional role. We have no options - Work, Work harder, or work yourself to death. All to provide for someone to raise our children, make them hate us, divorce us, and steal 75% of our net worth ALONG with our children, all the while criticizing our every move. Feminism must end and equality MUST prevail.
Another commenter raised an interesting point:

Lei Qian · Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Err if she wants mass murder of males the condoms become obsolete so why demonstrate the use of a condom Reply · Like · 5 · January 16 at 10:28pm Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Lei Qian It was more a joke reference to the leaks from a feminist website where they called for the poisoning, mass sterilizations, and abortions of male fetuses. Its important men wake up and realize what they are up against. Total domination and slavery.

Huh. That must be a reference to the legendary Agent Orange files. I guess Jayme is a reader of A Voice for Men?

He then moved on to some, er, art criticism, I guess?

Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Meanwhile, a woman can stick wool in her vagina, and knit a weird, straight shaped piece of disgusting shit filled with uterine lining and blood clots (and daresay, aborted fetuses and miscarriages), and shes a fucking HERO! OMG WHAT A PERFECT SOUL! Thats an acceptable life path for a woman. I guarantee if i stuck wool up my urethra, jerked off repeatedly, and knitted a hat out of it, and called myself a artist whose communed with my inner masculinity, and now im a perfect being, in harmony with my creator (who is a manly he god of gleaming muscles and 13in cock) id be put in a loony bin. Thx Feminism.

For what it’s worth, dude, Andy Warhol made a painting using his own semen, as did Marcel Duchamp. And this guy made a portrait of Justin Bieber out of other people’s pubic hair. So go wild, dude, stick wool up your urethra in the name of dude art!

Jayme then went on to address the wage gap issue, and then that whole “turning men into nothing more than egg fertilizers” thing that is apparently the grand aim of feminism.

Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Lois Corinne Munteanu Incorrect. According to the Pew Research Center - young women fresh out of college have equal pay to men. Its only when things occur that lower work productivity, ability to have open availability, and sick days used increases that the gender pay gap mysteriously appears. Just as theyve been saying for years, women get paid less because they have responsibilities outside the workforce, mainly children. Of course this isnt a bad thing. It only becomes a bad thing when you demand equal pay when you're only doing 80% of the work. Stop using your uterus and personal choice to have children to force employers to pay you for work that isnt done. Women that dont have children experience NO WAGE GAP. Reply · Like · 3 · Edited · January 16 at 10:52pm Jayme Crandall · Top Commenter · University of Wisconsin Colleges Amy Kathleen Leroux Not bitter, just incredibly worried about how much more abuse my gender can take before our collective will is destroyed. By then of course, you wont need us. We'll just be egg fertilizers then, relegated to unimportance.I just have a couple of questions.

How exactly did Jayme Crandall become a “Top Commenter?” I think something might have gone wrong with the selection process here.

Also, why are so many angry dudes reading something called WomensRightsNews?

Ok, that’s last question was a joke. OF COURSE angry dudes are reading WomensRightsNews. Hell, there’s probably no more effective way to reel in the angry dude demographic than to mention feminism online. They are drawn to articles about feminism with the same powerful mystical force that draws cats to paper bags:

catrapsH/T — Sunnysombrera, who posted a link to this whole wondrous discussion in the comments here. Thanks!

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10 years ago

Sure, go ahead. I’m chuffed my comment inspired a proper post. 😀 Thanks David!

Hambeast (formerly twincats)
Hambeast (formerly twincats)
10 years ago


Apparently both pregnancy and pregnancy prevention are misandry.

As we all know, anything that doesn’t please the almighty boner is misandry. Also, because men are allowed to be individuals, (with individual tastes and desires) this means that *any* given thing a woman might do or be can be misandry at any given time, in any given place, to any given boner. We are… *gasp* Schrodinger’s misandrists!

@ceebarks: It’s not just childcare (although it’s been the most consistently devalued work) but lots of work that involves physical labor. Hell, even working retail nowadays (among other things.)

If it’s something that needs doing and people have to be paid to do it, why not pay a living wage? If we as a society agree that children are important, why not make sure that raising them won’t put the adults that do this work into financial straits or even poverty? /don’t get conservatives

10 years ago

You know, women who don’t want to become pregnant probably should use IUDs. I am pro-IUD for women who don’t want kids (at all, or right now).


That part of his rant seemed particularly ass-faxy.

Along the same lines, I’ve run into some men who complain that while a majority of women’s birth control options are (now) covered as prescriptions, they have to buy condoms.


