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Feminism's inevitable death spiral explained in simple infographic

Woah, dude. It's like it's actually spinning.
Woah, dude. It’s like it’s actually spinning.

Well, fellow members of the feminist sector, it’s been fun. But we’re all doomed, as this helpful infographic, prepared by Men’s Rights Edmonton, makes clear:


Ok, maybe “clear” isn’t the word I was looking for. Also, I left out the first part of the diagram. Does this make it any clearer?


Hmm. Is it too small? Here’s the whole thing, full sized.

That didn’t help either?

All right, then let this young fellow in the hippie costume with the obviously fake beard and the, uh, big knife, explain it in this video.

I’m being told that this is not actually someone in a hippie costume with a fake beard, but Nick Reading of Men’s Rights Edmonton, and this is just how he looks now. The knife thing is a little creepy but I suppose it’s still better than when he looked like this:


And, no, I didn’t draw that or project it onto your computer screen direct from my nightmares; that’s from a pamphlet Reading put together to promote his joke candidacy for Edmonton City Council as a member of the Patriarchy Party.

I’m not sure these MRAs understand public relations quite as well as they think they do.

H/T — r/GamerGhazi on Reddit

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10 years ago

I read it as Mas[b]cult[/b]ists, so picturing a bunch of MRA types wearing robes and chanting prayers to the concept of masculinity until Xenu takes them to the feminist free planet Blisstonia.

As for activated non-feminists, that just makes me think of yu gi oh.

Feminist: I play Informed Consent in Attack Mode.

MRA: Ha, that activated my face down non-feminist, blocking your attack costing you 500 life points.

Feminist: For the tenth time, playing a card isn’t the same thing as attacking, so no I don’t loose life points.

MRA: flips the table over and runs away to declaring victory reddit.

Michael Lindsay
10 years ago

What exactly is a unicorn feminist? I know Sommers is supposed to be one but does saying offensive crap about rape victims turn you into a unicorn?

10 years ago

I find it interesting that the first step is not “Feminists are wrong,” but “Feminists lie“.

I feel like I’ve noticed this as a recurring theme from debate-happy trolls; their targeted opponents in the (real or imagined) debate aren’t just wrong, or misguided, or even deluded—they’re lying. As if to say, “That woman can’t possibly be claiming that there’s a wage gap because she really believes it, she must be intentionally spreading mistruths for her own perverse ends.”

Which, of course, justifies MRAs in their own minds for immediately jumping to verbal abuse and dirty tactics, because they aren’t dealing with someone who is confused or deceived—they’re dealing with a liar. To them, now she deserved it. The attackers now have the perceived right, nay, the moral imperative, to make themselves as obnoxious as possible.

I mean, among the litany of things such d00dz get wrong, they’re missing one very big point: It’s possible for someone to disagree with you without malicious intent.

10 years ago

I created a tumblr and followed you, because t’was about time damnit.

Anyhoo… Been trying to take a break from all the toxic crap in my life but it only served to teach me that the kind of shit that gets to me is unavoidable. It really takes a toll on you, man.

Oh well. At least there are people who tackle these issues in ways that make them tolerable to read about. Also, people who are so over the top with their agendas that it just amuses me. And jebus kristos on a bicycle that image is creepy.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

I’ve been on holiday for two days, so excuse the mass reply.


The target zone is where everyone holds feminism in the same disrepute as racism …

… So, where it’s a major part of Western society, anybody who’s against it is considered a “Communist! SJW! Cultural Marxist!” and it’s particularly popular with all of the big-name MRAs? Don’t think they’ve thought their cunning plan all the way through there.


Unicorn Feminists

If that’s supposed to mean “So-called “Feminists” who are extremist anti-feminists,” then “Unicorn feminists” actually works as a name for them, because unicorns don’t exist and make so little logical sense that they’re actively anti-logical sense.


Feminists Lie

Who wants to do the Projection Dance with me?

4. So, knives are to this guy what skulls are to Aurini?

5. The horribly crappy pamphlet art just reminds me of Francis Dolarhyde.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Crap. Take two.


