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Feminism's inevitable death spiral explained in simple infographic

Woah, dude. It's like it's actually spinning.
Woah, dude. It’s like it’s actually spinning.

Well, fellow members of the feminist sector, it’s been fun. But we’re all doomed, as this helpful infographic, prepared by Men’s Rights Edmonton, makes clear:


Ok, maybe “clear” isn’t the word I was looking for. Also, I left out the first part of the diagram. Does this make it any clearer?


Hmm. Is it too small? Here’s the whole thing, full sized.

That didn’t help either?

All right, then let this young fellow in the hippie costume with the obviously fake beard and the, uh, big knife, explain it in this video.

I’m being told that this is not actually someone in a hippie costume with a fake beard, but Nick Reading of Men’s Rights Edmonton, and this is just how he looks now. The knife thing is a little creepy but I suppose it’s still better than when he looked like this:


And, no, I didn’t draw that or project it onto your computer screen direct from my nightmares; that’s from a pamphlet Reading put together to promote his joke candidacy for Edmonton City Council as a member of the Patriarchy Party.

I’m not sure these MRAs understand public relations quite as well as they think they do.

H/T — r/GamerGhazi on Reddit

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10 years ago

I saw those graphics and just scrolled down

“The most intelligent negative response I received; the rest were mostly “Women need to grow thicker skins!” and “Feminists want to force everyone to be equal and without individuality! Everyone there was so privileged it hurt.”

Anybody who says those things just want nothing to do with helping people; to silence them and continue being selfish and unempathetic and don’t realize how good they got it. I know I’v been around those kinds of people, they’re usually sexists, racists and homophobics.

10 years ago

The major problem I keep seeing time and again with these guys is that they simply are not half as intelligent as they deeply believe themselves to be. This is because they have a profound inability to encompass or entertain viewpoints outside of their own experience. Because of this, these guys spend the vast majority of their time distorting the basic principles of mathematics and logic in a doomed and laughable attempt to codify their own narrow world view into some sort of universal axiom. These MRAs probably perceive themselves as the misunderstood geniuses of the world, entitled to the bodies and admiration of naturally less capable females, but thwarted unjustly by evil lesbian feminazis disrupting the natural order of the universe. Here we see the product of centuries of male entitlement exceptionalism crushed by the reality of a changing world. It would be funny and a little sad if it wasn’t so scary.

10 years ago

Glenn Beck is the undisputed king of terrible infographics. He and the MRAs should have a showdown in a conspiracy-off! They’re both anti-feminist, so it could be awesome. I would make so much popcorn.

10 years ago

I don’t know why it cracks me up, but in the comments, he says it’s not even his knife. He borrowed his roommates.

Silly fucker. He probably blew his whole peanut budget on those silly infographics, so he couldn’t even spring for the cheapest laser pointer at Staples. Typical!

10 years ago

Magic Markers and Bristolboard…wow…so expensive…

10 years ago

Hey, he did have to buy that wide-angle lens. That probably put a dent in.

10 years ago

I also saw a diagram of the human intestine.

10 years ago

Do not like the ableism in Salon article, though.

10 years ago

I like how there’s no room for people that read feminist “lies” and go “huh, there’s something to this, like it sounds blown out of all proportion but there’s some really good points to this that… don’t have a simpler explanation. Uh. Oh man.”

Loon of Butts (@LoonOfNature)

Why do I feel this theory is something else that’s been plagiarized, and had key words like “feminist” shoved in to make it relevant?

Specifically the part about failing to confront reality, or is that projection?

Loon of Butts (@LoonOfNature)

Oh yes also KANE LIVES

10 years ago

Hey, he did have to buy that wide-angle lens. That probably put a dent in.

Snurk. Just don’t let him loose in the crayon aisle…

10 years ago

Snurk. Just don’t let him loose in the crayon aisle…

“Oh gee, look at this! A 100-pack with nothing but blues and reds! I’ll be set for life!”

10 years ago


Ha ha! I heard about that. Glenn Beck basically created a ninja-warrior Santa that ripped off the hunters from Princess Mononoke (who used the skins of boars as disguises to get up close and kill them).

Now there’s a bizarre thought… Beck being a Studio Ghibli fan. I don’t know what I’d think of that.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago


Can we please make this a board game.

I’ll bring the laminator.

Definitely. It needs a spinner, and a card that says “go directly to jail. Because a Feminazi said so.”

10 years ago

And don’t forget the pop-o-matic dice bubble!

10 years ago

Hearing about Edmonton always makes me think of Minister Faust. “Coyote Kings” was the first novel I’d ever read set there.

Glenn Beck always distresses me; I can’t decide if he’s conning the rubes or actually believes the things he says. Or which would be worse.

10 years ago

I always find it entertaining when the delusional argue that their detached from reality worldview is on the verge of going mainstream.

10 years ago

What’s the alleged difference between masculinist, masculists, and MRAs?

Reeve Savage
Reeve Savage
10 years ago

Roll a 14 on the D20, flying trolls transport you to the manosphere junkyard. I don’t think I like this game anymore.

10 years ago


Glenn Beck basically created a ninja-warrior Santa that ripped off the hunters from Princess Mononoke (who used the skins of boars as disguises to get up close and kill them).

Yep. That’s what I want in my Christmas special. Santa Clause stalking boars and a side order of sacrilege.

I kinda want to see this movie but don’t want to put any money in Glenn Beck’s pockets. It just sounds like something out of MST3K.


What’s the alleged difference between masculinist, masculists, and MRAs?

Weren’t masculists/masculinists like, the early version of the MRA? Like the guys who got all into Robert Bly? Or do I have that wrong?

10 years ago

@sparky MST3K did have an episode where Santa had to keep thwarting the Devil. It was…odd. And yet I think it might make more sense than whatever Glenn Beck is trying to create.

10 years ago

I suspect the ‘unicorn feminists’ refer to the exceedingly rare ‘feminists’ who oppose women’s rights and echo MRA talking points instead.

They were probably included in response to Mr. Reading’s fevered imaginings of arguing with people who say “Not all feminists are horribly misandristic harpies who want to send all men to death camps! Some are reasonable human beings who respect men’s rights!”, to which Mr. Reading wittily replied “Yeah, those feminists might as well be unicorns”. In his head. And then cackled to himself and scurried off to make more incomprehensible charts.