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Feminism's inevitable death spiral explained in simple infographic

Woah, dude. It's like it's actually spinning.
Woah, dude. It’s like it’s actually spinning.

Well, fellow members of the feminist sector, it’s been fun. But we’re all doomed, as this helpful infographic, prepared by Men’s Rights Edmonton, makes clear:


Ok, maybe “clear” isn’t the word I was looking for. Also, I left out the first part of the diagram. Does this make it any clearer?


Hmm. Is it too small? Here’s the whole thing, full sized.

That didn’t help either?

All right, then let this young fellow in the hippie costume with the obviously fake beard and the, uh, big knife, explain it in this video.

I’m being told that this is not actually someone in a hippie costume with a fake beard, but Nick Reading of Men’s Rights Edmonton, and this is just how he looks now. The knife thing is a little creepy but I suppose it’s still better than when he looked like this:


And, no, I didn’t draw that or project it onto your computer screen direct from my nightmares; that’s from a pamphlet Reading put together to promote his joke candidacy for Edmonton City Council as a member of the Patriarchy Party.

I’m not sure these MRAs understand public relations quite as well as they think they do.

H/T — r/GamerGhazi on Reddit

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9 years ago

With the whole “unicorn feminists” thing, I have to wonder if this chart didn’t start out as an attempt to explain Ax cop.

Maybe the unicorn feminists can team up with Sockarang.

9 years ago

I love the way they concoct whole sociological phenomena whole cloth and then just assert them to be the truth.

As a feminist, I’m annoyed at their sexism, their hate, and their pettiness. But that’s not new.

But as a skeptic they’re just coming from a laughably bullshit place. Look at that first graph, it’s clearly well crafted visually, with a lot of time and effort, but when it comes to the things it actually says.
1. It’s a bare assertion that feminists lie, and
2. An intuitive guess that lies create opposed ideologues.
3. A ex culo idea of “intensification”.

That’s it. Complete nonsense. Bullshit they tell themselves to make themselves feel better.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago

Maybe the unicorn feminists can team up with Sockarang.

“The Bavarian Illuminati, with the assistance of the Unicorn Feminists and the Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow, are going to attack to control the Boy Sprouts.”

“The Trekkies are going to contribute to defense!”

Sorry, but these guys are so much into conspiracy theories, the Illumniati card game really would be the perfect game for them. If they didn’t take it so seriously.

9 years ago

Jenora, only they’d make the central Illuminati “SJWs”.

You may make privileged attacks on any
group you accuse of having privilege

Power Income
7/7 8

Secret goal:
Destroy 5 white or male groups

9 years ago

Er… oops.

Is there any true type fonts we can use?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

The more I stare at the graph, the more it resembles the perpetual failed dialectic of MRAs struggling to come to terms with the fact that women poop.*

*cut their hair, have jobs, (insert modern horror here)

Each fresh outrage keeps circling around and around and around in their minds like a turkey vulture.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

I like how if this graph is intestines, the target zone is an asshole.

9 years ago

If Beck watched Princess Mononoke, obviously he’d be rooting for Jigo (the monk) who is spoiler alert, busy manipulating everybody for profit regardless of the cost of human/animal/plant/?god life.

9 years ago

Actually, I can see a scenario where Santa Claus is pretty badass – he’s based on Odin’s “Yule Father” aspect, after all, and the Father Christmas that showed up in the 2007 version of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe had a certain power to him.

However, I suspect that Glenn Beck has no clue about the former, and isn’t interested in the latter because his power wasn’t actualized as violence – in the end, he was God’s Quartermaster, not a front-line warrior.

9 years ago

I guess someone told them that, for publicity outreach, they need to find the sharpest knife in the drawer.

I snurk’d.

And yeah, that “death spiral” diagram totally looks like a badly-rendered diagram of a human poop chute. Which I guess is no surprise, seeing as that’s where it came from.

9 years ago

Yet another amusing thing about the diagram: it basically states that in order for the anti-feminists to achieve their goals of making feminism a dirty word, they have to do…


According to the diagram, feminism is self-defeating, and will naturally spiral into the ground and become viewed as an ideology that is as distasteful as racism. So all their sitting on their bum whining on the internet is fine.

Never mind that feminism has been around for hundreds of years, and the latest “wave” of feminism has been around for decades. If feminism were as unstable as they claim, you’d think it’d be gone by now. Yet somehow it’s gaining strength, which requires these guys to make endless charts and arguments that it’s really failing, any day now.