The target zone is where everyone holds feminism in the same disrepute as racism …

… So, where it’s a major part of Western society, anybody who’s against it is considered a “Communist! SJW! Cultural Marxist!” and it’s particularly popular with all of the big-name MRAs? Don’t think they’ve thought their cunning plan all the way through there.


Unicorn Feminists

If that’s supposed to mean “Feminists who are extremist anti-feminists,” then “Unicorn feminists” actually works as a name for them, because unicorns don’t exist and make so little logical sense that they’re actively anti-logical sense.


Feminists Lie

Who wants to do the Projection Dance with me?

4. So, knives are to this guy what skulls are to Aurini?

5. The horribly crappy pamphlet art just reminds me of Francis Dolarhyde.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

And I forgot to copy-paste the bit where I changed “Feminists who are” to “So-called “Feminists” who are,” because I need ten coffees.

Ian Rennie
10 years ago

This is amazing because it’s pretty much a note by note description of the concept of the Idée fixe. The immovable stuck idea that the rest of someone’s mind reshapes themselves around. The idea that “feminists lie” is so set in stone for these gumballs that anything that suggests otherwise is now just another feminist lie. Amazing.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

I don’t know why it cracks me up, but in the comments, he says it’s not even his knife. He borrowed his roommates.

I guess someone told them that, for publicity outreach, they need to find the sharpest knife in the drawer.

10 years ago

What’s the alleged difference between masculinist, masculists, and MRAs?

Who knows? Sounds like a topic for a very depressing sociology essay.

10 years ago

kinda want to see this movie but don’t want to put any money in Glenn Beck’s pockets. It just sounds like something out of MST3K.

But he’s such a womderful font of material!

Anyone remember the novel he wrote awhile back?
Me, neither, but I *do* remember some of the coverage it received + one special line from a featured excerpt.
Beck, we, I mean, the main character was being “seduced” by whoever was the love interest, and he said, “Don’t tease the panther…”


My husband and I still say it…and then giggle like idiots together.

10 years ago

I found a template for the board game:

10 years ago

Oh, on that –

Have any of you played this game?

Mice and Mystics Board Game

I’m looking for another child-friendly but not deadly boring addition to game night and you all are a diverse group to poll 😀

10 years ago

Reminds me of a line from the first Terminator film: ‘see how it doesn’t require one shred of proof’ – with ‘intellectuals’ like this opposing us I don’t think feminism has anything to worry about, besides, nothing fuels feminism like misogyny!

10 years ago

@proxieme I played it a few times, it was enjoyable a few times but you really have to go out of your way looking for new stories to play it with, or of course create your own. If you’re the artistic type it can also be a fun family project to paint the figures.

10 years ago


I find it interesting that the first step is not “Feminists are wrong,” but “Feminists lie“.

I feel like I’ve noticed this as a recurring theme from debate-happy trolls; their targeted opponents in the (real or imagined) debate aren’t just wrong, or misguided, or even deluded—they’re lying. As if to say, “That woman can’t possibly be claiming that there’s a wage gap because she really believes it, she must be intentionally spreading mistruths for her own perverse ends.”

Yeah, I noticed that too.

It’s essentially begging the question. They’re walking into the “debate” under the assumption that feminists are lying to harm them, thus making their whole “argument” completely pointless and rather invalid, because it’s based around an entirely false premise.

I’m not really doing board games as of late, but a friend of mine and I are looking to get into doing a Vampire: The Masquerade campaign on Roll20, which is kind of like a board? Except it’s online and you get to create it for yourself, and you move the pieces around and it’s really good for people like me who want to be a part of online tabletop gaming with online friends, but it’s hard for me to pay attention without any visuals. @.@

We’re studying the rules and how-to’s and such now, because I played Bloodlines, and it’s something that I’ve wanted to get into ever since.

If you guys want a card game though, I would recommend Fluxx. (It actually does have a board game too, now that I remember.)

