Well, fellow members of the feminist sector, it’s been fun. But we’re all doomed, as this helpful infographic, prepared by Men’s Rights Edmonton, makes clear:
Ok, maybe “clear” isn’t the word I was looking for. Also, I left out the first part of the diagram. Does this make it any clearer?
Hmm. Is it too small? Here’s the whole thing, full sized.
That didn’t help either?
All right, then let this young fellow in the hippie costume with the obviously fake beard and the, uh, big knife, explain it in this video.
I’m being told that this is not actually someone in a hippie costume with a fake beard, but Nick Reading of Men’s Rights Edmonton, and this is just how he looks now. The knife thing is a little creepy but I suppose it’s still better than when he looked like this:
And, no, I didn’t draw that or project it onto your computer screen direct from my nightmares; that’s from a pamphlet Reading put together to promote his joke candidacy for Edmonton City Council as a member of the Patriarchy Party.
I’m not sure these MRAs understand public relations quite as well as they think they do.
H/T — r/GamerGhazi on Reddit
Wait, masculists and masculinists are different? I mean, aside from the part where one of them is a misspelling of the other?
My city used to be known for SCTV, Wayne Gretzky and a giant mall. Now we’re known for Men’s Rights Edmonton.
We don’t blame you.
If your diagram requires listing Thunderf00t as a “positive” figure; you lose. Thanks for playing.
(also subtle ableism, thats a nice bonus)
“Activated Non-Feminists”? Sounds like something you find in water filters, or something.
In any case, yeah, something’s circling the drain and heading down, all right. But it’s NOT feminism.
So the target is for feminism to become as popular as racism and then get its own TV channel and talk radio shows?
Cool story bro.
Also, I just read “MGTOWs” as “PIGTOWs”. Day = MADE.
What exactly is a unicorn feminist? I always thought that unicorns were notorious slut shamers, only giving virgins their time of day.
Wow David you are on a roll today. This was the most ridiculous thing I have seen in while. I mean this guy must love graphics and terrible ones too. I love how they come into all discussions with feminists completely poisoned to any kind of middle ground. I also think/know that it is the MRA MGTOW “wizards of wizchan” who are becoming obsolete and on some level they know it so they cue up these disconnected from reality fantasies which are nothing more than projection.
Stage 5: PROFIT!
Tabby @2;
I’m an Edmontonian too, and the fact that MRAEdmonton is actually a thing makes me incredibly sad and angry. It also makes me think I should perhaps not drink the water right out of the tap.
I’d point out how wrong this is by showing how the “Activated anti-feminists” are shown as a diverse group with many labels while the “Feminism”-ists are either “Feminists” or “lapdogs” shows a pretty ridiculous bias and othering… I’d do that, but I’m pretty sure everyone here got it, and I’m pretty sure that no one at MRAEdmonton is going to give a damn.
@Kane Thari, I don’t know what the heck they’re talking about with Unicorn Feminists there, but I know that Unicorn Feminism is a thing, and it’s pretty cool http://www.unicornfeminism.com/
Ada Lovelace was awesome.
Hey, at least they correctly categorized Christina Hoff Sommers as a non-feminist! Excellent work, Men’s Rights Edmonton, you got something right!
Is the Target Zone anything like the Danger Zone from Archer? And/or is it associated with The X-Men?
This is one of the stupidest things I’ve seen all week.
1) The whole damn thing is just wordy jargon for “if we keep yelling louder at feminists pretty soon people will see we’re really the reasonable ones!”
2) That entire thing is only consistent with its own logic and barely so at that, no step along the chain at any point is a result of the previous one, it is just another event that happens to support the expected outcome without basis. Even assuming a feminist lie and an MRA pointing it out how are the unengaged actually going to place trust in either group or even pay attention? if group x doesn’t care about feminism then they won’t care if feminists lie and they damn well won’t place any stock in the MRAs yelling about it.
3) The list completely ignores groups with no stake in the spiral, so it could be entirely about an inconsequential spat on the internet.
4) The Whole damn thing is wrong anyway.
5) I shouldn’t have expected otherwise from MRAs
6) I’m not sure which offends me more, the backwards ideology or the willful ignorance.
7) Kittens
8) >Profit
I’m curious about Unicorn Feminists too! The only thing I can think is that it has something to do with, like, rarity? As in the named women are “real” feminists, which are rare and mythical creatures…?
But I’m not feeling super fantastic atm, and this theory does not entirely make sense to me. Maybe I’ll wander off and watch cartoons instead, because now I have reminded myself that I do like Rarity the unicorn.
By “unicorn” it means “exceedingly rare”. In this case though it’s misogynistic women who agree with MRA ideas who claim to be feminists. The Unicorn Law site puts the unicorn term to far better use by pointing out how rare it is to see women in programming and how that needs to change.
Add another deeply ashamed Edmontonian to the roster…
This might be my first comment here. Thanks, MRE. :/
How does one become an “activated anti-feminist?” Do you have to be involved in some sort of nuclear accident to activate your anti-feminist powers?
Are masculists and masculinists appreciably different? They occupy two different sectors in the chart. I’m trying to understand if this is a division in anti-feminism or a typo.
So basically, feminists are pokemon? And also the Matrix, because how clever the “activated” non-feminists are red and the feminists are blue and for some reason there’s a purple pill as well?
How does feminism have a death spiral if there were a successful critique of feminists that wakes up the “middle mass?” If a group has already been proven to lie, how does telling a bigger lie make everything reset?
Is there just a database of blank template diagrams, and these jokers just spend time coloring it red and blue and putting in anti-feminist text to PROVE that feminism is totes doomed? Any day now?
There is only one response.
All I know is that to me
You look just like misandry
Take a look at all my charts
Watch out, I’ll prove you wrong
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a feminist death spiral, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a feminist death spiral, baby
Right round round round
One thing that just makes me laugh is that the whole flow chart starts off with “Feminists Lie”.
It’s like that’s the one thought that keeps their little worldview bubble un-popped.
According to Wikipedia “masculism” and “masculinism” are just slightly different words for the same thing. Reading the article, it sounds no different from meaning “MRA”.
I think whoever made the chart just couldn’t figure out how to make an odd number of evenly-sized pie slices, so therefore “masculists” and “masculinists,” offset from each other so nobody would notice.
What is their evidence for feminism becoming less popular? Just because a few people turned against it, doesn’t mean everyone is. What about people like Beyonce who used to reject the feminist label and has since embraced it. Something tells me she’s more influential than Thunderfoot.
There’s still a ways to go, there’s still setbacks but I think we’re slowly winning and the manosphere is just backlash. When I was teenager, affirmative consent wasn’t a thing. I learned no means no. My mom most likely didn’t even learn that while she was coming of age. Marital rape was still legal in some states back then. Just as an example.
“The target zone is where everyone holds feminism in the same disrepute as racism…”
Well that certainly says a lot about these sorts of folks.
The designer could have replaced one with “father’s rights activists”. Or are they not a presence any more?