9 years ago


Like the opposite of Gamergate, which keeps trying to prove that they’re still popular and relevant and totally about ethics.

9 years ago


Did you see the “advertisement” they put out for themselves? srssrsly linked it over here. Now they are no longer a movement about ethics in games journalism, they are instead a group of enlightened internetters reaching out to the brainwashed consumers of… google and twitter and stuff.

9 years ago

Yet another amusing thing about the diagram: it basically states that in order for the anti-feminists to achieve their goals of making feminism a dirty word, they have to do…


Which then begs the question: Why bother with shitty diagrams? Why not just let the process take care of itself, and go find something better to do, something that doesn’t demand the “artistic” skills of a Neckbeard Nicky? Why hate on feminism if it’s making itself irrelevant? It’s like putting up billboards telling people to hate on bellbottoms, or something. Oh gee, what could the real reason be? Could it be that feminism…

…ACTUALLY ISN’T A LIE? That it’s a real thing, with real purposes behind it? That none of these purposes is in fact female supremacy, but rather a levelling of the playing field (which is very lumpy and badly tilted right now) and a liberation of women from being constantly at the mercy and disposal of the men? And that one very specific purpose of feminism…is as a tool of analysis for seeing through the lies told by men in order to maintain male supremacy…which IS an actual thing?

Nah…couldn’t be!

Instapundit Dotcom (@Punditdotcom)

What’s a good name for female MRA’s who constantly call men Mangina, Purple Poodle, White Knight, and Uncle Tim, with even less empathy than male MRA’s? Something with the derogatory feel of the four names just mentioned.

9 years ago


It’s pretty much the same thing as MGTOWs constantly shouting that they’re leaving any day now. How will feminism know it’s failing if these dudes don’t keep reminding everyone?

9 years ago

Pfft. Why should Nick Reading have to “do” anything or “make a coherent and rational argument” or worry about silly things like “facts” and “reality” or “not threateningly wave around a knife while string into a super-wide angle lens?” Expecting any of that is misandry!

9 years ago

Hey I thought everyone might be interested in this

Pavlov's House
Pavlov's House
9 years ago

Here at Pavlov’s House we note the strange assertion that feminists claim “that women are the main victims of war”; the reference (although small) to a military-related subject bringing Pavlov’s House out of lurker-mode (apologies to all whose questions we left unanswered last time….Gen. Rodimtsev having had many assignments for us, as you will easily imagine).

Feminist literature on war and its effects indeed has much to say on women during wartime, but…being the “main victims”….? How does one even define “the main victims”? Who knows what MRA’s would bring up to show that! Ironically, those who are truly concerned about the violence of war would find more allies among feminists than anti-feminists, most likely. Somehow I doubt there are many individuals with legitimate scholarly credentials in military history NOR actual military service experience (as we have previously observed on this blog) among the most vocal MRAs.

(To those who get the RKKA references and care…good for you, ye historically conscious ones.)

9 years ago

The difference between masculists and masculinists is a fine line but here’s a simple explanation:


Ken L.
Ken L.
9 years ago

The whole self defeating is what MRA and the right in general live on. They convince people who are on the fence that social justice issues don’t exist because outside forces in most cases capitalism solve the problem. Then by default that progressives are whining about something that doesn’t exist and are just hurting themselves in the end.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

And yeah, that “death spiral” diagram totally looks like a badly-rendered diagram of a human poop chute. Which I guess is no surprise, seeing as that’s where it came from.

The diagram explains perfectly how, whenever feminists propose an idea that is nutritious and healthy for society, MRAs attack the idea, decompose it, and emit poo and noxious gases.

9 years ago


What a stupid ad. How the fuck does the baphomet forum equip people to deal with a “corrupt media and internet”? They’re basically saying that doxxing, harassing and fapping to child porn are perfectly okay. And whatever else is on that board (no way I’m going to surf over there and take a look at the digital seventh level of hell).

Also, those little turds know nothing about being the first generation on the Internet. REMEMBER DIAL UP, BITCHES? I DIDN’T THINK SO.

Seriously, I will never forget the sound of dial-up.

9 years ago

Also, good news everyone! Somewhat old news too, and I’m sorry if this has been mentioned before, but last month the UK government declared that emotional and verbal abuse will be considered part of domestic abuse and thus criminalised.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

“Also, those little turds know nothing about being the first generation on the Internet. REMEMBER DIAL UP, BITCHES? I DIDN’T THINK SO.”

First generation? My original email address had exclamation marks in it, and when I wrote my dissertation on cybercrime it was still called Darpanet.

[Gawd, feel old now]