It’s an amazing card game that has many different flavors. I’ve tried Vanilla, Zombie, and Monty Python, and they’re all amazing. I’ve also tried the board game, which is also fun, but I prefer the card edition just a teeny bit more.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Another interesting thing: the dotted dumbbell-shaped line that yokes the supposedly neutral “middle mass” together with the “activated non-feminists”, leaving the “feminist” circle out in the cold. You can’t claim a neutral party is on your side, just because it doesn’t overtly embrace your opponent’s position. If anything, it’s more likely that the “middle mass”, once exposed to the cesspool of MRA hatred, would want to edge far, far away from it. I don’t think they’d appreciate being corralled inside the invisible electronic fence of stupidity with those idiots.

Also this:

Upon witnessing the fact that they are unlikable, feminists do not try to become more liked

Human rights are only for the popular.

10 years ago

their targeted opponents in the (real or imagined) debate aren’t just wrong, or misguided, or even deluded—they’re lying.

This may be a result of thinking that their own position is based on “common sense” and “stuff everybody knows”. Somebody disagrees? They can’t *not* know these obvious truths, so they must be pretending.

…or it could be the troll’s starting point for haggling. They waste several responses before graciously conceding that maybe you’re not one of the evil lying liars, you’re just brainwashed by all those other lying liars, and they’re so kind in taking all this time to tell you about you the Red Pill.

10 years ago

I’m seconding whoever said this would make a neat boardgame. You could make your own paper cut-out MRAs to use as counters. Choose from a set of stickers including: wild staring eyes, neckbeard, Evil Turtleneck Sweater, bad goatee, fedora, unkempt hair… etc.

Then when you get to the Middle Mass Awakening stage, players yell “NON-FEMINISTS, ACTIVATE! Form of…” Then spin to choose an Activated Non-Feminist category and gain a bonus for every dice-roll based on which misogynist icon you picked. 😀

First one in the race to the bottom of the barrel wins; Humanity loses.

I know it’s not kind to mock people on their physical appearances, but do you think this guy is following Roosh’s stance on non-grooming? The first thing that sprang to mind was “Anything to me is sweeter, than to see Shock-headed Peter.” He even has the kind of vacant stare and open-palmed gesture of the original illustrations.

Glenn Beck’s ninja Santa certainly won’t be bringing this slovenly boy any Christmas-box containing any social-justice themed board games this year. 😛

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

What exactly is a unicorn feminist? I always thought that unicorns were notorious slut shamers, only giving virgins their time of day.

I know this is old, Kane Thari, but I LOL’d.Same to Buttercup Q’s boardgame description.

10 years ago

David, you lied! The video didn’t help at all!!! :'(

@skybison: I guess great minds think alike. I was thinking about Magic: the Gathering, but still… 😀

@Catfish: Same for me, I stepped away from the internet for a whole damn month, only to be reminded that the same bullshit also exists offline. Ugh…

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

I like how many more groups there are in Activated Non-Feminists than any other group. Feminism just has Feminists and Lap Dogs. I think our circle should also include regular size dogs and cats of all sizes. Plus I’m pretty sure my sister’s pet rat was feminist.

10 years ago


Also this:

Upon witnessing the fact that they are unlikable, feminists do not try to become more liked

Human rights are only for the popular.

Sorry, but I’m picturing so many Mean Girls spoofs right now.

“You can’t just ask someone why they’re a feminist.”

“Don’t touch PUAs, or else you will get a STD and die!”

“It’s not my fault you’re, like, in love with feminism or something!”

“That MRA asked me how to spell orange.”

Though, I have to admit, the fact that they think that one, feminism is not popular, and two, our goal is to be popular is sad.

This isn’t a popularity contest, silly billy. It’s our LIVES we’re discussing. I couldn’t give two flying, furry cute rodents’ asses if you don’t think it’s “popular”.

10 years ago

So, briefly wondering if the speculation that this was simply a blank template that the designer stuck their own words to might be accurate, I went on a Google Image search for similar pictures to the ‘faction’ image.

I didn’t turn up a blank template, but I did run across this:

I don’t know why, but it made me giggle.

10 years ago

Okay, so they start off with the feminist lie. Then they have unicorn feminist on their side. If feminist lie, how is their unicorn feminist not lying that they support them? Head splodes. Does the unicorn power cancel out the lying bit?