antifeminism chartbusting citation needed creepy edmonton it's science! misogyny MRA patriarchy your time will come YouTube

Feminism's inevitable death spiral explained in simple infographic

Woah, dude. It's like it's actually spinning.
Woah, dude. It’s like it’s actually spinning.

Well, fellow members of the feminist sector, it’s been fun. But we’re all doomed, as this helpful infographic, prepared by Men’s Rights Edmonton, makes clear:


Ok, maybe “clear” isn’t the word I was looking for. Also, I left out the first part of the diagram. Does this make it any clearer?


Hmm. Is it too small? Here’s the whole thing, full sized.

That didn’t help either?

All right, then let this young fellow in the hippie costume with the obviously fake beard and the, uh, big knife, explain it in this video.

I’m being told that this is not actually someone in a hippie costume with a fake beard, but Nick Reading of Men’s Rights Edmonton, and this is just how he looks now. The knife thing is a little creepy but I suppose it’s still better than when he looked like this:


And, no, I didn’t draw that or project it onto your computer screen direct from my nightmares; that’s from a pamphlet Reading put together to promote his joke candidacy for Edmonton City Council as a member of the Patriarchy Party.

I’m not sure these MRAs understand public relations quite as well as they think they do.

H/T — r/GamerGhazi on Reddit

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10 years ago


What is their evidence for feminism becoming less popular?

The same place that tells them that feminists claim women never lie, or that the “activated non-feminists” have made a valid critique about anything, or that feminism is less well liked now than they have been throughout history (as if the current anti-feminist backlash was anything new).

Rrrrrright up their bum.

10 years ago

@Tabby @Scildfreja 🙂 I’m actually surprised there isn’t an official MRA-Toronto yet, esp. after the mayor we just had.

HUGE surprise that MRAs fail at infographics as well as memes, posters, satire, general likeability, etc.

10 years ago


Good point. I am totally shocked at how poorly designed this chart is!

10 years ago

Are they sure they haven’t mixed up “feminism” with “gamergate” in that first infograpic?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

It looks like a badly conceived, confusing board game. Oh look, I drew the Queen Frostine card! I’m going to skip over the Swamp of Superficiality, and put two hotels on Anti-feminists! Everyone put their left foot on red!

10 years ago

So, when a superficial malevolent collides with an activated non-feminist, the activated non-feminist then breaks apart and releases more superficial malevolents, which then collide with other activated non-feminists. If there are enough activated non-feminists, then this process will expand exponentially until critical middle mass is reached. Also, all this needs to be explained while holding a knife.

10 years ago


While being filmed with a wide-angled lens. Because the best way to come across as serious and professional is to look like you’re standing in front of a funhouse mirror.

10 years ago

Okay, who else thought of board games?

Can we please make this a board game.

I’ll bring the laminator.

10 years ago

Oops, sorry @Buttercup, missed that you got there first. 😀

10 years ago

Wait, there’s people who are like “Yeah, racism is such bullshit”?

I guess I hang out with too many soft racists who think that racism USED to be a thing, but not any more.

[/depressed Albertan]

10 years ago

@Tabby Lavalamp

If it can make you feel better, I still think ‘giant mall’ when I think of Edmonton.

10 years ago

** To clarify, by “hang out with”, I mean “am forced to associate with for work purposes.”

Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
10 years ago

There are two things that really, really, make me shiver with rage ti even glance at this loathesome thing.

The first is more superficial, more shallow. I despise how the internet has become filled with folks who can’t seem to read a newspaper columns’ worth of content without going tl;dr, who can’t just write a damned essay on how they feel something works. Looking at this Technicolour pile of garbage, I am outraged at the fact that this is, at base, a substitute for explaining ones’ position with actual bare-faces words, that they’re relying on netizen culture’s familiarity with charts and diagrams to lend some threadbare, moth-eaten credence to their insultingly shallow, vile ideology. You can’t “refute” this because it technically isn’t saying anything at all. You could email the maker, but you can’t check their sources or consult their data or anything except condemn their total disregard for and malformed understanding of how things, people and movements work. I hate this because it abuses symbology and real, scientific models and charts that make the natural world and society explicable at a glance to present their facile and farcical filet of fecal matter as something more than a patchwork fever dream.