I started a teal deer about why allllllll of my counterpoints are wrong-headed MISANDRY, but it got tiresome.
Just know that no amount of "reasoning" with "facts" will dissuade them from this tirade argument.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

How do you go from stretching a condom over your leg to “she probably advocates aborting male children and mass sterilization/poisoning of men”?

I’m not even able to can with this.

Work, work harder, or work yourself to death. All to provide for someone to raise our children, make them hate us, divorce us, and steal 75% of our net worth along WITH our children

Do these guys view families as anything other than terrifying cash-sucking wealth vampires?

Also, note how it’s “OUR” (men’s) children, at least when it comes to notions of possession and custody. Apparently the mothers are just being allowed to borrow them temporarily.

You can bet, though, they won’t be “his” children when it comes to changing diapers, feeding them in the middle of the night, wiping noses, making lunches, dispensing hugs and bandaids, and dealing with throwup at randomly inconvenient locations and times. That’s for women to take care of.

Also, no one else in all of history has ever been expected to work.

There’s just too much stupid to unpack in those two little sentences alone. I’m going to have to start charging an oversized baggage fee.

Not bitter, just incredibly worried about how much more abuse my gender can take before our collective will is destroyed. By then of course, you wont need us. We’ll just be egg fertilizers then, relegated to unimportance.

Translation: How come I’m not king? WAAAAAAAAH

10 years ago

Aw, “tirade” was supposed to be stricken.

not work?

10 years ago

This looks like the setup to the worst porno ever.

…hello, is this Betty’s Brain Bleach? Yes, I’d like to order some.

How much, you ask? All of it. Oh, no specific number. Just all of it.

10 years ago


These are the same types of guys that drive drunk, pull wheelies going 85 down the highway, and all sorts of other dumb stuff. Whether its stupidity, bravado, or a sense of entitlement, some young men seem to think their immune to consequences.

10 years ago
10 years ago


10 years ago




Just know that no amount of “reasoning” with “facts” will dissuade them from this tirade argument.

10 years ago

*they’re, ffs

10 years ago

Argh. Okay, I give up.

10 years ago

And that one… also didn’t show up.

*drips holo-mic, walks away in annoyance*

10 years ago

Speaking of stereotypes, Mr. Crandall’s job on Facebook states that he is a full time raider at Everquest (2000-2013). Pretty sure he’s been too busy posing online as a warrior to actually have felt oppressed in his gender IRL.

10 years ago

ugh, I remember hooking up with a dude who would have it “fall off” halfway through, like clockwork. In hindsight, it was amazing how good he was at losing them without missing a beat. I finally quit seeing him, after the second or third time it happened.

Then, of course, he flipped out when I turned up pregnant, and even THEN failed to show up to take me to the clinic 3 hrs away, (“I forgot! I was out drinking! Why are you bothering me?! I’m not your boyfriend!”) I needed a ride because a) I didn’t have a car, or even a valid license at the time and b) you can’t drive yourself home if you take so much as a valium anyway. Luckily for him, I was resolutely opposed to reproducing with such an unbelievable nincompoop, rescheduled for the next week, and found someone more reliable to drive me. (Who, of course, lost a day of her own work, even though precisely none of the mess was her fault.)

And of COURSE he did not offer to pay for half. “You can’t prove it’s mine!” ugh, fine, whatever.

Pretty sure he’d have bitched, moaned, and dickered over his child support payments, too. The lady who drove me to the clinic was pretty adamantly pro-life and kept trying to talk me into keeping the pregnancy and hauling Dumbass into court. “You can make him pay! We will help you get him! You won’t have to bear the whole responsibility alone!”

I was like, nope, let’s keep on trucking, sister-friend.

Was he grateful to be spared the trouble? Far as I can tell: nah, brah.

Kind of hard to feel sorry for guys like that. lol

But yes, some guys don’t seem to see any connections between their own risky sexual behaviors and the later consequences. Women are supposed to mop it all up for them, and I guess in a lot of cases, we do.

10 years ago

Speaking of stereotypes, Mr. Crandall’s job on Facebook states that he is a full time raider at Everquest (2000-2013). Pretty sure he’s been too busy posing online as a warrior to actually have felt oppressed in his gender IRL.

Reaction 1: Quelle surprise!

Reaction 2: But all of these guys that he knows – well, not IRL, obviously – but like ALL THESE GUYS he’s talked to have told him about how awful it is and how unfair to men the law and life and everything is and WHY WON’T YOU LISTEN!?!? MISANDRY!1!!

10 years ago

Wait, Everquest is still around?

10 years ago

Bina – That’s awesome 😀

Cee – I’m sorry that happened 🙁

You’re a better person for walking away and leaving him to his own messed up headspace.

My ash pride is strong enough that I’d probably have had genetic tests on the aborted tissue.

Then he could throw a fit (after refusing to help or support the you and the decision) that you aborted “his child” without his consent (“WHY DO WIMMENZ HAVE ALL TEH POWER??? /MRA)

10 years ago

@Cheryl Kerkin: Fred Clark over at Slacktivist has opined in the past that all the moral crusaders, and especially the fighters against abortion and “homo nups global” (to quote one memorable Internet ranter), want to believe their lives and actions matter, so they make their issues the most pressing, their opponents the most devious enemies, and their defeat the most devastating loss imaginable, just so they feel like they’re accomplishing something.

He likens it to a role-playing game, but most D&D players drop the game when they put away their dice.

I reckon the typical MRA is on a similar kick.

10 years ago

Too big huh?

Bullshit. We used them as emergency water carriers as well as a “piss jug” during winter warfare. Pee in condom, tie off, throw out of tent to freeze, pick up in morning.

In all seriousness, it is sensitive tissue – not having a penis, it wouldn’t surprise me to hear that condoms are uncomfortable.

But there are different sizes (though there’s probably some discomfort/loss of sensation with even the best fit).
Also, some other uncomfortable things:
* Female condoms
* STDs
* IUDs (can be)
* Hormonal swings or imbalances brought on (to wildly varying degrees and rates in different women) by hormonal birth control
* The price of an abortion
* Pregnancy (uncomplicated)
* Pregnancy complications
* Childbirth
* The cost of childbirth (*in the US)
* Having the mother of your child crush your hand during a contraction
* Bleeding nipples
* A blocked milk duct
* Teeth

I’m now belaboring the point.

Can a woman “demand” that all men everywhere where a condom at all (applicable) times?
That’s silly.

Can a woman make sex with her contingent upon the wearing of a condom by her partner?
Well, apparently only if she’s an awful oppressor of men.

10 years ago

@Bina, eh, it’s not like we were serious anyway. Just a couple of bored young people with very little in common but proximity and horniness. lol I wasn’t expecting tender care and solicitude– but it was like, damn dude, do you actually not see that I am doing you a favor here?! I’d ask “um, do you have protection?” and he’d grudgingly go get it, only to “lose” it, as if the condoms were something I was arbitrarily imposing on him, that did him no good at all.

Then the stuff with the abortion. I was like, DUDE, do you WANT to start making child support payments at the tender age of 22?! If nothing else, I guaran-goddamned-tee you, that will cramp your style for some time to come.

He was the master of self-sabotage in a lot of other ways, though. Who knows what his problem was.

10 years ago

ceebarks: there’s an idea floating in the heads of some men that it’s a woman’s job to prevent pregnancy and condoms are oppression. If she does get pregnant it’s also oppression if she a) keeps the child and makes him pay child support for a kid he didn’t want but did nothing to prevent b) aborts “his” child, conveniently forgetting that he didn’t want it anyway. Apparently their idea of fairness is bareback sex while leaving behind single mothers to raise the kids on their paycheck alone.

10 years ago

Wow, that guy got angry really fast. Must have had something to get off his chest. Like hatred for women or condoms or something. Or was this all an elaborate scheme to draw attention from his tiny penis? Maybe he thought zaralarsson was making a direct jab at his diminutive pecker?

One thing we know for sure is that there are certain words, known only to Jayme Crandall, that must be capitalised. For, like, effect …I think.

Say, do you think if a gay man pulled a condom over his leg to make a similar commentary it would rile up a bunch of MRAs too? I can never remember what the official MRA position is on gay men.

Alisha Walker
10 years ago

Yep, because feminists HATE birth control! We are so anti-contraceptive that we don’t even want insurance companies to pay for the pill because our having insurance as well would effectively subsidize it. Wait… yeah, that would be the MRA’s & male led GOP, not feminists.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Re, the pic in OP andiexist:

This looks like the setup to the worst porno ever.

“The script says she’s wearing latex stockings.”

“So what? We don’t have a budget for that. We basically spent the whole budget on this camera and a pack of condoms!”

“Tough shit. Try to improvise.”