The second is that I am deeply ashamed of my countrymen, that any of them could be swayed with this pack of comforting lies and hollow blather. I know Alberta is more conservative and right-leaning than much of the country but COME ON. This is grotesque. And the slam against racism as lacking “repute” is a blood-boiler all its own. If they think racism is a joke let them visit a reservation, or even take a gander at the problems Quebec has had with its minority populations. Hey, maybe they could ask the Japanese in B.C. how stuff went in the 40’s.

Bunch of fako pseudo-intellectuals who need to read some damned books.

10 years ago

Surprising number of Edmontonians here. (Lived there from 1980-1997, and a few times on and off since.) I think this guy has ridden the Mindbender a few too many times.

Mouse Farts
Mouse Farts
10 years ago

I guess I hang out with too many soft racists who think that racism USED to be a thing, but not any more.

My soon-to-be-FIL is one of these. Sometimes Mr. Farts echoes those attitudes because he was raised that way and since his father is otherwise a good, caring man, there are a lot of assumptions he makes that he’s never thought to question. Then we have a fight about it because I don’t put up with shit like that from my partner (I can’t really call his dad out because that would be disrespectful, but I have different expectations for a spouse) and he is stubborn and doesn’t like admitting he’s wrong, and I walk away to cool off, and then the next time whatever we fought about comes up, he casually echoes my arguments and loftily insists that he came to these conclusions by himself and also he has always thought that. And then I give him the Eyebrow of I See Wat U Did Thar, he turns slightly pink, and he gives me ice cream or something. /tangent

I also think that, while the chart is really stupid, I believe that the line about feminism being as outdated as racism is being misread: they compared feminism to racism, which means they’re saying racism is stupid and outdated. We’re reading it as if they said ANTI-racism. Credit where credit is due, right?

At least, that’s how I read it after I stared at it a second. I might be wrong, because I ruptured an ovarian cyst this afternoon and I feel hideous. 🙁

10 years ago

I despise how the internet has become filled with folks who can’t seem to read a newspaper columns’ worth of content without going tl;dr, who can’t just write a damned essay on how they feel something works. Looking at this Technicolour pile of garbage, I am outraged at the fact that this is, at base, a substitute for explaining ones’ position with actual bare-faces words, that they’re relying on netizen culture’s familiarity with charts and diagrams to lend some threadbare, moth-eaten credence to their insultingly shallow, vile ideology.

Reminds me of an incident when I was talking on a forum about sexism in fandoms, and one poster dismissed everything I said by claiming everyone already knows about fandom sexism so no one should bother writing carefully-worded and researched essays on it because they won’t move anyone and just annoy people; instead charts would show the proper evidence and might convince more people! Obviously. And this was the most intelligent negative response I received; the rest were mostly “Women need to grow thicker skins!” and “Feminists want to force everyone to be equal and without individuality!” Everyone there was so privileged it hurt.

10 years ago

At what point are people supposed to yell “Wolverines!!!!” ?

10 years ago

I don’t know why it cracks me up, but in the comments, he says it’s not even his knife. He borrowed his roommates.

10 years ago

Wow. I mean, I know if I want to be convinced that a movement is good, the very best way to do so would be to call me a “stupid little shit” over and over, mock all the sites I like, and tell me that a website represented by a literal swastika will tell me how the world really is.


10 years ago

Oh okay, so I guess the MRAs will be first against the wall when the revolution comes?

10 years ago

@Tabby Lavalamp

Can’t help with Gretzky but if it helps, to me you’re still known for Eberle and Hall?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Those death-spiral graphics look like intestines. I wonder if that was intentional.

10 years ago

Those death-spiral graphics look like intestines. I wonder if that was intentional.

Needs a few wolves and some kittens. They wouldn’t make it any clearer but they might make it less dreary, which would be an improvement of sorts.

Tabby Lavalamp
10 years ago

@greydawnbreaking I have no idea who those are, so I’m assuming hockey players. 🙂 (Yes, I’m a bad Canadian…)